Corsair: 650D

Anyone find this for sale yet?

Their website says should been available in July.

Please could something be done about the cost of shipping outside of the US? I really, really want to have a solid side panel instead of the window, but stuff like this:


Just doesn't make it worthwhile, I'm not willing to spend $70 on a side panel and I'm not sure how many people would be.
We're working on it - shipping is a bit ridiculous for some regions right now. Sorry guys.
Any updated eta on the mesh side panel?

Would love to stick a 200mm fan right on top of my gfx cards, which are running about 5c hotter than they did in my old (noisier) P182.
Any IDEA when the H100 will actually come out?

The mesh for the 650D would be nice too.

Remember when Corsair announced immediate availability of the H100 three weeks ago, that means Newegg will have it in August and Amazon in October. It sucks dude but that’s the way they play the waiting game, I am waiting just like you.

The entire supply line is just effed up, what we hear from Redbeard has Nothing to do with real delivery or availability! He is just an interim an appeasement, a placation; a consolation to keep us holding on to hope. The real truth is far dated from the official announcements. Just like the 650D delivery turned out to be. Why can’t they just say the H100 will be available for shipment on August 14th? Please tell me why? Because they want to BS us man. Every Corsair product is introduced this way, its hype higher dollars, early adopters pay 25%more it’s just the market man.You don’t have to have an MD, DMD, and two PhDs to figure this simple shit out.
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Ya I'm holding on to my vantage and if this damn thing doesnt come out soon, I'm gonna say F-IT and stay w/ my vantage. Told a few weeks ago, some stores may see it, That passed and nada. I know its not redbeards fault at all, But damn. At least give us a general idea when we should REALLY see it in retail stores.

Funny how the H80 on newegg has gotten mixed reviews, Some saying the fans dont run at stock speeds, the controller is tapes on w/ double sided tape or something.

Whats next, A dual-sized H110? That has the same size rad as the H70 or H80 ;)
Ya I'm holding on to my vantage and if this damn thing doesnt come out soon, I'm gonna say F-IT and stay w/ my vantage. Told a few weeks ago, some stores may see it, That passed and nada. I know its not redbeards fault at all, But damn. At least give us a general idea when we should REALLY see it in retail stores.

Funny how the H80 on newegg has gotten mixed reviews, Some saying the fans dont run at stock speeds, the controller is tapes on w/ double sided tape or something.

Whats next, A dual-sized H110? That has the same size rad as the H70 or H80 ;)

You got it just right dude, they are just fucking with us. Redbeard I used to think was a cool upright dude, but he is just playing the corporate BS, they can't just give us a simple date of availability, it’s all the same shit like the fan controller fix kit. We will deliver it to you quickly and it will solve nothing at all.
To be honest, I got the fan fix, but dont even use it, I use a Lamptron FC8, Which is alot better and can set the speeds to what 'I' want, Not a Low, Medium or High. I rather set it to what i want, Not pre-fixed settings.

All I hear is 'any day now' and to be honest, That any day now has turned to any 'week' now.

I personally think they shouldve MADE the H100 the same size as the H80, dual size. Funny how the H70, H80 are dual size and they make the H100 small size like the H60.
You got it just right dude, they are just fucking with us. Redbeard I used to think was a cool upright dude, but he is just playing the corporate BS, they can't just give us a simple date of availability, it’s all the same shit like the fan controller fix kit. We will deliver it to you quickly and it will solve nothing at all.

I dunno, RedBeard came to the rescue when I found out my H60 was missing a part. I wasn't charged a penny and I got spares! :) I'm leaning towards the XSPC Rasa 360 these days anyway.
We're working on it - shipping is a bit ridiculous for some regions right now. Sorry guys.

Any ETA on when shipping is going to be less ridiculous? It's still $70 shipped for a simple side panel right now.

It wouldn't be as bad if any retailers stocked the panel but they don't appear to.
Whats crappy, is the unamable store here in Canada has the 7/800 side panel in store, but doesnt have the 650 or 600 sides.

I bought this case from newegg and its been great for the most part, however the stock temps on my core i5-2500k is way too high, running about 40-45 idle and shoots up to 95 for games. just put in arctic silver, hopefully improve the situation..will the mesh panel allow fans to be mounted?
Good to hear, thing is I'm from the UK, I would have though shipping to the UK at least would have been sorted a long time ago.

Being that Corsair is NOT in the shipping business, I would think that it has something to do with international shipper and the UK.

Just thinking out loud.

Being that Corsair is NOT in the shipping business, I would think that it has something to do with international shipper and the UK.

Just thinking out loud.


Or perhaps Corsair just have inflated shipping costs on the website for locations outside of the US, it doesn't cost $40 to ship a single case side panel to the UK.
Or perhaps Corsair just have inflated shipping costs on the website for locations outside of the US, it doesn't cost $40 to ship a single case side panel to the UK.

EVIL US corporate fat cats keeping the good British people down? lol

I costs me $15 to ship a single Neo Geo AES cart from Hokkaido to Nevada and takes 2 weeks and is a simple brick. The odd shape and fragile nature of the side panel requires special handling, which costs more, especially when going overseas. Simple economics and logistics. Single panel, lots of care so it is not damaged (costs more), a whole case of panels, far less care as they are shipped in a crate/large box (costs less per unit).

Maybe you guys in the UK should stop complaining about the rates and do a group buy of them? That way you can keep the shipping rates lower through volume and make a nice profit on the rest?
Does anyone know if the 230mm Bitfenix fans will fit in place of the 200mm fans in the Corsair? They apparently shift 115 CFM at 20Db
I have a bitfenix 200mm fan, and the mounting holes are on the opposite side, Meaning I wouldve had to use long rubber screws or metal screws to make it intake as the screws on the case arent long enough. I'm sure the 230 has the same mounting holes as the 200mm.
If only it had the sail window like it's big brother and didn't have the rubber around the window. Still a beautiful case I opted for the 800d only because a mint one fell in my lap for a ridiculous price.
Hi Redbeard,

I hate to bother you here but I did not get a reply back via email. I sent an email out to you on July 5th about a replacement IO panel for a 650D. I did not get a response back and its been almost a month now.

Should I just call support?

Hi Redbeard,

I hate to bother you here but I did not get a reply back via email. I sent an email out to you on July 5th about a replacement IO panel for a 650D. I did not get a response back and its been almost a month now.

Should I just call support?


Sorry, I must have missed the email somehow. Send it again, please. [email protected]
How are the thermals? I just picked one up for my first desktop build ever, because I heard the assembly was really easy, but I've also just heard the thermals suck, which is a problem given that I'm OC'ing like mad on this build (2600K, CFX 6970's).

If that's the case, if anyone wants it, I'll sell it to you for the lowest price you can find online new,(Anandtech says $165) and I'll pay to ship it to you from Michigan. It's still in the box enroute and I haven't registered it yet.

/Dependent on thermals sucking.