Console Gaming vs PC Gaming

First off, PC games have much better graphics hands down and lets just leave it at that. That point simply cannot be argued.

I prefer console for simply the point that I can play co-op games on the couch with my buddies. Right now I am playing champions of norrath with a buddy and it is a blast to have him in the room with me having a good time.

The pc has good games too of course but if you gave me the choice I would go console for multiplayer and pc for single player.
Hm, I find it all boils down to personal preference. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I am a PC man myself. I have played on Xbox/PS2/etc etc, but never got into it nor did I find it enjoyable. The controller was clunky and I was owned hardcore in every deathmatch we played. I also was put off by the loading times of games in the systems!

Anywho, to each his own I say. BUT: Mac Mini -- The PC verison of a Console :p Teehehe.
huxley said:
First off, PC games have much better graphics hands down and lets just leave it at that. That point simply cannot be argued.

1. They're both.. computers, in the sense they're a CPU, GPU and Ram, I'm sure in a hardware sense some of the next gen consoles will make peoples PC's seem outdated and they'll go upgrade.. then new consoles will come out.. etc etc the cycle goes on.

2. Art is Art... Does WoW have better graphics than Zelda WindWalker? Hell they're both cartoony.. it's an absolute matter of taste.

3. Why would you even write something like that... :(

Everything is heading towards widescreen and higher resolution (1080p etc). Processing power will always advance.
First off, I'd like to say that I own both a Gamecube and a (used to be high end) PC, and enjoy them both quite a lot. My poor wife!

Blinkme323 said:
I mean really, you can buy all three consoles with games and accesories for the price of a good pc.

That is an excellent point. Consoles do cost quite a bit less than PC's do.

Blinkme323 said:
They have served me well for about 4 years and still top the pc I think

I disagree here. Seems to me when a new console comes out, it's a bit faster than PC's for a little while, but not for the lifespan of that console. Also, when I say faster, I am comparing how PC's are intended to be played (hi-res) verses consoles (not as high-res). If I was comparing them apples to apples in [H] terms, PC's still rock over consoles even when the new consoles come out.

Blinkme323 said:
Is it really worth it to fool with drivers, overclocking, autoexecs, etc just to play a game.

Usually, yes. I find that gaming on my PC is much more flexible than gaming on a console, and am thankful that I even have the ability to mess with this stuff. It sucks when you buy a console game that is buggy and there is nothing you can do about it. For example, Prince of Persia, WW, was loaded with game-stopping bugs (on Gamecube). To bad you can't just download a patch or upgrade your drivers like you can on a PC! But I understand your point. Some people don't care to mess with things like this. And that's likely why consoles exist in today's market.

Blinkme323 said:
I just bought a nice A64 3200 and a 9800 pro because I got it for just about nothing in a trade with my old Athlon 1700. It looks a little bit better than the consoles, but I play them so much more.

Sounds to me like consoles are just your thing. Nothing wrong with that, but nothing wrong with gaming on PC's either :D

Blinkme323 said:
People say monitors are better than TV's; but to me, I would much rather play on a console in front of my TV.

How many TV's out there support 1600x1200 screen resolution? Hmm, none that I've ever heard of. Maybe some TV's have good brightness or color quality, but none of them are going to get as good of a screen resolution as a monitor (at least for now). The new HD TV's are pretty impressive though, and it looks like console games will be increasing their resolutions in the future.

Blinkme323 said:
People need to stop wating thousands on the best hardware equipment and just play the game. Who cares if about 2 extra fps or bragging rights.

Speak for yourself. I'm sure there are a lot here who could prove that the latest PC hardware will stomp all over the latest console hardware. Set your PC to 640x480 resolution (about as close to the latest consoles as you'll get), and see which one has the highest framerate. I'll let you guess which one takes the cake.

Blinkme323 said:
I bet most people on here spend 5x as much time benchmarking and tweaking than they do playing.

Well, I do think some people spend more time on that stuff than gaming. I had a friend spend his entire week off modding his case once and I was like huh? You could have been gaming! But I still think there are a lot of hardcore PC gamers out there who spend way more time gaming than tinkering :D

Blinkme323 said:
I like controllers better than a keyboard anyway. If you like keyboard/mouse you can get an adapter for your console anyway.

Not me. I find that a analog stick is not near as accurate as a mouse in FPS games, no matter how "advanced aiming tequniques" the game might have, except for maybe auto-aim in Metroid Prime. I didn't know you could get a KB/mouse for a console, interesting... Have you used one? I think I'd rather use a controller for a console game though. And there are PC games that I'd like to use a controller for, but mostly for emulaters of older side-scrolling games.

Blinkme323 said:
And, how do people say pc's look so much better than consoles. These new console games are really impressive for their hardware and look better in most cases to me. It won't even be close with the PS3 and such.

I disagree with today's PC's vs today's games. Granted, RE4 looks pretty awesome, but so does HL2 and Doom3, and many other PC games. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the three console makers have at release time, all I hear now is a bunch of talk (missed the MTV preview of Xbox).

Blinkme323 said:
Even if you think PC's look better, there are so many more games for consoles.

Yeah, there are a lot of games on console. But still, there are a lot of games on PC that are not on/don't play well on consoles.

Blinkme323 said:
Take a look at all the must own console games:

Halo 2
Zelda WW and the new one coming out
Metroid Prime 1+2
God of War
Jade Empire

Awesome games! I have RE4 and highly recommend it.

Blinkme323 said:
The games that aren't console specific like GTA get ported to the PC way after their release which aren't usually as good anyway.

The same could be said for PC games that are ported to consoles. Some games just play better on one or the other but now both.

Sounds to me like you are a console guy. Nothing wrong with that. For a while I liked playing PC's more because of LAN play, but that's changing now. It's funny to me that HALO is so popular. All the people I know who get off on HALO LAN parties crack me up cause we've been doing PC LAN parties for years and it's like a new thing to them. But hats off to the console industry for making them networkable. I look forward to the day where a PC client can play on the same server as a console client.

I like both, and will stick with both :D
bonkrowave said:
I am going to have to disagree with this entirely.
I think it started that way but PC games are easyer to pick up on now. But there still for the adult over the child. Wouldn't know it by the way people act in online games though hehe.
Now i got a secondary shuttle pc (not much bigger than a console) underneath the plasma tele downstairs which i use for games, online gaming, music, on digital tv (watching and recording), photo viewing, dvds, internet surfing mp3 burning/downloading. now half life 2 connected via dvi to the plasma running at max everything at 1280 x 800 resolution with a wirless keyboard and mouse in your living room rocks! yes the pc setup was a more expensive one than a console but i think £500 for a pc that does all that is not a bad price. i do also have a ps2 with tekken 4 and burnout 3 hooked up to the plasma aswell, i wish pc had those 2 games! :mad: i play mame roms on the plasma with the logitech wingman cordless rumble pad 2 aswell which is basically similar to the ps2 controller.
Quality games i play at the moment on pc through the plasma tele in the living room!!:
Half Life 2
Matrix Online
Trackmania Sunrise
Project Snowblind
Doom Resurrection
SplinterCell Chaos Theory
Brothers In Arms
Colin Mcrae Rally 05
Sims 2
Need for speed underground 2
Painkiller: Black Edition
StarWars Republic Commando
Rollercoaster tycoon 3
Emulators: Super Nintendo, N64, Sega Megadrive, Playstation 1, commodore 64!!!
Mame arcade emulator: king of the fighters series, capcom snk, street fighters, metal slugs, and of cours bubble bobble and robocop arcade!!

These games are so much better on a pc through a plasma in the living room with higher resolution and higher frame rates, and i bet some of the games that arent out on that list for a console you wished they were ;)
a pc can be worth every penny if you get the full multimedia use out of it.

and yes tekken4 looks 10 times better through a monitor using a blaze vga adapter and progressive scanning.

Hmmm... i seem to be playing multiplayer games with my friends like nfl and fifa etc in the living room with beer as well with cordless control pads, its not just an advantage of a console, i dont think many console only people know that you can stick a trendy pc under the telly and get your mates round to play multiplayer pc games in the living room.
I bought myself an xbox with Halo1 and some other titles 2 years ago. I sold it for $75.00 3 months later. PS or PS2 was not any better to me.

I am a PC ONLY gamer all the way. This does not mean that consoles are bad, but just not for me.
mryerse said:
First off, I'd like to say that I own both a Gamecube and a (used to be high end) PC, and enjoy them both quite a lot. My poor wife!

That is an excellent point. Consoles do cost quite a bit less than PC's do.

I disagree here. Seems to me when a new console comes out, it's a bit faster than PC's for a little while, but not for the lifespan of that console. Also, when I say faster, I am comparing how PC's are intended to be played (hi-res) verses consoles (not as high-res). If I was comparing them apples to apples in [H] terms, PC's still rock over consoles even when the new consoles come out.

Usually, yes. I find that gaming on my PC is much more flexible than gaming on a console, and am thankful that I even have the ability to mess with this stuff. It sucks when you buy a console game that is buggy and there is nothing you can do about it. For example, Prince of Persia, WW, was loaded with game-stopping bugs (on Gamecube). To bad you can't just download a patch or upgrade your drivers like you can on a PC! But I understand your point. Some people don't care to mess with things like this. And that's likely why consoles exist in today's market.

Sounds to me like consoles are just your thing. Nothing wrong with that, but nothing wrong with gaming on PC's either :D

How many TV's out there support 1600x1200 screen resolution? Hmm, none that I've ever heard of. Maybe some TV's have good brightness or color quality, but none of them are going to get as good of a screen resolution as a monitor (at least for now). The new HD TV's are pretty impressive though, and it looks like console games will be increasing their resolutions in the future.

Speak for yourself. I'm sure there are a lot here who could prove that the latest PC hardware will stomp all over the latest console hardware. Set your PC to 640x480 resolution (about as close to the latest consoles as you'll get), and see which one has the highest framerate. I'll let you guess which one takes the cake.

Well, I do think some people spend more time on that stuff than gaming. I had a friend spend his entire week off modding his case once and I was like huh? You could have been gaming! But I still think there are a lot of hardcore PC gamers out there who spend way more time gaming than tinkering :D

Not me. I find that a analog stick is not near as accurate as a mouse in FPS games, no matter how "advanced aiming tequniques" the game might have, except for maybe auto-aim in Metroid Prime. I didn't know you could get a KB/mouse for a console, interesting... Have you used one? I think I'd rather use a controller for a console game though. And there are PC games that I'd like to use a controller for, but mostly for emulaters of older side-scrolling games.

I disagree with today's PC's vs today's games. Granted, RE4 looks pretty awesome, but so does HL2 and Doom3, and many other PC games. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the three console makers have at release time, all I hear now is a bunch of talk (missed the MTV preview of Xbox).

Yeah, there are a lot of games on console. But still, there are a lot of games on PC that are not on/don't play well on consoles.

Awesome games! I have RE4 and highly recommend it.

The same could be said for PC games that are ported to consoles. Some games just play better on one or the other but now both.

Sounds to me like you are a console guy. Nothing wrong with that. For a while I liked playing PC's more because of LAN play, but that's changing now. It's funny to me that HALO is so popular. All the people I know who get off on HALO LAN parties crack me up cause we've been doing PC LAN parties for years and it's like a new thing to them. But hats off to the console industry for making them networkable. I look forward to the day where a PC client can play on the same server as a console client.

I like both, and will stick with both :D

You nerds need to stop thinking about these stupid specs! Who cares if a 20" CRT can game @ a higher resoultion than a HDTV...Truth is, you're STILL playing on a 20" CRT...i'll take my 42" Pioneer Elite HDTV over my CRT any day of the YEAR
The distance from monitor/screensize ratio is really what matters.

Not if you have a 42" monitor or 21" monitor.

With larger monitors you tend to either move them away so you get a smaller screen. It´s of course preferrable to relaxed gaming in your sofa but otherwise you do sacrifice a bit of image quality to get that size.

It has it´s pro:s and con:s would love to be so rich I could use both and switch between depending on what type of games I am playing.

22" Diamondtron in stereo3d with TrackIR or 42" no trackir or stereo3d, less clear image with jaggies but bigger screen of course.

I just settle with my 22" Diamondtron because overall it´s just as good if not better and it´s much cheaper :)
Ballz2TheWallz said:
please tell me they atleast didnt put out,seriously man pussy before puters get your prioritys right
Actually, my career is games. They put out a lot, but when someone says "get rid of the games becuase they are stupid and childish", I toss them. I get pretty damn offended, since this is something I have been going for (and finally got) since I was 9 years old. So yeah, my priorities are straight, I really had no time to play stupid childish female head-games, found a great woman, married her and had a kid.

Maybe I screwed up somewhere?
Lamont said:
Actually, my career is games. They put out a lot, but when someone says "get rid of the games becuase they are stupid and childish", I toss them. I get pretty damn offended, since this is something I have been going for (and finally got) since I was 9 years old. So yeah, my priorities are straight, I really had no time to play stupid childish female head-games, found a great woman, married her and had a kid.

Maybe I screwed up somewhere?

ZING! Thats the best dude, find the love of your life, and do what you love (work wise) at the same time.
Lamont said:
Actually, my career is games. They put out a lot, but when someone says "get rid of the games becuase they are stupid and childish", I toss them. I get pretty damn offended, since this is something I have been going for (and finally got) since I was 9 years old. So yeah, my priorities are straight, I really had no time to play stupid childish female head-games, found a great woman, married her and had a kid.

Maybe I screwed up somewhere?

My dad never ceases to offend me and my hobby on a weekly basis. I stay up late because I don't have to get up for work till 10 AM....the house is clean, and due to certain respiratory allergies mowing the lawn is not a task I am well suited for (especially as dry as it is here). My dad continually tells me "You should stop playing these childish games." I don't know how many times I've had to rip into his ass about it. I'll be sitting there playing HL2, GTA or some equally violent game and he still calls them childish games. I guess all he sees in the screen is Pac Man going "Wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka BOO BOO BOO BOO!" The sad part is, I'm 21 years old. My dad just comes by my house for a visit every time he's in town. Sadly, I can't throw him out like a girlfriend. Seriously though, I commend you for having the cajones to kick out a woman who forces you to choose between your calling in life and her. If I were posed that question, the skank would be out faster than I can tell her my decision in words. Now if it was my children vs my life's work....Children PWNS life's work any day.
PC is for FPS

console is for racing, rpg

i have a gaming PC and a PS2
i like and use both

and this topic will never change anyone's mind
who cares what people think of your hobbies, just ignore them, no point in getting frustrated over what people think about you.
heavymetalforlife said:
who cares what people think of your hobbies, just ignore them, no point in getting frustrated over what people think about you.
This is true, but it's different when it's family.

My mother said games are a waste of time and a fad... and I should be a doctor or architect.

Right now, with the way consoles are progressing. They are PC's pretty much. The hardware specs have increased 4x over the previous generation. And with the next round of chips, rumors of 3xMulti-core chips in one machine, more processing power than any desktop.
abudhu said:
ZING! Thats the best dude, find the love of your life, and do what you love (work wise) at the same time.

I got the best of both worlds!! :p I married the love of my life and she is a computer game addict. Staying up till 4 in the morning playing Unreal Tournament together is the bomb. And yes, sad to say, she does kick my butt sometimes but she can PLAY!!
Kinda off-topic here, like this thread has already gone anyway, but are the next consoles still going to only be $300 when they come out? I probably wont get a new console after just spending $250 for my 6800OC in December, but I seriously think that M$/$ony/Nintendo are going to go bankrupt selling these consoles for under a $1000, the procs alone must cost at least $300 each, then the ram, graphics/mobo, etc., I see console game/console/etc. prices going up a lot more than PC prices real soon.

Back to what side I like more, I still think you get a lot more value from PCs, as you can make a really good gaming rig for under $700 easily, that will play most games at 1280x960 or 1024x768 very well. If the next consoles can even play games at those resolutions, you have buy a several thousand dollar TV, while you can have those resloutions on a PC with a $200 19" CRT, with things looking much bigger nthan a TV screen, as your monitor is much closer to you than the TV.

I remember my GC when I played Rogue Squadron II, when you dropped a bomb close to the ground, the framerate would slow to a crawl. That was 3 1/2 years ago, at 640x480 of course. I just think that you get more from PCs for gaming, as for the question of whether or not to "deal" with driver testing/OCing/etc., that is only by choice, as you can still play games just about as well with an unOCd, untweaked machine.

And as for which is better for which genres, the only reason consoles have more fighting/adventure games, is because controllers work much better than KBs for those genres, and publishers still dont think that people wont get a good adventure/fighting game when it comes out for PC just because it doesnt control well compared to a console, as PC owners can just get a gamepad for the same price as another controller for a console. RPGs work much better with the extra keys on a KB, and you havent really played a racing game until youve played it on an actual wheel/petals.

A lot of PC gamers (at least [H]ere) dont play games as much as plain console gamers, because they enjoy tweaking/OCing/getting the most out of their money, not because they hate the games they caqn play, but because OCing/tweaking/etc. is addicting :)

Right now there are more console games, because a lot of people want the simplest option to play good games, which is on consoles right now.

In the end, to each their own in the console vs. PC debate, which will never end while either are still around.
Wow, such a diverse amount of responses.

I guess I can throw in my 2 cents here...

Own an X-Box & PS2, along w/ a self built gamers dream machine w/ a 21 inch LCD, that costed $100 more than my beautiful 34' CRT WS HDTV.

PC, load times are faster, and generally, if you invest in those top of the line graphic cards, fast ram, a Raptor HD, a nice monitor, etc. You'll have a wonderful experience, mostly w/ FPS, MMORPG, etc. Plus you'll have the added advantage of downloading mods, changing how the game works, adding on maps. But I think the X-Box is trying to close the gap in that respect.

Consoles, just hate the load times, except when you mod the xbox, throw in a nice big HD, clone the games to it, & run from there...that's saved my games from the prying hands of the kiddies.

To say which is better? All really falls to which has more blockbuster games & how much $$$ you have to spend on the equipment.

My final answer, I like'em both, sometimes the console more, sometimes the PC more.
^^ to me it always feels like PC has longer load times... then again i mainly game on the gamecube when it comes to consoles.. and they have the fastest load times..
R!P13y said:

two words: GAMES RULE. Who gives a fuck what they're played on? You go where the game you want to play is, whether it's PC or console.

My friends all want to play Halo 2. I want to play against my friends. What am I going to do, tell them to fuck off because I'm too good to play console games? Fuck that bullshit. I'm doing this to have fun, not to take sides in some meaningless bullshit clash of the !!!!!!s.
I actually have no preference between the two.

Consoles are nice because they're fast from power up to playing the game, generally portable and have a pretty decent selection of software. Personally I think the GameCube and XBox's graphics are great looking. The PS2 is getting a little dated but still has decent and enjoyable graphics compared to what we used to have. You also don't have to upgrade the video card in your console to play a new game 1 year after you bought it.

PCs are nice because they're configurable and usually have a whole slew of additional options you can't get with a Console game. Take Neverwinter Nights for example. You can download free mods to play after you finish the main game, something you can't do on the console. You also don't have to spend money on memory cards to save your games or play them at a friend's house.
(please note: I only read 3 out of the previous 6 pages so ignore me if im just repeating)
I used to be a hardcore pc gamer.
like I used to go to/host lan parties at least once a month for a couple years...
played everything from x-wing alliance to battle realms...
but then in the last few years I started to notice that most of the time, I only play what my friends are playing. because of all the lans i guess. so what do they play? fps'. not much else. because thats all you play at lans right?
and I guess the industry figured that out too, since the only big games that come out now are FPS' with the occasional rts.
sure there are tons of other geners on the pc still, like adventure (point and click), space sim, flight sim, rpg, mmorpg etc etc.. just most of them just arnt that great or go unnoticed.

for me, there are some genres that dont work as well on one system (console/pc) as the other. i.e. FPS'. work great on PCs, not so well on consoles (Though im looking forward to more FPS' on the DS). and RTS (again).
now rpgs CAN work on the pc, but they're rarely the same 'kind' of rpg as youd get on a console. final fantasy style (console) vs baldurs gate style (pc). occasionally they overlap but not much. and pc ports of console rpgs are usually horrible (grandia 2 anyone?)

but yea. anyway. the 'shorter' version of this rant would be to say that I couldnt remember the last time I had a lot of fun playing a game on my PC. all my friends played consoles all the time and loved them. so I bought a gamecube. now I love gaming again. went and bought my friends playstation off him too so I can replay all the games I used to play.

oh and to the guys saying "name X number of good games on consoles" ? uh.. i have a couple 48 disc wallets full of playstation games alone, all worthplaying/great. and like 30 gamecube games.
right now my main problem is between girlfriend/work/food/sleep there is hardly enough time to game :/
mryerse said:
Sounds to me like you are a console guy. Nothing wrong with that. For a while I liked playing PC's more because of LAN play, but that's changing now. It's funny to me that HALO is so popular. All the people I know who get off on HALO LAN parties crack me up cause we've been doing PC LAN parties for years and it's like a new thing to them. But hats off to the console industry for making them networkable. I look forward to the day where a PC client can play on the same server as a console client.

I like both, and will stick with both :D

Yeah with the fine line being blurred with every generation of harware, It will be no suprise when computers come out that act like consoles and consoles come out that act like computers. I'm no industry expert but things like the RUMORED Xbox 2 PC by microsft, where specific hardware is present but also a OS to run on it for every day things. One day a "console" could be a PCI (or such) card (like that Physics one) that allow for an emulation of sorts, then mix that with a modular PC chassis that was as easy to upgrade as it is to plug and up an USB drive, a company could have a computer for a non tech savy group that could give the best of both worlds. Maybe I kinda strayed off topic but It's just what came to mind :D
gottes said:
I hate consoles. I can't play 1st person shooters with the 2 analog sticks.

Maybe "j00 h4ve n0 skillz" HAHA :D

I think that it makes it easier to keep going in one direction while looking around than fast switching between WASD keys. You have to realize that analog sticks are easier for normal poeple while a KB/M combo is harder to master. And console are "shooting" for that average normal guy.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
You nerds need to stop thinking about these stupid specs! Who cares if a 20" CRT can game @ a higher resoultion than a HDTV...Truth is, you're STILL playing on a 20" CRT...i'll take my 42" Pioneer Elite HDTV over my CRT any day of the YEAR

Comparing a $300 monitor to a couple grand HDTV is somewhat pointless. For that matter, hook it up to your PC anyway, it isn't hard. When I tell someone how much I spent on my whole PC, I add in the price of my audio and visual outputs too. Add the price of your HDTV to your console, then we will see how cheap it is. :)
The only reason why I got an HDTV was for gaming.

The types of games found on consoles are the big draw for me. Fighting games for one. Nice, sweet arcade ports and a nice arcade stick. Then there are 3rd person action games, the controls work perfect for consoles.

I used my PS2 controller for UT2K4, and did pretty good, but I like M&KB more.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
You nerds need to stop thinking about these stupid specs! Who cares if a 20" CRT can game @ a higher resoultion than a HDTV...Truth is, you're STILL playing on a 20" CRT...i'll take my 42" Pioneer Elite HDTV over my CRT any day of the YEAR

I'll take a 108" screen over a small 42" :D
I play on all systems, it all depends on the game itself. Halo & Halo 2 X-box, GTA St Andreas, PS-2, Doom & HL-2, my main machine.
I prefer PC over console- the graphics are generally sharper and I can't do FPS on a gamepad. That said, I can see where consoles would be great for people who hate troubleshooting and patching.
I enjoy both. I have all three consoles and a decent gaming rig (My card is holding me back, but that will be fixed soon).

It's ridiculous to argue which is best. Both have strong and weak points.
PC for me, I like the customizations and flexibility of PC games. Consoles for my retro favorites.

One HUGE bonus for me is being a lefthanded mouser and using the keypad. Unless I want to use a mouse with 'MXn' as a model. Damned right-handed prejudices anyways, still haven't figured out scissors. ;)
eggrock if you haven´t already get the Razer Diamondback. Tons better than the MX510 though I am a righty :)
i noticed a few people talking about 'looking forward' to consoles and pc's playing games together... well.. uh.. they do.
admitedly not much, but they can occasionally.
such as quake 3 arena for dreamcast. didnt you ever see the 'dreamcast only' servers when you were browsing the servers from your pc?
or um. ffxi? yea...
psu and ghost recon 3 are supposed to be launching on ps2 and pc at the same time.. not sure if they'll be playing together or not.. we can only hope.
[Admiral] said:
i noticed a few people talking about 'looking forward' to consoles and pc's playing games together... well.. uh.. they do.
admitedly not much, but they can occasionally.
such as quake 3 arena for dreamcast. didnt you ever see the 'dreamcast only' servers when you were browsing the servers from your pc?
or um. ffxi? yea...
psu and ghost recon 3 are supposed to be launching on ps2 and pc at the same time.. not sure if they'll be playing together or not.. we can only hope.

You've named exactly one game that has the capability for matches between PCs and consoles, and it came out for a dead console. Your second example you don't even seem to be too sure of, but if it is, then the number comes out to two. Hardly enough to make the case that this sort of thing is already par for the course. I'm looking forward to when it is.
TheScott2K said:
You've named exactly one game that has the capability for matches between PCs and consoles, and it came out for a dead console. Your second example you don't even seem to be too sure of, but if it is, then the number comes out to two. Hardly enough to make the case that this sort of thing is already par for the course. I'm looking forward to when it is.
I heard of this final fantasy online game but who knows, i could be imagining things