Confirmation that Fable 3 will not be a direct port.

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All these lovely people rushing to my defence. I love you guys.

Nobody ever defends WabeWalker and his choice of shoddy games, which he probably doesn't even play to begin with, he just writes contrary opinions on a forum to get attention, lol.
Nobody ever defends WabeWalker and his choice of shoddy games, which he probably doesn't even play to begin with, he just writes contrary opinions on a forum to get attention, lol.

I don't always disagree with Wabe.
All these lovely people rushing to my defence. I love you guys.

But it's the same three or four guys every time? And the threads always get derailed. Are you going to buy Fable 3, Plague? It doesn't appear to me that you had any plans to do so. Is Fail going to? Is Phide going to?

See the point I'm making? None of you ever had plans to buy this, and yet here you are, congratulating one another on a job well done.

What is it you want say about Fable 3, Plague? That the developer is a liar and that everything Atkins said in the linked article from RockPaperShotgun is untrue? Okay, then. Noted. You're certainly entitled to this opinion. I myself need evidence, however, to accept this. I believe that Fable will have a higher difficulty level and that the gameplay will be tweaked, just like Atkins said. I'm not expecting The Second Coming here. Just tweaked gameplay to make the title a little more PC-centric.

You also believe that these games are garbage, and would be the type of RPG that Fisher Price would make if they were in the business. Here, I'll just quote you, since you continuously accuse me of twisting your words: "Fable is RPG-Lite, or what RPGs would be like if they were made by Fisher-Price. All three of them are garbage regardless if they are "true PC games" or not."

Noted. You think all three games are garbage. I get it. Your message is loud and clear.

Anything else, or are you done?
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Nobody ever defends WabeWalker and his choice of shoddy games, which he probably doesn't even play to begin with, he just writes contrary opinions on a forum to get attention, lol.

I play tons of titles, as you well know, and I post about them because I'm crazy about PC gaming. Okay? Thank you.

But honestly, Fail, if there's one guy at this forum who actually appears not to be playing any of this stuff... I would say it's you. Kind of ironic, really.
I don't always disagree with Wabe.

See, nor does Derangel agree with me all the time - probably not even half the time. He doesn't let me get away with anything. But here's the thing, he's reasonable. Derangel, if he rips Fable 3 apart, will have at least played it, and I know that going in he will have wanted it to be good. I know why he's posting in this thread too - because he's keeping an open mind about Fable 3 on the PC.

Do I debate with Derangel? Of course I do. That's the whole point of forums. But I respect Derangel particularly because I know he's not going to waste his time posting about a title he doesn't care about.
But it's the same three or four guys every time? And the threads always get derailed. Are you going to buy Fable 3, Plague? It doesn't appear to me that you had any plans to do so. Is Fail going to? Is Phide going to?

See the point I'm making? None of you ever had plans to buy this, and yet here you are, congratulating one another on a job well done.

What is it you want say about Fable 3, Plague? That the developer is a liar and that everything Atkins said in the linked article from RockPaperShotgun is untrue? Okay, then. Noted. You're certainly entitled to this opinion. I myself need evidence, however, to accept this. I believe that Fable will have a higher difficulty level and that the gameplay will be tweaked, just like Atkins said. I'm not expecting The Second Coming here. Just tweaked gameplay to make the title a little more PC-centric.

You also believe that these games are garbage, and would be the type of RPG that Fisher Price would make if they were in the business. Here, I'll just quote you, since you continuously accuse me of twisting your words: "Fable is RPG-Lite, or what RPGs would be like if they were made by Fisher-Price. All three of them are garbage regardless if they are "true PC games" or not."

Noted. You think all three games are garbage. I get it. Your message is loud and clear.

Anything else, or are you done?

Pretty sure I told you to stop twisting my words. I said that pre-release interviews are not gospel and that changing some features to make it suited to the PC won't change the franchise's shallow gameplay and inheritly childish nature. What is so hard to understand about that?

Another thing you keep failing to understand, so I will state it for the fourth time: I keep posting here because you keep bringing me up. I counter your arguments over and over again and you just repeat them ad nauseum, like regurgitating the same "he said it so it's true" party line in the hopes that if you say it enough it will become true.

I'm sick and tired of you trying to censor and silence everyone with a dissenting opinion. It is unacceptable behaviour. As someone in the relevant field, your extreme need to have everyone agree with you and the lengths you go to villify, condemn and discredit those who don't agree with you are not healthy by any means.

Since my compliance is so goddamned important to you, here you go: Fable 3 will be a great game that is a true PC game and is made for adults and not 3-year-olds. Do you feel better now?

So over this shit...I deal enough with illogical and hysterical bloody-mindedness from children on a daily basis without putting up with it on a forum from a member who purports to be a fully-grown man.
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You clearly have no authority or control over anything on your own lovely little life and so you're trying to do it here. Yeah, GG.

That's the type of comment I would be ashamed of myself for having written - you know nothing about my personal life, nor is it relevant to the topic of this thread.

You just don't get it, Plague. There's a huge, huge difference between fierce debate, and name calling.

What you just wrote is a blatant personal attack, and has no place in this or in any other thread. For all you know, I could be caring for a sick, dying family member at the moment. Writing what you just wrote, is just so wrong, and so out of place.
That's the type of comment I would be ashamed of myself for having written - you know nothing about my personal life, nor is it relevant to the topic of this thread.

You just don't get it, Plague. There's a huge, huge difference between fierce debate, and name calling.

What you just wrote is a blatant personal attack, and has no place in this or in any other thread. For all you know, I could be caring for a sick, dying family member at the moment. Writing what you just wrote, is just so wrong, and so out of place.

It's not cool when it's directed at you, is it?
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Oh and I actually do know a bit about your life. I know you work for a book publisher that is in trouble and therefore so is your job. I know you live alone. I know you play games from 8-9pm to 1am. I know you spend a lot of time on here trying to convert people to your ways of receiving certain games.

I know all of this because you've posted those details...and if you had a dying family member, you would almost certainly have said something about it by now.

If I really wanted to personally attack you I would have used all of this, but a) I'm not an asshole, and b) it's these things that actually have led me to take it pretty easy on you. I understand you would be stressed about work and that games are your outlet, and you feel it more than most when someone trashes a game you like. That's not something we can help you with and although I understand this, we shouldn't have to adopt your opinions. It's not fair to us or to yourself. If you get angry at what is posted here then you should wait an hour or two before posting, so you don't call people trolls and pirates, inflame the other members here and get a bit of heat in return all because you're angry.

I'm doing my very best to break through to you in the face of you browbeating me into submission, attacking me, misrepresenting my posts and dragging me back into the thread over and over. That should say something about whether I actually have it in for you or not.
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I'm really tired of all of these threads being derailed and ruined by the same handful of people having their personal pissing contests with each other and I know I can't be the only one. I don't care who "starts it" or not at this point. Everyone's got to have the last word and it's never going to end unless you guys make it end or the mods step in finally and make it end.

I'm tired of all of it. Everyone just use your damned ignore lists and do yourselves and all of us a huge favor already.You're ruining the forums for everyone.

Like a bunch of damned little kids.
I'm really tired of all of these threads being derailed and ruined by the same handful of people having their personal pissing contests with each other and I know I can't be the only one. I don't care who "starts it" or not at this point. Everyone's got to have the last word and it's never going to end unless you guys make it end or the mods step in finally and make it end.

I'm tired of all of it. Everyone just use your damned ignore lists and do yourselves and all of us a huge favor already.You're ruining the forums for everyone.

Like a bunch of damned little kids.

Go ahead and strongly disagree with WabeWalker and then see if you don't get drawn into the same "pissing contests".

Ok, I'm going to go ahead and not respond to anything WW says for a month starting 18th April 2011. Which in my country is now. See if that makes the forum any less "ruined".
Go ahead and strongly disagree with WabeWalker and then see if you don't get drawn into the same "pissing contests".

He and I have disagreed many times on things and it just isn't that important. I just don't care. It's videogames. It's not life and death.

Ok, I'm going to go ahead and not respond to anything WW says for a month starting 18th April 2011. Which in my country is now. See if that makes the forum any less "ruined".

If you really stand by that it'll help but frankly it isn't enough. It needs to be forever because he's not going to change and you're not going to change.

You, he, and some others really need to add each other to your ignore lists and never undo that action and move on. You, he, and they and everyone else will all be better off for it because the months of bullshit across numerous threads demonstrate that nothing shy of that is ever going to work or lead anywhere constructive.

Look at this thread now and what it's become. I rest my case. The Witcher 2 and Dragon Age 2 threads are the most recent examples of train wrecks past this.

And I know I haven't helped it but I and others are so sick and tired of it that I'm going to make one probably vain attempt at a polite request to everyone publicly to be adults and move on so I can at least say I tried.

Please? :)

Just out of curiosity, what sort of replies would you expect to see given a topic like this? You really want four pages of "that is terrific news; I am excited; I really love rainbows too"? It's not like there's much else to talk about here — either people think "okay" and don't post because there's no reason to or they say "I don't buy it", then you get mad. Given past history, skepticism is to be expected.

You made a discussion thread. You got a discussion. If you aren't getting what you want out of it, then leave it.

It should be this simple. And this applies to all of us.

So about that Fable 3 folks?
I was gifted a copy for xbox 360, played about 3 hours only, but it didn't grab me. I also don't own an xbox, so I played it at a friends house. I don't know how much more they are adding to the PC version, but I don't think it will fundamentally change the game.
Anyone who starts a thread linking to an article saying, "Dev X, (who formerly sold out to the console crowd) is returning to PC gaming" will be met with a fair amount of healthy skepticism. Some skepticism can be over the top, but some also healthy. Ultimately the bottom line of truth is upon release day. It doesn't matter if Wabe started it or anyone. The naysayers will come. Nevertheless, it's always good to see those threads, no matter how people respond. No need to get defensive, because any skeptical criticism is not directed at the OP but directed at the claims made by the devs, publishers or whoever is marketing the game.
I have Fable Lost Chapters for the PC installed right now on my comp. I have tried getting into this RPG several times since I picked it up long ago. Somehow the game doesn't satisfy me. It is hard to nail it down to specifics, but I have never been able to keep interested enough to get past the beginnings of the game.

I graduate from the guild, run a few quests and lose interest... every time I give the game a chance. I don't like the overall level or map design. The entire world is way to linear and chopped up with loading screens. I like my RPGs to have a more open environment to explore like Zelda, Gothic, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Risen, etc.

The game does have a distinct sophomoric atmosphere about it. Not because it is not adult or mature in content, after all I enjoy Zelda. Fable seems condescending, and the game lacks charm, although it tries hard to be charming.
Anyone who starts a thread linking to an article saying, "Dev X, (who formerly sold out to the console crowd) is returning to PC gaming" will be met with a fair amount of healthy skepticism. Some skepticism can be over the top, but some also healthy. Ultimately the bottom line of truth is upon release day. It doesn't matter if Wabe started it or anyone. The naysayers will come. Nevertheless, it's always good to see those threads, no matter how people respond. No need to get defensive, because any skeptical criticism is not directed at the OP but directed at the claims made by the devs, publishers or whoever is marketing the game.

Well said.
Here's what's even better said. Me putting my money where my mouth is.

I got my notification put in for this:

And because I'll need as much help as I can get, I got my order in on this beauty:

And what the hell, since I ordered the above two items, I decided to get this. I'm going to want to phone you guys up and tell you all about my Fable 3 experience, so this will be a great, new way to communicate!

So I'm all ready now for Fable 3's May 17'th release date (same day as that other RPG).
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