Corsair: 650D

Finally installed my system in my shiny new 650D, and it's generally pretty great. Upgrading from my much louder P182 with fans everywhere has seen temps rise a couple degrees, nothing major.

My only problem is the front fan has a noticeable whine to it. I've tested all the fans and the front on is definitely the problem. Thinking of getting a CoolerMaster 200mm fan which seems to have good reviews. Anyone have any experience with these?

I have my hdd cage moved next to the power supply so clearance for the fan shouldn't be an issue.

I have a CM Megaflow 200mm in front, But I would prefer the black CM 200mm fan or the CM Stormforce 200mm fan w/ LED on/off, But cant find that fan.

I saw NZXT has new 200mm fans w/ black casing and blue/red/green LEDS w/ on/off switch, But on their site, of course, says only guaranteed to work on nzxt cases :eek:
The only part of that description I would agree with is the hard drive trays. Those are flimsy and brittle. I've broken at least two of them basically from looking at them.

Other than that, the case is rock solid.

True, They do seem flimsy, But they do get the job done.

I found them easier to install drives than the trays in the NZXT phantom, But wouldve liked better drive trays.
I have a CM Megaflow 200mm in front, But I would prefer the black CM 200mm fan or the CM Stormforce 200mm fan w/ LED on/off, But cant find that fan.

I saw NZXT has new 200mm fans w/ black casing and blue/red/green LEDS w/ on/off switch, But on their site, of course, says only guaranteed to work on nzxt cases :eek:

Yeah I was looking at those NZXT fans as well, but the reviews on newegg and amazon aren't the best. The Xigmatek fans are only 20mm thick and seem like they'd be a great replacement fit, but I'll just go with the CM red one for now.

I've unplugged that whiney front Corsair fan and the case is fantastically quiet. Also rather warm, but should be fine for a few days.
Yeah I was looking at those NZXT fans as well, but the reviews on newegg and amazon aren't the best. The Xigmatek fans are only 20mm thick and seem like they'd be a great replacement fit, but I'll just go with the CM red one for now.

I've unplugged that whiney front Corsair fan and the case is fantastically quiet. Also rather warm, but should be fine for a few days.

The NZXT fans I'm talking of dont have reviews on Newegg.

Its these:

"*Only guaranteed to work with NZXT products."
It's really funny when I try to find something better or as good as the 650D that is anywhere between 50 and 100 bucks cheaper... and I just can't lol.
Ya, I also think the HAF line of cases surpasses the capabilities of the 650D, but looks are horrible in comparison. I actually got a HAF (922) before the 650D, and the build quality was no good, so I spent the extra money and went with the 650D. Sure it's not as good as a Lian-Li in terms of quality, but it's much better than the HAF 922.

It all depends what you are looking for and for me it was a balance of cooling performance, looks and build quality. I landed on the 650D and I'd say I'm pretty happy with it, especially since Corsair's customer service has been excellent.
The Corsair cases are just too big to be great air coolers with the currrent fans.

But the rest is well worth it.
I'm going to stop driving myself crazy over fans/noise/temps and just move underground.

I am serious about this Joe, now listen ok? You wouldn't like it down there, it's dark, cold, wet, and very very scary, and I also heard there are worms!;)

Joe, I may be wrong, but it seems you are trying to get your system ultra-quiet like 10db or less all the while overclocking your CPU and GPU for performance gains. I gotta tell ya man, you can move fans around all day, and that combination just ain’t gonna happen.
I can lend you all the info you need to get your system, everything you have now down to 10db, but you have to invest in an SSD, and get your HDDs into external enclosures. An ssd is going to give you such a huge performance gain that you should be able to drop your CPU back to stock speed, ergo lower heat produced, then try going passive, well semi-passive[rear 650D fan as Intake] with your Silver Arrow, and lower ALL your case fan speeds. With this scenario and your GTX460 and that huge Prolimatech MK-13 you can still throw on a game once in a while and if CPU heat becomes a problem attach one of those Noctua 6db ULNs I sent you, in the middle of the two Silver Arrow stacks, push-pull baby!

Ergo, I like that word, I should really expand my world and speak Japanese more often!;)
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...line break, is there a simple delete button somewhere, that I just can't find? You hit edit/delete but then how do you delete? ugh, doofie iPhone...
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It's really funny when I try to find something better or as good as the 650D that is anywhere between 50 and 100 bucks cheaper... and I just can't lol.

Cogito ergo sum. - "I think, therefore I am."

Corsair Cogito ergo sum elatium. - "Corsair thinks, therefore I am happy."

Thanks Snake!
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Other than the messed up fan controller, Which corsair is or has fixed, the mediocre stock fans (Which are usually replaced anyway, so who cares) and the plastic drive trays, The case is KICK ASS!

And of course Corsairs SUPERB CS, Which is TOPS...NUFF SAID!!
Any update on when you'll have more of the fan controllers, or when you'll be sending them out, still not received anything and would really love to be able to use my fan controller on my case.
I went frm a 690 II Advanced to a 650D and I prefer the 650D.

The CM was loud, too loud for my taste. I get the same temps now with less overall case noise. Not to mention that CM's build in dust filters would keep creating this constant reverb sound from the top of the case.
I am serious about this Joe, now listen ok? You wouldn't like it down there, it's dark, cold, wet, and very very scary, and I also heard there are worms!;)

Joe, I may be wrong, but it seems you are trying to get your system ultra-quiet like 10db or less all the while overclocking your CPU and GPU for performance gains. I gotta tell ya man, you can move fans around all day, and that combination just ain’t gonna happen.
I can lend you all the info you need to get your system, everything you have now down to 10db, but you have to invest in an SSD, and get your HDDs into external enclosures. An ssd is going to give you such a huge performance gain that you should be able to drop your CPU back to stock speed, ergo lower heat produced, then try going passive, well semi-passive[rear 650D fan as Intake] with your Silver Arrow, and lower ALL your case fan speeds. With this scenario and your GTX460 and that huge Prolimatech MK-13 you can still throw on a game once in a while and if CPU heat becomes a problem attach one of those Noctua 6db ULNs I sent you, in the middle of the two Silver Arrow stacks, push-pull baby!

Ergo, I like that word, I should really expand my world and speak Japanese more often!;)

Haha Bruce my system is pretty solid now. I would loveeee an SSD, but I don't know if they are at at prince point which I find acceptable just yet. Not for 512GB at least. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I know once I get that speed I'm going to want it for everything. I have yet to find time to install the MK-13, which I am very excited to do, but this Georgia heat is UNREAL.

It is 80 degrees in my room. Having that for an ambient temp cannot be good.

Still gonna play around with all these lovely fans : )
Haha Bruce my system is pretty solid now. I would loveeee an SSD, but I don't know if they are at at prince point which I find acceptable just yet. Not for 512GB at least. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I know once I get that speed I'm going to want it for everything. I have yet to find time to install the MK-13, which I am very excited to do, but this Georgia heat is UNREAL.

It is 80 degrees in my room. Having that for an ambient temp cannot be good.

Still gonna play around with all these lovely fans : )

Hey dude, I got the same 80.3F in my office also with the air set at 78, cuz it was 95 outside today around 4pm so I know whatcha mean... Anyways enjoy those lovely fans!!!
The only real crappy part about this hobby is the perpetual waiting and waiting for the great stuff to come out. There’s always stuff coming out, but not the stuff worth buying. I always have a list and a plan, but sometimes you wait 18months or so just for say SSDs to finally perform well and get TRIM support with the new O/S, or you wait 3years for USB 3.0 to finally arrive and it still doesn’t get supported by the newest Intel X79 chipset! The only cool news I’ve heard lately besides the H100, is that the new Asus Rampage IV will have Thunderbolt Optical support, Yeah Baby! I just hope it’s not an add-on card like the Rampage III Black Edition and true on-board I/O circuitry! We wish and we wait, that amounts to about 80% of being an enthusiast! Ok one more complaint, anyone relate to this one? You are dying to get something new for your rig and damn, there is Nothing to buy, Nothing! I guess this slump will end in a couple weeks when the H100s start shipping Yay! Ok sorry, End of Rant!:) Feeling much better now!
YA, I was going to get a vertex 3 SSD, But decided since I got a Vertex 2, I'm going to hold off and get the H100 instead, Since my SSD seems fast enough for me (265 mb/s is good enough).

When SSDs get the size of 512gig/1tb and dont cost the same as a damn house, Then I might get 1 :)
Joe, I may be wrong, but it seems you are trying to get your system ultra-quiet like 10db or less all the while overclocking your CPU and GPU for performance gains. I gotta tell ya man, you can move fans around all day, and that combination just ain’t gonna happen.

The FT02b seems to achieve this - as its basically smarter designed for air cooling then almost any case (though cases like the X900 come pretty close).

I saw the numbers on the 650d - and while not flat out bad (like the 800d seems to score) it doesn't cool as well as you might think from the fan layout. I think the issue is you need more postive pressure and less exhaust. What seems to happen in these cases with dual exhaust is that they pull heat from the video card - sometimes even pulling cool air back through the expansion slots instead of just out through the case.

This is why the 3 120mm 8FI managed to outcool the Corsair 650d with 2x200mm fan and a 120mm fan..That's my speculation anyway. The corsair should be much cooler with nearly 3x the exhaust volume in CFM. But it doesn't work out that way.

I have noticed the same issue with the corsair like lancool k62. Some guys over at were converting those exhaust fans to intake to solve the problem. And guys regularly run 800d with more intakes to get better cooling.

I am not saying you need massive positive pressure - but massive top exhaust doesn't seem to work so hot in some cases. Cases like the Lian Li X900 and the FT02b seem to get more cooling done with less fans..
The FT02b seems to achieve this - as its basically smarter designed for air cooling then almost any case (though cases like the X900 come pretty close).

I saw the numbers on the 650d - and while not flat out bad (like the 800d seems to score) it doesn't cool as well as you might think from the fan layout. I think the issue is you need more postive pressure and less exhaust. What seems to happen in these cases with dual exhaust is that they pull heat from the video card - sometimes even pulling cool air back through the expansion slots instead of just out through the case.

This is why the 3 120mm 8FI managed to outcool the Corsair 650d with 2x200mm fan and a 120mm fan..That's my speculation anyway. The corsair should be much cooler with nearly 3x the exhaust volume in CFM. But it doesn't work out that way.

I have noticed the same issue with the corsair like lancool k62. Some guys over at were converting those exhaust fans to intake to solve the problem. And guys regularly run 800d with more intakes to get better cooling.

I am not saying you need massive positive pressure - but massive top exhaust doesn't seem to work so hot in some cases. Cases like the Lian Li X900 and the FT02b seem to get more cooling done with less fans..

So what would your recommended configuration for the 650D be?
I seem okay with a 200mm in front, a 140 exhaust over the hsf, a second 140 intake on top but slower feeding air in to the hsf, which is the nh-u12, and the 120 rear exhaust.

My case sits out in the open, so the hot exhaust pumps out past everything.

But Clinch is right, theres just too much space.
No, as then you have like 250-300cfm inflow and like 50cfm out. It does need to balance some what.

Like 200 in, 175 out.
Patonb is absolutely correct; you cannot create 95% positive pressure, without the normal exhaust of used warm air! What GuyClinch is saying is also 99% correct, the Silverstone Fortress does create a single flow of cool outside air to warm air to warm out, like a tunnel, a tubular flow of air NO pressure differentiation along the pathway which IS yes very efficient for PURE air cooling, perhaps the most efficient. But this 100% positive pressure tubular flow is only going to benefit those few enthusiasts running very warm components and wishing to run them on air only. The theory and the design of the Fortress is amazing extremely well engineered as an Air-Only Chassis.

Pressure differentiation is created by chassis areas that let air flow IN, and change that singular pathway like the ventilated rear slots in the 650D, or the rear 120mm fan used as an intake, this is a great advantage to someone like me, the silent enthusiast minority, who needs all the cool airflow he can get running fans at very low rpm using large heat sinks and ssds to create the least amount of heat inside and dissipating it as rapidly as possible, my rig runs a very quiet 10db, but it's no performance screamer.
Zero pressure differentiation and solid positive flow is perfect for some enthusiasts who wish to run warm gear on air only, that’s totally cool, but it’s just not for everyone.

GuyClinch is very correct in his choice of cases for positive pressure air-cooling, but our 650Ds have many more choices:

1) The ultra-silent pc for getting your work done on your desktop can't hear the damn thing, and it looks effing amazing. Just me I guess.
2) The ultra-high quality air-cooled rig for the power user super modder and gamer. Like Faulkton and Joe.
3) The Semi Hydro Corsair Coolers combined with high quality air. Like fantomau, and vasvas
4) The ultra-max H20 Water Rigger. Like Fan O’ Water.

I completely agree with GuyClinch, but I just don't agree that the FT02b chassis is the best choice for everyone…
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Can anyone recommend a filter to use on the rear 120mm fan port (I'm running a H60 in Push/Pull blowing IN). Should I try it blowing out and see if it's cool enough under load?
Any update on when you'll have more of the fan controllers, or when you'll be sending them out, still not received anything and would really love to be able to use my fan controller on my case.

Bumping this. Still not heard or received anything, I bought this case knowing full well the fan controller was flawed because Corsair promised they would help with any issues that customers had, still not been helped..
I love the case -- I fit 2x Asus 6950 DirectCU II's in it easily.


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The fan controllers are en route, I know you've heard that before but we really are just awaiting the box to clear customs and get to our facility here so we can ship them out. Sorry for the delay, guys.

As for the fan controller being "broken", some early units had issues with the fan controller - this was fixed almost immediately so the vast majority of units in the field are the new units. The way to tell is if the UPC label on your box says "CC650DW" or "CC650DW-1". The -1 is the one with the updated fan controller.
Mesh side panel is being tooled, probably for sale in August. Solid side panel should be up this month.
My fan controller is working. I'm an idiot and assumed the sata power connector was for the controller, but then in a moment of clarity realized it had to be for the hdd dock on the top and connected the molex connector.

This case rocks.
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