Dell U2410

Is it noticeably one side of the monitor that is brighter/dimmer?

I noticed something similar early on but i chalked it up to the screen coating reflecting light at me. I re-centered it and moved some lights and it's manageable.

I'm pretty happy with my monitor, I didn't notice backlight issues on my previous Dell monitor until it was way too late to return/exchange.
Is it noticeably one side of the monitor that is brighter/dimmer?

I noticed something similar early on but i chalked it up to the screen coating reflecting light at me. I re-centered it and moved some lights and it's manageable.

I'm pretty happy with my monitor, I didn't notice backlight issues on my previous Dell monitor until it was way too late to return/exchange.

Mind you I've been following this thread since it started, but I did not read every single post/page. So some of my information may be incorrect...but...

After doing more research it just seems like the bright/dim issue I've been describing is actually a "minor" tint issue. From what I gather the tint issues aren't really perceivable on a white background . Which is why I wasn't so sure that I had a problem at all. It seems to be best tested with a light greyish background.

A lot of sites have this, such as the Dell forums (scroll up and down a bit, both sides should be same):
I can easily (with lights on or off in my room) tell that the left side is "brighter" and the right side is "darker".

There is another way to really test out the problem as many on this thread have been doing, but some people may have missed it. In a dark room(as best you can), Display a white screen on the monitor, take a picture (as best as you can head-on and level with your monitor or the viewing angles may affect your results) with a digital camera of the screen, goto photoshop, put the saturation way up. Basically if the color of the noise is not uniform, then you have "tint" or "brighter/dimmer" problem...

The picture will look like the following after adjustments...

I included my $200 HP Mini netbook as a reference. You can see how the noise is uniformly colored on my netbook. Whereas the Dell U2410, the left side is a slightly different tone (which is why I don't really notice the left side being brighter), the center is pretty uniform, and the very right side is a totally different tone (which I noticed shortly after initial poweron, that this side is dimmer)...

So just to make sure I get this across properly, it doesn't matter what color the noise you generate from this method is, as long as it is one tone like in my netbook then you have a PERFECT screen (in terms of tinting)...My U2410 has about 3 noise tones, the left edge and center tones being very, very similar and I would not complain about it (not noticeable to me in normal useage), but the right edge definitely has a problem...
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I've noticed the right side of my monitor is a tiny bit dimmer with an all white backround but really its nothing to worry about. I'm still very happy with this purchase and can't wait to buy 2 more for eyefinity. I'm gonna wait on a good sale for my 2nd monitor and only buy direct from Dell so I can easily return it.

Its tempting to go on ebay but I want the option incase I get one with bad tinting. It sucks that Dell isn't being totally up front to people about this issue and if I were them I would seriously considering putting pressure on there panel provider for this entire issue. Perhaps sometime in the future Dell will stop with this lottery bullshit and really do more Q&A before setting there sites on a new model for replacement.
fto - Nice post, I see what you mean. I'll have to test it myself while I'm still in the return/exchange window.

Godmachine - You must have a beastly desk, I'm running dual 24's right now and 3 would be overwhelming for my deskspace (unless 1 or 2 were in portrait mode).
Some update on my u2410 A00 exchange.

I complained here about the u2410 and Dell/LG, so I feel I've to give them justice by telling also the good things: eventually, Dell agreed to exchange the monitor. I received a new u2410 A01 less than 24 hours later.

I'm quite happy with it since now...
In the conditions I use it, it looks really "tint-free" to me, and certainly better than the previous one.
Of course, looking carefully, there is some colour/brightness heterogeneity accross the panel, but nothing abnormal for this kind of monitor.
And since it's an A01 the dithering issue is gone.

Indeed, on a white background the right side looks a little darker than the left one, but on all LCD panels I ever owned, the right side always looked darker than the left side to some degree...

One thing surprised me though: "standard"/"multimedia"/"games" preset modes all look "greenish". This was not the case on my previous u2410.
aRGB and sRGB modes are very good (as confirmed by the calibration sheet included).
"warm" and "cold" preset modes just looks "normal" (reddish for one and bluish for the other), "custom" also, all similar to the previous u2410....

Btw, as I use "custom" or "aRGB" color mode, it's Ok for me.
Unfortunately, I sent mine back. I just couldn't live with the tint issue. I also posted on the Dell forum and it was removed. So what you read there, take with a grain of salt. They apparently don't want too many people complaining over there.
Im having a little trouble sending mines back to the reseller. He said he would arrange pickup for it today but so far (19:03 GMT) no delivery driver has came. I guess this is what I get for buying from an ebay seller...

Im getting quite annoyed about this since I told the guy from the Monday of this week that I wanted to return the item within the 7 days DSR time. Its now the seventh day and he still hasnt gotten it picked up. Ill contact him tomorrow to see whats going on but I dont think this isnt looking promising.
Dell's online store (the US version), has the monitor for $499.99 right now (100 dollars instant savings). So tempting, but the problems some people are having with this model is making me a bit apprehensive in ordering one.
I just called Dell Canada for an exchange...

I called the "Home" number three times and everytime it sounded like a dispatch center in India, they were of zero help, and refused to transfer me to returns. I explained my USB problems and tint issues 5 times and they could not understand at all. I wasted about 45 minutes with them to no avail...

Frustrated, I decided to try the "Home Office" number and all of the speakers sounded Chinese. I got an exchange filed within 20 minutes. They knew of the screen's problems and basically asked if I wanted to refund or to try for another U2410 at no cost to me...

Basically...DO NOT CALL "Home", you will be frustrated by their lack of knowledge and horrible english.

Guess what...ALL the numbers are the same except "Home". Looks like Dell has fun treating their "Home" users as idiots and sending them to the dispatch in India.

Home 1-800-847-4096 8am - 9pm EST Mon - Fri
Home Office 1-800-387-5757 8am - 8pm EST Mon - Fri
Small Business 1-800-387-5757 8am - 8pm EST Mon - Fri
Medium & Large Business 1-800-387-5757 8am - 8pm EST Mon - Fri
Provincial Government 1-800-387-5757 8am - 8pm EST Mon - Fri
Federal Government 1-800-387-5757 8am - 8pm EST Mon - Fri
Education (K-12) 1-800-387-5757 8am - 8pm EST Mon - Fri
Well I got a reply from the ebay seller today, hes saying that he organised the pickup and that its the couriers fault that it hasnt been picked up today. He then told me that I can organise my own returns delivery if i want! I was going to do this in the first place but he told me in the beginning that they organise their own returns, not the customer.

Ive e-mailed him back saying that I want to know the name of the courier he has chosen..he hasnt gotten back to me yet.

Why oh why is it so difficult to organise a pickup? Its easier for me to return the item myself. Im really regretting not getting an HP LP2475W at the least HP organise a direct switch at no cost :(. Dell dont even accept the tinting issue as a fault.

* EDIT *
Phoned the guy up today, turns out the courier he chose wasnt very reliable, he decided to go with a different courier. My unit has been picked up this morning. Im glad I didnt loose my temper with his since it wasnt his fault.
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I ordered two from Dell (both A01's from MX, received about 2 weeks ago) to go along with my 2405FPW and could not be happier. So they are not all lemons. Now I just have to wait till Birthday/Xmas and get the third so I can do Bezel management.
just got the screen, pretty crappy would be the way to resume the experience.

my 3 or 4 year old 2007wfp ips looks a ton better.
the black is more black
text is clearer (it almost feels like a CRT where the colors are not aligned properly)
color is uniform across the screen vs. blue bottom left and pink on the top right. Don't need test or anything to notice it. its visible immediately.

that one is going back and if dell doesn't want to exchange it will be refund.
alright... so i made some adjustements, colors look at ton still has a washed out feeling like an old tshirt.

what settings are you all running ?
alright... so i made some adjustements, colors look at ton still has a washed out feeling like an old tshirt.

what settings are you all running ?

I'm in a similar situation as you are, except I'm coming from a 2005fpw...Either I've been staring at incorrect colors for 5 years on my 2005fpw (uncalibrated on factory sRGB preset), or my U2410 (running sRGB as people have said that's the most accurate) calibration just sucks as I've noticed my calibration report looks slightly different from what others have posted...

I've also noticed white things (text, borders, outlines etc) on the U2410 seems to have a red glowing outline when I'm looking at them from the corner of my eyes.

I have an exchange coming...So I will have a chance to compare two U2410s and really know if I've just been looking at an oversaturated picture on the 2005fpw for 5 years and got used to it...
I'm in a similar situation as you are, except I'm coming from a 2005fpw...Either I've been staring at incorrect colors for 5 years on my 2005fpw (uncalibrated on factory sRGB preset), or my U2410 (running sRGB as people have said that's the most accurate) calibration just sucks as I've noticed my calibration report looks slightly different from what others have posted...

I've also noticed white things (text, borders, outlines etc) on the U2410 seems to have a red glowing outline when I'm looking at them from the corner of my eyes.

I have an exchange coming...So I will have a chance to compare two U2410s and really know if I've just been looking at an oversaturated picture on the 2005fpw for 5 years and got used to it...

You nailed a pretty silent underlined issue (well sorta of) of the U2410 :

1, Extended color gamut is something people are not use to , some people who don't realize what that involves .. its going to make colors look quite different in a number of different settings. We're all use to the 72-80 precent color range that many monitors have been using for ages (PVA,TN and IPS). So likely you are right , you're not use to the monitors range (even though sRGB it still is just an emulation mode so it'll retain some of it).

2.Calibrating the U2410 will result in probably a very different image than what many of us have come use to with the 72+ precent color gamut. Spending 5 years with a likely not properly calibrated monitor will result in your brain being trained that it is the "acceptable" image you want to retain with a newer larger panel. In reality thats basicly impossible with some 5+ years old in this day and age , my oldest LCD (over 7 years old ) looks like complete crap and has wildly different colors then my U2410. So I can understand why its a bit weird for anyone coming from that.

Most users are coming off monitors only a few years old. I tend to buy a new monitor every 2 years (unless something truly amazing comes along) cause I feel that it serves me well that long before I want something better. I hope you have better luck with that second U2410 , perhaps its a defect but if not .. not sure what to tell ya.
Most users are coming off monitors only a few years old. I tend to buy a new monitor every 2 years (unless something truly amazing comes along) cause I feel that it serves me well that long before I want something better. I hope you have better luck with that second U2410 , perhaps its a defect but if not .. not sure what to tell ya.

Yup having the second one come will give me a chance to compare with another U2410. This first one though definitely has some tinting (brighter and dimmer), and now on my 5th day it seems more pronounced than ever. The USB hub is ever so frustrating because it restarts when I turn the monitor off/on.
Yea the USB hub doing that is very annoying . I nervous as hell about getting my 2nd and 3rd , I'm going to for sure buy directly from Dell but I'm consider other options.

Perhaps I should get 2 other IPS monitors (both have to be 1920x1200 though so that rules the 23 inch NEC out) but it seems like there really isn't anything in the price range that'll fit the bill.
I also noticed something with the seems like when I shut off the monitor, on the next power on all my USB devices connected to it will 'restart'.

I have not noticed this myself.

Does anyone know if you can set component input to sRGB mode? Graphics seems to be greyed out with Video as the only option and the Video presets all look very wrong. Another thing: is anyone seeing extreme banding, grain/noise, and blocking over component when not running 1:1? I'm getting the impression the scaler in the u2410 is terrible at doing 720p.
I received (and returned) my 3rd U2410 this week. It had again the blue tint issue, and also something which looked like there was a piece of dirt between panel and backlight. Really strange, I haven't seem something like that before, it moved with the viewing angle and darkened about 4 pixels.
I also have to say that the AG coating (?) was more of an issue than I initially thought. Reading text really strained my eyes. I'm working a lot with text every day, so this is important for me. All of my monitors are matte but this one is somehow worse.
The strange thing is that on the previous U2410 with Rev A00 text seemed to look much better. Had it unpacked only one hour, so this might be a false impression.

So no U2410 for me. Goodbye Dell. I wished I could still get a NEC 2490WUXi somewhere...
For the time being, I will wait for the ZR24w...
So no U2410 for me. Goodbye Dell. I wished I could still get a NEC 2490WUXi somewhere...
For the time being, I will wait for the ZR24w...
Don't give up hope!
I spent one week hunting eBay for the original 2690 WUXi with the A-TW polarizer and in that one week I seen three of them sell, one of those is the monitor I'm using right now. I only paid €450 for it and in my country the U2410 is €664 new!
its really sad to see all this negative posts. with dell being a big company, they should not have problems with a premium priced monitor.

i would be pissed if i had these problems with my u2410s with dell exchanging them with crap replacements...
Well I love mine and its working great , I realize not everyone has the same experience but I am pretty happy with my buy and plan to get 2 more.
Received mine 03/20/2010 through frozentundraelectronics on eBay.

U2410 A01, mfg'd. in Mexico in Feb. 2010

Upon first power-up, the screen colors looked very slightly yellow.
After changing it to sRGB, everything looked much better.
No idea if the colors are calibrated correctly--they seem fine to me.
The DeltaE of the calibration sheet showed all sRGB colors but one under 2 and the other under 3, but as I have been informed on here, this only represents the center of the screen.
I am currently using the beta .icm file version 3 provided by Dell (through their forums) for color management use.

I made a fullscreen white .jpg and noticed a tinge of tint (green on the left, pink on the right). It was barely noticeable, so I can definitely live with it, as you won't notice it at all in day-to-day use.

I sit about two feet away from the screen (unhealthy, I know), and the "sparkle" coating doesn't bother me one bit. It is a little noticeable, though.

The only thing that is bugging me is the USB hub problem noted several posts previously.
Turning off the monitor power will not disconnect power or connection from the hub.
Turning on the monitor will disconnect, then reconnect the power and connection.
Are other people experiencing this, or is this a problem only few people are experiencing?
I have been following this thread because I am considering getting this monitor for the wife but I got respond to the following:

You nailed a pretty silent underlined issue (well sorta of) of the U2410 :

1, Extended color gamut is something people are not use to , some people who don't realize what that involves .. its going to make colors look quite different in a number of different settings. We're all use to the 72-80 precent color range that many monitors have been using for ages (PVA,TN and IPS). So likely you are right , you're not use to the monitors range (even though sRGB it still is just an emulation mode so it'll retain some of it).

I don't mean to be rude but that is not correct. Outside of color aware applications the only color gamut that matters is sRGB or what is often referred to as 72% (72% of Adobe RGB). His old monitor was a monitor that would have closely matched sRGB and hence would have been more correct for most applications (Windows, games, video anything outside of Photoshop,etc).

What he is actually seeing is the standard sRGB color space values not matching those in the unique (none standard) gamut of the U2410.

Wide gamut in most PC scenarios is a disadvantage not an advantage. It only benefits a small subset of photographers. For the rest of us it is something that you have to work around. Given that most new monitors are not sRGB matched, it's just a fact of life until either Windows changes how it manages colors or the new scRGB standard becomes a reality.

2.Calibrating the U2410 will result in probably a very different image than what many of us have come use to with the 72+ precent color gamut. Spending 5 years with a likely not properly calibrated monitor will result in your brain being trained that it is the "acceptable" image you want to retain with a newer larger panel. In reality thats basicly impossible with some 5+ years old in this day and age , my oldest LCD (over 7 years old ) looks like complete crap and has wildly different colors then my U2410. So I can understand why its a bit weird for anyone coming from that...

Again not correct (aside from the brain statement). Calibration has no impact on the gamut. It only means that there is an accurate measurement of color primaries, black, white and gray scales in the LUT to be referenced by the OS or other programs. In other words it will ensure that a particular value of RED is correct in the color space of your U2410 gamut on the desktop or sRGB in a Photoshop is that if your color settings, etc. But does not change or impact the gamut in anyway.

In a color aware program, your older monitors color will look different because it is 7 years old. It has nothing to do with gamut just an aging display device.
I have been following this thread because I am considering getting this monitor for the wife but I got respond to the following:

I don't mean to be rude but that is not correct. Outside of color aware applications the only color gamut that matters is sRGB or what is often referred to as 72% (72% of Adobe RGB). His old monitor was a monitor that would have closely matched sRGB and hence would have been more correct for most applications (Windows, games, video anything outside of Photoshop,etc).

What he is actually seeing is the standard sRGB color space values not matching those in the unique (none standard) gamut of the U2410.

Wide gamut in most PC scenarios is a disadvantage not an advantage. It only benefits a small subset of photographers. For the rest of us it is something that you have to work around. Given that most new monitors are not sRGB matched, it's just a fact of life until either Windows changes how it manages colors or the new scRGB standard becomes a reality.

Care to risk a prediction? I was hoping that 7 would be fully colour managed but that obviously isn't true. In fact, it's just a small improvement from Vista.

It is getting frustrating to see a whole lot of high-end monitors being launched and knowing that everything (but colour-aware software) will look like crap.
its really sad to see all this negative posts. with dell being a big company, they should not have problems with a premium priced monitor.

i would be pissed if i had these problems with my u2410s with dell exchanging them with crap replacements...

Yea it really is a shame as i was going to get one.
The only thing that is bugging me is the USB hub problem noted several posts previously.
Turning off the monitor power will not disconnect power or connection from the hub.
Turning on the monitor will disconnect, then reconnect the power and connection.
Are other people experiencing this, or is this a problem only few people are experiencing?

Mine does this, it's also Mexico A01, received last week. It is VERY annoying as my 2005fpw does not have this problem. I haven't read anything regarding this from other people, so it's hard to say if it's normal or not. I called in and told them about my USB problem and my tint problem, and have a replacement due for delivery tomorrow so I will see if the USB works like I think it should on that one or not...
Received my third U2410 a few days ago. Ordered directly from Dell. A01, mfg in Mexico, Feb 2010. Finally had a chance to set it up yesterday. No dead pixels, no tint issues. So I am 3 for 3. Given the number of complaints in this thread, I guess I am fortunate.
Received my third U2410 a few days ago. Ordered directly from Dell. A01, mfg in Mexico, Feb 2010. Finally had a chance to set it up yesterday. No dead pixels, no tint issues. So I am 3 for 3. Given the number of complaints in this thread, I guess I am fortunate.

.....or you can't see the tinting
.....or you can't see the tinting

...but it's just as, if not more, likely that I have three panels which do not have a tinting problem. I have no color deficiency in my vision.

Do you believe that every single U2410 has tinting issues? Surely I am not the only one who received panels that are free from this issue.
...but it's just as, if not more, likely that I have three panels which do not have a tinting problem. I have no color deficiency in my vision.

Do you believe that every single U2410 has tinting issues? Surely I am not the only one who received panels that are free from this issue.

Mine is also tint free.
I have now gone through 3 replacements after exchanging my original U2410 to get the A01 firmware. The reason for sending the replacements back was mainly the tinting, but also that I can't seem to get good calibration results with the new firmware.

My original display with A00 achieved average dE2000 in sRGB mode of around 0.5 while all the three replacements have had dE2000s of around 1.3. The maximum dE2000's for the replacements were over 3.6 while for the original display it was well below 2. Also the gamma values for blue seem to be quite off before and after calibration. Darker blue colors were also the ones with higher dE's.

Calibrator and software used was Eye-One Display 2 and Match 3.

Has anyone else noticed something strange with the new firmware?
I just received my replacement. Been using it for about an hour and a half along with the 1st one in clone mode for comparisons sake. I also resetted the first one to factory, both running sRGB now. Didn't touch anything else. 50 brightness 50 contrast.

Now that I have another U2410 to compare with, it is VERY obvious my first one's colors are FUC*ED up. It's almost like the 1st one has a green/blue filter applied across the whole thing. There's also a noticeable 1.5inch dimmer side on the right side of the 1st screen.

All in all said...guys...GET A REPLACEMENT, if you are unsure if anything is wrong with your screen or not. That way you will have two to compare. I kept questioning myself if it was my eyes or the monitor...I am very glad the I did not sit and just accept this lemon of a 1st monitor. Many others noticed a dimmer edge that I described also but seem to have just accepted it. There could be other things wrong such as factory calibration (like on mine). Just because they calibrated it, doesn't mean it is correct, they could have screwd up badly...

My factory calibration for sRGB on the 1st monitor have 11 bars over Delta 2. My 2nd monitor only has 3 over Delta 2 for sRGB.

I haven't used the 2nd one long enough to say it's PERFECT, but it at least looks acceptable...

Forgot to mention, both are A01 from Mexico. In fact the person Tester ID, is the same...So the same person calibrated both my monitors.

The USB issue is still here on the replacement though.
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