Current state of gaming, Where are you?

What is your current gaming situation (3D Gaming, flash games at work don't count)

  • Computer Only

    Votes: 164 58.6%
  • Console Only

    Votes: 14 5.0%
  • I *actively* game on both (As in buy new releases for each)

    Votes: 89 31.8%
  • I don't game, or dont game much anymore

    Votes: 13 4.6%

  • Total voters
I own every console since the Intellivision (at least, I'm pretty sure I do) and about 500ish games. With that said...I don't really play that much anymore. Games have largely become very boring for me, and the endless parade of FPS's nearly puts me to sleep. I've played WoW off and on since launch, but I always quit because it's boring as fuck between expansions and I hate the grind. A little RTS here and there is a lot of fun, and I'm really enjoying some of the newer side scrollers that replicate the gameplay of SNES classics with modern graphics. I LOVE a Boy and his Blob, Shadow Complex and some of the other similar types. Good stuff!
If it's out on both, I'm getting the PC version.
My PS3 is for games that are console only.
PC gaming FTW.
Sorry but we own a 360 but my boy plays it and i just prefer PC gaming myself. I tried the 360 but just couldn't get into the whole controller thing.
I'm 99% PC.

I bought a Wii for my girlfriend and we occasionally play Mario Kart but that's pretty much it. I'd use it more but if we're not playing Kart she's watching some crap like John and Kate Plus 8 so I just hop on the PC and kill things.
Mainly PC Gamer, but also console (picked up Forza3 last week, but it's competing with Borderlands, Dragon Age and shortly MW2 on PC, so many games, so little time :p).

When I was younger I spent way more time on consoles, but for the last few years PC has dominated my gaming and if a game is multi-platform I'll always go for the PC version.
My days as a gamer are quickly coming to an end.

On the PC, I like to play FPS games but none of the new ones impress me. At best, it's the same stuff repackaged over and over again with pretty graphics. Pretty graphics ≠ good game. At worst...well, you've got Modern Warfare 2, which defies all logic by stripping everything good about CoD4 in the name of the common man, the casual gamer, who would find it all too confuuuusing.

I used to love RPGs, but they feel so restrictive now that I'm older and can see their limitations. MMORPGs have more going for them but there's no way in hell I'm paying $15 a month to play. Get back to me when the fees are more reasonable and I'll sign right up.

The increasingly restrictive DRM bundled with PC games makes me even less inclined to purchase new titles. Titles with SecuROM, Steam, you name it, have all been cracked and their "copyright protection" only inconvenience legitimate users. It gives pirated versions a big advantage over legal copies!

My interest in console gaming dropped off after Sega withdrew from the hardware market and never really recovered. I picked up a Wii hoping that its controller would produce some really fun, innovative new titles, but nothing to my liking came out so I sold it.

I find nothing attractive about the 360 or PS3...or console gaming in general these days, to be honest. The best games I've ever played - the original Sonic games, FF7, and FF Tactics - were on consoles and I don't see anything on any system that attracts me like they did.
Primarily PC gamer but my PS2 and Wii still get plenty of use. PS3 will get purchased and used extensively once FF13 finally hits...
I used to love RPGs, but they feel so restrictive now that I'm older and can see their limitations. MMORPGs have more going for them but there's no way in hell I'm paying $15 a month to play. Get back to me when the fees are more reasonable and I'll sign right up.
$15 a month is really not a big deal. It's like 2 meals a month or 1 new game every 3 months. I used to play a lot of MMO's and they take up so much time that you SAVE A LOT of money. You don't have the time to spend money on anything else, literally.
$15 a month is really not a big deal. It's like 2 meals a month or 1 new game every 3 months. I used to play a lot of MMO's and they take up so much time that you SAVE A LOT of money. You don't have the time to spend money on anything else, literally.

I know what you mean. I used to play Everquest and Dark Age of Camelot and my social life was considerably nerfed.

It's different now, though. I've scaled back my gaming time to either one or two nights a week. When I play on a weeknight, it's for <= 1 hour and when I play on Saturday or Sunday it's for 2-3 hours. I don't like the idea of paying $15 a month for a game I would play that infrequently.
I don't own any of this-gen's consoles. I play them occasionally at friends and family's houses, but only for the exclusives, particularly on the PS3 (inFamous and Uncharted 2 were fantastic games).
$15 a month is really not a big deal. It's like 2 meals a month or 1 new game every 3 months. I used to play a lot of MMO's and they take up so much time that you SAVE A LOT of money. You don't have the time to spend money on anything else, literally.

I agree. I have no problem playing around $13 a month to game. Cheaper then buying a new game every couple months and it's kept me interested for over a year now...
I play PC predominantly, but I'll fire up the 360 for racing games.

If it's out on both, I'll shoot for PC, I didn't spend $1k+ to check email and use Office only :D
I'm in that critical point where I buy much more games that I have time to play(Steam I'm looking at you). I'm a computer enthusiast, I will have the hardware to run games anyway, gaming or not. But with the little time real life have left for this hobby I won't even consider buying a console. That is not considering the Wii, that only gets action when people come over and want have some beers along with mario kart or wiisports. I might have to buy a 360 but to be used as media extender now that that is the only media extender left in the market.
While I own all the consoles I game 98% of the time on my PC. Every once in a while Ill buy the latest and greatest console game, play it for a bit and realize my PC still provides much more entertainment.
conoles only, I love renting games for a couple of bucks and beating them in a short time. I'm not the kind of person to put in 10,000 hours into WOW or Sim City.
For my PS3, I buy games that I know I'll want day one- Uncharted 2 and Ratchet & Clank Future for example. For PC, if it is a game like Left4Dead 2, I'll buy it day one (except L4D2 because I can't afford it...unfortunately...), but if it is a game with single player and/or single+multi, I try before I buy.
100% PC Gaming for me. I can't see myself playing any FPS with a controller. I've tried and I completely FAIL at it. But I am thinking about maybe buying a console don't know which one just for the racing games though.