Dead Space remake (2023)


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Electronic Arts will announce a Dead Space revival during its EA Play Live digital event on July 22nd, according to VentureBeat writer Jeff Grubb in the latest GamesBeat Decides podcast...the revival is reportedly developed by Electronic Arts’ Motive studio, which also developed the October 2020-released Star Wars: Squadrons

the Dead Space series launched in October 2008 and has not seen a new entry since the release of Dead Space 3 in February 2013...
So will these be a remake or a sequel? I'm in either way, the first one scared the living shit outta me at the time.
So will these be a remake or a sequel? I'm in either way, the first one scared the living shit outta me at the time.
Can't be a sequel considering how Dead Space 3 ended.

Needs to go back to being a slower-paced scary game instead of Streets of Rage in space. DS3 was good, but too much action.
I always see people saying this, but I don't understand what is so different from the first two games that make people say it. I'd understand it if all you played was the first couple hours.
dead space 1 was very good , except for the close over the shoulder look..., to me...
I got through it... , and I understand why they did it..., but I can't get into close ,over the shoulder
games any more... makes me dizzy... and the veiw was so tiny , if I remember correctly ...
My favorite is DS2, which I hope is what this new one is modeled after. 3 was great to play with someone else but it was also less creepy. 1 had atmosphere by the buckets but sucked when using a mouse.
dead space 1 was very good , except for the close over the shoulder look..., to me...
I got through it... , and I understand why they did it..., but I can't get into close ,over the shoulder
games any more... makes me dizzy... and the veiw was so tiny , if I remember correctly ...

Ha! When it came out, I had just had a surgery, and was on copious amounts of painkillers. I could only play it for 5 minutes at a time, but I did it anyway because I was having fun. Totally made me sick though after each short block. :D
agreed...the sequels moved away from horror to more action...hopefully they take the game back to its roots

That article reports that it's a reimagining of the original... I hope not, they have an established universe already. They can "reimagine" it with a new main character who goes through it from the beginning, and we can join them on the ride for their journey.
Dead Space is one of my favorite games. I will look forward to another, as long as they get back to the horror.

Also, if you didn't know, keep an eye on The Callisto Protocol, which is being developed by the original creator of Dead Space.

Hmm, that sounds even better than a Dead Space remake IMO. Or at least has the potential to be.
Hmm, that sounds even better than a Dead Space remake IMO. Or at least has the potential to be.
Agreed, I'm more excited for it, especially after learning that this is potentially a reimagining.
IF they do a brand new game in the existing universe, I'm down. But if it's Isaac, and a reboot, I'll still get it, but it'll move to the back burner while Callisto Protocol will be played first.
agreed...the sequels moved away from horror to more action...hopefully they take the game back to its roots
Dead Space 2 is one of the scariest games I've ever played. The last half of Dead Space 3 came damned close to evoking that same kind of fear in me. The series arguably got scarier in the sequels. If we're ranking the Dead Space games by scary factor, I would put 2 first, 3 second, and 1 last.
Dead Space is one of my favorite games. I will look forward to another, as long as they get back to the horror.

Also, if you didn't know, keep an eye on The Callisto Protocol, which is being developed by the original creator of Dead Space.
Negative Atmosphere is another that is honoring Dead Space by bringing space horror to us.
What is this game about anyways?! Space with aliens? What was the plot?
Without getting into spoiler territory:

Humans discover an artifact that is able to solve Earth's energy crisis, but the artifact is much more than it seems. Those exposed to its influence begin to change in horrifying ways. These artifacts are dubbed "markers" as many of them are discovered on planets that humans are expanding to. The later games expose a Reaper-level kind of threat to the galaxy.
Dead Space 2 is one of the scariest games I've ever played. The last half of Dead Space 3 came damned close to evoking that same kind of fear in me. The series arguably got scarier in the sequels. If we're ranking the Dead Space games by scary factor, I would put 2 first, 3 second, and 1 last.

I think you're right about Dead Space's been awhile since I've played the games- I think it was the 3rd game that moved away from horror to an action heavy focus...
What is this game about anyways?! Space with aliens? What was the plot?
I can't tell if you're joking but it seems like if you really cared you would do a simple Google search..

If they go to first person they sure as hell better make a VR version of the game. And I hope there's some cool way of doing the HUD in first person similar to the unique way they did it in third person.
It seems like if you really cared you would do a simple Google search..

why do you keep saying this in every thread?...if you don't want to answer then just keep your mouth ask stupid questions in multiple threads but no one tells you to do a Google search
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why do you keep saying this is every thread?...if you don't want to answer then just keep your mouth ask stupid questions in multiple threads but no one tells you to do a Google search
It seems like you could take your own advice and keep your mouth shut. But I guess you don't see the irony there.
Can't be a sequel considering how Dead Space 3 ended.

I always see people saying this, but I don't understand what is so different from the first two games that make people say it. I'd understand it if all you played was the first couple hours.

Dead Space 3's metagame is all about you becoming the scariest thing in the room.

Horror kind of goes out the window when you have a rocket launcher duct taped to a chaingun that lights shit on fire and a magic railgun that somehow makes fucking time slow down for anything that has the misfortune of getting its limbs sheared off by it.
For its Dead Space game, Motive is taking notes from Capcom’s recent Resident Evil the Resident Evil 2 Remake, expect the next Dead Space to use the original game as a strong foundation but with modern visuals...and it will likely bring in new gameplay mechanics inspired by other entries in the franchise...
Dead Space Official Teaser Trailer

The sci-fi survival horror classic Dead Space returns, completely rebuilt from the ground up by Motive Studios to offer a deeper and more immersive experience...Harnessing the power of the Frostbite game engine and next generation consoles, this remake brings jaw-dropping visual fidelity and improvements to gameplay while staying true to the original

Dead Space Remake Devs Discuss How EA Motive Is Using Next-Gen Tech to Revive a Horror Classic

In speaking with the EA Motive leads, the duo made it clear that this is not just a polished up version of the original Dead Space - though they’re obviously referencing the original game, and working with a hefty amount of development data, they’re completely rebuilding and remaking the game in EA’s Frostbite engine

Creative Director Roman Campos-Oriola explained how the team is able to reference all the original assets of Dead Space, and not just what shipped on disc...“We're also learning from mistakes such as microtransactions, which we will not have, for instance, in our game,” he continued, confirming that the team “never” has plans to introduce microtransactions in any way to the remake...
agreed...the sequels moved away from horror to more action...hopefully they take the game back to its roots

This is probably because horror elements only work for so long. If you've played the first game, the second one just isn't that scary. The game's focus in a sequel like that pretty much has to shift.
This is probably because horror elements only work for so long. If you've played the first game, the second one just isn't that scary. The game's focus in a sequel like that pretty much has to shift.

so you're saying that a developer can't make 2 or 3 scary games within the same series?...what about the Amnesia series, Outlast, Resident Evil, Evil Within etc?
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I'll definitely grab this. I enjoyed the hell out of that series. It was a little like Resident Evil crossed with Event Horizon. I tried to play the older games a few years ago and the graphics didn't age well at all. They shouldn't need to go as far as what the RE2 and RE3 remakes had, but I'd appreciate more than just a fresh coat of paint, too.
so you're saying that a developer can't make 2 or 3 scary games from the same series?...what about the Amnesia series, Outlast, Resident Evil, Evil Within etc?
No, that's not what I said.

Let me be clear. Obviously, a game developer can make as many "scary" games as they want within in a given series. However, after the first one its unlikely that the second instalment or any follow up games will be as scary as the first one. You will get used to the atmosphere. You will get used to the same jump scares or whatever tactics get used over and over again. I remember playing Dead Space 1, 2 and 3 when they came out. The first one was absolutely fantastic. Even within the first game I had gotten used to the way the game worked at some point and as the game reached its climax, it wasn't really as scary anymore. Action ramped up towards the end a bit to compensate for that and that's also how stories tend to work. The action ramps up at the end through the game's climax.

When Dead Space 2 came out, I really didn't find it scary at all. They tried some of the same scare tactics that worked in the first game but it never felt nearly as tense as it did the first time. You settle into a sequel like that fairly quickly. The game has to hook you again with something different or it just doesn't work. It's possible to use different scare tactics, but the atmosphere of a sequel is likely to be similar to the first game or it won't feel like its part of the same franchise. Again, once you've been there and done that things have to change. Sure, some new creatures and new ways of dying will help out but it just isn't likely to capture the tension of the original. At least not to the same degree. Increasing the action is a good way to do this, especially when both the player and the main character are more experienced and hardened by the first one. The transition felt natural to me. I felt more tension from revisiting the Ishimura in the second game than I did doing anything else. That's because it reminded me of the first game and all that you go through on that ship.

Dead Space 3 utterly failed to land in terms of horror with me. I never even finished the game. The combat is too slow and too clunky, and the horror / story just didn't keep me invested in it by that point. Similarly, FEAR 2 and 3 just couldn't capture the feel of the original game. You bring up Run Like a Bitch, and that game is simply built differently. You can't hurt anything but everything can hurt you. Even so, I doubt a sequel would have exactly the same effect as the first one, but you can't fight at all. I found that more frustrating than anything. As for Resident Evil, are you fucking kidding me? It's a zombie game. There are also a million of them. No, these aren't ever scary and honestly, I can't remember a time when they ever were. Reaching into your mothers underwear drawer would be 10x more terrifying than playing one of these games.

I don't know what the fuck Outlast or Evil Within are beyond assuming they are games of some sort based on context. I've never heard of them.

Again, game companies can make as many sequels as they want. It's highly doubtful that a sequel will ever be as scary as the first one. Once you get used to something, it never is. It's the same reason why horror movie sequels aren't as scary as the first one and sequels to horror games never are either. This is what I meant, this is what you failed to understand the first time I said it.
Let me be clear. Obviously, a game developer can make as many "scary" games as they want within in a given series. However, after the first one its unlikely that the second instalment or any follow up games will be as scary as the first one. You will get used to the atmosphere. You will get used to the same jump scares or whatever tactics get used over and over again. I remember playing Dead Space 1, 2 and 3 when they came out. The first one was absolutely fantastic. Even within the first game I had gotten used to the way the game worked at some point and as the game reached its climax, it wasn't really as scary anymore. Action ramped up towards the end a bit to compensate for that and that's also how stories tend to work. The action ramps up at the end through the game's climax.

I think if they make the 2nd game unique and not just a rehash of the first game then it can be done...all 3 Amnesia games were horror based and maintained the horror aspect throughout (they each had unique settings)...the Dead space sequels purposely moved away from survival horror so it wasn't so much that people got used to it but moreso that the developers made a conscious decision to make it more action oriented (mainly the 3rd one)
I think if they make the 2nd game unique and not just a rehash of the first game then it can be done...all 3 Amnesia games were horror based and maintained the horror aspect throughout...the Dead space sequels purposely moved away from survival horror so it wasn't so much that people got used to it but more so that the developers made a conscious decision to make it more action oriented (mainly the 3rd one)

But if its in the same kind of settings with the same type of creatures it's really close to impossible to keep the same level of tension. Again, movie and game sequels fail to do this pretty much universally. Yes, the Dead Space developers did consciously move away from horror with the sequels and focus more on the action, but that's because they probably felt they had to. James Cameron did the same thing with the Aliens for the same reason.
I actually prefer DS2 over DS1 due to certain elements they introduced. The combat felt more fluid with crazier enemies & very atmospheric environments.

Maybe I don't like pure horror...
I actually prefer DS2 over DS1 due to certain elements they introduced. The combat felt more fluid with crazier enemies & very atmospheric environments.

Maybe I don't like pure horror...
2 is much more tense and scary than 1, in my opinion. It adds even more of a psychological layer to it that transcends the typical shock and jump scare.
I'm excited for this.. By the time I got around to really giving Dead Space a chance, the PC port is so badly dated and rife with issues on modern PCs that it made it a real chore to play so I put it down. Gonna be getting this immediately. Huge fan of sci fi action horror.