Crysis Screen shots..nothing else 56k no

These are the settings I play at, so shadows aren't on the highest setting.
"Ice" map

"Fleet" map (with time of day change from night to day)


Indoor shots at 60-150fps! (The CryEngine 2 doesn't render things occluded by other objects)




The inside of the carrier is probably one of the prettiest (if not prettiest) levels I've ever played in a video game. It looks so damn realistic :D

I'd post gameplay pictures, but there isn't any, so here are my specs. Make your mind up from the bajillions of screenshots you've all already seen, and then go and do something worthwhile.
Someone needs to put "Spoilers" in the title or at least at the beginning of the thread.

I'd post gameplay pictures, but there isn't any, so here are my specs. Make your mind up from the bajillions of screenshots you've all already seen, and then go and do something worthwhile.

this is probably one of the dumbest posts i've seen.
Someone needs to put "Spoilers" in the title or at least at the beginning of the thread.
Yeah, I guess so. I'm taking screenshots using the editor, so I think it should be understood that I can load any level and go anywhere to take images. But by now, every review, article and video card review mentionned that there's an alien ship and a carrier battle so I don't think there's much left to spoil in terms of what levels to expect.
Yeah, I guess so. I'm taking screenshots using the editor, so I think it should be understood that I can load any level and go anywhere to take images. But by now, every review, article and video card review mentionned that there's an alien ship and a carrier battle so I don't think there's much left to spoil in terms of what levels to expect.

Your screenshots look a bit squished, like the aspect ratio is wrong on em. Other than that they look great :)
Yeah sone of them look like they were taken as widescreen 16:10 and resized to 4:3
That's odd because I didn't. My monitor's aspect ratio is 4:3 and I'm using a 4000x3000 resolution which I then scaled down to 1024x768 just so the forum width wouldn't be too crazy. Anyway, I added the screenshot width/height commands in my autoexec.cfg file so from now on they shouldn't change. (by default they're set to something else)
xp pro 32 dx9 @1680x1050
xfx 8800gts g92 780/1950/1050 with omega drivers and stock cooling but fans are controlled by riva based on heat
p5b-e q6600 g0 @3.3 stock vcore 2gb ocz reaper ddr2 800 memory 1:1 @367 4-4-4-10 and onboard sound all being powered by a corsair hx520w

skins for both the socom and scar
tweaked autoexec and CVarGroups from somebody named 'Hélder [HP] Pinto"
first level is physisIII the other is country path
1680x1050 4aa with vsync
xfx 8800gts g92 with rivatuner 780/1950/1050 stock cooling but fans are controlled by riva based on heat
p5b-e q6600 g0 @3.3 stock vcore 2gb memory 1:1 @367 4-4-4-10 onboard sound
xp pro 32

natural mod 2.02
ragdoll and blood effects for crysis 1.1
Realtime Water Physics mod
skins for both the socom and scar
tweaked autoexec and CVarGroups from somebody named 'Hélder [HP] Pinto"
first level is physisIII the other is Country Path


Thanks! What frames are you getting? Can you link me to the tweaked config?

Thanks! What frames are you getting? Can you link me to the tweaked config?

don't know what the framerate is but its smooth

link to config

i use this config however by default it has vsync and TripleBuffering disabled and some other tweaked values i've changed to my preference so be sure to open it up and customize to your liking

how do i display the framerate when taking screenshots is that what show developer info does
Yeah, I guess so. I'm taking screenshots using the editor, so I think it should be understood that I can load any level and go anywhere to take images. But by now, every review, article and video card review mentionned that there's an alien ship and a carrier battle so I don't think there's much left to spoil in terms of what levels to expect.

Yeah I understand that, it's just that I haven't seen or read much about the game and was going to try it once I updated my components. They didn't give away too much...
i use this config however by default it has vsync and TripleBuffering disabled and some other tweaked values i've changed to my preference so be sure to open it up and customize to your liking

how do i display the framerate when taking screenshots is that what show developer info does

What does triplebuffering do? I use Fraps to show fps, or you can use r_displayinfo 1 to show all the info.
you should only enable TripleBuffering if using vsync

Tripple buffering uses more video memory (since there's an extra back buffer that needs to be created)

it is (generally) used when enabling VSync, the 3rd back buffer means that you will always have a free back buffer to render into and there will always be a back buffer available to flip with the front buffer on verticle refresh. This allows the graphics hardware to avoid stalling while waiting for the monitor to refresh. If you aren't enabling VSync then there really isn't a good reason for enabling tripple buffering
you should only enable TripleBuffering if using vsync

Tripple buffering uses more video memory (since there's an extra back buffer that needs to be created)

it is (generally) used when enabling VSync, the 3rd back buffer means that you will always have a free back buffer to render into and there will always be a back buffer available to flip with the front buffer on verticle refresh. This allows the graphics hardware to avoid stalling while waiting for the monitor to refresh. If you aren't enabling VSync then there really isn't a good reason for enabling tripple buffering

oh okay. What tweaks did you do? I get like 3-5 frames lower with that config you posted compared to my old one. I have the same specs as you pretty much.
no tweaks for performance but if you want better frames just disable aa

here is my autoexec

; User Options commands
con_restricted = 0
r_displayinfo = 0
r_VSync = 0
d3d9_TripleBuffering = 0
e_screenshot_width = 4096
e_screenshot_height = 3072
e_screenshot_quality = 100
e_screenshot_file_format = jpg

; Textures
r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = 32
r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = 24
r_DynTexMaxSize = 80
r_EnvCMResolution = 2
r_EnvTexResolution = 3
r_ImposterRatio = 1
r_TexAtlasSize = 2048
r_TexSkyResolution = 0
r_TexturesStreaming = 0
sys_LowSpecPak = 0

; Object Detail
ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 200
ca_DrawFaceAttachments = 1
ca_UseDecals = 1
e_cbuffer_resolution = 256
e_decals_allow_game_decals = 1
e_decals_life_time_scale = 2
e_detail_materials_view_dist_xy = 4096
e_detail_materials_view_dist_z = 256
e_dissolve = 1
e_lod_min = 0
e_lod_ratio = 8
e_max_view_dst_spec_lerp = 1
e_obj_quality = 4
e_proc_vegetation = 1
e_terrain_occlusion_culling_max_dist = 200
e_vegetation_bending = 2
e_vegetation_min_size = 0
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_custom_ratio_min = 1
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = 15
e_view_dist_ratio = 80
e_view_dist_ratio_detail = 30
e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = 45
es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 1
i_rejecteffects = 1
sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 1

; Shadows
e_gsm_cache = 0
e_gsm_lods_num = 5
e_gsm_range = 3
e_shadows = 1
e_shadows_cast_view_dist_ratio = 0.6
e_shadows_from_terrain_in_all_lods = 0
e_shadows_max_texture_size = 640
e_shadows_on_alpha_blended = 1
r_ShadowBlur = 3
r_ShadowJittering = 1
r_ShadowsMaskResolution = 0

; Physics
e_cull_veg_activation = 50
e_foliage_wind_activation_dist = 25
e_phys_foliage = 2
e_phys_ocean_cell = 5
es_MaxPhysDist = 200
es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 25
g_breakage_particles_limit = 250
g_joint_breaking = 1
g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0
p_max_MC_iters = 6000
p_max_substeps_large_group = 5

; Shaders
p_num_bodies_large_group = 100
e_max_entity_lights = 20
e_particles_lights = 1
e_ram_maps = 1
e_sky_type = 1
e_sky_update_rate = 1
e_terrain_ao = 1
e_terrain_normal_map = 1
e_vegetation_use_terrain_color = 1
q_Renderer = 3
q_ShaderFX = 3
q_ShaderGeneral = 3
q_ShaderGlass = 3
q_ShaderHDR = 3
q_ShaderIce = 3
q_ShaderMetal = 3
q_ShaderPostProcess = 3
q_ShaderShadow = 3
q_ShaderSky = 3
q_ShaderTerrain = 3
q_ShaderVegetation = 3
r_DetailDistance = 12
r_DetailNumLayers = 2
r_DetailTextures = 1
r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = 25
r_FillLights = 14
r_HairSortingQuality = 1
r_HDRRendering = 1
r_HDRBrightOffset = 10
r_HDRBrightThreshold = 20
r_CoronaSizeScale = 0.5
r_LightsSinglePass = 0
r_SSAO = 1
r_SSAO_quality = 2
r_SSAO_radius = 2
r_TexturesFilteringQuality = 0
r_UsePOM = 1
sys_flash_edgeaa = 1

; Volumetric
e_clouds = 1
r_Beams = 3
r_BeamsDistFactor = 1
r_BeamsMaxSlices = 250

; Game
g_battleDust_enable = 1
g_ragdollDistance = 35
g_ragdollMinTime = 15
i_lighteffects = 1

; Post Processing
r_ColorGrading = 0
r_DepthOfField = 0
r_sunshafts = 1
r_UseEdgeAA = 2

; Particles
e_particles_lod = 1
e_particles_max_emitter_draw_screen = 16
e_particles_object_collisions = 1
e_particles_quality = 4
e_water_ocean_soft_particles = 1
r_UseSoftParticles = 1

; Water
e_water_ocean_fft = 1
e_water_tesselation_amount = 10
e_water_tesselation_swath_width = 10
q_ShaderWater = 3
r_WaterCaustics = 1
r_WaterReflections = 1
r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 3
r_WaterRefractions = 1
r_WaterUpdateDistance = 2
r_WaterUpdateFactor = 1

; FPS Gains
cl_hitBlur = 0
cl_hitShake = 0

s_SpeakerConfig = 5

; More Settings
e_particles_thread = 1
e_terrain_lod_ratio = 0.2
e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = 1.5
e_vegetation_static_instancing = 1
r_GeomInstancing = 1
r_HDRLevel = 1
r_ssao_amount = 0.4
r_SSAO_blur = 4
r_SSAO_darkening = 1.25
r_TerrainAO_FadeDist = 8
r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = 128
r_WaterGodRays = 1
no tweaks for performance but if you want better frames just disable aa

here is my autoexec

I disabled AA and everything. How are you getting smooth rates with 4x aa? I'm not gettign good rates with that config.
with 4aa i get like 20fps without it i get 30-40fps that can dip as low as 20

i don't play with aa on only for screenshots etc. doesn't really make a difference in terms of image quality imho but i could take more screens if you want

here are some without aa in third person

NOTE:If you use modified object files, scripts, textures the cheat protection won't let you play.
you could just make backups for when you mp that way you can have your cake and eat it too

That grenade one is pretty cool. So you played the level is sandbox editor, thats how you went in 3rd person right? Doesn't sandbox editor givemore fps compared to regular SP?