"Computer Habits" Of Gamers

1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?


2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

On 24/7

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

It's usually hosting something, sharing media, downloading something or uploading something in the background, I also remote in to it from work.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?


3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Yes, while gaming or not gaming, I eat at my desk.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Don't smoke

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Every 3-6 months the air filters will get cleaned and I'll go at the HSFs with canned air, I should do it more often really but I don't really care that much, most of the components are replaced before this ever becomes an issue.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

I live alone and visitors aren't allowed to touch my PC, basic security practice.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

1 System for everything gaming, work and basic user habits such as browsing watching media, it's wired into my living room entertainment system. I do have an old server that hosts web/email/minecraft and a bunch of other stuff off my home connection.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

In the living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

I used to a lot back when it made a tangible difference, XP and prior OS's, maybe every 6 months, ever since Vista it simply hasn't been necessary.

1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

Yeah, all of them.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

Years. Reboots are only for stability increases and security fixes.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

Quite a bit of wear on capacitors and devices with power cycles, rather just leave everything spun up so there isn't that uptake of current to destroy a bridge.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?


3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Just water and wasabi peas from time to time, otherwise I tend to eat elsewhere.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Nah, I don't really smoke other than the occasional cigar, and that'd be outside or at a venue.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Every week. Yank the side off of the case, blast it with the Datavac. Yank the filters, vacuum them. Vacuum the room, move on.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

No. Girlfriend has her own PC, and there is a guest PC with a GTX285 SLI in it in the spare bedroom.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

Dedicated for gaming, with the exception of watching a movie over the network when the TV is otherwise occupied. I also have a dedicated machine as a music workstation. A notebook for communication/E-Mail/web browsing, and a few servers that have their own tasks.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

Wall between the grand room and living room, not visible from the living room. I wouldn't want guests staring at the screen -- with company over, you're supposed to entertain them, not sit at a computer and ignore them.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Excessive threshold re-located sectors reported by S.M.A.R.T. requires attention and a low-level, otherwise the only time I format is when there is a new file system required by an OS, or before repurposing the disk(s).
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
I only turn it off if I'm taking it with me (laptop) out of town for personal reasons.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
I may need to remote into it from abroad (work) to skirt web filters. It's easier to just download it to the FTP on my laptop than go plug into the cable modem to bypass the filters.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
Isn't this the same questions as above? No.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Drink, yes. Eat, seldom. A granola bar maybe, not dinner.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
I have a cloth sitting on top of the docking station. I dust it weekly.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Gaming, VMware, browsing, general productivity.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
In my 2nd bedroom / computer room. My wife's laptop is here, as well as my file server and VMware server.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I used to be, but with 7, I've found I need to do it less and less. Now I'm on 8, and have had the same image running since August. Prior to that, I was running on an install of 7 that I first set up in October of 2011 when I bought a new SSD. I do keep a backup image of a post-installation & tweaks state though.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

Only If I'm downloading.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

Not really, occasionally 24hrs straight.. average 5-7 hrs on

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?


2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

I try to.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Yes, but my tower sits up high on a desk further away so it's safer.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Never, I go outside to smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

About every 2 months, near complete disassembly dust, blow and wipe, put it all back together takes 2-4 hrs.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?


7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?

This is my only system.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

My room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

I reformat every 6 to 12 months & back when I used a hdd for boot I would wipe with killdisk prior to installing.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

No, I take excessive advantage of my PCs sleep mode, so my PC is in standby most of the time.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

No, one day is too long for me.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

My PC wakes from sleep and restores my session in less than 5 seconds (no SSD, either!) no need to leave it on.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

Yes, to save power. I don't host any downloads or perform any FaH style activities.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Yes! Breakfast at the keyboard every day, but I take care to cover my keyboard in a protective silicone film to reduce back-crumbing.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

No, but I do burn incense, which contributes to the dust factor. When I do smoke, it is socially.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Every upgrade, my PC gets a full detail. This varies from 3-9 months.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

Yes! I love hosting others on my PC and even invite them to do so! My system is not the fastest rig around, but it sure as hell beats up the console visuals my friends are used to, so I like to share that experience.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

My system is a workstation first and a gaming rig second. I do 3D artwork and graphic design mostly, and game when I have the free time. Web browsing is covered by both my Rig and my iPhone. I have a separate system for hosting my minecraft server which runs 24/7.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

Separate room: my PC has a room dedicated to it.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Back durring the windows 98 and XP days, I was reinstalling windows every 3-6 months. Now I'm reinstalling whenever I notice software bloat. Usually takes between 6 -12 months. I do see a huge benefit to reinstalling on a fresh format, but the time it takes to reinstall all of my working software after windows is frustrating.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

I turn it off if I'm not using it for anything (not just gaming).

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

No... it's only on when I'm using it or downloading something. I like to conserve power, both to save on my bill and to fulfill my librul hippie environmentalist leanings.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

My computer desk acts as my dining area, so I eat and drink around it often.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Don't smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Not as often as I should. Maybe twice a year.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

I live alone.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?

I have one rig for everything. Poor graduate students can't afford multiple PCs.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

It is in my living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

I used to do this somewhat often. Now, I only do it when I notice the machine slowing down, which is pretty damn rare on modern PCs. Laziness I suppose.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

I never turn it off. Unless the weather is bad outside and I happen to be home and/or it gets too hot in the room the computer is in and I'm trying to sleep.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

  • No need to worry about boot time.
  • I think that turning electronics off/on puts more wear on them. However I have no proof of that, but my stuff generally seems to last me a good long while.
  • I like to preform updates, downloads and scans while I am away from the computer.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

I never turn my system off.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Drink, yes all the time. I will only eat certain food; nothing that will get all over my finger, then on my keyboard/mouse.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Not a smoker.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?


6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

Kids, not so much. Adults, yeah they use it often. My gaming rig isn't the only computer in the house however.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

No I use the rig for everything. With the exception of an HTPC I pieced together with used parts.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

It's in a separate room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Alright, there were a few more questions I was going to throw in, but I forgot what they were, so that will do for now.

I reformat when something is broken. I've had this computer since late 2010 and I've only reformatted once since then.

Back when I had Windows 2k, I used to reformat often. Like every 3 - 6 months. Then I got an XP Laptop and that's about when my constant reformatting stopped. I think I installed Windows on that laptop a total of three times during the 3 years I had it, each time was due to getting a larger HDD installed. Never once reformatted unless you count the Day 1 reinstall to remove the Dell bloatware.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?


2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

If I know I'll be away for more than four hours then I power down the system. If it is a new game or DLC download then I leave the system on over night.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

To download new games or DLCs.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?


3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?


4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?


5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Yes. Once a week like clockwork.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

Basically, no. I only allow trusted relatives or friends to use my main gaming rig.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

Everything I do.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

Separate office.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Unless a program or update borks my O.S. then I do not see the need.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Only If I need to leave it downloading something large.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Unattended the most is 15min up to 8 hours if I leave it overnight with a large download, defrag, antivirus/antispyware while I sleep.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Reasons listed above. I usually don't just leave it on.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming?
If the PC has no purpose to be on or is not being used then it gets shut off.

Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Yes, but not messy things, I will get off it if I need 2 hands.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
I don't smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Every Month or two, unfortunately I live in an apartment that has carpeting and it creates a lot of dust.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
No, I hate when ppl use my pc, specially if they change settings or dig around, so my pc is off access, they can use my spare pc.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
My computer is not dedicated to only gaming, it's also used for web surfing, watching videos, processing pictures.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
It's in the living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Only windows xp I had to do it every few months. On windows 7 unless I make big changes to my system hardware or it get's a real bad virus/spyware (hasn't happened yet).
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1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
No, I shut down at night and while I'm at work. Gotta pay the bills :(

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
I'll only leave it on if I need to download or rip something.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
I shut down at night and while I'm at work, otherwise its always on while I'm around.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Don't smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Clean the fans & filters about twice a month. More through as needed.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Desktop is for gaming, movies and everyday activities. Laptop is a test platform for misc. programs so I don't clutter up the desktop with needless files.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Bedroom of my apartment.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Back in the days of Win98 through WinXP I reformatted several times a year but Win7 is quite stable. I only reformat when I upgrade a component (usually 18-24 months).
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

Of course, I don't solely use it for gaming.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

Some times, but usually not more than a day, unless it takes that long to do something like format, etc.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

No, I put it into hibernate.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Don't smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Probably once or twice a year.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
Family, and friends.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
In my room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Not really...
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Yes only on weekends.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
2-3 days.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

Sit down, get a group of friends and start gaming. walk away and repeat.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
After the weekend yes, I don't have the time on week days.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Nope, I don't even smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
3-5 months.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
Nope, /Forever alone.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

Gaming pc is mostly watching movies and gaming only. Server does everything else.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
I have a home office.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Around once or twice a year.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

It depends, I'll keep it on if I have to do other work, but I always turn it off when going to bed. I don't like to keep devices on when I'm sleeping or not at home.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

Hours, I never kept my computer on for longer than 12-16 hours.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?


2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

See answer at question 1. Also, my computer is in my bedroom, I just prefer to have it unplugged when going to sleep.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Sometimes I drink a bit, but anything I eat I do inbetween in the kitchen.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

No, I don't smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Dusting two times a week, but I never opened my computer so far. (2,5 years old) I'm very strict with cleaning/dusting/vacuuming the house though. The computer shop remarked how clean my comp looked after two years when brought for a quick repair.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

My parents aren't interested in games, but if they were they could use it,

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?

Gaming, webbrowsing, video-editing, work, etc.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

Computer is in my bedroom.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Never reformatted any computer I had before. When it slows down, I sometimes try to clean it out as much as possible though. (Defrag/software removal, etc) Always seemed to do the job in general.
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1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
Yes, because I'm usually using it for everything else.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Yes, all day while I'm awake most of the time because I'm usually using it for everything else.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
I'm usually using it for everything else.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
No, because I'm usually using it for everything else.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Yes, because nom nom nom.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
No, because why the fuck would I want to damage every piece of property inside of my house?

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
I'll usually blast it out every six months or so.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
I've got four rigs in my house, no need. Guests can use the guest rig, which is pretty beefy. (6950 2GB, 8GB RAM, Core i5, 256GB SSD). w00t.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
I use it for everything, not just gaming.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
To the left of my desk in my office. We have my wife's rig, my rig and the guest rig in our office.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Not since Windows 7. But on XP it was fairly regular. I never had Vista long enough to know. But I assume after SP1 it was better as well. That and not installing stupid or cracked shit helps.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Never turned it off unless I go for holidays.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
No. I am mostly downloading stuff or seeding. I love seeding.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Not a smoker.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
I am not bothered with dust tbh. but I do cleaned the fans every few months. I learned a hard lesson why my video card got fried because the dust was closing off the fan intake vents.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
No. I keep my rig clean. No eating, no drinking, no shit. But I am quite dust tolerant though hahaha.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
In my room. I locked my room whenever there is visitors.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
I will either walk away and let it enter the sleep/hibernate mode (takes effect after 30 mins of idle) or I will explicitly send it to sleep when I am done using it.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Gaming rig? No. Other computers? Sometimes. Generally I try to take advantage of sleep modes and network based wakeup but I have a mac mini that does not seem to behave well in this manner so it seems to stay on all the time.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
My other computers that I leave on are because I access them on occasion via the network (i.e. media sharing, administration and maintenance, etc). As mentioned above I try to use sleep modes and wake on demand features when I can because I don't see the point in letting things idle unnecessarily.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
I only shut it off fully when I am leaving town for a few days like on vacation, etc. Else it is in sleep/hibernate mode because I use them "often enough" to not want to wait for bootup every time but not so often that I want them to run 24/7. My mac mini however stays on even when I am away since I can remote into it over the internet. However it is pretty energy efficient and that's partly why I bought it to begin with- to act as a server. I will turn off the monitors though since they will turn on if I VNC into my mac mini over the internet.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Sometimes. I used to a lot (practically daily) but now in my new place the kitchen is much further away and I don't spend as much time in the computer room so I tend not to. I have no problems eating/drinking next to my computers but I also always bring napkins/cloths to wipe my hands with.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
A wipe the exterior every other month or so. If it looks dirty I will open it and clean it but it sits in an area where it does not get much dust buildup. Also I have checked my dust filters after 4-6 months of operation and cannot find much buildup so I don't bother cleaning regularly. because I see no need. I do monitor temps and if I see something out of the ordinary I will clean.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
I am the only occupant of my house but no I would not let others use my gaming rig. Mainly though because it has no useful software installed on it. If someone wants to use a computer usually it would be my laptop but really nowadays they are bringing their own device to connect to my network anyway so it doesn't happen often.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
My gaming rig is 100% pure gaming only. Excepting my work-only, work-provided laptop, it is the only windows computer I have, and I only have it for PC games. As such, I have the absolute bare minimum of non-gaming software installed (ex: no PDF reader, no Office, etc) since I have other computers for general use (1 desktop one laptop) that use mac OSX.
Interesting to see how few people have "dedicated" gaming rigs

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
In my new place my 2 desktop computers are in a separate room. Before, my gaming rig was in the bedroom and main computer was in the living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
I typically only reformat if I need to reinstall the OS, and I only do that if I am either upgrading the OS, doing large-scale hardware changes, or recovering from some grievous software error that my backups cannot address. My gaming rig probably will not see an OS upgrade for several years.
It's just for fun, and some off-the-cuff issue that came to mind, so here we go (feel free to elaborate on your answers):

1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Until for some reason we lose power or I go on vacation.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
Not sure why.... I may actually turn on power saving now that I have a SSD.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Heck NO! I was a tech and smokers computer as so nasty!

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Yes about 3 times a year. Possibly more.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
Yeah as long as they wash their hands.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
Main rig

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Its in the office

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

I format about twice a year.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?
2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
It runs day and night
2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.
I also visit my normal website with it. I also encode movies on it.
2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?
4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
No, I vape. I also vape at work. (electronic cig)
5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
Yes, once a week.
6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.
Some of the questions are repeats, refer above.
8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Dedicated computer room.
9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Now with Win7, I have not reformatted since it was installed.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

Yes, with auto-sleep at 15 minutes of idle

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?


2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?

It will shut itself down, or be ready for me to come back if only a few minutes

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

See above

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Depends on food. Non-greasy, simple foods = ok. Water = ok. Most everything else is a maybe and dependant on game/food combo circumstances.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Non-smoker house.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

Dust out/wipe down every few weeks. Needed as living in the desert means lots of dust

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?

Nope - wife has her own gaming rig and kids have their own + plus consoles. My machine is MINE!

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?

Primarily gaming, but is used for browsing and general work when necessary.

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

Living room is seperated into entertainment side and computer side, very obvious seperation when you walk into the room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Use to be. Since Win 7 it's really not been part of my normal habits.

Here's one thing I've found can tell older gamers (especially old school FPS's): Invert Y axis. I'm the only person in my house that does this, and it drives me crazy whenever I have to hop on one of the other computers for a minute. Likewise if someone tries to use my machine they complain about my controls.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

Not anymore, ugly electric bills this causes.

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?

If im going to be home all day, then yes it'll stay on. Always off when i sleep.

If i need a positive Torrent ratio, i will leave it on all day, except when i sleep, i don't like the dust blowing in the direction of my bed. So this happens 3-5 days every 2 months or so.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
Example: so you can just sit down and start gaming at any given time etc.

Pretty much. I live with my parents currently so there is nothing to do at home except play games / study in my room anyways. Computer = music. Only thing that keeps me sane.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?

No, but yes if im going out which is 70% of the time.

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?


4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Don't smoke.

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?

4-6 months between cleaning.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?


7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Example: work, general web browsing, video/audio work etc.


8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?

No and no

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?

Not since windows 7.
1) Do you leave your computer on when not gaming?

2) Do you leave your computer on for long periods of time? If so, for how long? Hours? Days? Weeks?
On 24/7 for my main desktop/gaming rig. If i'm away from home for multiple days I will power it down.

2a) If you do just leave your system on, why?
-I access my computer via my mobile devices
-I like having my system ready to go at any given point. Pure convenience really.

2b) Do you always shut your system off when not gaming? If so, why?
No. See above

3) Do you eat and drink around your gaming rig/while gaming?

Yes, but not usually during a gaming session.

4) Do you smoke around your gaming rig/while gaming?
Don't smoke, N/A

5) Do you dust/clean your rig often? If so, how often?
I clean the fan filters about twice a month and use compressed air for the rest every 1-2 months.

6) Do you let anyone else in your household use your rig for gaming?
No one needs to use it. I have 1 roomate that has his own gaming rig/console setup. I also have a spare gaming rig for LAN / friend use. I suppose if someone asked to get a few rounds in i'd let them.

7) Do you use your gaming rig strictly for gaming with another system for other things? Or do you use your main system for everything you do?
Gaming, encoding, audio mixing and general entertainment (movies, browsing etc). Laptop is used for "work" (data entry/troubleshooting. etc.)

8) Is your gaming rig out in the open, such as in your living room? Or do you have a separate room for your rig/where you game?
Gaming rig is in my bedroom, couch/consoles in living room.

9) Are you a stickler for reformatting often? Or do you find no benefit and just don't bother?
Before windows 7, as with most, I would reinstall windows much more frequently. Roughly every 6-7 months. Now I reinstall mainly just for major hardware upgrades (new Mobo or boot drive).
1. If I am home then I will leave it on but if I am going out to work or anywhere else then I will turn it off unless I want a download to finish.

2. It is rare for my computer to be elft on for more than 24 hours.

2a. Usually it is because I have downloads running.

2b. Only if I am leaving my apt.

3. I do eat and drink around my computer but as soon as I can afford a dining room table then that habit will stop.

4. I smoke very rarely, usually only with certain people so this has happened maybe 3 times over the last few years.

5. I usually dust my rig out once a month.

6. If my friends are over and want to try a game out then I let them. I don't live with anybody.

7. I typically use this main system for everything but I also have a laptop and another computer. The laptop is actually at my desk and is mainly used for web surfing if my main rig is busy with a test or benchmark. The spare computer is an XP machine used specifically for XP games that my main computer won't play easily.

8. It is in my bedroom but as soon as I can get a TV for the front room then this will go in my spare room.

9. I used to be a big stickler but these days I try not to format if I can help it. Usually I only format when hardware upgrades force my hand. I keep the system defragged and clean on a weekly basis which helps.