Counter Strike: Global Offensive - Worth it?

Zarathustra[H];1041388999 said:
Well, I've been playing GO for about a week now, after not having played since Source.

Many things are much improved, but I feel like it has ruined the aspect of CS I really loved.

The auto server joining matchmaking thing sure makes it easy to join a server, but it has downsides too. Because it is so easy, noone is forced to go to community servers anymore, leaving many of them empty a lot of the time.

The part of CS I loved was just having a regular pub server (sort of like a regular bar) where you could always log in and the people you know would be playing. Because everyone just auto joins valves servers these days, there aren't enough people to keep these servers alive when the regulars aren't on, so they just stay empty, because if one or two regulars join there aren't enough people to play.

This is too bad.

It feels kind of hollow and lacking in community to just play with randoms every time I play...

Not true. There are quite a few servers who have regulars but you have to find them and add them to favorites. Use a server search engine on the web to find a quality occupied server.
You can fix that pretty easily by adding people that you talk to and get along with. I haven't been playing for awhile, but I had like 20+ people on my friends list that I could hop on with.
Zarathustra[H];1041380608 said:
If you are interested in why I consider it a "run and gun" game, you should try playing a single game of "Red Orchestra 2" in the realism game mode.

There is no doubt CS is a competitive game, and has been for 15 years, but it is still a game where players can run at comically fast speeds, instantly stop and steady their weapons and fire, where cover is of limited value compared to games who take the realism factor more seriously.

It's a fast paced, twitchy FPS, in other words, run and gun. :p

I love it for what it is (otherwise I wouldn't be playing it again 16 years after first trying it, and 10 years after shutting down my servers). I think it is great for a quick relaxing fun game, when I don't want to dedicate time or effort.

If that's the game type you're into then keep playing Red Orchestra 2. I don't know why you're even comparing the two. CS is all about small map short round team based tactical gameplay, it relies heavily on accuracy and recoil control and using smokes/flashes to take/hold/retake bomb sites. It is what it is, does what it does very well, and I think in the future we'll see other games attempt the formula. Isn't there a new ghost recon game or something coming out with a similar competitive format?
If that's the game type you're into then keep playing Red Orchestra 2. I don't know why you're even comparing the two. CS is all about small map short round team based tactical gameplay, it relies heavily on accuracy and recoil control and using smokes/flashes to take/hold/retake bomb sites. It is what it is, does what it does very well, and I think in the future we'll see other games attempt the formula. Isn't there a new ghost recon game or something coming out with a similar competitive format?

They are different types of games, and I like both.

CS for a light non-serious round of fun when I don't ahve the time to invest in a serious game, and RO2 when I want to go full on sim.

Well, not full on. Maybe semi full on. Arma would be full on sim, but they take it too far, to the point where it is no longer fun.
Have you tried Insurgency? Its about halfway between CS and RO2.

Playing ARMA 3 mods like Epoch is where its multiplayer PvP experience really shines, but you really need a group of 2 or 3+ guys to have fun.