Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

This forum is a mixed blessing....

Good information, and helpful advice on making purchases.......

But damn do I envy EVERY system you guys have!!!
BrandonClaps said:
I'm enjoying mine!



top of new page :eek:
BrandonClaps said:
I'm enjoying mine!


I use to have that same wallpaper, but then I reformatted and couldn't remember where I got it. I think it was deviant art, not sure though.
BrandonClaps said:
massage the dead pixel like you were massaging your neck lol circular motion, not to hard

I was wondering about the backlight rather then dead pixel (which I think went away after rubbing it by chance...)
james__bean said:
I use to have that same wallpaper, but then I reformatted and couldn't remember where I got it. I think it was deviant art, not sure though.
Yeah, it's from DeviantART.
Santos L. Halper said:
I'm gonna use it over the weekend. If it really starts to bug me I might return it.

The stuck pixel is neon fucking green. It's pretty hard not to notice.

The won't take it back with just 1 dead pixel, and they have every right to refuse a return. If you think 1 dead pixel is call for returning you shouldn't invest in an LCD monitor. Most places require at least 5 dead and even higher in other places.
CopyCat said:
The won't take it back with just 1 dead pixel, and they have every right to refuse a return. If you think 1 dead pixel is call for returning you shouldn't invest in an LCD monitor. Most places require at least 5 dead and even higher in other places.

Can't your return it for any reason you want during the 21 days or an exchange, isn't that what satisfaction guaranteed stands for? Though, for 1 did pixel and if everything else is okay, sending it back could get you something that is worse.

I once bought a Inspiron 8100 (not sure on number) laptop, $2500 I think. It had an UXGA 15inch screen. The screen was amazing, sharp, no dead pixels. Though, being my first time as a laptop owner, I didn't like how the bottom was lighter than the top, no perfect viewing angle. As a graphic artist I felt I'd rather wait for improved screens before investing this much. So I called and said I wanted to return because of that, which really didn't mean anything was wrong with the screen, and they first tried to offer me something to keep it, but they took it back. I might of had to pay shipping though.

Now with my new Gateway 7405, only WXGA, but the lightness at the bottom is so minimal, you have to be on a black background to see that less than an inch at the bottom has some backlighting lightness. Much better than the the lighting on the original Dell laptop I mentioned

Now when my 2005fpw arrives, I hope to see no backlighting issues, as that is the way it should be.
CopyCat said:
The won't take it back with just 1 dead pixel, and they have every right to refuse a return. If you think 1 dead pixel is call for returning you shouldn't invest in an LCD monitor. Most places require at least 5 dead and even higher in other places.

Well upon further review my one dead pixel wasn't my biggest problem.


I'm definetly sending this thing back. On the Ravenholm level in Half-Life 2,
there is major backlighting problems, especially in the upper left.

I love this monitor, I'm just wishing I didn't have the backlight leakage.
Santos, that's *horrible*...

Yeah, I'd send it back, too.

Reason: "I'm not satisfied!"
That does nt look good no. Just saying for 1 dead pixel you should keep it....i think returning a 1 stuck/dead pixel monitor with no other probs is a waste of time, yours in particular.

You do have backlighting issues though.

As far as the satisfaction thing, not sure how that works for dell. :)
CopyCat said:
The won't take it back with just 1 dead pixel, and they have every right to refuse a return. If you think 1 dead pixel is call for returning you shouldn't invest in an LCD monitor. Most places require at least 5 dead and even higher in other places.

bullsheit, you can return it for any reason. you can return it cause you don't like how the styrofoam looked. i told them mine had 8 dead pixels in 1 area, when it only had 3 in seperate areas. New one for me. I will settle for nothing but perfect, i don't expect anyone else to either if they are paying that much for something they are looking at 100% of the time
All right ... let the bragging rights game begin...

Today, I received my 2nd Ultrasharp 2005fpw. So far, so good... No dead pixels and very little signs of backlighting. Part of me regrets not returning my first one now after seeing this one with out the backlighting... I guess I didn't realize how bad it was, or I didn't want to fess up to myself of it. None the less, I would rather have a back light issue then dead/stuck pixels. 90% of the time, I have never notice it.
Daul-2005fpw 004.jpg

Daul-2005fpw 009.jpg

Daul-2005fpw 010.jpg

Daul-2005fpw 010a.jpg

I would like to thank Dell for the coupons and great service. With the exception of an order received with DHL, I have had a great 2 months of experience so far. Well done on the Dellf Game promotion.
Can you tell which one is the November issue and which is the December Issue? (both RevA00 and from Mexico)
Daul-2005fpw 011.jpg
Here is a pic I forgot I took and never transferred from the camera...
MonitorTest 010.jpg

Honestly, it didn't look that bad at the time. The camera brings it out a little bit more then I remember it being.

I took the pictures with one in portrait mode due to the lack of similar pics here. I didn't intend on leaving it like that, but I am already hooked! Web surfing is sexy again ... no more scrolling. :D If you only new how much easier it is to read a web forum like this one, or news articels on the many news sites. ... god I'm a lazy bitch ...

Back light and all, I still love the first one almost as much as the new one. It looks like Dell has worked out a bug or two from November's version and I think it is still a must have buy.
Bought It.
Love It.
no dead pixels.
Great for DVDS

$650 door to door
Pringals said:

I would like to thank Dell for the coupons and great service. With the exception of an order received with DHL, I have had a great 2 months of experience so far. Well done on the Dellf Game promotion.

How exactly did you do this? Do you have an Nvidia or ATI card? I tried this earlier with my 6800 Ultra, 2001FP, and Samsung LCD. Whenever I rotated both would rotate, and when I used both displays would only let my 2001FP go to the same res as the samsung LCD, which was 1280x1024. Is there a way to make my 2001FP 1600x1200 and my Samsung 1280x1024?
BrandonClaps said:
bullsheit, you can return it for any reason. you can return it cause you don't like how the styrofoam looked. i told them mine had 8 dead pixels in 1 area, when it only had 3 in seperate areas. New one for me. I will settle for nothing but perfect, i don't expect anyone else to either if they are paying that much for something they are looking at 100% of the time

I guess lying is ok too. :rolleyes:
Raines8416 said:
How exactly did you do this? Do you have an Nvidia or ATI card? I tried this earlier with my 6800 Ultra, 2001FP, and Samsung LCD. Whenever I rotated both would rotate, and when I used both displays would only let my 2001FP go to the same res as the samsung LCD, which was 1280x1024. Is there a way to make my 2001FP 1600x1200 and my Samsung 1280x1024?
I have a BFG 6800 Ultra and it's a breeze with Nview. You may be having some issues due to the 2 different kinds of monitors. I am new to the dual displays and LCD's, so I don't know what to tell ya. I've had dual CRT's at work in the past, but was never "allowed" to tinker with anything outside "productive work".

It's kind of weird having two widescreen monitors in portrait mode, then switching one back. It's just wired... visually... hard to explain. It's a "see to know" kind of thing I guess.

... one last note, you may want to go back and edit your quote and eliminate the urls for the pics. They not only dog down the board for 56k'ers, but also doubles my viewing bandwidth allowance. Thanks.
Pringals said:
... one last note, you may want to go back and edit your quote and eliminate the urls for the pics. They not only dog down the board for 56k'ers, but also doubles my viewing bandwidth allowance. Thanks.

What kind of service enforces bandwidth viewing limits, and their pricing? I just have plain SBC $26 a month DSL with no limits on anything.
The story continues...

My replacement 2005 arrived today. It is a December model. Backlight leak is still present, but improved over my November model. New one has 3 stuck pixels though.

Is it possible to send these back and just get a refund from Dell?
Mons said:
The story continues...

My replacement 2005 arrived today. It is a December model. Backlight leak is still present, but improved over my November model. New one has 3 stuck pixels though.

Is it possible to send these back and just get a refund from Dell?

Hehe, I'd try and ask, saying since both are screwed up, if I could keep both or you'll just do a full refund and they'd then have two bad screens to deal with and the loss in shipping costs and a purchase. Fat chance of that happening though.
I know that most of us on this thread are going to bitch about how crappy our 2005fpw's are, but that's how it goes- you rarely come on a thread to say how great your product is.

That being said, Dell (in my eyes) has some serious problems with these monitors, and their customer service sucks (despite the awards they have won). I received my first 2005fpw at the end of November (Nov 2004 manufacture date) and it had horrible backlight leakage. I returned it, and they sent me a new one on Dec. 4 that I got later the next week. This one (also a Nov 2004) had dead white pixels right smack in the center, so of course, what does your eye go right to? I called the non-English speaking idiots at Dell, and was promised a replacement shipped to me in 2-3 business days, right in time for a LAN I was having. The tech said he would personally check to make sure there were no dead pixels and no backlight issues. Yeah, right. He gave me my dispatch number and sent me on my way.

Well, 8 business days later, I still had no monitor and called Dell, where I got to talk to another non-English speaking rep who after about 40 minutes of me giving him all my info (apparently at Dell it takes this long to type in a customer number and see their order history) tells me that they shipped me one on Dec. 4. Then it took 5 more minutes to explain to him that this was their first defective replacement that I received. After a lot more "thank you for holding, mj007", I come to find out that the first Dell rep who promised to personally check my panel never submitted my dispatch number, so in essence, the replacement was never sent because my order never was entered into their system. Nice of Dell to do that to me. I had to use my defective 2005fpw at my LAN because of their stupidity.

I now get assured a new one will be sent 2-3 business days (again) and that this new Dell rep will call me on Tuesday (the 28th) to check to see if I got my 2nd replacement. Tuesday comes and goes, no monitor, no call. I dial the Dell rep's extension and--- shock! I get voicemail. And his mailbox is full. And when you dial "0" to be transferred to the covering extension, it says that extension does not exist. WTF?!!!!

So I get to call the normal support line and wait another 30 minutes to talk to someone. Surprisingly this time I get someone who was can speak fluent unaccented English. After a few minutes of checking (easily the most competent of all my Dell reps) he tells me that the monitor is still "in production" (as though the Dell oompa-loompas are physically making them by hand in the Dell factory) and that the scheduled ship date is tomorrow, New Year's Eve, and that I should have it by Monday, Jan. 3. It was nice to learn that the previous Dell rep lied to me and told me it would ship a week earlier than it actually would.

So, /RANT. If you've actually gotten this far, I would like to say that Dell sucks. If this third panel is not PERFECT (as it should be, for shelling out that kind of money) I'm going to have to demand my money back. I understand a little backlight leakage is often unavoidable, but you shouldn't have to settle with what is obviously a defective batch. I guess you do get what you pay for, considering Dell's competition in the 20" LCD market is selling their products for like $400+ more. You don't see any mass threads on here about people complaining about their VP201s or any other 20" LCD... :mad: :(

EDIT: WOO HOO! Got my "new" 2005FPW and it's a fucking refurb! How I got the panel today I don't know, when that rep told me next Monday....I feel sorry for the rep that gets my call when I get home from work. Time for a refund!

How can you tell it's a refurb? I am curious because I am getting a replacement and they better not send me a fucking refurb.

I paid for a new monitor and that's what I expect.
i just ordered mine...just wondering how long it took for you guys to get urs in? thanx

It has a gigantic white sticker on the side of the box that says "REFURBISHED". I dont even have to open the box up to get pissed off- it comes off the UPS truck that way.
modat said:
i just ordered mine...just wondering how long it took for you guys to get urs in? thanx
Mine is taking a very long time... I regret I got ground because its been 6 days since I ordered and its still in Ohio.
I just sent mine back for a refund.

Does anybody else make a 20" widescreen lcd other than dell? The only thing I can find is the sony and hp 23" which is way out of my price range.
He my scoop on this......People stop your wining....Dell is a huge company and though there Customer service is lacking or even sucks sometimes they still get my repeat business. I have spent over $30k with them in the last 2 years 75% of the stuff purchased was fore resale...yes resale because there prices are so darn good. If you want better service go by the only other 20" widescreen out there..........yes the apple for $1299 or shut up and by 2 dells and still have $200 BUCKS LEFT. Owe BTW NO S-video, PIP ETC on the Apple.

BTW I ordered my 2005fpw and it took about 10 days to arrive after the order. It's a DEC 04 build date and has minimal backlight leakage and no pixel problems.

Well it is pretty shitty of Dell when they send you a defective monitor and then the replacement is a refurb. If you pay for a new monitor thats what you should get. My 2005FPW was supposed to be delivered today. Its still not here and probably wont be cause it was sent through DHL which has yet to be on time in my experience with them.

All I know is if my monitor has serious issues, I will call for a replacement and I tell them I want a BRAND NEW ONE not refurb. If they tell me they are sending a refurb (or if thats what I get), I will ask for a refund instead.
Alright here's my review.

I ordered the 2005 on the 24th for $554 after coupons. I intentionally waited about a month after I first heard about the backlight problems in hopes that my chances of getting one that was not afflicted with this problem would increase with time. I recieved it on the 29th from dhl, who left it on my doorstep with no sig required. I was already wary that this would happen, which is why I placed my order while I was home on break. Although I was surprised to get a November model, my patience seemed to have paid off as I got a panel with very slight leakage and no pixel problems. This may very well be a late November model that I received.

With a 9600 Pro and catalyst 4.12, setup was a breeze. I immediately disconnected the vga cable and hooked this puppy up with dvi. The first load of windows resulted in some stretched lower resolution. I went to the cp and resolution settings, and found that 1680x1050 had magically appeared in the selection menu. I had yet to even pop in the dell cd that it came with. I went with this to give the monitor it's native res, and it looked tons better. The cd contains an inf file for the 2005, which I loaded, and some documentation in a bunch of different languages. The brightness was insane right off the bat and I had to do two things to get it to a nice level. 1. I had to change the brightness in the ati color tab to -80, 2. Then I changed the monitor's internal brightness from 100 to 0 (this did very little compared to the ati setting). Very soon I discovered the ati brightness settings would reset to default after entering or exiting windows, a game, or a video progam. This was VERY annoying and I hope ati fixes this if its a bug.

After playing around with this thing all day yesterday, I've had a love/hate experience. Let's talk about the bad first.

This monitor has almost NO viewing angle on dark material. This is in part to the extremely heavy purple tint that takes over the screen when you try to look at it from an angle. Most lcd monitors, like my friend's FOUR year old laptop screen, just fade out gradually, possibly with a gray tint. This thing spits out a very nasty reddish purple that makes any angle viewing completely unwatchable in some cases, especially during dark movies. I truly believe this is because of the crappy kind of light dell uses. This isn't a color issue with the panel, so no amount of tweaking could lessen the effect. Otherwise, viewing angle was pretty good I must say from side to side in other uses.

The 2005 also, being an lcd, just can't hold a candle to a crt for blacks, even today. I thought that after this many years, they would have found some way to drastically improve the contrast and make it watchable for dark movies, but it actually has improved very little. It is fairly annoying to watch a dark movie like Collateral and not see a lick of deep black. It's like you're missing an entire color. Everything is dark gray. Now I know why all those lcd tvs have silver panels, as a black frame would be a constant reminder of the blacks you're not getting. I thought that lcd might have a chance to jump on plasma sooner than later, now I'm quite uncertain of that. The good thing I can say about the movie experience is that it handled motion like a champ and despite having bad contrast, colors were incredibly impressive and not washed out. I noticed no ghosting during fast movement in films.

I like the benefits of flat panels over my crt - no flicker, incredible detail, digital hookup, bright colors, less power, less heat, no radiation(?lol can't tell, but I feel like I'm going to get head cancer any day with this crt). This thing is so easy on the eyes. For desktop use and web browsing, nothing can beat it. I played some games, and although most cards aren't powerful enough to run it's native res, and most games only support 4:3 ratios, this won't be the case in the future. Plus, having black bars on the sides was not annoying to me at all. I would not stretch to defeat this. The ghosting was there, as with all lcds, so if you're in any way involved in competitive online gaming that requires very spasmatic motion (like cs... and you're good) a crt is always going to be the way to go. However, if you normally suck in cs anyway, or you're more into single player stuff or emulation, this lcd offers a more enjoyable experience.

In the end, it always comes down to priorities. Are you going to use this for games (weak yes), desktop use (strong yes), or theater use (weak no)? Or are you just trying to save your eyesight (strong yes)?

p.s. I have seen some people claim that these backlight problems are exagerrated under the claim that people who are happy are less likely to post than people who are unhappy. I believe this to be bullshit logic as I pre-decided to post my experience before I even received it. Also, of all these forum members who post frequently, they're just going to ignore this gaint thread if they're happy? Hell no, they're going to do what they do every day - post. Even if it's two sentences long. I believe there was a very big problem in most november makes, and it could still even be a consistency problem, because even I can notice a little in places people posted theirs - the corners.

edit: clarified some descriptions
FitzRoy said:
Very soon I discovered the ati brightness settings would reset to default after entering or exiting windows, a game, or a video progam. This was VERY annoying and I hope ati fixes this if its a bug.
This is a known problem that ATI has failed to address through countless driver revisions and yes, it’s bloody annoying. For my next video upgrade, I’m going back to nVidia.
Fitzroy I agree with you with the redish tint but you can only notice it on an extreme angle with a solid black background. I think this monitor viewing angle is fine...I barley notice a difference sitting at my desk or standing up. The only time I notice a difference is when I'm standing up and at and extreme angle. If you thing the 2005 is bad don't even thing about the Sony P234 $2k 23" It 10 times worse. As for the Black level this monitor is pretty good campared to most of the LCD's I've used and I have owned about 10 different models. The Best so far is the IBM 170L 17" the blacks are great and there's no backlight leakage what so ever.

cmacclel said:
The Best so far is the IBM 170L 17" the blacks are great and there's no backlight leakage what so ever.


Do you have any specs on these panels (i.e. response time)? I have a triple monitor setup of these at work and dont have many detailed specs on them. A couple of my buddies at work borrowed a couple of them for a LAN, they seemed to be pretty satisfied. I agree, the blacks are great and there is next to no backlight leakage.

EDIT: Sorry about the thread crapping, back on topic!
Originally Posted by Pringals
... one last note, you may want to go back and edit your quote and eliminate the urls for the pics. They not only dog down the board for 56k'ers, but also doubles my viewing bandwidth allowance. Thanks.
TimothyB said:
What kind of service enforces bandwidth viewing limits, and their pricing? I just have plain SBC $26 a month DSL with no limits on anything.
Yea... your right Tim. I guess I should have just recommended it for good forum etiquette instead. No since reshowing images already posted. Not fun for the 56k'ers or the people who have to pay the [H] bills to run these forums.
Pringals said:
Yea... your right Tim. I guess I should have just recommended it for good forum etiquette instead. No since reshowing images already posted. Not fun for the 56k'ers or the people who have to pay the [H] bills to run these forums.

I have a 2k5fpw and love it. nothing beats playing bfv in native resolution. I got hooked on widescreen with my insp 9100 and 8600, nothing beats it.

just wanted to comment on the [h] paying the bills for the images. Those images are off-site and [h] should be paying any hosting charges for them.