CS:S Update!

Keller said:
I don't usually post here but once I started reading some of the ignorant, misinformed replies coming from inexperienced players who think the AWP takes no skill and slows down the game is really pissing me off. Megabyte is the only person on this thread who knows anything about CS at all. First of all, the update did not add any sort of delay to the AWP. That update came months ago, and yes, it did screw up the game for competitive players who know what they are doing. This update, on the other hand, has made it impossible to quickscope because in order for the AWP to be accurate it must be FULLY scoped in. If you don't know what a quick scope is, it is when you quickly right click to scope and fire the weapon before the gun becomes fully scoped, giving you the ability to snipe players quickly without fully scoping (hence "quick scope")... and yes, this update has also screwed up the game for competitive players who know what they are doing. Please stop coming on here with your pub stories about how easy the AWP is to use, because if you ever tried playing in a competitive match or even scrim for that matter, you would realize pretty quickly that there is much more to CS than pubbing iceworld with a bunch of noobs who play like bots. And to the guy who called fRoD a hacker, you pretty much just deemed any opinion you have about CS invalid.


How long have you been playing and what CAL team are you on? :D
I just wan't to make the point that it is now easier to rush an awper with the latest update. tks. I know a little about cs:s ;)
anyone else bothered with the fact that bodies dissapear when someone is kileld now

oh and the fact that the guy in the video knew where everyone was
megabyte said:

How long have you been playing and what CAL team are you on? :D

I'm not currently on a team but I have played CAL-M 1.6 for MTA Gaming. I only pub Source once in a while, its not worth playing competitively.
Keller said:
I'm not currently on a team but I have played CAL-M 1.6 for MTA Gaming. I only pub Source once in a while, its not worth playing competitively.

Neat, I played for PEMP back in beta 5 and played for Rj45 in CS1.3/5 and made the switch to source with them, won CAL-M regular season s2 CS:S.

While I tend to agree with that sentiment, I seem to like it alot. Quickshots were one of the huge selling points...but now :(
I don't usually post here but once I started reading some of the ignorant, misinformed replies coming from inexperienced players who think the AWP takes no skill and slows down the game is really pissing me off. Megabyte is the only person on this thread who knows anything about CS at all. First of all, the update did not add any sort of delay to the AWP. That update came months ago, and yes, it did screw up the game for competitive players who know what they are doing. This update, on the other hand, has made it impossible to quickscope because in order for the AWP to be accurate it must be FULLY scoped in. If you don't know what a quick scope is, it is when you quickly right click to scope and fire the weapon before the gun becomes fully scoped, giving you the ability to snipe players quickly without fully scoping (hence "quick scope")... and yes, this update has also screwed up the game for competitive players who know what they are doing. Please stop coming on here with your pub stories about how easy the AWP is to use, because if you ever tried playing in a competitive match or even scrim for that matter, you would realize pretty quickly that there is much more to CS than pubbing iceworld with a bunch of noobs who play like bots. And to the guy who called fRoD a hacker, you pretty much just deemed any opinion you have about CS invalid.

I feel pretty much the same way, only I usually end up using the scout since the AWp is usually banned.
megabyte said:
Neat, I played for PEMP back in beta 5 and played for Rj45 in CS1.3/5 and made the switch to source with them, won CAL-M regular season s2 CS:S.

While I tend to agree with that sentiment, I seem to like it alot. Quickshots were one of the huge selling points...but now :(

Nice, Rj45 is good I've heard of them. I started playing during 1.3 but didn't play CAL until 1.5. I've played countless seasons of CAL-O, atleast 3 seasons of IM, and 1 season of M. I really just haven't had the time lately but I might possibly start playing Source in CAL-O just for fun with a few friends.
megabyte said:
As for your myth, I'm recording the video now as definitive proof

edit: Quick-Switch

Video thus proves that you are complaining about asthetics, not a component of gameplay. If you want realism, CS:S is definately not the game for you.

/me kicks hornets nest

Nice video. So what you've shown is that a guy with an awp can switch to a deagle, be prepared to fire if you have to, and switch back to the awp with a chambered round and fire and only lose a tenth. You've proven my case, thanks. The advantage is most certainly not limited to rushers either.

Sigh. I've competed as well in CAL. I never said awping was easy nor do I want realism; I just get damned tried of CS theorists crying about every little change and it mostly comes from the same guys playing the same role. I have an opinion and yours is different. :)
Opie said:
So what you've shown is that a guy with an awp can switch to a deagle, be prepared to fire if you have to, and switch back to the awp with a chambered round and fire and only lose a tenth.

...as I said, I proved you're complaining about asthetics.

Waiting the extra time it takes to fire the deagle adds another .5-1 second onto the time. You sir are lying through your teeth

FACT: You can fire the awp without watching the animation of loading a bullet into the chamber.

NOT FACT(OPINION): This offers an unfair and unjust advantage when coupled with switching to a pistol and back.
megabyte said:
FACT: You can fire the awp without watching the animation of loading a bullet into the chamber.

That's pretty strong language regarding lieing....I gain nothing from this discussion so why would I lie?

I'll ask you this: If there's no advantage, and if in fact, as you've "proven" to lose time pistol-switching, why do most demos available of the top awpers I've watched do it? Habit? If you can fire the awp w/out watching the reload animation but switch to the pistol make it take longer, why do it? Style points?
Opie said:
That's pretty strong language regarding lieing....I gain nothing from this discussion so why would I lie?

I'll ask you this: If there's no advantage, and if in fact, as you've "proven" to lose time pistol-switching, why do most demos available of the top awpers I've watched do it? Habit? If you can fire the awp w/out watching the reload animation but switch to the pistol make it take longer, why do it? Style points?

Habit mostly. Any old school pre-1.3 player does it strictly out of habit. No other reason really. The demonstration was true to how it works, it is slower, but only by a tenth of a second. I guess if you wanted to put some logic to it, most players quickswitch between shots to have a short range weapon ready if their first shot misses, so they can retreat while providing cover for themselves. Doing it only costs them a 1/10 of a second, so why not.

I do it to, dunno why, but I do.
Opie said:
That's pretty strong language regarding lieing....I gain nothing from this discussion so why would I lie?

I'll ask you this: If there's no advantage, and if in fact, as you've "proven" to lose time pistol-switching, why do most demos available of the top awpers I've watched do it? Habit? If you can fire the awp w/out watching the reload animation but switch to the pistol make it take longer, why do it? Style points?
they do it because they want to be able to walk quicker when they switch weapons
Here's a question:

If they fixed the actual play mechanic of SHOOTING IN A STRAIGHT FUCKING LINE, would that break the game? Cuz I'm not expert, but I'm PRETTY sure that a fully loaded clip in an AK fired from point blank (read: less than a foot away) til empty when aimed directly at the upper torso/head and shoulders area would get... a 90% hit rate. In CSS you're looking at probably a 12-18% hit rate. Excuse me if I don't give a fuck about losing a tenth of a second in scoping. I love playing CSS, I just don't understand the broken gameplay sometimes. And don't tell me it's recoil that causes misses, because when you're about a foot away aiming dead center on someone's chest, your first shot shouldn't be nailing the left arm. By the way, I'm talking about near-motionless combat here, not two people running around like idiots and shootin at each other.
Triple B said:
Here's a question:

If they fixed the actual play mechanic of SHOOTING IN A STRAIGHT FUCKING LINE, would that break the game? Cuz I'm not expert, but I'm PRETTY sure that a fully loaded clip in an AK fired from point blank (read: less than a foot away) til empty when aimed directly at the upper torso/head and shoulders area would get... a 90% hit rate. In CSS you're looking at probably a 12-18% hit rate. Excuse me if I don't give a fuck about losing a tenth of a second in scoping. I love playing CSS, I just don't understand the broken gameplay sometimes. And don't tell me it's recoil that causes misses, because when you're about a foot away aiming dead center on someone's chest, your first shot shouldn't be nailing the left arm. By the way, I'm talking about near-motionless combat here, not two people running around like idiots and shootin at each other.
lol....also how many people in real life have a gernade blow up at there foot and keep running like a champ, jump out of nowhere with in awp shoot someone in the leg and kill them.....really....and having to shoot someone in the head with a kelvar/helmet 2 or 3 times before they go down is also stupid(glock)
i think the models look decent. i was confused when i connected to a server last night and had an option to choose my model. all in all the update seems pretty good to me
can someone post a screenshot of both new character models, I don't have CS source installed on my machine right now.
valve is terrible and source is terrible

good thing they stopped messing up 1.6 a long time ago ;)
iori yagami said:
valve is terrible and source is terrible

good thing they stopped messing up 1.6 a long time ago ;)

Maybe I'm alone here, but why is it that every time Valve makes even the slightest change to CS people cry that the game has been ruined? That always baffles me. I've never seen a change to CS that completely destroyed the gameplay for me. Hell, I've never seen an update even make a gameplay change that really significantly effected me.
Dijonase said:
Maybe I'm alone here, but why is it that every time Valve makes even the slightest change to CS people cry that the game has been ruined? That always baffles me. I've never seen a change to CS that completely destroyed the gameplay for me. Hell, I've never seen an update even make a gameplay change that really significantly effected me.

1 biggest reason is because people can't adapt...

2nd reason I have run into, is that some poeple hacks and or tricks don't work in a new update.

I don't really give a crap, they're going to change it, regardless of the the community, I'm not going to let that keep me from enjoying it, I can make changes in my gameplay, and still do well.
..being a part of the elite group of CS:S players that are elite not in skill and competitiveness .. but rather elite towards the other end of the spectrum ,(in other words , being pretty good and not being good) ..does have it's advantages.

we tend to not whine over updates/fixes/patches/whatever as we dont know anybetter anyways as to what does/doesnt work anymore.

ignorance is bliss

I just log on , try and help my team out as much as possible ..shoot my spray on top of some of the sicker ones and porn ones that I see and try and have fun.

Keller said:
I don't usually post here but once I started reading some of the ignorant, misinformed replies coming from inexperienced players who think the AWP takes no skill and slows down the game is really pissing me off. Megabyte is the only person on this thread who knows anything about CS at all. First of all, the update did not add any sort of delay to the AWP. That update came months ago, and yes, it did screw up the game for competitive players who know what they are doing. This update, on the other hand, has made it impossible to quickscope because in order for the AWP to be accurate it must be FULLY scoped in. If you don't know what a quick scope is, it is when you quickly right click to scope and fire the weapon before the gun becomes fully scoped, giving you the ability to snipe players quickly without fully scoping (hence "quick scope")... and yes, this update has also screwed up the game for competitive players who know what they are doing. Please stop coming on here with your pub stories about how easy the AWP is to use, because if you ever tried playing in a competitive match or even scrim for that matter, you would realize pretty quickly that there is much more to CS than pubbing iceworld with a bunch of noobs who play like bots. And to the guy who called fRoD a hacker, you pretty much just deemed any opinion you have about CS invalid.

Please, it took me about a day to get real good with the awp. The bottom line is an awp is for players that don't have the reflexes or skill to go into close quarters combat period.

They want to sit and wait for someone to come into their scope range and get kills that way.

Incidentally, awpers are usually the same people who are infatuated with their stats....hmmm sorta supporst the way they play, doesn't it?

Don't get me wrong, sniping is a part of combat, so I like it being a part of the game, but dont sit here and tell me it takes more skill than any other weapon (besides the shotty noob cannons), when we all know it takes less. No worrying about whos around the corner, whos gonna flash from behind the box...nothing like that. Awpers just sit back and play god with a fraction of the danger another player has.

and if you don't believe me I practically live on the old bastards servers and go by either THE ENGLISH TEACHER, or now, SANTA CLAUSE. Come put your money where you mouth is.
Dijonase said:
Maybe I'm alone here, but why is it that every time Valve makes even the slightest change to CS people cry that the game has been ruined? That always baffles me. I've never seen a change to CS that completely destroyed the gameplay for me. Hell, I've never seen an update even make a gameplay change that really significantly effected me.

Source is pretty bad. The fact that Source ever came out, doomed it to be bad. It's not 1.6, and that's why I don't like it.
clownvomit said:
Please, it took me about a day to get real good with the awp. The bottom line is an awp is for players that don't have the reflexes or skill to go into close quarters combat period.

They want to sit and wait for someone to come into their scope range and get kills that way.

Incidentally, awpers are usually the same people who are infatuated with their stats....hmmm sorta supporst the way they play, doesn't it?

Don't get me wrong, sniping is a part of combat, so I like it being a part of the game, but dont sit here and tell me it takes more skill than any other weapon (besides the shotty noob cannons), when we all know it takes less. No worrying about whos around the corner, whos gonna flash from behind the box...nothing like that. Awpers just sit back and play god with a fraction of the danger another player has.

and if you don't believe me I practically live on the old bastards servers and go by either THE ENGLISH TEACHER, or now, SANTA CLAUSE. Come put your money where you mouth is.

If you actually read my post you would see that your last paragraph is completely proving my point... pubbers like you do not understand that if you use the AWP as you described in your little pub story in any type of competitive match you will be incredibly ineffective. Yes, you may think you were able to master the AWP after a day of pubbing on the old bastards servers (am I supposed to know what this is?) but if you tried playing like this against people who actually know how to play the game you would get destroyed like the noob you are. Its funny how the update that instigated this thread is actually promoting the use of the AWP as a camping weapon by eliminating the ability to quickscope and you are coming here complaining about how the AWP is a camping gun...
Keller said:
If you actually read my post you would see that your last paragraph is completely proving my point... pubbers like you do not understand that if you use the AWP as you described in your little pub story in any type of competitive match you will be incredibly ineffective. Yes, you may think you were able to master the AWP after a day of pubbing on the old bastards servers (am I supposed to know what this is?) but if you tried playing like this against people who actually know how to play the game you would get destroyed like the noob you are. Its funny how the update that instigated this thread is actually promoting the use of the AWP as a camping weapon by eliminating the ability to quickscope and you are coming here complaining about how the AWP is a camping gun...

LOL, aweful lot of talk, and I'll bet you never show your face on the servers I mentioned so I can show you how much of a "noob" I am.

Oh, and for the record, can you "quick scope" (cheat) in real life? No? Thats what I thought. This game is modeled to resemble real gun accuracy and everything that goes with it. Somehow I doubt quick scoping is fashioned after something real.....
clownvomit said:
LOL, aweful lot of talk, and I'll bet you never show your face on the servers I mentioned so I can show you how much of a "noob" I am.

Oh, and for the record, can you "quick scope" (cheat) in real life? No? Thats what I thought. This game is modeled to resemble real gun accuracy and everything that goes with it. Somehow I doubt quick scoping is fashioned after something real.....

No, it would be easier in a lot of aspects if it were real life, with regard to the AWP.... I mean, if I could use the scope like I do on my rifle with both eyes open, I could keep a eye on the bigger picture, and be accurate.
FlatLine84 said:
No, it would be easier in a lot of aspects if it were real life, with regard to the AWP.... I mean, if I could use the scope like I do on my rifle with both eyes open, I could keep a eye on the bigger picture, and be accurate.

If that is what works for you, but rest assured that is not how you are taught to use a scope.

I'm not sure I get what you mean by being a lot esier if it were real life. Do you mean firing the gun? I'm sorry, but if this is what you mean you obviously never have:

1. shot a fully automatic gun
2. shot a fully automatic gun and had to hit a mobile target
3. shot a fully automatic gun while someone else is shooting back at you.
CS:S does not do a good job of real-life.

As fps doug said real life has better graphics, but no respawn points.

In all seriousness, the gun accuracy and recoil simulation is unrealistic. What is it with shooting behind someone and hitting them. In RL you'd be better off aiming in front of them.....

EDIT: And clownvomit is right. Firing a fully automatic gun (or even a semi, I've never fired a full auto, but a semi auto AKM) is very difficult in RL. Holding, aiming and firing the gun is much more difficult than moving a mouse and clicking.
Oline61 said:
CS:S does not do a good job of real-life.

As fps doug said real life has better graphics, but no respawn points.

In all seriousness, the gun accuracy and recoil simulation is unrealistic. What is it with shooting behind someone and hitting them. In RL you'd be better off aiming in front of them.....

That is a server/pc issue. I'm sorry, but I don't have that problem. i put my crosshairs on a ct's head and I get the headshot.

When I start to go off and play on shitty servers is when i run into what you describe.

The gun accuracy isn't bad. When you play, stand away from a wall and unload a clip. It spreads pretty good...not pefect, but pretty good for a game.
Oline61 said:
CS:S does not do a good job of real-life.

As fps doug said real life has better graphics, but no respawn points.

In all seriousness, the gun accuracy and recoil simulation is unrealistic. What is it with shooting behind someone and hitting them. In RL you'd be better off aiming in front of them.....

:rolleyes: here we go again :eek:

When you are specking someone, you don't see EXACTLY what they see. Hitboxes are fine for the bajillianth time.
Why do I always come into these threads and see people slamming source? I used to play CS but I got bored. Ever since Source came out I am having a lot of fun playing CS again. So what's making the difference?
how long do you have to play CS to consider yourself a pro.....................................................since obviously its mostly self proclaimed over grown ego people with and awp who do it
clownvomit said:
LOL, aweful lot of talk, and I'll bet you never show your face on the servers I mentioned so I can show you how much of a "noob" I am.

Oh, and for the record, can you "quick scope" (cheat) in real life? No? Thats what I thought. This game is modeled to resemble real gun accuracy and everything that goes with it. Somehow I doubt quick scoping is fashioned after something real.....

Sorry buddy, but I'm pretty sure Source is NOT modeled to resemble real gun accuracy "and everything that goes with it." I never knew that in real life you were able to run full speed after being shot in leg the 3 times with an AK-47 or be able to function normally after being shot in the head with a glock. Realism does not make a game better. If you want realism play Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six, not CS:Source.
Isaacav2 said:
:rolleyes: here we go again :eek:

When you are specking someone, you don't see EXACTLY what they see. Hitboxes are fine for the bajillianth time.

Hitboxes have been fine for me as well. There was ONE time where I sniped someone in the face w/ the scout (and I know it hit since their face was covered in blood) and it wasn't recognized as a hit at all.
clownvomit said:
If that is what works for you, but rest assured that is not how you are taught to use a scope.

I'm not sure I get what you mean by being a lot esier if it were real life. Do you mean firing the gun? I'm sorry, but if this is what you mean you obviously never have:

1. shot a fully automatic gun
2. shot a fully automatic gun and had to hit a mobile target
3. shot a fully automatic gun while someone else is shooting back at you.

1. I wasn't talking about shooting fully automatic weapons, I was talking about shooting an AWP.
2. I have shot a fully automatic mp5, and ak-47, during a demonstartion for the local PD. I don't think you could ever make a game realistic, and still have it fun, based on trying to shoot those.
3. I picked up shooting through a scope like that out of a book about carlos hathcock. If you sight down the scope with your dominant eye, you can pretty much just focus through it, as if it were closed, and you can swith back to your other eye, so you have really quick way to watch in front of you. It's helped out many times when shooting deer, because I can double check to make sure nothing is beyond them that I don't want to shoot.
Orange.exe said:
Hitboxes have been fine for me as well. There was ONE time where I sniped someone in the face w/ the scout (and I know it hit since their face was covered in blood) and it wasn't recognized as a hit at all.
Could have been a hax. I know for a fact that when I shoot and AWP at long distances, about 5 ft behind them is a sweet spot for a guaranteed hit.
I like how people who join CAL instantly think that it gives them status and some supreme knowledge on the game, and the rest of the losers, AKA as pubbers, are stupid and don't understand the top secret ways the game works.
Lol i didn't realize that was megabyte from rj45 lol do you remember wolfie from tgc, TAU ? thats me :) hi hi
and i totally agree with this update making the game slower, awps definitly now are forced to camp alot more in situatiations.