Child safety smartwatches ‘easy’ to hack, watchdog says


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
According to the Norwegian Consumer Council, they discovered flaws in child safety smartwatches that would allow attackers to track, eavesdrop or even communicate with the wearers. That sounds to me these so called safety watches could end up being just what a molester needs to track his target. Definitely buyer beware.

UK retailer John Lewis has withdrawn one of the named smartwatch models from sale in response. The smartwatches tested essentially serve as basic smartphones, allowing parents to communicate with their children as well as track their location. Some include an SOS feature that allows the child to instantly call their parents.
Keep an eye out for this van, kids!

Note To Self: If I want to keep my kid safe and secure, don't buy safety and security devices from toy makers.