CS:S Update!


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 22, 2004
Counter-Strike: Source

* Added G.I.G.N and Guerilla player models

* Sniper rifles that are in the process of zooming in don't get the zoomed-in accuracy bonus

* Fixed crosshairs when running in a widescreen aspect ratio

* Added a 'nextlevel' server side command to force intermission and a switch to the specified map after the current round

* Fixed bug where players were able to throw grenades through thin walls

* Added a server message for teammate attacks

* Fixed buy menu not having mouse focus

* Fixed buy menu re-opening when you try to close it.

* Fixed centerprint panel and frames per second panel not resizing correctly after a resolution change.

* '&' chars in player names show in the scoreboard and spectator UI

* In-eye spectators see punch angles

* Fixed bots thinking they are still on a higher nav area when they fall off

* Added nav area ID to the bot debug prints

* Extended the bot_add*, bot_kick, and bot_kill commands to accept skill (easy, normal, hard, expert) and/or weapon preference (sniper, shotgun, etc) arguments. For example, typing ‘bot_add_ct expert” will add a random bot of ‘expert’ difficulty to the CT team.

* Added difficulty, weaponclass, and skill modifiers to the bot_prefix string

* Navigation mesh editing - raising/lowering corners correctly snaps adjacent corners to the same height

**********The new models look like complete ASS.
Seems like other players are very jerky and jittery tonight, no matter what their ping is. I'm not the only one having this problem, because people were complaining about it on many servers.
Yeah, I noticed that to. Played for like 5 minutes and quit. I'll give it another day before all the servers refresh n stuff...
gg take away even more skill from the game, gg

* Sniper rifles that are in the process of zooming in don't get the zoomed-in accuracy bonus
Yea the new update is buggy.It crashes all the linux servers and they cant get updated.Not the first time.pretty much happens every other patch.Oh well looks I'll be sitting out for a while see as the only server I play at is Linux based.
*humph* ... I was thinking that maybe the update added the interlop 0 thingy command automatically the way everything looked jerky ...

I like the new models ..because ...well ..because they're new


Shakezilla said:
gg take away even more skill from the game, gg

* Sniper rifles that are in the process of zooming in don't get the zoomed-in accuracy bonus

...erm, how does that take skill from the game? Instead of instantly getting the accuracy bonus of the fully-zoomed weapon just by clicking the button, you have to wait until it actually zooms in.
ZX6Master said:
...erm, how does that take skill from the game? Instead of instantly getting the accuracy bonus of the fully-zoomed weapon just by clicking the button, you have to wait until it actually zooms in.

i think hes saying that hes really fast at target aquistion in the scoped mode, so he and others are slowed down by the this process. This mean that slower ppl using other weps can tag him before his scope adjusts. awp vs awp tho i dont see a prob, it will still be who can put the cross hairs on the other first.
ThreeDee said:
*humph* ... I was thinking that maybe the update added the interlop 0 thingy command automatically the way everything looked jerky ...

I like the new models ..because ...well ..because they're new


Their not new, just recycled, valve sucks
Dapperdan said:
Their not new, just recycled, valve sucks
welp ..I should maybe rephrase that then ..

*new to me*

..and why does valve suck?

Dapperdan said:
Their not new, just recycled, valve sucks

Hmm how does Valve suck exactly? How is CS:S even new? The game a graphical rebuilt version of the old one, with some new maps and features here and there. Of course the models arnt new, they just look a hell alot better than the old ones. I dont even think Valve is going to design new ones, as they want to stick with the old CS formula which is pure goodness. When CS:S first came out, yes there was a big diffrence from it between 1.6 and CS:S. With every update they release it slowly goes back to the 1.6 style, as that is what the community wants. Sure, when they say there are going to update or release something and it actually doesnt come out until a couple days, months, even year later. But take a choice, do you want quality in a game, or a game released fast and be buggy as hell? If HL2 came out on its orginal release date, which was Sept 30, 2003(right?), now do you think the game will be how it is now? Im going to say no, it would probably need 2 expansions to get wheres its now. Not only that, it probably of would of been buggy as anything. Before you say Valve sucks, re-think what you are going to say. If anything, Valve is king, they listen to community(might take a while unfortunately), they constantely update there games, even if the game is a couple games old. Valve basically sets the industry standards with there technology and what they can accomplish. The Valve bashing has to be put to an end. Sry for the rant.
strikeout said:
i think hes saying that hes really fast at target aquistion in the scoped mode, so he and others are slowed down by the this process. This mean that slower ppl using other weps can tag him before his scope adjusts. awp vs awp tho i dont see a prob, it will still be who can put the cross hairs on the other first.

nail on the head
i love how this drop my average frame rate and now it turns red when more then 2 people are on my screen shooting(never use to do that...unless i was in a 24player server and it was a rediculous amount of things going on infront of me like 12 people shooting and gernades constantly going off
Shakezilla said:
gg take away even more skill from the game, gg

* Sniper rifles that are in the process of zooming in don't get the zoomed-in accuracy bonus

Heaven forbid the finger of god was made a little shorter. I'd bet you'd cry if they took away your precious reload/deagle swap glitch as well.
I think the update process is lame...

I'm sure valve has all the models/maps already, but they're just releasing them bit by bit under the guise that they've been developing, testing, and optimizing them for the past months/weeks. When in reality they've been sitting in the valve network complete and ready togo. They do this so they don't release 'too much' and find themselves with nothing to release. Thus having to pay the developers/artists to innovate and think of ways to enhance CSS...So in general they just release it bit by bit so as to hold them out and artificial make it seem like valve/CSS is active unlike some other games that recieve updates every 2-3 months(lol...nothing wrong with that)until the next big title hits...
I don't know ..but I only paid ten bucks for HL2,CS,CS:S,DOD:S and all that .. and they are still working on the game trying to add/make/remake (whatever) improvements..

for me ..now that's ten bucks well spent ..
If the game out and out don't work for yuh'z ..then there's a reason to gripe ..but it would seem when it comes to valve , the "glass is half empty" crowd like to be quite vocal..

oh well ..whatever smokes your shorts I guess.


Opie said:
Heaven forbid the finger of god was made a little shorter. I'd bet you'd cry if they took away your precious reload/deagle swap glitch as well.

dude if you even DARE to go down that path I will crush you in the most ruthless manner possible...it's ignorant people like yourself that push for these "bug fixes" that really serve no purpose other than to make the game even slower.

and by crush i mean find you in game and publicly beat you with a deagle at long/short/middle ranges consistantly no matter your weapon or advantage. And provide irrefutable proof that the "reload/deagle swap glitch" is nothing but a myth.
They also included the Guns on back thing.. All I can say is I like it alot more than a dissapearing rifle.

It doesn't look like they really put alot of work into the models to be honest, i'm actually a little bit dissapointed, but I do like the terrorist model alot more. Mullet FTW!
megabyte said:
dude if you even DARE to go down that path I will crush you in the most ruthless manner possible...it's ignorant people like yourself that push for these "bug fixes" that really serve no purpose other than to make the game even slower.

and by crush i mean find you in game and publicly beat you with a deagle at long/short/middle ranges consistantly no matter your weapon or advantage. And provide irrefutable proof that the "reload/deagle swap glitch" is nothing but a myth.

You awpers are a sensitive lot. Always have been. Anyone that has an opinion counter to your own is ignorant and you'll pwn whoever dares to voice it in a pub. Well I've got news for you: the game is slow because of *gasp* snipers. Taking a split second of pre-scope accuracy bonus away IMO only serves to speed up the game by giving the non-snipe classes a slightly better chance to counter. I'm sure you'll adapt in no time though.

As for your myth, pfft. Next time you awp don't switch and sit through the reload routine. I'm not challenging anyone's skill with a deagle, I'm saying that you shouldn't be able to chamber a round without the rifle in your hand...but hey, it's part of the game and been that way for a long time. Everyone has adapted.
Opie said:
You awpers are a sensitive lot. Always have been. Anyone that has an opinion counter to your own is ignorant and you'll pwn whoever dares to voice it in a pub. Well I've got news for you: the game is slow because of *gasp* snipers. Taking a split second of pre-scope accuracy bonus away IMO only serves to speed up the game by giving the non-snipe classes a slightly better chance to counter. I'm sure you'll adapt in no time though.

As for your myth, pfft. Next time you awp don't switch and sit through the reload routine. I'm not challenging anyone's skill with a deagle, I'm saying that you shouldn't be able to chamber a round without the rifle in your hand...but hey, it's part of the game and been that way for a long time. Everyone has adapted.
he he while i totally agree with this, the only time i pick up an awp is to take out the other awper then i find a M4 and run with that
Yeah, I hated awper, still sorta do. They are sensative and the first thing they screem is, "it take sooooo much skill to awp".

Well, off to the death match server I went and used the awp. It didn't take me long to start getting good with it. It does feel a little cheap. Kill people from so far away, kill someone in one shot that has unloaded on you and you should be dead, etc.

As for a lot of skill.....no.

Awpers are comparable to the people who can dish stuff out but can't take it. They usually arne't to good in close quarters combat.

But, to each their own, I've learned to deal with them. Sometimes, its even fun to grab the awp and piss people off lol.
Shakezilla said:
Anyone who crys about awp having no skill has nerver and should never play a Cal match. In a real game of CS(scrim or match) an awper doesnt get to sit in the middle of nowhere waiting for somone to enter his site, like in a freaking deathmatch lol

fRoD has no skill yup your right sorry I was wrong no skill here everyone move along
;) http://files.filefront.com/fRoD+Clairvoyant/;3822372;;/fileinfo.html
omzg wh0z2 go21ing 2 h057 0r redicuosly large file with extremely slow transfers
1 KN0Wz!!!11 Fi1zEgayFr0tnz

you can tell i hate any website with file in the name, and game

im i just stupid, or did anyone not see him toggeling the wallhacks, looks like he would toggle and wait for his target and then he edited out most of the video he had that had the wallhackes on(though around the 3min mark he dilberty showed you it in the video)
Oline61 said:
Seems like other players are very jerky and jittery tonight, no matter what their ping is. I'm not the only one having this problem, because people were complaining about it on many servers.
thats valve, ruining the game more and more as the days go by....the jittering gives me a headache
Opie said:
You awpers are a sensitive lot. Always have been. Anyone that has an opinion counter to your own is ignorant and you'll pwn whoever dares to voice it in a pub. Well I've got news for you: the game is slow because of *gasp* snipers. Taking a split second of pre-scope accuracy bonus away IMO only serves to speed up the game by giving the non-snipe classes a slightly better chance to counter. I'm sure you'll adapt in no time though.

As for your myth, pfft. Next time you awp don't switch and sit through the reload routine. I'm not challenging anyone's skill with a deagle, I'm saying that you shouldn't be able to chamber a round without the rifle in your hand...but hey, it's part of the game and been that way for a long time. Everyone has adapted.

M4/AK was the most widely used and remains the most widely used weapons due to their versitility. Middle-long,middle, and short ranges always have been the domain of the assault rifles, however removing quickscoping now forces ALL awpers into playing passive. Speed up the game? Nope, not in the slightest. The only people who could effectively use this "quickshot" were the extremely skilled who RUSHED with the awp, not those that camped spawns. So as a skilled player I see an extreme slowdown in my gameplay because my "adaptation" has been nullified by those who can't "adapt" as well so they complain to valve to close the gap. My relative gamespeed is brought to a crawl, while you will see NO CHANGE in the overall speed of gameplay, because the awpers you're complaining about couldn't quickscope in the first place and will still be sitting in spawn waiting for you at that corner.

As for your myth, I'm recording the video now as definitive proof

edit: Quick-Switch

Video thus proves that you are complaining about asthetics, not a component of gameplay. If you want realism, CS:S is definately not the game for you.
megabyte said:
M4/AK was the most widely used and remains the most widely used weapons due to their versitility. Middle-long,middle, and short ranges always have been the domain of the assault rifles, however removing quickscoping now forces ALL awpers into playing passive. Speed up the game? Nope, not in the slightest. The only people who could effectively use this "quickshot" were the extremely skilled who RUSHED with the awp, not those that camped spawns. So as a skilled player I see an extreme slowdown in my gameplay because my "adaptation" has been nullified by those who can't "adapt" as well so they complain to valve to close the gap. My relative gamespeed is brought to a crawl, while you will see NO CHANGE in the overall speed of gameplay, because the awpers you're complaining about couldn't quickscope in the first place and will still be sitting in spawn waiting for you at that corner.

As for your myth, I'm recording the video now as definitive proof.

Emmm... Now when I rush a camping awper with my deagle, as soon as I get into closer range, I know that he will not be able to do some cheap quick scope shot on me, so the firefight will likely end up being deagle v.s. (my) assult rifle. Sooo even if awpers do camp more, I am able to take them down easier. I am all for the removal of QS.
can't help if thats the way you feel, however arguing against definative fact is something I can prove. Hence Opie provoked my wrath.
Shakezilla said:
fRoD has no skill yup your right sorry I was wrong no skill here everyone move along
;) http://files.filefront.com/fRoD+Clairvoyant/;3822372;;/fileinfo.html

Frod is garbage, and so is Complexity. He has down syndrome.

The AWP is an intrical part of any team, though. It's a great weapon that if use strategically, can be dominating. In competitive CS, the AWP is the 2nd most widely used weapon(aside from M4/AK), and it's crucial for competitive teams to make those first few picks.

Valve already slowed the game down considerably when a year ago they released the patch that basically added the delay(in 1.6). Now they removed quick scoping altogether in Source.

While I don't give 2 shits about such a garbage game(Source), I'm pretty sure they will not do the same thing for CS1.6 *touch on wood*
Ballz2TheWallz said:
omzg wh0z2 go21ing 2 h057 0r redicuosly large file with extremely slow transfers
1 KN0Wz!!!11 Fi1zEgayFr0tnz

you can tell i hate any website with file in the name, and game

im i just stupid, or did anyone not see him toggeling the wallhacks, looks like he would toggle and wait for his target and then he edited out most of the video he had that had the wallhackes on(though around the 3min mark he dilberty showed you it in the video)

yeah hes so good he wall hacks at CPL(a lan) and doesnt get caught lol
Shakezilla said:
yeah hes so good he wall hacks at CPL(a lan) and doesnt get caught lol
wow...then hes physchic cause he almost always knew where the enemy was visable at all or not
Ballz2TheWallz said:
wow...then hes physchic cause he almost always knew where the enemy was visable at all or not

He's just a good player, most of the indicators for the enemy's location you can't see in the video. Plus, even if they were you've got to know what to look for.
I don't usually post here but once I started reading some of the ignorant, misinformed replies coming from inexperienced players who think the AWP takes no skill and slows down the game is really pissing me off. Megabyte is the only person on this thread who knows anything about CS at all. First of all, the update did not add any sort of delay to the AWP. That update came months ago, and yes, it did screw up the game for competitive players who know what they are doing. This update, on the other hand, has made it impossible to quickscope because in order for the AWP to be accurate it must be FULLY scoped in. If you don't know what a quick scope is, it is when you quickly right click to scope and fire the weapon before the gun becomes fully scoped, giving you the ability to snipe players quickly without fully scoping (hence "quick scope")... and yes, this update has also screwed up the game for competitive players who know what they are doing. Please stop coming on here with your pub stories about how easy the AWP is to use, because if you ever tried playing in a competitive match or even scrim for that matter, you would realize pretty quickly that there is much more to CS than pubbing iceworld with a bunch of noobs who play like bots. And to the guy who called fRoD a hacker, you pretty much just deemed any opinion you have about CS invalid.