Corsair Giveaway - Force Series™ GT 180GB Solid-State Hard Drive

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The winners were notified via PM.

Corsair is giving away not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE brand new Force Series™ GT 180GB SATA 3 6Gb/s Solid-State Hard Drives! Winners will be drawn at random from this thread next week.

Post only once in this thread and tell us why you need a Corsair SSD in your rig.

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I need a corsair SSD because I currently use 4x SAS 15kRPM drives in a suicide raid to get comparable speed.
I've always wanted an OS specific drive... Solid state is a thing of dreams, make mine come true! <3
I need a Corsair SSD because my bro has one and always shows off how fast his rig goes :/ I am jelly.
I need a Corsair SSD to use as L2ARC for my ZFS system :D
I need a corsair ssd because hard drive prices just skyrocketed and the only decent performing hard drives are so expensive I might as well be using an ssd for OS and storage at this point. the ssd specifically has to be corsair because I know from experience they'll help me out with any issues I may have.
Having a Corsair SSD would bring the overall e-peen factor of my rig to new heights, and yeah.. game textures loading silly fast would be a massive plus.
I just recently moved from a WD Green drive to a WD Black, but it didn't increase my HDD Performance that much. EVERYTHING else ins my system is pretty solid, i'm just held back by ancient mechanical hard drive technology.
Help! I am using a 1st gen Intel SSD and about to run out of room. Winning this would breath new life into my rig w/ the performance that I know this Corsair drive would bring.
I ... me ... myself .. wants one, nay .. NEEDS one .. to make my main rig perform like Corsair intended for my computer to perform .. crazy fassssst ..

thank you Corsair for wanting to make my computer be faster ..
I need an SSD... My rig is good, but my Hard drive slows it down. Corsair makes some good ones.

Strapped for cash at the moment so can't get one.
My HDD's are starting to sound like tool chests falling down stairs while booting. I think it's time to retire them. :D
I need a Corsair SSD so that I may properly instruct my newborn son in the ways of a computer enthusiast.
Could never justify the purchase of a SSD on my current budget, would like the opportunity to experience one.
...because I just built a new rig and would love to add this to it!

Regardless of who wins, thanks for the offer!
I need the Corsair SSD's as I am still running 4x 36gb Raptors in a RAID 10 array... :eek:
Gonna build new pc for first time and want to get into the ssd game. Plus, the red and black look real nice.
I need one to help make up for my terrible internet making me load slow in games...and it goes with half my stuff as it's from Corsair.
I need a SSD to bring me into the new millennium since I still have only one ancient IDE drive. :eek:
I would LOVE one of those drives in my machine. I just built a brand new rig, with components like a radeon 6870, 8gb of ddr3, etc....

Somehow I managed to mis-budget myself when I ordered, and had nothing left over for storage! My dumb-a$$ is limping by with an old 40GB 5400rpm IDE WD as my only drive for now!
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