Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Well someone before mentioned badass points, which really wouldn't be a bad system for D3 to steal. You earn points across all characters, benefits aren't capped but have diminishing returns, and the benefits are shared across all characters.

I remember from when I used to play Borderlands. Good system.

The system is similar to what is used in Cubeworld.
No, paragon levels will all be converted to "paragon points" that you can invest into various stats of each character. The points will be account-wide, so you can invest them amongst your characters as you see fit.

The new paragon points will not be capped, so if you want to continue playing and grinding out points you can certainly do so.

Edit: I don't believe they have stated whether higher paragon levels (attained now) will be worth more when converted to points. I assume it will actually be a straight X experience points = 1 paragon point, so those of you who ground out higher levels will be rewarded appropriately.

We were wrong. Paragon will be across all toons. Have a paragon level 100? Great, start a crusader and start at paragon 100.

Check this dev interview that I already time stamped

So it takes whatever your highest paragon is? And that's your level on all your toons? I would imagine once the system is implemented, the EXP is account-wide, so you would slowly level up paragon across the account, with points allocated per toon?
So it takes whatever your highest paragon is? And that's your level on all your toons?

It takes the highest paragon level character you have at the time you install Reaper of Souls, and makes all newly created characters that same paragon level. I don't know what will happen with alternate characters that were created prior to Reaper of Souls that were lower level than your highest level. I assume those get bumped up as well. I mean why not? If new characters get boosted to the highest level you have, why not do the same to previously created alts? Otherwise people will just delete those alt toons and create a new toon of the same class for the exact same effect sans a few seconds of lost time, and lost game progress (as in, now you have to play d3 through all 3 difficulties again from the very beginning).
All the DH needs is bolo shot, sentry with rockets and ferrets... That's is all...
All the DH needs is bolo shot, sentry with rockets and ferrets... That's is all...

haha I wish. Sure you can survive with that...but kill anything within a reasonable time nope. I did try it though.

Well, I personally believe that DH is a fundamentally broken class. I wanted to really like it, and enjoyed playing it during the beta (with a level cap of 13 if you recall) but at the top end it doesn't scale, and all the advantages that the DH once have had since been nerfed so badly that I don't consider the DH to be a top tier class... in well anything. It was the first class I played, I really tried to make it work (as the Amazon in D2 was my favorite class by far in D2, followed by the Sorcerer), made it up to 58 and just gave up. Moved to wizard and didn't look back.

Okay, that's it for the not helpful stuff, here's the as much help as I can give.

The best DH can work with is trying to balance defense with offense. DH has to rely more on utility than any other class, which more or less can run in and use only 1-2 skills to do brute force and everything else as support. DH requires probably the most active play out of any class to be good and stay alive. There is a stark contrast between playing DH and playing a Monk that drops tornados...

So with that said you're trying to maximize these two areas.
RC - Bola Shot - Thunderball. Everything is rushing you and you want to generally keep things away, this helps with that. It also helps that this skill does AOE damage.
LC - Spike Trap - Echoing Blast. I use this as a primary DPS skill. Once you get good at placement it's amazing. Basically I continuously fire with the primary skill and then without releasing LH, simply press RH to get the traps going, every time the traps blow up, setup another round of traps. If you get good you can start using the walls and narrow spaces to confine the traps. My favorite thing is to compress all three traps in something like a doorway and get all three to explode at once on one enemy. Certain enemies are large enough that it's easy to position two traps under them simultaneously, such as bosses. In any case it's a good skill to have. In addition to being high DPS, it's also AOE.

If you don't want to use Spike Trap then your other major DPS option is Elemental Arrow with either Ball Lightning or Nether Tentacles. I generally chose the life regen. Elemental Arrow is also AOE but functions differently than Spike Trap. I've played them both long enough to know the pros and cons of Spike Trap vs Elemental Arrow but it's harder to explain than be shown in practice. The super short version is that Spike Trap helps with wide dispersion versus Elemental Arrow which generally helps more if enemies are all charging you in a row from one side.

1 - Shadow Power - Gloom - Sadly, due to the brokenness of the class, every DH needs this. Don't bother trying to play without it.
2 - Vault - Tumble - Mobility is your best friend. It doesn't deal damage with tumble, but saving discipline is more important than dealing damage. Once you're at 0 discipline, you're as good as dead anyway.
3 - Preparation - Battle Scars - Not a whole lot needs to be said here. The guarantee of life with this rune is a life saver. Having access to this and a potion has saved me a multitude of times
4 - Open Slot. This can be used for many things. If you didn't pick up Elemental Arrow or Spike Trap, you can put that here. Or you can choose more Hatred Regen with something like Bat Companion. Another really good option believe it or not is Sentinel with the defense bubble rune (don't bother with the health one, 1% per second is basically nothing, the defense adds much more to your eHP). With the defense bubble up and Gloom, you can withstand a bombardment from a much wider range of enemies. After all, if you can't survive than dealing lots of damage doesn't help. I guess it also helps that the sentries themselves do actually increase your damage quite a bit. Another possibility is Marked for Death, with any rune (Grim Reaper is my personal favorite). It's a good skill, but I found I didn't like it for solo play as utility in another skill helped more. But you may want to pick it for something like ubers where it will help EVERYONE kill the bosses faster and you should generally be able to stay away from the mobs as you should have a barb/monk tanking.

Night Stalker - You need this skill. It's the only way to keep up Gloom and Vault up as necessary all the time. Trying to find alternative ways to keep your discipline up are just not viable.
2/3 - Are actually open in terms of what you can use, depending on your gear and play style. I personally use Archery and Perfectionist which of course are damage and Disc/eHP respectively. Other options primarily are damage (Steady Aim), but be a good player and don't bother with Sharpshooter. It's a worthless passive that pads DPS and fools n00bs into thinking it's good. Tactical Advantage is another solid choice for more mobility, but I picked the ones I'm using as the double Vault generally was enough distance, the only thing the additional running was good for most of the time is just trying to clear the map faster, not for survival at higher MPs.

Tried this and worked ok. But died too much DH just takes so much effort. Best I could do was this build.


But my DPS was 180 so again I wasn't killing near fast enough....and I still died often.

I'll just MP 4 with my DH.
Dh is the worst class in the game at the moment. I can put my monk gear on my DH and it takes 5 times longer to clear content. I had a top DH in the world with 575k dps ( I sold my manticore back in may for $3,200), but he was by faaaaaaaaaaaaar less effective than a 150k DPS WD or a 250k DPS monk.

The Dh does not have a bell skill that does 1202% damage or a fire bats skill that does 1000% damage per second. DH is the whipping boy.
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haha I wish. Sure you can survive with that...but kill anything within a reasonable time nope. I did try it though.

Tried this and worked ok. But died too much DH just takes so much effort. Best I could do was this build.


But my DPS was 180 so again I wasn't killing near fast enough....and I still died often.

I'll just MP 4 with my DH.

Like I mentioned at the beginning of my post, DH is borked. There is nothing you can do about it until Blizzard does something about it. They did some minor improvements, but it's simply not enough.

Dh is the worst class in the game at the moment. I can put my monk gear on my DH and it takes 5 times longer to clear content. I had a top DH in the world with 575k dps ( I sold my manticore back in may for $3,200), but he was by faaaaaaaaaaaaar less effective than a 150k DPS WD or a 250k DPS monk.

The Dh does not have a bell skill that does 1202% damage or a fire bats skill that does 1000% damage per second. DH is the whipping boy.

Yeah, pretty sad. They even took away "bowling ball".
We were wrong. Paragon will be across all toons. Have a paragon level 100? Great, start a crusader and start at paragon 100.

Check this dev interview that I already time stamped


"So if you had a level 40 paragon...then all of your characters are now level 40 paragon, including brand new characters you start. So if you start a new Crusader, you can already customize stat points and spend paragon points."

It remains to be seen what paragon levels will actually represent in the new system. The system they've described involves granting paragon points each time you gain a paragon level, with the paragon system being account-wide. The part about being level 40 paragon could mean something as simple as "you may invest up to 40 paragon points in each character", or it could mean what it means now. I don't see why they would take someone with a P100 character and grant every other character on that account 100 paragon points each.

He also mentioned being able to customize stat points, which I assume we also get from paragon levels (like we do now, but are static). These stat points could actually be completely separate from paragon points, meaning that a new character that starts at paragon level 40 could have a bunch of extra stat points to assign right from the get-go.

So it might be a combination of both ideas:

- paragon levels are account wide, granting each character on the account a number of stat points to invest as you see fit per paragon level

- a paragon point is awarded per account paragon level, to be invested as you see fit amongst your characters

Or it could be neither. Personally, granting a paragon point - which I understand to be more "specialty points" while stat points are more generic - per character each time you level sounds like it would water down the whole experience, mainly because you could essentially have 9 dummy characters and get paragon points 10:1 for your main. I think each paragon level will grant only a single paragon point, but stat points across the board.
Personally, granting a paragon point - which I understand to be more "specialty points" while stat points are more generic - per character each time you level sounds like it would water down the whole experience, mainly because you could essentially have 9 dummy characters and get paragon points 10:1 for your main. I think each paragon level will grant only a single paragon point, but stat points across the board.

I kind of assume that you only get paragon points for the character that you have that is the highest paragon level. Say you have a level 50 paragon. The rest are all below level 50. Your noobs don't get paragon points other than the 50 already awarded to them (unless you quit leveling your level 50, level your noob to 51+). Otherwise, like you said, people could just make new toons over again, figure out what the most efficient paragon farming would be, like leveling a new toon to paragon level 25 (arbitrary number as were all of them in my example), give your main that's level 50 the 25 points, delete the level 25 paragon, and start over again, each time granting your main 25 points.

Or, am I totally not understanding what you're trying to say?

Regarding toons possibly being the paragon level matched as your highest paragon toon: I think this is fine. Blizzard is catering to the care bear again (big surprise right?!!!), but really, few people want to level another character and grind paragon as high as their main was. For those people that did do this and have a toon each at paragon 100 for basically 100x5 paragon points, more power to them. As was stated in a dev interview, as soon as they figure out paragon point dispersion, those people with paragon 100x5 will get points reflecting their time and effort. People like me will only have whatever the equal is in paragon points as a paragon 100. We don't know right now if you get 1 point per paragon level, 2 points per paragon level, etc.

Also, it's not like leveling paragon is a quick process after a certain level, even with the increased monster density. You're still talking about hours of time after a certain point just to level up. So in that respect, there is a system of diminishing returns in play here, unless Blizzard makes every level past 100 require as much XP as it took to level from paragon 99 to 100. <---which by the way still takes tons of time!

So while people might think ooooh this is EZ mode now that you can make a new toon and be paragon level X from the get go, it's not really as simple as that.

Yea, so I'm paragon 100 on my main. I imagine going from 100 to 101 is going to take hours. I imagine going from 101 to 102 will take even longer. To me what would not make sense is if they implemented a different kind of XP map for lack of a better term. Right now, most people have seen the paragon pie chart indicating how much XP is needed to go from one paragon level to the next. I am going to guess that they will continue in the same trend and not make a totally new XP map where level 100 to 101 suddenly takes less XP than level 99 - 100.

And even if it doesn't take hours, eventually it will take hours as long as they require increasing amounts of XP to level up.
The way I read it: Once this system goes live, you'll have account wide paragon. If you have a 20, a 30, and a 50 paragon, your account will be at paragon 100. After that transition, paragon levels arent awarded by individual characters anymore, so rerolling alts just to get quickie 10 paragon wont work. You just continue to gain account wide paragon once the character you're playing is max level.

Every character will be individually affected by the total paragon. So all toons will each have 100 points to spend individually, regardless of it being lvl 1 or lvl 70. Every time you gain a paragon level, every character gets an extra paragon point to spend. The goal is to reward you for your efforts across the board.

It really all depends on the diminishing returns of gaining more paragon points. It will most likely be something that goes higher as you gain more points across the board. I dont think it will climb all that quickly until you're in the 250+.

In one of the videos, the developer talked about the game being about having fun mowing down hordes of enemies. The whole overpowered argument is pointless because the nature of Diablo is not to be super competitive, it's to have fun getting stronger and destroying enemies quicker. PVP may be a fun break from killing demons, but I would never want it to be the focus. Anyone that tries to make an ARPG an epeen contest is playing the wrong genre, so who cares is someone has 1000 paragon points over you?
If they do max level it will be unfair to people with 5 characters with high paragon.

If they do total paragon it will unfair to people who slaved over to get paragon 100.

If they did total exp it would be rather fair.

If they did total paragon and then gave a bonus for the paragon 100 folks it would be rather fair.

So I see one of the last two options being the most likely.
The way I read it: Once this system goes live, you'll have account wide paragon. If you have a 20, a 30, and a 50 paragon, your account will be at paragon 100. After that transition, paragon levels arent awarded by individual characters anymore, so rerolling alts just to get quickie 10 paragon wont work. You just continue to gain account wide paragon once the character you're playing is max level.

Every character will be individually affected by the total paragon. So all toons will each have 100 points to spend individually, regardless of it being lvl 1 or lvl 70. Every time you gain a paragon level, every character gets an extra paragon point to spend. The goal is to reward you for your efforts across the board.

It really all depends on the diminishing returns of gaining more paragon points. It will most likely be something that goes higher as you gain more points across the board. I dont think it will climb all that quickly until you're in the 250+.

In one of the videos, the developer talked about the game being about having fun mowing down hordes of enemies. The whole overpowered argument is pointless because the nature of Diablo is not to be super competitive, it's to have fun getting stronger and destroying enemies quicker. PVP may be a fun break from killing demons, but I would never want it to be the focus. Anyone that tries to make an ARPG an epeen contest is playing the wrong genre, so who cares is someone has 1000 paragon points over you?

Hmm, so after the transition playing any character on the account would contribute to some sort of paragon exp pool?

It just seems odd that your other characters would receive points because you played your "main" character (if you have one...I do not). Under that system, once you level a character to 70 you can just make all other 'progress' on your other main/most highly geared character. It's like taking the concept of having a magic find character in D2, but instead of just farming gear for the account you are actually leveling up all the characters without having to play them. Call me old fashioned, but that seems lame.
Hmm, so after the transition playing any character on the account would contribute to some sort of paragon exp pool?

It just seems odd that your other characters would receive points because you played your "main" character (if you have one...I do not). Under that system, once you level a character to 70 you can just make all other 'progress' on your other main/most highly geared character. It's like taking the concept of having a magic find character in D2, but instead of just farming gear for the account you are actually leveling up all the characters without having to play them. Call me old fashioned, but that seems lame.

Thats no different than it is now or most ARPGS With the current system, your overall wealth is your progression. To gear all your characters, its faster to put all your energy into one main character and make that one character good for farming, then distribute gold/gear find to your alts.

I'd rather have that idea than separate progression. I absolutely hate starting from scratch. I like having a small incremental boost to all my characters over time playing any of them, than starting brand new every time. If you dont want to use the paragon points on your new characters, then dont, you're not forced to use your paragon points at gunpoint or anything.

For the max/min purists, they can put all their efforts into a single character to push to extreme levels. For us regular folk, its a fun way to distribute stats to all our characters and not have to choose a main.
I know you guys secretly love me, so I'm going to keep posing questions.

What affect will all these paragons level even have on a character when your weapon dps is 4000 or whatever crazy number it is? It still seems to me that that will continue to be the hinging point of "progression", the massive weapon dps being the utmost importance, everything else secondary. And with the "wow" model of soft gear resets every couple months (by my count, d3 had 4? of them), those paragon levels will become less and less meaningful. If you're starting at 3-4k dps on a weapon at expansion's launch, what do you expect it to be 6 months down the road? 10k? 20k? The stat inflation is absolutely silly in wow, and looks to be the same for Reaper too.

and i'd also like to take the time to post this lovely gem:
and i'd also like to take the time to post this lovely gem:


yeah that about sums up blizzard these days, hoarding content so they can turn it into some sort of expansion sales pitch a few months later instead of, I don't know, actually making a GOOD game to start with and then gradually adding to it
Careful donut, there is a dedicated D3 bunch here.

To the people following: Has there been any mention of reworking the item system at all? Such as single resists > all resist, or more unique mods (and 4% chance to do x skill ONCE isn't very interesting or new).
No one cares, Lilbabycat. In Breaking Bad lingo, "Alls I'm saying."

Back to our discussion of paragon stuff. I read after I knocked out a few hours ago that it's actually going to be total paragon XP across the entire account that awards paragon points. From that it makes sense that there's a threshold required before you gain another point. Like was said above, if it is about total XP required, it becomes fair to those that invested a lot of time into hitting high level paragon.

I think the source is one of the diablofans interviews or interview transcriptions.
I like having a small incremental boost to all my characters over time playing any of them, than starting brand new every time. If you dont want to use the paragon points on your new characters, then dont, you're not forced to use your paragon points at gunpoint or anything.

Actually it would be granting equal progression to all your other characters as if you'd been playing them all along. Not sure why you're throwing "if you don't like it, too bad" sentiment around considering we're discussing potential design of a system that won't be released for like 8-12 months.

I guess when I heard the devs talk about "finally being able to customize our characters" with paragon and stat points I figured it would at least be a nod to the ARPG tradition of 'growing' your character, but not even needing to play a character to progress seems even less serious than D3's original system.

From a HC perspective, starting out each time with a bunch of points would certainly make things easier just to get back to 60/70, but at that point why should I even have to do the 1-70 trek? It's basically the same concept: once you gain a paragon level, any character you create from that point on will be lvl 70 with that many paragon points.
I purchased this game a long time ago, but never got more than an hour or two into it. I'm thinking about re-installing it and giving it another go.

I never really played Diablo 1 or 2, and while I don't mind the RPG elements in games (liked Far Cry 3 and Skyrim), I'd prefer not to play a game that preys on my OCD tendencies to grab all teh lootz while offering no real gameplay. I know there was a big... thing... regarding RMAH, and I'm definitely looking at more of a standard casual gaming experience (play <= 40 hours and be "done"). Would you guys recommend this?
Guys, I think we're missing a fundamental detail.

Paragon points are a totally separate thing in and of themselves. When you make a new character, it will be paragon whatever your highest paragon is. Yes, that much we know already. That doesn't mean you start a new character that's already level cap of 70. The game awards set stat bonuses while leveling from 1 - 70 (not talking about paragon 1 - 70 here). I don't think any dev mentioned that you'd start a new char at max char level if you already have at least one max char level, which most people have by now unless they quit much early on being disgruntled.
I purchased this game a long time ago, but never got more than an hour or two into it. I'm thinking about re-installing it and giving it another go.

I never really played Diablo 1 or 2, and while I don't mind the RPG elements in games (liked Far Cry 3 and Skyrim), I'd prefer not to play a game that preys on my OCD tendencies to grab all teh lootz while offering no real gameplay. I know there was a big... thing... regarding RMAH, and I'm definitely looking at more of a standard casual gaming experience (play <= 40 hours and be "done"). Would you guys recommend this?

Yeah go for it. The gameplay and character progression is fun.


yeah that about sums up blizzard these days, hoarding content so they can turn it into some sort of expansion sales pitch a few months later instead of, I don't know, actually making a GOOD game to start with and then gradually adding to it

This has been going on with all companies for awhile now. EA, Blizzard & Gearbox specifically. Nobody releases a finished product anymore, they finally figured out that they can make money ten fold by releasing tidbits at a time.
Its sad really for the Consumer. But good for companies pocket books I'll bet.

On topic: I really hope they do not try to change the Paragon 2.0 system, as it stands now, it sounds great. I am glad that Blizzard is bringing back personalized stat allocation, even though its only for Paragon lvls, it is a step in the right direction.
Actually it would be granting equal progression to all your other characters as if you'd been playing them all along. Not sure why you're throwing "if you don't like it, too bad" sentiment around considering we're discussing potential design of a system that won't be released for like 8-12 months.

I guess when I heard the devs talk about "finally being able to customize our characters" with paragon and stat points I figured it would at least be a nod to the ARPG tradition of 'growing' your character, but not even needing to play a character to progress seems even less serious than D3's original system.

From a HC perspective, starting out each time with a bunch of points would certainly make things easier just to get back to 60/70, but at that point why should I even have to do the 1-70 trek? It's basically the same concept: once you gain a paragon level, any character you create from that point on will be lvl 70 with that many paragon points.

Paragon is more like gear progression than level progression. It would be like running lower difficulties with your main for your alts because it's easier to max MF, run speed, and neph valor to find good rares for your alts to run. Or having a stash of lvl 60 items to suddenly take your new 60 to MP10 levels.

From the screen examples, unlimited paragon isnt going to make a massive difference compared to the massive stat gains on lvl 70 loot. Yes 50 more int is better than not having 50 int, but you cant run around naked just because you have 500 paragon points to distribute. I think it would actually be cooler to be percentage based instead of pure +stat allocations (a la badass points). That way the bonues scale very well at all levels, and again more is better, but still means nothing without good gear.

Also, I'm not sure where the assumption that it only takes the highest paragon level came from, it's a total of all the paragon you've made across all your characters before the transition. What this also leads me to believe is that rolling 10 characters to get to paragon 10 will not be the same as just having one p100 character

Wyatt just updated me. Your shared Paragon level will be calculated by adding up Paragon EXP across all your heroes.
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Guys, I think we're missing a fundamental detail.

Paragon points are a totally separate thing in and of themselves. When you make a new character, it will be paragon whatever your highest paragon is. Yes, that much we know already. That doesn't mean you start a new character that's already level cap of 70. The game awards set stat bonuses while leveling from 1 - 70 (not talking about paragon 1 - 70 here). I don't think any dev mentioned that you'd start a new char at max char level if you already have at least one max char level, which most people have by now unless they quit much early on being disgruntled.

I wasn't quoting a dev, just giving that example scenario as being in the same line of thinking as starting a new character and having X paragon levels/stats/points to assign.

I was mainly questioning how the system would affect HC. They couldn't possibly balance the game around having paragon points to start with because new players would be screwed, so starting characters with paragon points only really serves the purpose of trivializing early gameplay. So with that in mind, why bother making players go back to level 1 if you're just going to trivialize that area of the game? Might as well just strip the gear and say "start naked at lvl 70...go!"
I wasn't quoting a dev, just giving that example scenario as being in the same line of thinking as starting a new character and having X paragon levels/stats/points to assign.

I was mainly questioning how the system would affect HC. They couldn't possibly balance the game around having paragon points to start with because new players would be screwed, so starting characters with paragon points only really serves the purpose of trivializing early gameplay. So with that in mind, why bother making players go back to level 1 if you're just going to trivialize that area of the game? Might as well just strip the gear and say "start naked at lvl 70...go!"

Pre-inferno hardcore is already trivial with socket/gems, and reduced level requirement.
Don't I know it. So the only logical thing to do is...make it more trivial? At what point do you just add a "Go to level 70" button and call it a day?

When d3 has a cash shop where you can buy the "level to 70" option. :D:p
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Went back to playing after a long hiatus. Inferno +5 w/ my monk... having no issues whats so ever.
Pre-inferno hardcore is already trivial with socket/gems, and reduced level requirement.

With Just sockets and Gems it can get a bit hard from like 35 to 42(reduced level Mark)

But add in a Hell Fire Ring and it is beyond easy all the way through and trivial just doesn't cover it. I'd be all for a 20% gold hit on top of losing all your gear to avoid wasting the 4 hours of my life it takes to get from Normal to Inferno.

Not a full skip button but if you die you can span a new character at whatever level you died at - 20% gold and you lose paragon levels.

I like HC but have been avoiding playing it because I do not have the willpower to run through it again if I die.
They really should just remove a difficulty level. Having to run through the game four times on every character is just absurd. Rescale normal and nightmare to leave you where Hell currently does and replace Hell with Inferno.
I'll probably jump back in and start a new account when the expansion gets released. The paragon for the whole account is a good thing.
Has anyone had issue with some fucking sons of bitches in another country hacking your account?

I go to play today to find my WOW account banned and my D3 account suspended....

And what does blizzard do.. they fucking ban my license and suspend my accounts instead of banning the fucking offending IPs
It's not like they know you're not the one botting.

Just contact them and you should get everything back.
I'll probably jump back in and start a new account when the expansion gets released. The paragon for the whole account is a good thing.

Why wouldn't you want to use your existing characters? Seems like a waste to buy another copy of D3 to get another account.
I actually stumbled across a rather intellectual post over at the Diablo3 forums last night (Imagine that), They were talking about how Tyreal's sword El'druin passes through Malthael. Being that the sword cannot strike down beings of "Justice" or "Good Intent", could it be that Malthael is acting on good intentions to want to destroy all Demons and Nephalem and restore balance? Or does it mean that He is the Angle of Death he is the Balance or the only constant. Which is why the sword cannot touch him and he quotes "Nothing can stop Death".

Anyways, it is a neat Idea to entertain.
I actually stumbled across a rather intellectual post over at the Diablo3 forums last night (Imagine that), They were talking about how Tyreal's sword El'druin passes through Malthael. Being that the sword cannot strike down beings of "Justice" or "Good Intent", could it be that Malthael is acting on good intentions to want to destroy all Demons and Nephalem and restore balance? Or does it mean that He is the Angle of Death he is the Balance or the only constant. Which is why the sword cannot touch him and he quotes "Nothing can stop Death".

I was thinking "Plot Hole" would be more appropriate, judging by the original story.