Confirmed - Modern Warfare 2 will have 3rd person gameplay

because if third person view is allowed in multiplier.. ya might as well kiss the multiplayer goodbye completely since it removes any surprise in the game.. you will no longer be able to hide from the persons view point waiting for them to come around a corner.. or sitting just off to the edge of their view and catching them off guard... now if its force first person view in multiplayer then thats a different story..

3rd person is going to be a separate playlist.

So many angry people....
because if third person view is allowed in multiplier.. ya might as well kiss the multiplayer goodbye completely since it removes any surprise in the game.. you will no longer be able to hide from the persons view point waiting for them to come around a corner.. or sitting just off to the edge of their view and catching them off guard... now if its force first person view in multiplayer then thats a different story..

Camping is very easy to do, you'll be alright if it's just a little harder. 3rd person does not give you limitless FOV.
News about this game just gets worse and worse.

Next they'll be telling us it's a direct console port, there's no AA or AF and hardcore gaming mode has been forgotten! Oh wait there....
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wow.. whoever wanted third person for this kind of game i cant understand :(
A pointless addition that consumed time that could've been spent on something worthwhile.
A pointless addition that consumed time that could've been spent on something worthwhile.

IW seems to have went out of their way in adding features people don't want and removing features people do want. The "formula" for COD4 was nearly perfect, hence it's popularity. What they should have done is added/changed maps and weapons, added different game types and given it a new graphics engine. But I guess that would have made for a game that's TOO successful with not enough profit margins to show for it.
IW seems to have went out of their way in adding features people don't want and removing features people do want. The "formula" for COD4 was nearly perfect, hence it's popularity. What they should have done is added/changed maps and weapons, added different game types and given it a new graphics engine. But I guess that would have made for a game that's TOO successful with not enough profit margins to show for it.

You mean like what Valve is doing for L4D2 (sans a new engine) that everyone is pissing and moaning about?

I don't get it... I'm going to get this game and i'm going to have fun. I could absolutely despise 3rd person view, and its still not going to make my gaming experience any more negative because I can completely avoid it. I might enjoy it, and then its one more aspect of the game that makes it fun. Hate it or not, I see no way at all how this can be a bad thing for anyone...
You mean like what Valve is doing for L4D2 (sans a new engine) that everyone is pissing and moaning about?

I don't get it... I'm going to get this game and i'm going to have fun. I could absolutely despise 3rd person view, and its still not going to make my gaming experience any more negative because I can completely avoid it. I might enjoy it, and then its one more aspect of the game that makes it fun. Hate it or not, I see no way at all how this can be a bad thing for anyone...

See my post: resources dedicated to something superfluous. Development time spent on this could've been spent on making a UI that wasn't horribly intrusive by default, or adding an option for separate buttons for "jump" and "climb" so you don't end up vaulting walls you don't want to, or any number of other little niggles that together would've added a level of polish to a game that was pretty good already. Instead there's an over-the-shoulder view FOR WHAT REASON. So they can say they introduced a new feature and nothing more, apparently.
hmm my fall/winter will now involve Forza 3, NHL 10, Fifa 10, Uncharted 2....Whats this modern warfare 2 everyone speaks of...
The 3rd-person perspective is reportedly only available as an option in private games, so games made through matchmaking shouldn't be affected.
Wow this game is shaping up to be a huge piece of crap.

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UnBUHlievable. Wtf is this? A joke? Doesn't matter. I still play Cod2 multi lol. It still looks sweet on a DEDICATED server.
See my post: resources dedicated to something superfluous. Development time spent on this could've been spent on making a UI that wasn't horribly intrusive by default, or adding an option for separate buttons for "jump" and "climb" so you don't end up vaulting walls you don't want to, or any number of other little niggles that together would've added a level of polish to a game that was pretty good already. Instead there's an over-the-shoulder view FOR WHAT REASON. So they can say they introduced a new feature and nothing more, apparently.

I understand what your saying... but I don't really think thats the scenario that went on at IW. I can't imagine implimenting a few 3rd person modes really took much development time. Sure, I would probably actual game improving elements over this, but something tells me things like what you mentioned were never on their agenda to begin with.

My point is, just because they COULD have spent the time on this making other game tweaks does not mean that said tweaks are not present as a result of this mod. I'm taking it for what it is... an extra. If I don't like it, I won't play it. People are acting like this is an absolutly atrocious decision and how dare IW chose to implement this into the game. I just don't understand the fuss. People have good reasons to be upset about some of the choices made in the development of this game, but this doesn't seem like one of htem.