diablo 3 accounts hacked

This is quite scary.. I guess I've gotta make my password more secure

I don't think strength of password matters any in this situation. Mine was 1234Red$#@! which is a pretty strong password and I was hacked like like a bitch. So I say fuck strong passwords and picked something simple as it obviously matters little.
I don't think strength of password matters any in this situation. Mine was 1234Red$#@! which is a pretty strong password and I was hacked like like a bitch. So I say fuck strong passwords and picked something simple as it obviously matters little.

It really doesn't anymore. No one uses brute force methods for gaining passwords these days, they just steal the info outright. Your only hope is keeping them from it entirely.
Well Blizzard has posted some more info regarding this subject:


So they are not wavering from their current position that the account compromises are occurring using non-traditional methods.

It makes no sense that so many accounts are bypassed when on earlier games using the exact same level of entry security it didn't happen. The only difference between the occasions is the game. Earlier games had the junky authenticator and the same password security. If that was the point of attack, then why didn't this happen with SC2/WoW?

/Conspiracy theory
Waiit a second! They make money off selling the junky authenticators. If everyone gets panicked and believes that some security magic bullet will save them, it's good for Blizzard financially.
/conspiracy theory. :D

It kind of makes sense... They have the means. Maybe theres a few bad admins in there? But is just silly. :p
the mobile app is a free download. It's better to get the physical unit though. In the event you reformat your iPhone with a good backup you will find yourself calling into customer service and asking them to remove the old app authenticator and add the new one.
the mobile app is a free download. It's better to get the physical unit though. In the event you reformat your iPhone with a good backup you will find yourself calling into customer service and asking them to remove the old app authenticator and add the new one.

You have to have a shitty iphone? What kind of crap is that? :confused:

it happened in every version of WoW they made.

Not to this level. If a system has this level of intrusions, then it is broken, and they need to do something. Well, something othwer than blame their customers. :p
the mobile app is a free download. It's better to get the physical unit though. In the event you reformat your iPhone with a good backup you will find yourself calling into customer service and asking them to remove the old app authenticator and add the new one.

From what I saw you just select "restore" from the app's menu and put in your key and restore code that was first given to you when you installed it.

Seems pretty simple to me

You have to have a shitty iphone? What kind of crap is that? :confused:
It's on both the App store and Google Play
They most likely vendored the crap they didn't want, flagged your account, and will try again to access it soon. You had basically done their work for them with the mules... They may have just been going down a list of compromised accounts and see if they could get in. Seen that happen before in World of Warcraft. Famous last words of fellow guildmates, "I think I've been hacked, so I changed my password so I'm ok now." Two days later the entire guild bank is looted... guess who?

And don't think I'm blaming you, I miss things as well, and at least you're open to the fact there might be something wrong with your PC. I appreciate that. My tech reference in the previous post above is to point out that even those of us that feel the most safe and knowledgable can be the ones most susceptible to attack.

I just get tired of people telling me it's not their fault and could never be their fault. I hear it all day long as a tech analyst, as I'm sure you do in your job. As soon as you even hint it could be their fault a shit storm of fury emerges.
If that was true, why vendor the fancy gems, and leave the mid level ones? You'd really need to see the before and after to understand why I'm puzzled, it literally looks like only the items I added/moved/modified in the last hour or so I played are the ones that are gone.

There's also no recently played with on my list I don't recognize. Nor new friends. Nor blocked people who tried to get rid of their recently played entry. How is that possible if we had to be in the same game together to transfer gold?

I agree it seems more likely that someone's stuff was compromised through traditional means, but this whole scenario reminds me of when Battlenet v1 was infecting people with that virus umpteen years ago.
From what I saw you just select "restore" from the app's menu and put in your key and restore code that was first given to you when you installed it.

Seems pretty simple to me

Simple if you wrote the code down. :p
Not to this level. If a system has this level of intrusions, then it is broken, and they need to do something. Well, something othwer than blame their customers. :p

I would honestly say that WoW is worse and has more hacked accounts than D3 by a very large amount and percentage. Its been going longer and has more subs so it would go to figure as well, plus they have had an extensive amount of time to master the way they get the information for the WoW accounts as well.
If that was true, why vendor the fancy gems, and leave the mid level ones? You'd really need to see the before and after to understand why I'm puzzled, it literally looks like only the items I added/moved/modified in the last hour or so I played are the ones that are gone.

There's also no recently played with on my list I don't recognize. Nor new friends. Nor blocked people who tried to get rid of their recently played entry. How is that possible if we had to be in the same game together to transfer gold?

I agree it seems more likely that someone's stuff was compromised through traditional means, but this whole scenario reminds me of when Battlenet v1 was infecting people with that virus umpteen years ago.

You'd be surprised the things these folks do. I've seen people go to log into their account after a few months of not playing WoW and an authenticator was added to it by the hacker. They get the account unlocked and the authenticator removed only to find out that 20000 gold has been moved into their account and the hacker was using them as a mule and farm bot. They'll dump items they don't want or move them to another account. There's no rhyme or reason to what they do to your account. Looking too far into it is probably not valuable or going to net any insight. You could be used as a mule, farm bot, dummy account, grab and run, or a combo. You could be hacked by one person, traded to another for AH trading and muling, then traded to another for bot farming until your account gets banned for cheating. I've played WoW for about 7 years now. I've seen it all.

The amount of time, effort, and experience that has gone into learning to hack WoW, and by its battle.net association, Diablo 3, is staggering. Gold selling is a huge business. It's going to be just as big, if not bigger, in Diablo 3, made even worse becuase there's now going to be actual hard currency involved in the hacking. It's not just virtual gold anymore.
Yeah, I remember watching some TV show several years ago that had a segment on gold sellers. They were showing how they would have teams of people playing the game and teams of people stealing others info, just to make currency in WoW and then sell that currency. The one guy that was being interviewed behind the blurred image was saying he makes more than a million a year after paying his workers...
The amount of time, effort, and experience that has gone into learning to hack WoW, and by its battle.net association, Diablo 3, is staggering. Gold selling is a huge business. It's going to be just as big, if not bigger, in Diablo 3, made even worse becuase there's now going to be actual hard currency involved in the hacking. It's not just virtual gold anymore.

There ALWAYS been a real money auction house for diablo. Only D3 built it into the game. At least this way they can track down cases of hacking and reverse any real money transactions.
I haven't read into a whole lot of the RMAH and the way it works, but will this completely stall all in-game gold transactions between selling/buying items on AH?
I haven't read into a whole lot of the RMAH and the way it works, but will this completely stall all in-game gold transactions between selling/buying items on AH?

no, only extremely valuable stuff will go to RMAH

people should also only plan on selling in RMAH if they think they will also want to buy RMAH level stuff although I'm guessing it will be possible to convert RM to gold

imo, RMAH is going to be for PvPers that want to pay to win or for PvE players that absolutely love Inferno and are willing to spend RM on gear to try to get to the point of farming Inferno comfortably (if that is even possible)
In APB the RMAH was for casual players that didn't feel like grinding the levels for a new gun or doing the missions to unlock it. The hardcore players never bought a thing off it. They just listed their old items for sale when they got a new shiny version.

I sold cars on the RMAH and bought my guns as I didn't want to play 24/7, but didn't want to be behind the top players at the same time.. It paid for my subscription to boot.
I don't think strength of password matters any in this situation. Mine was 1234Red$#@! which is a pretty strong password and I was hacked like like a bitch. So I say fuck strong passwords and picked something simple as it obviously matters little.

I agree pick something outlandish, that seems to be better than the LYjhsuydbrt5666##$$@jsajbs (you get the picture) type of password. :D
I want a class action lawsuit if possible. I lost my gold and my stash gear, but not my characters and their equipment. But now, I cannot trust Blizzard, and I will never buy another Blizzard game.

I want my money back for purchasing Diablows 3, and deletion of my account! Seriously, I was hacked,never joined public games, strong password, etc. I am not compromised-IT IS BLIZZARD AND THEY NEED TO ANSWER FOR THIS BULLSHIT.
people should also only plan on selling in RMAH if they think they will also want to buy RMAH level stuff although I'm guessing it will be possible to convert RM to gold

I believe I read a statement a while back that they were going to allow listing gold on the RMAH.

I can't remember all the details they announced, but assuming there's no up-front listing fee I would put every possible item up for $ over gold.
I would be interested to know from those hacked if they, honestly, have ever used the registered battle.net e-mail address and password anywhere else on a network connected device or site in the past; to include incorrectly typing the battle.net password in an account login page tied to the same e-mail, elsewhere.

In 100% of the cases from those here locally that have been hacked, this is the case.
I have just read the first piece of evidence Blizzard is full of BS...

From http://www.gpforums.co.nz/showthread.php?s=&postid=8956153#post8956153

So I got hacked, gold is gone burger.. And I never played with ANYBODY not even friends, Now it says I have recently played with Monk called spiffy, I guess spiffy just got a bonus..?

Didn't help me... Only ever played solo, and still got jacked..

So i just got kicked out of my game again (second time), upon getting back to the character screen I see a new name in my previously empty "recently played with" list, bearing in mind i have ONLY ever played by myself and after the first time I was hacked changed my password, ran a virus/malware scan and added an authenticator.. Seems no one is safe?

No point in me even playing at the moment as I will no doubt be robbed again, And have already used one of blizzards "limited rollbacks"

So basically, he got hacked. After this he used his first rollback to restore his account. He then changed his password and added an authenticator.

Then he got hacked again. Solid proof the authenticator is not working, and that it is unlikely they are keylogging.

In the same thread another guy who only plays Diablo 3 on a mac got hacked too.
It has to be sites that people visit, that and poorly chosen passwords. Malware is also a problem. OSX is just as susceptible to it as windows these days.
It has to be sites that people visit, that and poorly chosen passwords. Malware is also a problem. OSX is just as susceptible to it as windows these days.

But that still doesn't explain getting around the auth.
Has anybody ever been hacked for the FIRST time while already having an authenticator that prompts for a code on every login? Every time I read something I see "I got hacked, then I added an authenticator and changed my password."
So basically, he got hacked. After this he used his first rollback to restore his account. He then changed his password and added an authenticator.

No, he's saying he did but, forgive me for not believing anything anyone not from Blizzard posting about this is saying. There have been so so many lies being spit out about this issue. You read the official forums and everyone that has gotten hacked are "security/It professionals that have been in 'the biz' for 65 years and fingerblasted a giraffe once", the absolute retardation that comes out of their fingertips makes me wonder how they even know how to turn their computers on.

Now let's say he did add an auth, had to be a mobile one if it was that quick. How many other apps are installed, sure none are malicious, any unsupported diablo apps, ever log in to bnet from the phone? Roommates, kids? The only known way (so far) to get around an auth is a man in the middle attack, in which case congratulations you've got a trojan and I'm not talking about the condoms, that happens in real time. Most of the people doing this aren't going to bother going that way because it's so much easier to phish or poach the info. People have the "smarter than them" or "it can't/won't happen to me" mentality. Well, newsflash, they're not, it can and does.

Then he got hacked again. Solid proof the authenticator is not working, and that it is unlikely they are keylogging.

Nope, no proof, just a "he said" on the internet, where people have no problem being dishonest. People want to pass the blame because they don't want to blame themselves. "Blizzard Entertainment" sent me this email yesterday (they're normally picked up as spam but this one wasn't), everything looks to be on the up and up until you look at the url that hitting the play now button would bring you to. I've also gotten the real and spoofed versions of D3 and WoW:MoP beta invite emails for the past few months, no idea if they would bring me to a spoofed battlenet page or try to drop a keylogger on me. Just because you got hacked today doesn't mean you did something to compromise yourself yesterday, or 3 days ago, or a week ago. It could've happened months ago and you don't remember or realize or thought it was insignificant at the time. The people who do this have no problem sitting on the info for awhile, tons of instances in WoW where accounts have been canceled/inactive for months then all of sudden are brought back to life to strip everything or be used as a bot. Shit happens, people make mistakes. I myself was guilty of using the same user/pass for all my game accounts, Steam, EA, WoW..............and PSN.

In the same thread another guy who only plays Diablo 3 on a mac got hacked too.

This right here is proof...........proof that you and them don't understand how phishing works. Listen, there very well may be an exploit/bug/whatever causing this to happen but until there's actual proof, not speculation, not "he said", I'm going to believe Blizzard on this that it's user error. My account, that's 7 years old (last 2 with a keyfob), has never been hacked. I bought the keyfob a couple years ago after a mass hack wave in WoW where people were screaming then that Blizz's security was compromised, and it turned out to be a vulnerability in Flash iirc. In D3 I've played in tons of public games, bought and sold handfuls of auctions, none of my gold or items have disappeared. I'm not an expert or anything but I will gladly apologize if I'm wrong.
My account was definitely hacked. All of my money was gone and some of my items from my stash were mysteriously missing yesterday morning.

I haven't played any public games or anything like that. I changed my password and got an authenticator just in case.

The only thing I have is DarkD3, so I am wondering maybe there is something embedded in one of the files in there? Not sure, but it COULD be the case.
I would like to try out the DarkD3 but do not want to use it if there is a chance of phishing in it.
Yep, 6 days in with a Battle.net account and I was hacked last night. :)

Blizzard locked it and sent me an email and i got it back this morning. Authenticator time!
You know, I really wonder why Blizzard doesn't add an "Authenticate PC" option. I'm not talking about tying the game down to a PC, but doing something similar that online banks do, which is send an email, allowing you to log on via a specific PC, and if not, email you that you're account has been comprismised. Of course, it should be optional (for all the paranoid people worried that Blizzard will use their knowledge you're running an i7 with a Geforce 690 to their advantage), but there are ways of even removing that information.
My account was definitely hacked. All of my money was gone and some of my items from my stash were mysteriously missing yesterday morning.

I haven't played any public games or anything like that. I changed my password and got an authenticator just in case.

The only thing I have is DarkD3, so I am wondering maybe there is something embedded in one of the files in there? Not sure, but it COULD be the case.

I would like to try out the DarkD3 but do not want to use it if there is a chance of phishing in it.

I'm using DarkD3, so is the GF, no issues. Never been hacked. I've always used an authenticator since they were available. I did have it off my account for a while after I STOPPED playing WoW, but once the D3 beta hit I got another on my phone.
Yep, 6 days in with a Battle.net account and I was hacked last night. :)

Blizzard locked it and sent me an email and i got it back this morning. Authenticator time!

Sorry, but why wouldn't you have just put an authenticator on in the first place?
Has anybody ever been hacked for the FIRST time while already having an authenticator that prompts for a code on every login? Every time I read something I see "I got hacked, then I added an authenticator and changed my password."

I've been playing wow since the friends and family beta of vanilla, I've had an authenticator on my account ever since they were first available. I only have the starter edition of D3 but have put in quite a few hours ion both single player mode and public games.

I've seen a lot of friends and guildmates get hacked over the years but I havent been hacked myself.
This right here is proof...........proof that you and them don't understand how phishing works. Listen, there very well may be an exploit/bug/whatever causing this to happen but until there's actual proof, not speculation, not "he said", I'm going to believe Blizzard on this that it's user error. My account, that's 7 years old (last 2 with a keyfob), has never been hacked. I bought the keyfob a couple years ago after a mass hack wave in WoW where people were screaming then that Blizz's security was compromised, and it turned out to be a vulnerability in Flash iirc. In D3 I've played in tons of public games, bought and sold handfuls of auctions, none of my gold or items have disappeared. I'm not an expert or anything but I will gladly apologize if I'm wrong.
If you take the time to read the German forum it does look like it's an exploit for the majority, not a phishing or keylogger deal. Not to say there aren't people falling for that, but in every response on the information gathering thread on the German and US forums there is one very obvious commonality between every response. No matter how many characters people have, 2 to 8, only the one they last played is attacked. So lvl 20's got raided when some people have 3 60's just sitting there untouched.

This coincides with what I said. Why would they only hijack my last played char when I have legendaries stashed on my other ones? It seems like the method they're using only allows access to that one character. I was lucky. Using mules instead of buying stash pages seems to have saved me a lot of pain. I mostly lost gold, which is easier to replace.

Blizzard refused to give me a roll back because there is "no evidence anyone but me accessed my account". If a 3rd party had accessed my account through real login measures there should be a record of it. Blizzard said there were 0 logins between when I logged off at night, and when I logged on again the next morning. They basically insinuated that I gave my stuff away before I logged off, and now I was trying to get rolled back to duplicate it.
I've seen a lot of friends and guildmates get hacked over the years but I havent been hacked myself.

One thing to remember is that even having your computer comprimised does not necessarily mean you will be hacked today, or even 3 years from today. The amount of people hacked is fairly insignificant.

As I've stated before, at this point in time I don't entirely believe the people stating they've been hacked and are entirely not at fault, nor do I believe Blizzard that they're not at all at fault. The truth is probably somewhere in between.

That being said, I haven't been hacked yet (and I do have the authenticator), but probably the fact that I only have 700 gold and no real good items probably helps my situation.
Blizzard refused to give me a roll back because there is "no evidence anyone but me accessed my account". If a 3rd party had accessed my account through real login measures there should be a record of it. Blizzard said there were 0 logins between when I logged off at night, and when I logged on again the next morning. They basically insinuated that I gave my stuff away before I logged off, and now I was trying to get rolled back to duplicate it.

Outside of doing something entirely illegal, and publicly posting how to exploit the servers, if what it hypothesized is true, the only real way to force Blizzard to make a correction would probably be to have a live stream of your account being comprimised. And even then, who knows if Blizzard would respond.
I can't read this whole thread, but there was a comment page 1 that says Blizzard is responsible for these.

I agree. My wife and I had quit world of warcraft, and when we did, the last thing I did was change the passwords to a a couple of long complicated alphanumeric phrases, from the relatively simple number+word passwords that they were.

Never logged in one with them, as we were done.. the changing of the PWs was partially to remove the temptation. We never logged in with these passwords. That means there was never any chance for them to be compromised.

Almost a year later... it was 10 months iirc, one of my IRL friends that we played with emailed me and asked if my wife was playing.. evidently her account had been logged in for a week or so straight, and not responding to whispers.

The compromising of that account had to come from someone at Blizzard with access to passwords. I don't think there would be any way someone would spend the time to bruteforce that password.... just for a wow account.
If you take the time to read the German forum it does look like it's an exploit for the majority, not a phishing or keylogger deal. Not to say there aren't people falling for that, but in every response on the information gathering thread on the German and US forums there is one very obvious commonality between every response. No matter how many characters people have, 2 to 8, only the one they last played is attacked. So lvl 20's got raided when some people have 3 60's just sitting there untouched.

This coincides with what I said. Why would they only hijack my last played char when I have legendaries stashed on my other ones? It seems like the method they're using only allows access to that one character. I was lucky. Using mules instead of buying stash pages seems to have saved me a lot of pain. I mostly lost gold, which is easier to replace.

Blizzard refused to give me a roll back because there is "no evidence anyone but me accessed my account". If a 3rd party had accessed my account through real login measures there should be a record of it. Blizzard said there were 0 logins between when I logged off at night, and when I logged on again the next morning. They basically insinuated that I gave my stuff away before I logged off, and now I was trying to get rolled back to duplicate it.

Did you have new people on your 'recently played with' list?
I can't read this whole thread, but there was a comment page 1 that says Blizzard is responsible for these.

I agree. My wife and I had quit world of warcraft, and when we did, the last thing I did was change the passwords to a a couple of long complicated alphanumeric phrases, from the relatively simple number+word passwords that they were.

Never logged in one with them, as we were done.. the changing of the PWs was partially to remove the temptation. We never logged in with these passwords. That means there was never any chance for them to be compromised.

Almost a year later... it was 10 months iirc, one of my IRL friends that we played with emailed me and asked if my wife was playing.. evidently her account had been logged in for a week or so straight, and not responding to whispers.

The compromising of that account had to come from someone at Blizzard with access to passwords. I don't think there would be any way someone would spend the time to bruteforce that password.... just for a wow account.

Well, they could have also just gotten the registered email password and reset it that way and removed the email from blizzard so you didn't see it.
I can't read this whole thread, but there was a comment page 1 that says Blizzard is responsible for these.

I agree. My wife and I had quit world of warcraft, and when we did, the last thing I did was change the passwords to a a couple of long complicated alphanumeric phrases, from the relatively simple number+word passwords that they were.

Never logged in one with them, as we were done.. the changing of the PWs was partially to remove the temptation. We never logged in with these passwords. That means there was never any chance for them to be compromised.

Almost a year later... it was 10 months iirc, one of my IRL friends that we played with emailed me and asked if my wife was playing.. evidently her account had been logged in for a week or so straight, and not responding to whispers.

The compromising of that account had to come from someone at Blizzard with access to passwords. I don't think there would be any way someone would spend the time to bruteforce that password.... just for a wow account.

If this is true then it would preclude any password brute-forcing attempts or MITM attacks, which would point the blame to Blizzard's access to accounts being compromised.
I want a class action lawsuit if possible. I lost my gold and my stash gear, but not my characters and their equipment. But now, I cannot trust Blizzard, and I will never buy another Blizzard game.

I want my money back for purchasing Diablows 3, and deletion of my account! Seriously, I was hacked,never joined public games, strong password, etc. I am not compromised-IT IS BLIZZARD AND THEY NEED TO ANSWER FOR THIS BULLSHIT.

Classic denial.