Crysis Screen shots..nothing else 56k no

Id recommend DX9 for better performance.
Besides, DX9 can be tweaked to more or less look like DX10.
It won't capture the exact look of DX10, but it will come close, and more importantly run better.

I've also been trying to find a good DX10 config (probably end up making one myself.) I realize it runs better and nearly as pretty as DX10 in DX9, but I don't have C2Q, 4GB, Vista X64, and SLI GTs to run something nearly as pretty. Actually, the main reason I want a config file at all is to see which sets of extra visual effects people are using, and how they are optimizing them to run decently. Nobody seems interested in tweaking DX10 mode though.
I run it with the rig in my sig at high quality and its fine. My IQ may only be a hair lower then these with still playable frames. Overall its the most beautiful gaming experience so far, and Im doing it with an 8 month old $1,100 system. I don't see why people say you need the best machine to run Crysis.
BS. :rolleyes:

You are the quintessential type of misinformed person.
Passing your opinion off as a absolute fact in light of contradictory evidence, and thus perpetuating the performance myths surrounding Crysis. :rolleyes:

Misinformed? Moron, I have an 8800GT and I've played through Crysis. The first level is alright for the most part, but toward the middle and end, it turns into a slide show. At all high at 1280x1024, I get about 15fps in almost ever level but the first, which is mysteriously much easier on the computer. I don't need evidence because I've seen it for myself. You would have known that if you'd bothered to read my sig.
yeah but dx10 multiplayer is where its at...

hell yeah, I always have to stop and look at the sun when it comes up and sets on those servers. soo beautiful.

Misinformed? Moron, I have an 8800GT and I've played through Crysis. The first level is alright for the most part, but toward the middle and end, it turns into a slide show. At all high at 1280x1024, I get about 15fps in almost ever level but the first, which is mysteriously much easier on the computer. I don't need evidence because I've seen it for myself. You would have known that if you'd bothered to read my sig.

Have you tried crysis again with the new forceware beta drivers?
Misinformed? Moron, I have an 8800GT and I've played through Crysis. The first level is alright for the most part, but toward the middle and end, it turns into a slide show. At all high at 1280x1024, I get about 15fps in almost ever level but the first, which is mysteriously much easier on the computer. I don't need evidence because I've seen it for myself. You would have known that if you'd bothered to read my sig.
Instead of calling names..find a way
I get average of 30fps with the tweak i use that i posted on the previous page and its a very high setting tweak with all the eyecandy
Misinformed? Moron, I have an 8800GT and I've played through Crysis. The first level is alright for the most part, but toward the middle and end, it turns into a slide show. At all high at 1280x1024, I get about 15fps in almost ever level but the first, which is mysteriously much easier on the computer. I don't need evidence because I've seen it for myself. You would have known that if you'd bothered to read my sig.

You are hugely cpu limited...

Misinformed? Moron, I have an 8800GT and I've played through Crysis. The first level is alright for the most part, but toward the middle and end, it turns into a slide show. At all high at 1280x1024, I get about 15fps in almost ever level but the first, which is mysteriously much easier on the computer. I don't need evidence because I've seen it for myself. You would have known that if you'd bothered to read my sig.

Instead of calling names..find a way
I get average of 30fps with the tweak i use that i posted on the previous page and its a very high setting tweak with all the eyecandy

You and I both sl3000gt, you and I both.

This Obi guy however is rather impetuous and presumptuous in his judgment.

I have in fact played it from beginning to end, and all throughout, save for a few minutes here or there, I was experiencing ~ 30-31 FPS average on high.

Most people whom I have seen state otherwise either don't know how to:
a) configure Crysis
b) configure and maintain their rigs
c) or are simply CPU limited (mostly Opteron owners I see crying around here)
d) goes without saying that their GPU isnt up to snuff

In the case of this Obi character Im pretty sure its all of the above except for d.
I got pretty good frames throughout most of the game. Im running the following hardware:

Opteron 180 stock clock
MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum
2GB Crucial DDR400
Evga 8800GT Superclocked

Usually 25-35 fps

edit: Should have said at what settings. All I did was select High and left it at that.
Bump the dead.....
played through again recently. Thought I would post some shots of areas no one really shows shots of:













I like in the first and second screenshot how the run-way trolly car thing is just floating above the crater on the deck of the ship lol.

Looks good, I need a new fawkin gpu.
Yeah, I noticed that. This game can get spastic with physics sometimes. Like, it's happened to me 3 times where I blast one of those sniper lookout towers with a rocket and the legs fall out from under the platform....but the platform stays in the air (still supporting the damn sniper!).
I'll add some good looking screenshots to the thread. No, it wasn't very playable, but the screenshots looked good :p


This guy has pretty good balance






All were taken at 1680x1050, all settings on high, dx9 with about 5-8 fps lol.
I forgot just how good this game can look, holy god I can't wait for Nvidia to get their thumb out and give us a card significantly faster than the 8800GTX so I can replay this game in all its glory.

Some of those screens look so good it's almost as if they've been touched up aftwards, some of them dont look too far off real.
Honestly I am a little puzzled why some people either have very playable frame rates and others do not despite similar specs. I run at 1600x1200 shadows medium, post processing, shaders and water at very high and everything else at medium. FPS were usually around 30, Assault map tended to drop to the lower 20s.
You and I both sl3000gt, you and I both.

This Obi guy however is rather impetuous and presumptuous in his judgment.



I've played through Crysis with the rig in my signature, the 8800GT is stock w/ 171.16 Vista 64 drivers, along with Crysis 64bit, the game was smooth on High , even during multiplayer, It played perfectly smooth @ 1680x1050.

I also have an ATi HD3870 that just couldn't handle crysis at all.
Id recommend DX9 for better performance.
Besides, DX9 can be tweaked to more or less look like DX10.
It won't capture the exact look of DX10, but it will come close, and more importantly run better.

The whole idea is to make it look good. DX10 multiplayer servers get day/night sequences too.
I forgot just how good this game can look, holy god I can't wait for Nvidia to get their thumb out and give us a card significantly faster than the 8800GTX so I can replay this game in all its glory.

Some of those screens look so good it's almost as if they've been touched up aftwards, some of them dont look too far off real.

Yeah! And I don't see a single game in the near future, that can rival with Crysis graphics fidelity. Yes, not even Far Cry 2, unless what they showed in those videos, is going to be improved ten fold.
Honestly I am a little puzzled why some people either have very playable frame rates and others do not despite similar specs. I run at 1600x1200 shadows medium, post processing, shaders and water at very high and everything else at medium. FPS were usually around 30, Assault map tended to drop to the lower 20s.

Most of the <smart> people are playing in DX9 (i see you have some very high settings, so don't play in dx10. You should play in dx9 and use some custom configs)
I took the following screenshots with the editor. I actually played the game from there and the edgeAA setting really helps a lot. I honestly didn't notice any alising while playing the game, and I was playing it windowed at 1280x960. It ran very well too, but I took the screenshots at 4000x3000 just in case and then resized them to 1024x768 to show them here.

"Ice" map

"Core" map



It looks like a freaking movie when you play that level! I feel like I'm playing Descent but with amazing graphics.
To take nice screenshots in the editor, type this in the console (or put it in the autoexec.cfg to avoid typing it more than once)
con_restricted = 0
e_screenshot_width = 4000
(using 9000+ crashed the editor for me because of a memory problem)
e_screenshot_height = 3000
cl_hud = 0 (hides the HUD - set back to 1 to see it again)
r_displayinfo = 0 (gets rid of stats at the top-right)
bind "enter key here" e_screenshot 1 (defines which is the screenshot key)
Then press CTRL+G to play the map and take screenshots. Your images will be saved in Crysis/Game/ScreenShots/Hires as .tga files which you can then resize.

I also used the following settings in a autoexec.cfg file to get "Very High" effects in DX9:
r_MotionBlur = 4
r_sunshafts = 1
r_useedgeaa = 2
r_Usepom = 1