Chimp Challenge : Official thread

well its leroyxx from OCAU here.. saying good luck and dont loose your banana's!!

Hell, i even overclocked my bananas and started the SMP client on it(a bunch of bananas counts as SMP right?)

I just switched over all my available clients to the [H]ardApe account. estimated about 5000 PPD.

uncle_fungus told me it's best to leave as is. It will get updated with the correct infos next time it complete a WU and download a new one (it's when it will update the queue.dat file).

For now, just check the log as Tigerbiten said to make sure you see [H]ardApe as username.

Right now, if you are done switching or just twiddling thumbs, try to mobilize the [H]orde with whatever your brain tell you (some rallying post, chopping, bugging friends, trying to make deals with other lesser teams as backup, email other [H]orde members you know and who doesn't come often here, be creative... We are the [H]orde and we are the 800 pounds gorilla begging to pound the chest to scare other teams).

My SMP boxen is about 20 minutes away from finishing a wu, as soon as that one is done I will switch it over... my GPU client should be complete in about an hour, so I'll switch that one as well.... my console clients aren't even close, so as soon as my wife gets back from the store (picking up some blank cd's) I'll burn some new disks and get them switched out as well....

Fold On [H]ardApe!!!!

I'm in a war with LordvonSchtupp and we set midnight EST for when we stop hostilities. Three clients will finish after this time so I am going to change them now. The other three clients will all finish work in about 2 hours. I'll see what kind of projects they pick up next. However, one of the clients is a GPU2 client and that finished work every 75 minutes and will be the last one to change over.

Locked, loaded, and ready to go!

Where are the towels!


4 of 9 converted... I have them on a list and timed as to when I need to convert them... by tomorrow morning I'll have all 9 firing toward those chimp champ wannabe's!

I'm now almost done with the switch, remain 1 boxen (it's at 98% so I'll do it in 1 hour). I also assembled the 5th quad with the EVGA 650i temporarily until I receive a IP35-E so it will be producing for the Chimp Challenge.

Overall, it's about 24,000 ppd from the home farm and 7000 ppd from the work farm running for the challenge.

Hey!!! Guess what?

I am a dumbass....... really, I am.

So, like an idiot, I went ahead and killed my GPU client to make the switch, and guess what? Yeah, the GPU client no longer supports the X19XX cards, so I'm screwed... again:(

Just thought I'd share....

Hey!!! Guess what?

I am a dumbass....... really, I am.

So, like an idiot, I went ahead and killed my GPU client to make the switch, and guess what? Yeah, the GPU client no longer supports the X19XX cards, so I'm screwed... again:(

Just thought I'd share....

/tosses a beer

Those new boxen can't come soon enough can they;)

/tosses a beer

Those new boxen can't come soon enough can they;)

Thanks for the beer bro;)

And no, I need my new boxen....RIGHT NOW:D

Not that I'm having any anxiety issues or anything.... I'm fine... really..... no problem here... no sir......

Hey!!! Guess what?

I am a dumbass....... really, I am.

So, like an idiot, I went ahead and killed my GPU client to make the switch, and guess what? Yeah, the GPU client no longer supports the X19XX cards, so I'm screwed... again:(

Just thought I'd share....

I have the client in exe if you want it emailed to you or anyonelse that needs it.

I just made a post in every thread from other teams to wish good luck for the challenge.

Now that the civilities is made, let's unleash the madness and make the [H]orde proud and strong !!!

All my clients have been switched except for the GPU2 client. I'll switch the GPU2 at midnight when my war with LordbonSchtupp ends.

I just made a post in every thread from other teams to wish good luck for the challenge.

Now that the civilities is made, let's unleash the madness and make the [H]orde proud and strong !!!

And one more reminder, if you're going to post on the other teams forums, take a minute to go over their rules if you haven't already. Don't go getting yourself banned across the top 4. And the best smack talk is still at MaxPC.
And one more reminder, if you're going to post on the other teams forums, take a minute to go over their rules if you haven't already. Don't go getting yourself banned across the top 4. And the best smack talk is still at MaxPC.

Yes, we should have fun so don't get banned for doing silly thing ;) It's with points that we should win, not some petty poo slinging (or dropping in the case of others :p).

I just made a post in every thread from other teams to wish good luck for the challenge.

Now that the civilities is made, let's unleash the madness and make the [H]orde proud and strong !!!

Man, that's what I call a really good sport brother Xilikon, thanks for representing the [H]orde for us. :D I just wish I could get over being such a sore winner. (only kiddin' being a sore winner is fun):p

well I usually use BOINC for Primegrid, but what the heck :) is there a way to use the pass key with the PS3?
well I usually use BOINC for Primegrid, but what the heck :) is there a way to use the pass key with the PS3?

Just skip it, it's not really mandatory ;)

Thanks for the contribution, welcome :)

well I usually use BOINC for Primegrid, but what the heck :) is there a way to use the pass key with the PS3?

I haven't switched over my PS3 yet, but it seems to me that changing your UserName is an option - Triangle?

Fold on [H]ardApe!

PS. If we go into [H]ard|, and want to check on [H]ardApe, it would be helpful to have a public password...

Heh.. I have 2 new Quad core boxen coming online this weekend.. what timing!

I have switched over my SMP and luckily picked up a 2653 immediately after my switch!:D Then I called my family members that are the owners of my borgs and had those switched too. 1 SMP and 3 borgs on the [H]ardApe!

Heh.. I have 2 new Quad core boxen coming online this weekend.. what timing!


Nice...would be nice if you would set that up folding dual SMP's for the user [H]ardApe on Team 33. :D You know you want to....:cool: Oh, and welcome to the [H]orde!!!

All six of my slow ass clients are now folding as [H]ardApe. Most of the parts for my first Quad will be here on Tuesday but not sure when the PSU will be here as that isn't shipping until Monday morning.

Heh.. I have 2 new Quad core boxen coming online this weekend.. what timing!


Now don't you really feel bad deep down inside Kibagami (snif, snif, croca'gator tears) bringin' those powa' full quads online when it just happens the [H]orde folders are participating in the "Chimp Challenge" ? :rolleyes:

If you don't I sure as hell don't blame you.:D The only way I could show my hurt feelings if it was me would be to say Neener, Neener, Neener to our challengers.

Yeah, I know, my maturity just went out the window, but who cares, it's just all in fun as long as the [H]orde wins :p (which is definitely gonna' happen with folders like you and the other great [H]orde folders) ;)

The [H]ardApe's are "rockin' back" on the "Chimp Challengers" and when the smoke finally clears the only team left standin' will be the [H]ardApe team 33 :) (I read that in the teams horoscope today predicted to happen for the time it takes to get a measly 5 mil of pernts)
