"Computer Habits" Of Gamers


Limp Gawd
Nov 20, 2012
Since gamers obviously spend far more time in front of their computers than anyone else, generally speaking, I'm curious as to some of the "computer habits" of others.

People have their own "attitudes" regarding certain issues, and you'll see what I mean when I start listing my "questionnaire", and some have their strict "rules" for themselves regarding their gaming rigs, while others couldn't give a damn.

It's just for fun, and some off-the-cuff issue that came to mind, so here we go (feel free to elaborate on your answers):

1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Alright, there were a few more questions I was going to throw in, but I forgot what they were, so that will do for now.

Everyone has their own "rules" for themselves regarding their systems/hardware and "behavior" regarding such, so I just though it would interesting to find out what the behaviors of gamer's are regarding their hardware/gaming rigs.

If you have your own "rules" or things you do that aren't listed here, feel free to list 'em, as I'm sure someone would probably be able to relate.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Yes, depends on what its doing could be days or weeks.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
If its folding or doing something.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
No, not in the house.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Weekly exterior cleaning, monthly cleaning fans and dust filters, bi yearly break down and clean.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
If they wanted to, but I built a second computer to stop that from happening.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Mostly just gaming but it is used for downloading, file sharing, for photoshop, and papers that are over 2 pages.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
In the living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Eh, it's a pain in the ass.
This'll be a fun thing to do instead of the work i need to get done :)

1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Most of the time.
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Usually weeks at a time.
2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
So i can remote into it whenever i want.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming? Not usually eating while gaming, but I typically eat in front of my computer.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Yep, which means...
5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
...that i have to dust my rig about ever 2 weeks.
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?Nope.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Everything from gaming, web browsing, work, and watching porn, i mean shows.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
My computer lives in my room, with me.
9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I typically do it about once a year give or take... just whenever i feel it taking longer to do shit.
I'm game, so why not:

1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?


2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

24/7, off only when being moved.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

So updates, scans and downloads can occur while I'm not using it

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?


4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?


5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Only when I notice the grime, I keep a small brush and microfiber cloth nearby for those times.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

No, but I live alone

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

One computer for everything

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

It's in the living room, however, I live alone.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

After initital setup I only reinstall if something catastrophic happens.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
It's usually on the whole day since it is where I spend most of my time. foreveralone.jpg :cool:

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
I leave it on unless I go out for a long time (2+ hours)

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Drink, never eat unless I am just watching a movie and not using the keyboard.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Never, I always go out even if it's freezing.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
I dust it when it really starts to bother me. These days I don't even open the case that much. Out of sight out mind :p

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
I live alone so no.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
I have only one rig that I use for everything.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I am very anal about this. I usually reformat every 2 months or so when the OS starts to feel sluggish for me.
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1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
I leave it on all of the time. The monitor is turned off though, to decrease wear on it.
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Yes, all of the time unless I go on vacation.
2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
I feel that powering on & off creates more electron wear. Most of what I own lasts a long time (even if given to someone I know)
2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Usually not while gaming. I don't want to get my mouse, keyboard & controller dirty.
4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
No, I don't smoke
5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Mostly random. I clean it when I see a lot of dust build-up.
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
I sometimes let friends play games when they visit. My wife doesn't game much & not with the types of games I enjoy.
7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
I use it for everything. I also have a mini-server & other networked components to offload some functionality.
8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Separate room, which is conveniently called the computer room.
9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I only reformat when I really need to reinstall the OS. Now that 7 & 8 can install to the same partition w/o a reformat, I do it even less.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
No, seems like a waste of electricity, plus it acts like a space heater even when idle. With a SSD it boots super fast anyway.
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
If I'm at home, I'll usually leave it on to jump on and off of. Hours at the most.
3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Yes. Beers for gaming, might have dinner while reading news on the web.
4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Don't smoke except for cigars rarely, and not indoors.
5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
No, need to be better at this.
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
Only myself in my hosuehold. :p
7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
In my bedroom. Living in San Francisco, extra space is fucking expensive.
9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

Stays on all day every day, unless I'm going on vacation or something.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Who doesn't? This does result in the rare keyboard spillage disaster.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

Nope. I might dust it out once a year, it just doesn't get too dirty thanks to intake filters.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?

One rig to rule them all. I've got laptops and tablets and whatnot laying around but they don't really count.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

In an office full of gaming and tech crap, a black leather couch and red-painted walls. My mancave.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Nope. I'm running a version of Win7 that started as a dev version and got upgraded multiple times, with attached drives with files going back to WinXP installs and some stuff from Win2k days.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?


2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

Yes. 24/7

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

Remote access, media streaming, etc. It doubles as a server of sorts.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?


3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?


4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Don't smoke indoors. Nasty habit

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Sometimes. Depends how busy I am. Just cleaned it out about a week ago... first time in 6 months. Was really dusty.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

I let my g/fs kids play on it

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

everything I do (besides mobile computing)

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

Out in the open, but I live by mysef.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

I used to, but I don't have the time to do that kind of stuff very often anymore. I used to reformat 3-4 times a year, but unless something goes wrong, I can't imagine finding the time to do it these days.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Yes, but only when I'm awake. Usually shutdown at bedtime, unless something specific.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Only if I need it for something specific overnight. (overnight updates, VM's, remote access)

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
Only at bedtime.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
No. No gaming while eating. I watch a video or something else and sit on the couch.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Only pot. (j/k HA!)

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Since the 2 front fans does not have a filter, every few weeks, when the front fans start to look hazy.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
Single bachelor pad.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
It does Everything.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Living room setup on a 40 inch HDTV with surround HT system.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
In the win9x days, every 6 months. The current 7 install has been up for a little over a year, and I just dual booted it with 8. Even if I migrate everything over, I'm probably still going to keep the old install/data.
Wow, great to see all the responses!

I just find it interesting, as there could be anything from actual informative reasons for certain things directly regarding hardware, down to just showing someone's personal perspectives on/attitudes regarding certain things.

Keep 'em coming!
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

yes always..

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?


2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

idk i have an ssd i just dont give a shit. i dont pay the power bill hah

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?


4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

not as often as I should to be honest. and I live in one of the dustiest places around

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

nope nobody else wants to

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

i watch movies, school work and just general use.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

no its in my room with my bed.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

i reformat when i make large upgrades, some people say it isnt necessary. i disagree.

plus i just like a fresh comp
M33X7 - how about posting your own? I'm curious as to how you do things. :p

Ha ha, yeah... was just thinking I should answer my own damn questions!

1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Yes, for relatively long periods, usually many days at a time, sometimes weeks, though I tend to shut it down maybe once a week on average, depending.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
Well, one, I already answered my own question. I generally game all times of the day/night, so no point in turning it off, because I'm always back-and-forth.

I also work in media, music mainly but also graphic art, so between that and general web stuff, there's really no reason or "time" to shut down.

I also agree that continuing powering off/on creates more electron wear.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
Nope, for all the reasons I mentioned above.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Yeah, if I'm hungry and happen to be gaming, sometimes I'll just grab a plate of something and try to eat between shooting people in the face, ha ha.

Always have my coffee, water or soda next to me as well.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Yeah, unfortunately. I try to go outside, but the hell with the freezing cold. But, I'm not blowing smoke directly into my PC, which is also under my desk, so I don't worry too much about nicotine build-up on components, just my monitor, which I clean regularly.

I should be more worried about the build-up in my god damn lungs, lol.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Yeah, I have to blow it out every couple of days, because my system is in the living room, thick carpet, creates a ridiculous amount of dust, and I have a tiny cat who sheds more than a damn lion, lol.

Monitor, due to smoking (and dust), as mentioned above.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
No need, since I build my wife identical gaming rigs to what I run, so she's a hardcore gamer with her own rig.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
Everything, though I game more than anything else. But I do use it for literally everything. I have a laptop, but that's just for when I'm lounging on the couch and surfing around etc.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
My living room, as is my wife's.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Well, I used to be a bit of a "stickler" and reformat about ever six months. But, honestly, I don't really notice any slow-down, even when installing all sorts of programs, build-up of art, music etc., so I don't really bother as long as my system isn't showing any signs of lag, in which case, I will then reformat.
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

nope nobody else wants to

Forget them, you dont need them!
You are Elite Master PC race!

1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Usually, unless I am going to bed when I finally leave the computer.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
I am usually going back and forth from using the computer to not using it. That's why it stays on throughout the day.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
Only when I am going to bed for the night.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
I will drink, usually water or an alcoholic beverage from time to time.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
No, don't smoke at all.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Clean the dust filters once every two weeks. Never have to touch the inside of my case (thank you FT02!).

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
It's just me and my fiancee, and she has a laptop and iPad, so there really isn't a need; however, she does use it for some tasks.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
95% gaming since I have I work laptop for everything else. I will use my gaming computer for web browsing and photo work.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
It used to be in the living room. We just moved to a new house and now it is in its own office.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Hell no! After having Windows ME as my first computer's operating system, I have reformatted way too many times in my life.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
24x7, restart only when acting up

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
Power supply problem, likes to trip my breaker during startup

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
No - not until I open it up for something and realize how dirty it is.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
No - wife has her own.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
Gaming rig mostly for games, some finance/spreadsheet stuff, office work. iPad or SGS3 for most web browsing from the couch

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Separate room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I don't intend to, but it's been about once / year recently, just due to changing OS drives (mechanical to Intel 520 SSD, then that to Samsung 830 SSD). Other than that I don't bother unless I get some nasty malware I don't trust scans to get rid of.
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1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?


2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours?

Indefinitely ( Sleeps after 1 hour of inactivity )

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?

Quicker to get going

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

No, sleep after 1 hour of inactivity

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Yes, Water/Beer/Wine

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?


5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Once a month or so

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?


7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?


8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?


9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Format every year for numerous reasons (sometimes out of my control)
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?


2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

About 2 years?

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

F@H/various things.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?


3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Yes. Tea (not brown whatever tea) and water...

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?


5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Not really, but don't have to.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?


7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

Use main and others for everything!

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

No it's in a bedroom.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Never reformatted ever. Even during Xp I didn't.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
I leave it on only when I'm home. Sometimes overnight.
2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
If at home, or if listening to music overnight.
2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
No, I don't smoke.
5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Yes, few times a year.
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
I live by myself, so no.
7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
Everything, yes. I have a laptop that I rarely use/want to use
8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Living room.
9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I used to try to go as many years between format as possible, now I completely flipped and reinstall every 6-12 months.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Yes (Except when I go away for more than 2 days)

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Usually for 2 weeks before I reboot it.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
Just because I can. I pay the electric bill

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
420, so I don't have to dust like I would if I smoked cigs...

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Every other month.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
Everything...Mainly Gaming and Video editing for most of it.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
I have my own office.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Usually every 6 months after I have installed crap on it. It is easier to do a clean rebuild. I have an image with Windows 8 and drivers.

Alright, there were a few more questions I was going to throw in, but I forgot what they were, so that will do for now.

Everyone has their own "rules" for themselves regarding their systems/hardware and "behavior" regarding such, so I just though it would interesting to find out what the behaviors of gamer's are regarding their hardware/gaming rigs.

If you have your own "rules" or things you do that aren't listed here, feel free to list 'em, as I'm sure someone would probably be able to relate.

There are my answers. I never let anyone else play on my computer. If I am in a good mood and let my other half on my machine, they get a guest account with no admin permissions.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?


2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?


2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?

No, not gaming, not on.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

Yes, no need for it to be on, im not gaming.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Never, no food or drink outside of the kitchen (My rule)

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Don't smoke

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Clean my house/room multiple times a week mainly around my computer.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?


7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

Just gaming, other systems for internet browsing.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

My personal room/den

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

I reformat often

Always wash my hands before using my computer, I clean my keyboard and mouse very often. I have dust covers for my case/peripherals when I am not using them. I live on a dirt road so dust is an annoying issue. It sounds over the top OCD but it's not.
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1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

I shut down the gaming PC when it is not in use.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

Gaming PC, no. My other desktop only gets shut down when the power goes out and my UPS runs out or I'm tinkering with the kernel (Linux) and need to reboot. It has 39 days of uptime at this moment.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?

Instant availability.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

Gaming PC draws quite a bit of power. The room is small and the PC causes it to heat up a bit.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Of course, but with great care so as minimize keyboard cleaning.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

I do not want lung cancer and emphysema.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Yes; every couple months or every time I move it.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

Absolutely not.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

Generally, yes. The gaming PC does gaming when in Windows, but it also dual boots Gentoo Linux for school work and other things and I do have a separate PC dedicated just for general desktop applications.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?


9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

I hate reinstalling. I make images of the base Windows install with drivers and Windows updates installed which eliminates reinstalling on the same computer.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Not typically, just a waste of electricity

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Usually not

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
Save wear and tear on components and power

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Drink alot but not much eating wise cause it always leaves a mess

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Fuck no

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
I at least dust it with a swifter a few times a week and then take air compressor to it once a month

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming? Except for my cat, no

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do? I use it for work, surfing, ordering stuff, email as well

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Its in my geek den room

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Only when I really have to, its such a chore.....
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
i only have it on when i'm home and awake

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
no, if i'm asleep or out of the house, i turn it off to save electricty.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
when not in use it's off

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
not while gaming, but if i'm browsing forums...there's no room in my apartment for any other table besides my desk.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
no, but i use swedish snus

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
i was a bigger stickler when i first built this rig, but i've been letting it slide. with four days off i'm going to probably go through and clean my rig and keyboard

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
my girlfriend has no interest in computer gaming

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
i use my main rig for everything

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
it's in the living room

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
not really, but i might reformat when i get a bigger ssd.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
1) Yes.
2) As long as there's a source of power, yes. At idle, it draws a very low amount of power.
2a) Since I use RDP to do work from home, etc, it needs to remain on.
2b) No, see above.
3) Eat, no. Drink, yes.
4) I don't smoke, anyway.
5) I clean it as often as a clean any other part of the house.
6) Yes.
7) It serves several roles.
8) Separate room.
9) My desktop's only format was when I assembled it earlier this year. The laptop has been formatted once since receiving it.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
My PC turns off when I make hardware changes or when I go away for a weekend at Christmas. Other then that, its on 24/7
2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Nope. My wife hates that I game and I have kinds that I spend time with. Once they are in bed its fair game.
2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Beverages. I eat when I surf, when I game Im all focus
4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
I only smoke n00bs
5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Every month
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
My wife plays farmville on my PC and my 3 year old plays racing games when I setup the wheel.
7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
No, its for everything. I have a tablet for the toilet, another tablet bedside and a laptop for the couch.
8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Living room right beside the kitchen...Its very central in my house...that doubles as a daycare...kids dont touch it though.
9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I used to all the time, but windows 7 has been excellent and its now a yearly thing.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Sometimes, if I plan to use it shortly after I got off it I will, but I never let it sit idle for lengthy periods of time, just don't no definite reason though..lol I'm sure the electric company would like me to have it run 24/7!!

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
If my computer isn't in use, I typically turn it off. Probably incase of random power outage or something... since I only use a surge protector not a ups. However, even when I was younger I was like that.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Drink yes, always have something on the coaster on my desk. Eating not really, crumbs getting into my keyboard will drive me crazy!! lol

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Don't smoke, so NA. I trouble shooted a friends rig who smoked all the time infront of it.. was by far the most disgusting rig cleanup i've ever done..lmao

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
once a month or two I clean off the filters and blow any dust off the mbo/cards/case. once a week dust off the case, monitor, desk top, external hdds. once a year disassemble and clean the entire system

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
Hell to the NO!!! built a TV rig for friends to game on, or my laptop if it's neccasary. Just don't want my friends hands on my mouse. although if it's a racing game i dont min them using my controller. but not my kb/mouse.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Gaming, photoshopping, webbrowsing, dvds, music, level creation (source SDK, etc). laptop covers the daily stuff though, quicken, etc...

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Right now it's in my bedroom @ my apt. However when I move to a new town next year It'll be in my "Game/LAN" room

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I used to be a reformatting whore! Did it for all driver updates...ugh, now it's been quite a while since I"ve reformatted. And if I do it won't be as bad anymore, have harddrives in my main rig covering everything, 1 for os, 1 for my docs, 1 for steam, 1 for disc games & dos box
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

yes. only time it ever gets restarted is if i'm installing something that requires a restart or if i screwed up and caused a BSOD which rarely happens.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

current uptime is 4 days, douche bag ran into a telephone pole and ruined my 16 week uptime :( longest uptime for this system is 32 weeks.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

why not, the difference between me turning my computer off and leaving it on is about 2 dollars a month, big deal.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
no never

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?


4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

hell no, even though i smoke its a pet-peeve of mine about smoking in a house, absolutely hate it.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

no not for gaming but they are allowed to use it for other things if needed.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

i use it for everything

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

no in another room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

no, current windows 7 install is from the day microsoft released windows 7.
1) No. The Mac gets left on, though.
2) Same as above.
3) Not usually. Expensive keyboards and all.
4) No.
5) The Mac gets cleaned off occasionally. The PC has to be completely torn down, cleaned and rebuilt every couple months or so, or the dust situation gets out of hand.
7) Mac for work/web development/browsing/lifestyle. PC for gaming/Windows development/browsing.
8) Separate room.
9) Not particularly. Frequent re-formatting isn't really required as of Vista. All OS X upgrades are clean installs, so the slate gets wiped only when I update OS X.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Turn it on in the morning and off when I go to bed ... if I will be away from my apartment for more than 3 hours I will turn it off then and restart when I return.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Only during the day ... I might occasionally leave it on overnight if I had some incredibly big download or defrag going.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
My desktop doesn't sleep well so I leave it on to access it quickly.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
Only at night. To save power and because it doesn't sleep well.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Sometimes if the food isn't too messy. I will eat breakfast and drink coffee or soda near my computer.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
N/A ... I don't smoke but I wouldn't smoke near it if I did.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Not often enough. Usually only when I upgrade something inside (once a year or so).

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
Nobody else in my house but if there were I would allow them to access it.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
I have a work laptop but I try to do as much on my desktop when I am home.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
It is in what would normally be a dining area adjacent to the kitchen and living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I try to avoid it whenever possibly ... way too much software to reinstall.
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1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Yes, only really down to perform weekly reboots (baring security patches) That is why I build for silence.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
Why not? I share out movies and music though.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
See previous answer.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Don't smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
As often as needed.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
No one else in my household PC games.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
Main PC. Have a laptop for redundancy/travel use.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Use my PC in the living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Only reformat when necessary.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Think of it as a Server in a datacenter. It only goes down if it crashes, updates require it, or im working on it and its needed. Otherwise its 24/7.
2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
So its always on and ready to go.
2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
No, never.
3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
No, i smoke outside.
5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Yes, When it starts getting dusty it gets blown out. Monthly id say.
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
Not really. No one else in my current household games. When i move everyone else will be a gamer and has their own computer for it.
7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
I use it for everything. Web browsing, working on MISC stuff, video rendering pig, gaming, etc
8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Right now its in a room. When i move it will be in a Living room.
9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Not really unless its needed for some reason. Dont want the downtime and time required to set it all back up. There is also the transferring of data which you always forget to back something up or at least i do.
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1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
yes, during the day

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
whenever I'm home. When I'm not its off

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
nope, its my main PC

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
don't smoke

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
once a month

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
main rig

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
in bedroom

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
maybe 2-3 times a year
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
only goes down for loop maintenance and update reboots

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
almost 3 years...see above

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Folding for team 33, bitcoin mining with the cards...800 watts at the wall continuous

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
it is safe in the rack, eat and watch a movie sometimes

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
no, but I don't smoke

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
been down for loop maintenance twice and due again, so about once a year

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
fuck yeah, best computer anyone I know has ever seen, love showing it off

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
??? what is it now, 6 boxen going here? everything folds flat out

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
computer/AV/prototyping lab/ham shack, so separate room I guess, but it is the focal point of the house

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
used to be, with win7 and SSD has not been a problem
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

If I'm using it, yes. If not, no.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

If I feel I'm going to use my computer within the next couple hours, I'll keep it on. If I'm headed out (work, shopping, etc.) I tend to turn it off.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

I live in a small apartment, so yes, I'll eat around it.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Don't smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

I'll clean it about once every 1-2 months. Yeah, I'm filthy.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

No one else in my household.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

My gaming PC is purely for gaming. Outside of a firewall and antivirus, nothing else is installed. I have another computer purely for internet browsing, one for secure transactions, etc. Yes, I'm paranoid.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

Small apartment, so it's out in the open.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

I upgrade my PC about once a year. It use to be every 6 months, but consumer technology has seemed to slow down. On most upgrades I'll do a clean format, if only to get rid of excess junk Windows loves.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
It's on all day, off when I'm sleeping or if I'm going to be gone for hours I shut it off

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
No real reason to actually not shut it off, with SSD's you boot in seconds but I just leave it on all day anyway

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Drink yes, eat no

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Electronic cig

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Once a month or 2

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
No, friends when they come over sure

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
I use it for everything

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Separate room

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I used to reformat constantly, seems since I started using an SSD I don't feel the need
#1 #2 #2a #2b No. I do have a web server and that one runs 24/7. My Desktop uses a lot of power and only runs when i need to do something the netbook couldn't handle. Video transcoding, gaming, 3d modeling, application debugging, etc.

#3 Yes, also have an atomizer with alcohol to wipe everything down regularly. No human or food grease here.

#4 No.

#5 Yes, every couple of months i take a can of compressed air and take the rig outside for a dusting.

#6 I'm the only 3D gamer. The others are mainly just play puzzle games that can be handled by a netbook. Even if they want to, they can't get to it since there's only one chair for all three systems :p

#7 Only for heavy stuff. The netbook can do almost everything an i5-750 quad core can. But for the few times it can't i switch on the main rig.

#8 It's in my office, which is pretty much a computer room.

#9 Not that often, but it's not a big deal. I make it a point to save all my files in a separate partition, i just have to copy the document and wwwroot folder, boot off a thumbdrive and delete the entire partition (faster than reformatting)