Confirmation that Fable 3 will not be a direct port.

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Because they didn't think before they wrote, that's why. Freddie Fish, by Ron Gilbert's Humongous Entertainment, would be appropriate software for a company that makes toys for babies and very young children.

That IS NOT the Fable market. You haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

Wow, you chastise me for being condescending, yet you yet again go ahead and insult everyone in disagreement with you. If this isn't trolling than it's just outright sad, Wabe.

You're getting stuck on the "Fisher-Price" bit when it's merely a metaphor - you're ignoring the actual intended meaning which is that it is dumbed-down kiddy gaming. And considering I am a youth worker and have done just a little bit of study on childhood development psychology, I actually do know what I'm talking about...more so than someone who helps publish books for a living, to be perfectly blunt.

"Ohnoes but it has sex in it! It's mature!" Well I've yet to see sex be handled in any kind of really mature manner besides perhaps Mass Effect. In the Fable games it's very much "hee hee I can have sex with a woman hee hee". And again, liking the game is one thing but trying to peddle it as a mature adult-orientated game suited for the PC is quite another.

Anyway I think I've: a) made my point; and b) given you your attention quota for the day.
It wasn't a crybaby post, Plague. I just think that you went too far. Fisher Price makes baby toys, and the Fable series can easily be played by adults who are in the mood for something different. Derangel just wrote that he liked the first title for what it was. Is Derangel a baby? I don't think he is - and if he were to review Fable 3 I have my doubts that he would approach the title as something that might be sold by Fisher Price. That's just so wrong, and so condescending.

Straw man argument.

A much better example of software that might have been distributed by Fisher Price would be this:

I wrote two months ago, when the release date was announced, that inevitably somebody at this forum was going to make fun of people for posting about Fable 3. How funny that you turned out to be the one.

Seems like something useful for you.

Because they didn't think before they wrote, that's why. Freddie Fish, by Ron Gilbert's Humongous Entertainment, would be appropriate software for a company that makes toys for babies and very young children.

That IS NOT the Fable market. You haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

Irony is thick in this post. It's standard operating procedure for YOU to insult everyone else who disagrees with you, call them uninformed, disingenious, and suggest that they might be pirates. The strange thing is, I know you think before you post, simply because you want to make a post to harness the most inflammatory impact. It's always trolling with you.


Alright then, the day I buy Fable 3 I'll try to remember to visit Toys R Us and buy myself some toys that are aimed at 3-year-old children, because that's precisely the market that Fisher Price toys are aimed at.

How amazingly condescending.

I don't need somebody telling me that I buy titles that are aimed at 3-year-old kids. That is a complete troll post. There's no way that Fable 3 is aimed at the same market that Fisher Price toys are aimed at - no way.

A completely stupid and ignorant post that's designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to try and demean those gamers who have open minds about gaming, and are at least willing to try something different. This is exactly the same bullshit I saw when The Sims was initially released. Manly men would make jokes about the series, because of course it was made for girls.

Yeah, whatever.

At least you aren't calling him a pirate for comparing games you like to Fisher Price games, which they are, which is of course, an improvement for you. What remarkable restraint you're showing, sir.

The gameplay itself has been altered.

The person in charge even said they went beyond merely adjusting difficulty sliders. It sounds promising. I need to play it myself, of course, but I'm hoping for an experience similar to the first title.

Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see. They can say anything they want pre-release, they want to talk their game up, if it's garbage, do you really think they are going to say that it is? No, of course not, believing otherwise would be recklessly naive.
Great, your objections have been noted.

Are you going to buy Fable 3? No you are not. I'll happily start my own Fable 3 thread when I buy it, and I don't expect to see you posting in it.
Great, your objections have been noted.

Are you going to buy Fable 3? No you are not. I'll happily start my own Fable 3 thread when I buy it, and I don't expect to see you posting in it.

Wabe's other party trick: "Play by my rules or don't play at all!"

Extra attention for you! Happy days!
Wow, how shocking to see the dynamic duo, Plague_Injected and Fail, disrupting yet another thread that happened to be created by me.

Are either of you two going to buy Fable 3?

No, you're not. So why are you posting here? This is just SO typical. Every damned thread I create, you two guys do this.
Great, your objections have been noted.

Are you going to buy Fable 3? No you are not. I'll happily start my own Fable 3 thread when I buy it, and I don't expect to see you posting in it.

Oh, rest assured, if it's the worst game ever made, I know fully well your thread will be full of words of praise for it, in spite of every other member posting to the contrary :D

Your schtick is getting old, do you realize that you could get more out of life by simply finding something else that is more worthwhile and utilitarian rather than trolling a forum and wasting hours of your life doing it? Do you not want to be more productive with your life than that?
I played and enjoyed Fable and Fable 2, but Fable 3 was just awful. It's like Peter Molyneux looked at the sales figures for the previous games and decided they didn't sell as well he would have liked because they were just too gosh darn complex.

I can't wait for Fable 4 so that I can hopefully get rid of the confusing need to use multiple buttons on the controller. I mean do I push X or A. It's just too much. Please Mr. Molyneux can't you make it so that I only need to use a single button to do everything.

Also it was short, had a lame uninteresting plot, and was incredibly buggy.
Wow, how shocking to see the dynamic duo, Plague_Injected and Fail, disrupting yet another thread that happened to be created by me.

Are either of you two going to buy Fable 3?

No, you're not. So why are you posting here? This is just SO typical. Every damned thread I create, you two guys do this.

Well, I made one post about Fable 3 and having said my bit, was quite happy to leave it at that. You then asked for my opinion of Torchlight, which I responded to. Then you started attacking, oops I mean "debating" my original post, and its overall levels of imbecile logic clearly begged for rebuttal.

Stop quoting and referencing me and I'll likely stop replying. It's not rocket science...unless you really are enjoying the attention.

I do like the idea of Fail and me being a dynamic duo, though. Makes my insides all warm and fuzzy.
Judging by his silence, I think we hit a little too close to home
I'm tired of you two guys disrupting my threads about games which you haven't played and have no intentions of ever playing.

Say what you will about me, but I don't continuously post in threads about titles I don't care about.

Blah... what a waste of time. I should have known you two were going to do this.
I'm tired of you two guys disrupting my threads about games which you haven't played and have no intentions of ever playing.

Say what you will about me, but I don't continuously post in threads about titles I don't care about.

Blah... what a waste of time. I should have known you two were going to do this.

Um, I have played Fable 3...have you?

Huh? You bought a game in a series which you clearly despise? Really? Okay, that's just plain weird. And, by the way, in case you hadn't noticed, THIS thread is about the PC version.

In particular, the topic of this thread is supposed to be about the alterations that have been made to Fable 3 to address some of the gameplay issues from the console version.

People apparently complained that the console version was too easy. What don't you understand about: "... we're changing the gameplay to make it challenging."

Seems pretty clear to me.
Huh? You bought a game in a series which you clearly despise? Really? Okay, that's just plain weird. And, by the way, in case you hadn't noticed, THIS thread is about the PC version.

In particular, the topic of this thread is supposed to be about the alterations that have been made to Fable 3 to address some of the gameplay issues from the console version.

People apparently complained that the console version was too easy. What don't you understand about: "... we're changing the gameplay to make it challenging."

Seems pretty clear to me.

No I didn't buy it - I played my stepbrother's copy when I was interstate visiting family. He absolutely loves Fables 2 and 3, and was quite insistent I play them with him.

Care to guess how old he is?
Wabe, you have no interest in honest discussion, it's evidenced by how you dismiss or condescend to those who disagree with you, or resort to calling them pirates and other dumb shit.

I've watched my friend play Fable 3, I honestly wasn't that impressed, but if he likes it, more power to him. It's my understanding that Fable games are as deep as a swimming pool and as large as a small sandbox, or maybe I have it the other way around :p but it's one of those two.
No I didn't buy it - I played my stepbrother's copy when I was interstate visiting family. He absolutely loves Fables 2 and 3, and was quite insistent I play them with him.

Care to guess how old he is?

Okay, so you didn't buy Fable 3, and in so many words you've indicated that you despise the entire series - you also believe that these games were made for kids.

So why are you posting in this thread? What is it you want us to know? - that those of us who buy this title are on the same level as 3-year-olds who get their toys from Fisher Price?

Well, gee, thanks Plague. That's really swell of you. Thanks for contributing to my thread like the mature adult that you clearly are.

How many weeks until Fable 3's release? Six weeks? Great. I'm going to go away now and suck my thumb. Where's my cabbage patch doll? I want my deck of Pokemon playing cards. Where's my auntie? She needs to come and spoon feed me my baby food. Oh damn, I just shat myself... somebody change my diapers for me. Where's that Fisher Price catalogue, because I want order some toys online.
Okay, so you didn't buy Fable 3, and in so many words you've indicated that you despise the entire series - you also believe that these games were made for kids.

So why are you posting in this thread? What is it you want us to know? - that those of us who buy this title are on the same level as 3-year-olds who get their toys from Fisher Price?

Well, gee, thanks Plague. That's really swell of you. Thanks for contributing to my thread like the mature adult that you clearly are.

How many weeks until Fable 3's release? Six weeks? Great. I'm going to go away now and suck my thumb. Where's my cabbage patch doll? I want my deck of Pokemon playing cards. Where's my auntie? She needs to come and spoon feed me my baby food. Oh damn, I just shat myself... somebody change my diapers for me. Where's that Fisher Price catalogue, because I want order some toys online.

What the fuck? You're just repeating yourself and completely ignoring what I've said in other posts...things like:

...liking the game is one thing but trying to peddle it as a mature adult-orientated game suited for the PC is quite another.

You're getting stuck on the "Fisher-Price" bit when it's merely a metaphor - you're ignoring the actual intended meaning which is that it is dumbed-down kiddy gaming. And considering I am a youth worker and have done just a little bit of study on childhood development psychology, I actually do know what I'm talking about...

Really I don't care/mind if people here like Fable, but what I do mind is people inflating it into some brilliant RPG when nearly every other major RPG release in recent memory is superior.

Even in your own words you admit it isn't deep, which is a pretty important requirement to a good RPG.

So I will state it once again: I don't think people who play this are inheritly childish, but that it doesn't mean the game is not simplistic and that it's targeted at and marketed for adults.

Stop manipulating what I say in my posts to make yourself look like the hero. It's beyond pathetic.

Oh, and why I keep posting? I answered that one too:

Well, I made one post about Fable 3 and having said my bit, was quite happy to leave it at that. You then asked for my opinion of Torchlight, which I responded to. Then you started attacking, oops I mean "debating" my original post, and its overall levels of imbecile logic clearly begged for rebuttal.

Stop quoting and referencing me and I'll likely stop replying. It's not rocket science...unless you really are enjoying the attention.
Back on topic please.

One thing about the PC version that I think might be worth mentioning is the amount of time Lionhead has spent on this. PC gamers will often trash games for being lousy ports, but here's a case where the developer has taken the time to try and get it right, with the result being that some gamers are saying they no longer care.

I don't think that's fair to the developer. In a perfect world, PC games and their console counterparts would be released concurrently, but we don't live in a perfect world.

I'd rather the developer take its time, and get it right, than rush a poorly done port to market.

Here's what the guy from Lionhead had to say about this:


Atkins says that their approach to the PC version is different. “When the difficulty came up we were talking about what would PC players want. What would be important to them? The additional challenge, or the choice for additional challenge was something that we thought was important.

“Figuring out how to do that in a way that was both efficient and fair was challenging. We didn’t just move sliders around: we actually sat down and looked at the creature types and looked at them as individuals. Rather than just say, “This one now does 10 per cent more damage,” we made them a little faster, which gives them the perception of being a little bit smarter.”

Other changes to the original game include mouse support that will let you click on objects in the environment and tweaks to collection quest designed to remove the grind from gathering quests.

“Our hope is that people who pick up [Fable III] on PC think, ‘Okay, this plays how I would expect it to play, it doesn’t play like a half-done port,’ which is the danger for PC games,” says Atkins. “Not to knock anyone else, but people tend to just rush games out onto the PC; they do the very quickest port they can and they try to do it as a financial model rather than let’s try to make something that at least plays like it was designed for this platform, and respects what the platform does.”


It sounds really promising what they've done. My only concern is Games For Windows Live. That said, he all but confirmed that this will make its way to Steam and D2D eventually.
Steam/D2D and GFWL are not mutually exclusive by any means. I have three or more games on my Steam account that have GFWL. Dawn of War II uses both GFWL and Steam, which is overkill IMO.

I wouldn't wholly believe anything that comes from Lionhead before the launch. Fable and Fable II were both built up before release to be "the best game ever". Lionhead seems to have lurked on a few forums and picked up some nice PC gamer-related jargon about what the differences are between a good PC game and a console port, and so their PR work is more subtle and plain than the developer's previous delusional claims. We can't wave around a favourable back catalogue of one publisher to claim an upcoming game will be good, and then deny a dodgy track record of another in regards to PR to claim the same thing, and Lionhead's PR of the Fable games so far is ridiculous.

This is a post directly related to the topics of your last one and is aside from my own personal views of the franchise.
Steam/D2D and GFWL are not mutually exclusive by any means.

But it's easier to buy titles from Steam - that was my point,

Games For Windows Live Marketplace is easily the worst digital distribution site on the net for purchasing games from. I bought one of the Fallout DLCs from them and it was a nightmare.
But it's easier to buy titles from Steam - that was my point,

Games For Windows Live Marketplace is easily the worst digital distribution site on the net for purchasing games from. I bought one of the Fallout DLCs from them and it was a nightmare.

I haven't been brave enough to buy anything from GFWL. As middleware I don't mind getting achievements since I have an Xbox 360 and all that, but GFWL has given me so many more problems than it has benefits. Nearly every new GFWL game I get requires me to uninstall GFWL completely and then reinstall the latest version...sometimes this takes several goes before it will "update" the game automatically, and then sometimes when it does update it, it doesn't load at all and I have to start again. I got Fallout 3 GOTY for Christmas and it took hours of reinstalls to get it to play nice.

Maybe due to Microsoft's involvement Fable 3's GFWL experience will be can hope.
Lionhead seems to have lurked on a few forums and picked up some nice PC gamer-related jargon about what the differences are between a good PC game and a console port, and so their PR work is more subtle and plain than the developer's previous delusional claims.

Well... yeah, okay, I guess the lead developer of the PC version might have been spending all this time scouring the net in search of jargon that would please PC gamers, and that he actually wasn't the lead developer at all, but just some PR guy whose job is to make stuff up, and that, actually, nothing has been done at all to improve the PC version of Fable 3 and that it's all just lies and conspiracies.

Yes, Plague, I suppose we're going to have to consider that possibility.

Or it could be exactly what it appears to be: that Fable 3 wasn't released immediately on the PC because the lead developer wanted to fix the PC version to make it more challenging and fun (the guy just doesn't sound very happy with the console version). He says they took the time to get it right because they didn't want to release a direct port.

If Lionhead HAD released a direct port of Fable 3, then they would have been crucified by gamers, and you Plague, based on your posting history, would have been one of the first ones to step up and take a pot shot at them for having released a shoddy port.

Instead, they took the time to fix the game for PC players - and what do you do, you say that it's all a marketing ploy, and that no such changes have been made.

They can't win with you. They're damned if they do, and they're damned if they don't. Some of us are damned glad to hear that Lionhead has taken the time to at least try to fix the game for the PC - clearly, at this point, you have zero goodwill towards this series, and clearly you want it to fail. Enough. You're trolling, Plague. You've made it clear that you won't be buying this game. Now you're just antagonizing for the sake of being antagonistic. If this thread had been created by any other person, you would have left it alone. :mad:
...That's how you respond when I just made a post agreeing with you 10 minutes ago? Are you that allergic to me not "antagonising" you? Fucking about not being able to win and being damned regardless of what you do.

I stated a likely possibility based solely on Lionhead's form when it comes to PR. The "lead developer" wouldn't have done the scouring sure, but the PR rep who would have been coaching him on ways to sell the product probably did. If they are making the game work well for PC then fine, but just because they say they are doesn't guarantee they actually are. An equally likely possibility is the PC version was delayed because all attention was given to the Xbox 360 version because it was the last 360-exclusive title for the year.

I'm not saying one of these will definitely happen like you are, but to take pre-release developer interviews with a grain of salt, not as gospel. Stop spinning what I post, it makes you look desperate.

I would not have left this thread alone if it was made by someone else. I've kept replying to you because you keep bringing me up and quoting me. If you are familiar with my posting history, you'll see me critical of plenty of games in threads not made by you.

I didn't trash Dragon Age 2 in your thread (I made posts criticising you calling those with opposing opinions pirates). I didn't trash Crysis 2 (you didn't make the thread but you had a significant presence there). I didn't trash AC: Brotherhood. I didn't trash HAWX 2. I didn't trash Hunted: The Demon's Forge. I sided with you on Bulletstorm. I sent you a PM about Brotherhood goodies which you didn't bother replying to.

Stop with the persecution complex and, like you said, get back on topic.
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All I know is that I won't be getting this game, because Wabe is defending it.

Just kidding. I'm keeping my eyes peeled. Probably not day one though.
...mouse support that will let you click on objects in the environment
Revolutionary. You can click on objects with the mouse.

Man, what will they think of next?
Why do I get the feeling that you didn't even play all three of them?

But how cool of you to dismiss the Fable series like that. You're missing the point of the series entirely. It's MEANT to be an 'RPG-lite'. At no point was Lionhead ever attempting to create an RPG similar to The Witcher 2 - that's just not what Fable is about.

This RPG is meant to be whimsical. It's a change of pace. The production values are massive, and the PC screenshots look fantastic. The guy in charge of the PC version seems pretty determined to have tweaked the gameplay to appeal more to PC gamers - it still won't be Oblivion, but then it was never meant to be Oblivion.

I found the original Fable on the PC (not on the console) to be an utterly charming experience - I'm super glad that this is going to be on the PC (I would have bet money that it wasn't going to happen), and am really glad to hear that the gameplay has been adjusted. If this title provides a similar experience to the first title on the PC then it will be a fine title to have in my library.

Your analogy, by the way, sucks. Fisher Price makes toys for children. The implication in your statement is that this game is just for kids. It's not. All I'm getting out of your post is that you don't understand what this series is about. A kid's game, and something that actually might be expected from Fisher Price, would be more along the lines of a Humongous title, such as Freddi Fish or Pajama Sam.

The Fable series is targeted much more towards adults - although indeed the aim might be to make them feel like kids again, which is much easier said than done. Even if Fisher Price did have a software division, they'd never develop a game like Fable, for the obvious reason that the target market is a much older audience. Pajama Sam - yes. Fable - no.

Thanks for posting. We'll all take note of how cool and grown up you are.

Just because its shit on purpose dont change the fact that its shit. Fable 1 was OK at best the rest where garbage.
I'll be watching and trying to remain optimistic. Fable was more "mature" if you consider that you can have sex and buy contraceptives, but as far as RPG mechanics it was extremely light. He wasn't saying literally that it was made like a Fisher Price product. That would never happen. What I think he meant was that it was drastically simplified compared to say Drakensang or Temple of Elemental Evil.
He wasn't saying literally that it was made like a Fisher Price product. That would never happen.

Associating a game with a company that makes toys for babies is demeaning to people who might want to buy this title - sorry, but it is.

And I'm not defending Fable 3. I'm just posting a link to an article in which the developer is saying that they've reworked the game for the PC and that it's not a direct console port.

Why does everyone have to be so cynical all the time? Why would a person post in a thread for a game they have zero interest in buying? I just don't understand that at all. When Starcraft 2 was released I never posted anything, because I despise real time strategy titles.

What I should learn from this is that when a person makes it perfectly clear they have zero interest in a title, and yet take the time to post antagonistically about it, I should just assume that they're trolling, and not respond to them.
I'll be watching and trying to remain optimistic. Fable was more "mature" if you consider that you can have sex and buy contraceptives, but as far as RPG mechanics it was extremely light. He wasn't saying literally that it was made like a Fisher Price product. That would never happen. What I think he meant was that it was drastically simplified compared to say Drakensang or Temple of Elemental Evil.

Wow, somebody with an imagination who can read between the lines. Thanks man :cool:.

And Wabe you'd find a stick of fairy floss pointed in your direction antagonising. You're the only one who has his nose out of joint about my description of Fable, even with a few here who like it.
I'm tired of you two guys disrupting my threads about games which you haven't played and have no intentions of ever playing.

Say what you will about me, but I don't continuously post in threads about titles I don't care about.

Blah... what a waste of time. I should have known you two were going to do this.

Someone needs their ego put in check.

They are not your threads, this is a discussion forum god forbid theres some actual discussion other than you gushing over whatever game it is this week. You also dont have to play a game to form an opinion about it especially in a franchise like fable.
Associating a game with a company that makes toys for babies is demeaning to people who might want to buy this title - sorry, but it is.

If you find it demeaning then its your problem. Its his opinion and hes just as entitled to it as you are entitled to yours.

And I'm not defending Fable 3. I'm just posting a link to an article in which the developer is saying that they've reworked the game for the PC and that it's not a direct console port.

You mean the same promise developers make every other week to PC gamers? Gee why are we soo cynical when a dev says "I swear it will be a good port guys". :rolleyes:

What I should learn from this is that when a person makes it perfectly clear they have zero interest in a title, and yet take the time to post antagonistically about it, I should just assume that they're trolling, and not respond to them.

What you should learn from this is just because you made a fucking thread about a game dont mean people cant have differing opinions and that disagreeing with you does not = troll.

This notion that if you dont intend to play it keep your opinion to yourself is extremely fucking arrogant.
What you should learn from this is just because you made a fucking thread about a game dont mean people cant have differing opinions and that disagreeing with you does not = troll.

This notion that if you dont intend to play it keep your opinion to yourself is extremely fucking arrogant.

Its more than arrogant its flat out retarded. Many people use forums as a guide to gauge the interest in a game. If all you have posting is people who blindly and unconditionally love the game then its easy to be fooled into buying a game. You also need people who have played it and have genuine gripes and people who dont want to buy it for genuine reasons.

The only game I have bought for close to full price in the past few years was one that I thought would be awesome because of a thread where I kept reading posts from Wabe that the game was awesome and practically the second coming and we should all be giving the developers blowjobs. It wasn't bad, it was average, but I regret paying full price for it.

I've since learnt to filter Wabe's opinions because he'll take games that are average or occasionally subpar and make them sound like they're the most awesome thing ever and anyone who disagrees is a pirate/troll/ignorant. But for someone who doesn't know him, its an easy mistake to make and end up wasting you money.
If you find it demeaning then its your problem. Its his opinion and hes just as entitled to it as you are entitled to yours.

You mean the same promise developers make every other week to PC gamers? Gee why are we soo cynical when a dev says "I swear it will be a good port guys". :rolleyes:

What you should learn from this is just because you made a fucking thread about a game dont mean people cant have differing opinions and that disagreeing with you does not = troll.

This notion that if you dont intend to play it keep your opinion to yourself is extremely fucking arrogant.


There's a big difference between an opinion, and a comment that's meant to antagonize. Associating a game with a company that makes baby toys is antagonistic. Saying that a company is lying about having produced a title that's not a direct port is clearly antagonistic.

Plague has no idea whatsoever that Fable 3 hasn't been tweaked, as the developer clearly stated - his post is the stuff of conspiracy theories, and yes it's antagonistic.
I've since learnt to filter Wabe's opinions because he'll take games that are average or occasionally subpar and make them sound like they're the most awesome thing ever and anyone who disagrees is a pirate/troll/ignorant. But for someone who doesn't know him, its an easy mistake to make and end up wasting you money.

Agreed, he cant just like a game he has to fall completely in love and defend it to the bitter end.


There's a big difference between an opinion, and a comment that's meant to antagonize. Associating a game with a company that makes baby toys is antagonistic. Saying that a company is lying about having produced a title that's not a direct port is clearly antagonistic.

Plague has no idea whatsoever that Fable 3 hasn't been tweaked, as the developer clearly stated - his post is the stuff of conspiracy theories, and yes it's antagonistic.

Yes Wabe, anyone that has the nerve to disagree with you is just trying to piss you off we get it already.

Its a spot on analogy, like it or not.

No offense guy but if you blindly believe a dev claiming the PC version of a 360 game will not just be another shitty port (especially when the game is published by MICROSOFT) after all these years of PC gaming theres simply no help for you.
No offense guy but if you blindly believe a dev claiming the PC version of a 360 game will not just be another shitty port (especially when the game is published by MICROSOFT) after all these years of PC gaming theres simply no help for you.

Oh my god.

You're actually advancing the idea that Lionhead DID NOT tweak Fable 3 - that what Josh Atkins said in this interview is all just lies?

Evidence please.

If you can't provide any evidence of this claim then you're just making shit up. In light of this, you have a tremendous amount of audacity saying there's no help for me - more likely, there's no help for YOU.

I'm willing to bet good money that Fable 3 has been tweaked, just as Atkins said to RockPaperShotgun. Leave your conspiracy theories at the door please.
Simmer down Wabe. It's ok if it's called a Fisher Price game. It wouldn't stop me from buying it if I hear it actually has fun gameplay. Don't take yourself so seriously. My wife will make fun of my hobbies sometimes. I tease her too. Humor goes a long way in a marriage. Point is, take it easy.
Simmer down Wabe. It's ok if it's called a Fisher Price game. It wouldn't stop me from buying it if I hear it actually has fun gameplay. Don't take yourself so seriously. My wife will make fun of my hobbies sometimes. I tease her too. Humor goes a long way in a marriage. Point is, take it easy.

Every post I create ends up being decommissioned by the same three guys. Know what happened to my Demon's Forge thread? Pow. Got torpedoed. By the same three or four guys. It was a great shame too, because Demon's Forge is shaping up to be an excellent title, but we can't discuss it now.

The funny thing is that it appears I'm the only one here who will be buying Fable 3 right away anyhow.

All I was doing was posting a link to an interview with some highly excellent news in it. But, no, we have to go through all this drama. It would have worked so much better if the people who have no interest in Fable 3 had just stayed away. Is that so much to ask? I hardly think so.

I love it the way people accuse me of trying to silence everyone. I'm not trying to silence anyone. I just think that if you're not going to buy a game, and just flat out hate a certain series, that you should just move on. If, in that situation, you choose to post, then all you're going to do is antagonize those who are discussing the game like... uh, adults.
Just out of curiosity, what sort of replies would you expect to see given a topic like this? You really want four pages of "that is terrific news; I am excited; I really love rainbows too"? It's not like there's much else to talk about here — either people think "okay" and don't post because there's no reason to or they say "I don't buy it", then you get mad. Given past history, skepticism is to be expected.

You made a discussion thread. You got a discussion. If you aren't getting what you want out of it, then leave it.
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