Dell U2410

PatK & fto thanks for the fast reply's!

I sent email to shop that i would like to get my money back, cause i'm not satisfied with this monitor. I'm not going to jump to that monitor swapping roulette. I played that enough when i bought first time Samsung 226BW. Panel roulette... Always CMO-panel...

Its very sad that there isn't good all around monitor with user friendly price. Cause i play FPS/RTS -games, watch movies, design websites, edit photos, code etc. etc. I'm willing to pay ~600euros (800USD) from good all around monitor.
There is! Since you quote Euros it sounds like you're in Europe.

The new IPS based HP ZR24W just arrived in Europe this week (The UK has started to see supplies at least). HP, to their credit, have chosen NOT to rip Europe off on the price. Given the HUGE price difference compared to the U2410 (in Europe), the U2410 isn't even remotely competitive with it. You should be able to find the ZR24W for under 350 euros.

Total lag appears to be around 1 frame (same as the U2410 in game mode), it doesn't have wide gamut colour annoyances, and seems set to avoid the worst of the tint uniformity issues the U2410 suffers. Of course, it'll still be subject to the usual variable quality LCD's suffer from in this price range. If you want to try to avoid that unfortunately you have to look at the higher end NEC screens or even Eizo etc.

The one thing I'm not sure about is if the ZR24w has the same image quality. EG I can see square 1 on the black level test, and square 254 on their white test on my U2410, and (from some initial reports) it seems like the ZR24W might not be as good in that area. Even so, if I was buying today, given the fact that it's an IPS panel with acceptable gaming performance, I would most like buy the ZR24W instead given the massive price difference in Europe compared to the U2410.
After reading many of the post of this thread I still don't understand what is the RGBmode that seems to be the mode that is giving problems? For gaming, movie watching and web surfing, do you need that mode? Is there an "standard" mode for the U2410 doesn't have the problems some are having that is good for those purposes said above?

How does this monitor compares with the 2007WFP? Is it just a bigger 2007WFP, better or worse? Thanks.
After reading many of the post of this thread I still don't understand what is the RGBmode that seems to be the mode that is giving problems?

The only problems with sRGB and AdobeRGB have been dithering issues on black. However it has since been fixed with rev.01. You can flash rev.00 by yourself as well...

The other problems aren't really related (just enhanced in some cases) by the RGB modes. The tinting issues are more to do with how the panel is built by LG.

As for how it compares to 2007wfp...I had a 2005wfp, and I was impressed by my 2nd U2410 (replacement). It is sharp, colors are good, good black levels and brightness. Really outlined how much age is on my 2005wfp.

With that being said, I'm on my third one now, because the second one suddenly developed a dead pixel. I will probably be calling in once I get home for a full refund. There's too much luck involved in getting a good panel. For me at least...1/3. I am unwilling to continue to ask for any more replacements.
Thanks for the info FTO. I am ordering this monitor with a PC from DELL. Should I get the one year warranty or the two year. Lastly, how severe is the lag of this display in terms of game playing? My 2007WPF shows severe lag in racing games for instance but it is rated at 14ms not the claimed 6ms of the U2410. Do they really improve it with this model?
Thanks for the info FTO. I am ordering this monitor with a PC from DELL. Should I get the one year warranty or the two year. Lastly, how severe is the lag of this display in terms of game playing? My 2007WPF shows severe lag in racing games for instance but it is rated at 14ms not the claimed 6ms of the U2410. Do they really improve it with this model?

How good of a price are you getting with the pc? The u2410 is 499 at small business right now and it has the full 3 year warranty vs the warranty that the pc has. It may or may not be a better value to you to buy it seperate.
Thanks for the advise but in don't live in the States. The tax for the monitor along is 55%! (the same tax as a tv) but with a PC as a whole unit is goes down to 14%. Besides I was intending to change the PC already. The only problem is that the only configuration able to buy that monitor is by choosing a Alienware equipment that might be overkill. At least AW case is upgradeable.
@FTO: About the dithering problem people were experiencing with their U2410, in the case that the monitor I am buying were still a rev.00, I understand from your post that even I could fix that problem updating the firmware? That would be great because I thought the dithering problem was a defective design/hardware issue that could only be solved by having another monitor.
@FTO: About the dithering problem people were experiencing with their U2410, in the case that the monitor I am buying were still a rev.00, I understand from your post that even I could fix that problem updating the firmware? That would be great because I thought the dithering problem was a defective design/hardware issue that could only be solved by having another monitor.

I don't have it personally since all three of mine were A.01, but searching this thread shows page 84 has a link to need to know that you're flashing at your own risk though, and may void your warranty!
@fto: Ok. When my monitor arrives, the first thing I am going to do is to see what revision does it have. If it is not the A.01 I would call DELL immediately.
About the warranty, do you think one year is enough or better of two years. Having it for 2 years cost me an additional US$150! for the whole equipment (PC and monitor). Worth it?
@fto: Ok. When my monitor arrives, the first thing I am going to do is to see what revision does it have. If it is not the A.01 I would call DELL immediately.
About the warranty, do you think one year is enough or better of two years. Having it for 2 years cost me an additional US$150! for the whole equipment (PC and monitor). Worth it?

I am unsure if you are talking about warranty for your PC or the U2410. If for your PC, then it's really your choice...(I tend to believe things (that break) tend to break in the first few months of normal/extended use)

The U2410 itself should already have 3 year warranty, I don't see why it would become 1 year just because you're buying it with a PC (but you should call to make sure, just in case...). So if it does already have 3 year warranty, to me, it's overkill to pay for anything more. It's only a $419 monitor (when on sale in Canada).

But of course, you might want the warranty for your PC not your monitor. Though it'd be a pretty sweet deal if the $150 extends your PC warranty to 2 years, and your U2410 to 3yrs+2yrs. Again you should call and ask them (and maybe haggle them)..................................;)
I am unsure if you are talking about warranty for your PC or the U2410. If for your PC, then it's really your choice...(I tend to believe things (that break) tend to break in the first few months of normal/extended use)

The U2410 itself should already have 3 year warranty, I don't see why it would become 1 year just because you're buying it with a PC (but you should call to make sure, just in case...). So if it does already have 3 year warranty, to me, it's overkill to pay for anything more. It's only a $419 monitor (when on sale in Canada).

But of course, you might want the warranty for your PC not your monitor. Though it'd be a pretty sweet deal if the $150 extends your PC warranty to 2 years, and your U2410 to 3yrs+2yrs. Again you should call and ask them (and maybe haggle them)..................................;)

I tend to think extended warranties are not worth the price. If something is going to break, it usually does right away. I have never had any problems with dell monitors going bad. We have several pc and monitors that are a few years old and going strong.

As for the u2410 warranty; if purchased by itself the warranty is 3 years. If purchased with the pc then monitors take on the warranty of the pc. This is dells policy.
Thank you very much for your answers. As the U2410 is a 16:10 panel (1900 x 1200) and movies and PS3 games are 16:9, would that increase the black bars on movie playing and God forbid create black bars while playing PS3 games?
Dont all the brand new monitors have A.01? And have they fixed the tinting issues on them yet?

They all should be a01 by now. The only fix with a01 is for dithering. The tint is a manufacturing problem by lg. It cannot be fixed via firmware without some sort of hardware compensation such as NEC's colorcomp adding significantly to the price.
Ive been researching monitors and when it comes to U2410 im a little confused, from what Ive researched it seems the 2408FWP Rev 2 is better overall? Better contrast ratio & black levels? even the input lag tests lower on the 2408, Or is this site not correct?: (compare various results using the "Choose test" drop down menu)
The site's wrong - The input lag of the U2410 is certainly lower in game mode and definitely averages below 1 frame.. It's good enough for fairly competitive gaming. The only way you're going to do better (to any measurable degree) is with a 120Hz TN panel right now.

Likewise I'd take the picture quality of the U2410 over a 2408 too. There's really only 3 negatives about the U2410 - The thick anti-glare coating (which isn't that big of an issue for most people, but a small percentage really hate it), the wide colour gamut (although the supplied sRGB mode is likely an acceptable "workaround" for most), and the fairly bad tint issues some screens have. Some people might pick a specific negative about a certain feature they don't like either, but to me the tint issue is the one major negative the U2410 has. Otherwise they really are very good screens.
Currently I am running three 2007FPs in a triple screen eyefinity setup and I have been debating on whether or not to "upgrade," to three dell U2410s.

I almost pulled the trigger yesterday for $499 and then today I decided to go ahead and get them and the rep is now telling me that the $499 price is invalid and the lowest they will now go is $599. Lol, what a joke their sales staff is, I mean really!

I am hesitant because it took six monitors to get the three 2007FPs that I have now and they all are perfect with no dead pixels or backlight problems. I am hesitant to go thru all of that again, which is why I have been back and fourth on the issue of getting three U2410s

Is anybody else running three U2410s in an eyefinity setup and how do you like them?
I have 3 in eyefinity and all were perfect right out of the box. I like them quite a bit. I also bought 12 more for the office and not a single one with an issue so by all account of this thread I'm either very lucky or blind....
finally got mine today. my panel seems to have no issues. only thing i'm surprised about is that they didn't include a HDMI cable. Using the ATI 10.4 drivers causes tearing when using more than 1 monitor, so i hope they finish the build soon. The screen seems so much bigger compared to my old fpd2185w
I just set mine up and it, too, doesn't seem to have any issues. The info on the monitor, for those that may be curious, say it was built in March of this year and is obviously Rev A01. I've noticed none of the issues reported in here, and I just popped in Avatar on Bluray and, aside from magnificent color reproduction, there appears to be zero backlight bleed. That is fantastic from my perspective, because I hated the bleed on my 215TW. I can definitely see that there's more detail in dark scenes vs the black crush that the 215TW exhibited. The default brightness and contrast settings seem ok for me, but I no doubt will have to adjust them. I'm sure the default brightness setting is too much for me.
I sold my U2410 to someone who didn't care about color tinting.

Before when i thought selling it, i called to local Dell and told him that have tinting problems in my U2410. He said that "Yep. We know it and it's known problem in U2410 and 2711. I can't suggest you to replace your monitor with another and i can' do it, cause history has teach, that it won't help. Problem is in LG panel and you can't do anything about it and neither can we. You can always complain and try to get some other Dell monitor.".

But i'm happy now. Willing to buy some other monitor in future, but won't untill it has user reviews ;)
Before when i thought selling it, i called to local Dell and told him that have tinting problems in my U2410. He said that "Yep. We know it and it's known problem in U2410 and 2711. I can't suggest you to replace your monitor with another and i can' do it, cause history has teach, that it won't help. Problem is in LG panel and you can't do anything about it and neither can we. You can always complain and try to get some other Dell monitor.".

Holy he really said that? I was hoping to get a U2711 after going through 3xU2410s...ughh :(
Yep he said... I couldn't even start "Monitor Roulette", cause they refused to replace my monitor even once. I forget to mention that my monitor with tinting problems was manufactured in Czech.
I thought they would give me flack when I try to refund, since I went through two NEW replacements. They actually had no problem giving me a refund. Sent me a UPS label to send it back for refund...
I want to know your opinion about the U2410 in games and do you advise me to this monitor ? what is the policy for returns dell ? 1 month ?
return policy is 21 days from your invoice date and if not defective they may charge 15% restocking fee
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I want to know your opinion about the U2410 in games and do you advise me to this monitor ? what is the policy for returns dell ? 1 month ?
I had Dell U2410 and LG W2452V-PF (TN-panel) side by side and mode was clone. Then i played Battlefield Bad Company 2, i didn't notice anything. I didn't even enable "Game-mode" from U2410, i played with sRGB and tried AdobeRGB too, but my eye didn't notice lag in fast action gaming.
Yo, I'm here to let you guys know that tinting issues suck, and they aren't fixed yet so don't to convince people they are. My new display came today, A01 assembled in Mexico this month. No noticeable pink tint, but a bit of green for sure, which makes my 2209WA with perfect uniformity look that much more quality to me. I need to go a bit brighter than normal which kinda sucks, my 2209WA was on 0 brightness before and life was perfect. Stick with 2 of those over this for sure. Otherwise it's looking pretty nice. I'm generally not a gambling man but the $429 day of deals price just overloaded my brain and I went for the wallet. Good luck to the rest of you who also take this chance.
Here's another update on my exchanges with Dell.

The "new" LCD arrived yesterday. I plugged it in today and it seems fine. However, going into the service menu, I found out that the LCD has been on for 3 hours and 50 min. prior to my installation. I'm just wondering if it's normal for people to be receiving "new" LCDs to get one with a couple of hours in the lamp? It's ashame that I didn't test this out when I first got my Dell LCDs to find out if the lamp hour was at 0 or not. Can someone confirm this for me?

Also, how are you guys testing for tinting on the LCD?

Here's another weird quirk that I noticed. When I originally bought the 2 U2410s, all the DVI cables had caps on the cables. Every exchange since then included DVI cables without the caps. Is this how Dell is now shipping their DVI cables with their U2410s or that's how they ship their refurbished products? The last LCD that I got from them has been used and the box has no label whatsoever on whether it was new or refurbished despite the comments here that refurbished LCDs are labelled as refurbished.
Hi I replaced three 2007fps with three U2410s and there is very noticeable screen tearing going on. This screen tearing is not happening with games where I am exceeding 60fps either, the tearing is happening even well below 60fps! What the hell is going on? Is there a setting that I missed?

I am running a Sapphire Toxic 5870 2GB card and the control panel says all the monitors are set with 60hz refresh rates, so what the hell is going on with this monitor? I have noticed the tearing in Over Flanders Fields, Wings of Prey, Just Cause 2, Dirt 2 and Rise of Flight. I never had this problem with my 2007fps!
Hi I replaced three 2007fps with three U2410s and there is very noticeable screen tearing going on. This screen tearing is not happening with games where I am exceeding 60fps either, the tearing is happening even well below 60fps! What the hell is going on? Is there a setting that I missed?

I am running a Sapphire Toxic 5870 2GB card and the control panel says all the monitors are set with 60hz refresh rates, so what the hell is going on with this monitor? I have noticed the tearing in Over Flanders Fields, Wings of Prey, Just Cause 2, Dirt 2 and Rise of Flight. I never had this problem with my 2007fps!

Gonna say thats a driver issue , never really heard of the U2410 having abnormal screen tearing.
Gonna say thats a driver issue , never really heard of the U2410 having abnormal screen tearing.

You are CORRECT!!!! I didn't wanna believe that I had to reload another driver, because my Vista OS is a bit corrupted, so I loaded 10.4a on my W7 partition and it worked like a charm, so then I spent the next hour loading 10.4a on my Vista partition and it now works brilliantly as well!

The Dell U2410s look spectacular and now function perfectly!

And babyshark I am using the Ergotech Triple mount, but it is not a wall mount, I would recommend you check out Ergotech though because they have some great, expensive, stuff!
And babyshark I am using the Ergotech Triple mount, but it is not a wall mount, I would recommend you check out Ergotech though because they have some great, expensive, stuff!
I thought about mounting it to the desk, but I'm working with a glass desk so I'm not sure it would be able to support it. I'll have to look at some different mounts
I thought about mounting it to the desk, but I'm working with a glass desk so I'm not sure it would be able to support it. I'll have to look at some different mounts

This is what I am using, it does not mount to anything as its has one really large base. But the base is very slim so you can put your leather letter desk protector over it and never really know that the base is there.
Hey guys, I wish to make my voice heard about the tinting issue. I know it won't help much and I'm not looking for a replacement, but I still want them to know there are disappointed customers out there. The last thing I want to do is have my complaint fall on deaf ears, does anyone have a good customer service contact who will at least take another complaint into consideration?