Camping-Yes or No

Is camping fair?

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Yeah that's just stupid. Sounds like they don't have much of a grasp of basic're supposed to adapt to your surroundings and find ways to use them to your advantadge, not run around like a demented lemming. They didn't understand this, they got their asses handed to them, end of story.

Exploiting things like spawn points and minute flaws in the map...unrealistic things in the game that were like exploiting a flaw in any other game. MMOs, exploiters are usually banned outright. FPS...well usually a bunch of racial and sexual get thrown around with unintelligible grammar, and people defend it as valid strategy even though it's using an exploit instead of developing any real skill at the game.
Regular camping, don't give a crap. Either way. But i absolutely loath spawn campers. At least let the other people ENTER the damn game before killing them. It was really bad in ET, which is still my favorite online FPS. Some ass would sit in the spawn with a flamethrower or a p-faust and just blast everyone as they spawned in. No real chance of defence. Even the spawn in invulnerability didn't help much.

Now sitting well outside of the spawn and picking off the people too stupid to find an alternate route, that's their problem. Valid tactic. But sitting INSIDE the spawn is just plain bad sportsmanship.
Why bother posting a poll if your going to skew the options?


  • Answer A + I'm an assclown
  • Answer B + I'm cool

Thats whats called a straw man fallacy.

Now, heres my take on camping:

In certain situations, its warrented. In others, it's lame.

First off, my definition of camping is picking a spot with a very narrow field of approach and killing anything that gets into that field until you get killed. Basically, any spot that gives an uneven advantage.

In any situation where your team has an objective and instead of contributing towards it, you hang back and try to camp for kills, thats lame.

In TDM type games, I don't have any problems with camping as long as campers on my team don't adversely effect the rest of the team. I personally don't camp because in most games campers rarely make the top of the leader boards. Not only that, after a camper kills me once, they generally don't get a chance to do it again from the same spot. This is true with any decent player.

The areas where camping pisses me off is when people camp the back of the map in games that anchor spawns based on the furthest person out. It totally screws the rest of the team as constant pressure against a cornered enemy is what usually wins.

I also hate spawn campers in any insta-gib type game. They just sit near a spawn and rack up no-skill points. If the spawn is easily reached from another spawn point than no problem, but sometimes a camper will dominate a spawn thats not reachable any other way.

Of course spawn camping in itself isn't necessarily bad though. If I fight my way into an enemy's den and manage to stay alive long enough, killing a few spawners is nothing more than a bonus. If people get pissed, too bad. If they didn't suck, I wouldn't be in their spawn in the first place.

Likewise, if my team sucks and I start getting spawn raped, I'll get frusterated, but it will be directed at my own damn team.

In the case of any assault course type game with one or more objectives, camping is nothing more than playing smart.

I'll leave off with this; You won't find too many players (besides maybe snipers) in a good clan using camping tactics in TDM and DM games.
To the creator of the poll: maybe next time you should lean towards one side of the poll so that it changes from a casual debate to a one sided hate on people who disagree with you. I for one hate campers, not because they mow down noobs like there's no tomorrow and feel good about it, but because whenever you check a spot people usually camp and kill the camper, they bitch about you having wallhacks. I could care less if someone is so bad at a game that they have to hide and wait for someone to come along with their back turned to actually get a kill, I start getting angry when that same person accuses me of hacking.

What takes more skill, rushing into an area of a level where you know enemies will be and killing them, or waiting for an enemy to come by your secluded position and "pwning" them in the back with an awp?
I'm not sure you can really spawn camp on UT2K4 ONS. Because you either have more than one spawn point or your single spawn point is the objective (power core).

However, Enemy Territory can be terrible for spawn camping. Some maps the spawn can get spammed with rockets, airstrikes, artillery to the point that people will just spawn and die for the whole map not even getting a shot in.
PRIME1 said:
I'm not sure you can really spawn camp on UT2K4 ONS. Because you either have more than one spawn point or your single spawn point is the objective (power core).

However, Enemy Territory can be terrible for spawn camping. Some maps the spawn can get spammed with rockets, airstrikes, artillery to the point that people will just spawn and die for the whole map not even getting a shot in.

yeah, i remember that in enemy territory
I don't care if it's strategy, unless you're guarding objectives, sitting in one spot and waiting for people to walk into your crosshairs is lame.
I think camping is fine as long as...

No hacks, cheats, exploits, bugs, etc. are used.

No spawn camping- I agree with an earlier poster that mentioned the difference between "seiging" a point from well outside it versus blasting guys as soon as they pop in the game while sitting in a tank two feet from them.

Any decent player in almost any game will learn where favorite campsites are and be on the lookout. If you get on a crane in BF2, we will find you :)
If you ever watch a professional gaming match you will see the victorious players are always the ones that camp the good items and advantageous locations.

The only time campers should be frowned upon is in domination style games like BF1942 where you can have all your spawn points taken, your team's tickets are counting down, and the last remaining teammate is an idiot who thinks his own personal score is more important than giving his team a chance.
All I know is that I become enraged when stupid bastards accuse defense or snipers of camping in AA.
I think camping depends on the game.

You know being a camper is bad when YOUR OWN team mates hate you for doing it.

I tend not to play those kind of games. I like games where if you choose to sit in one area uselessly, then you are utterly unrewarded for doing so.

Ultimately, if a person camping is annoying, it's the fault of the game design.
In CS camping, when your the defender is OK, needfull even..

I remember the original UT, the FACE ctf map.. You spawned right next to the tower.. A pair of campers with sniper rifles in the other tower could kill you within one second of spawning.. You could dive beind the tower, but you still had to come out right into their sights.. Headshot, headshot, headshot, Ultra Kill!, Monster Kill!!.. The only way out was if you were good and lucky with the teleporter.. That had nothing to do with skill.. That kind of camping sucks..

So, I guess, I believe it depends on the game and the circumstances, whether camping is cool or just an assmunchers way of getting kills they can't get any other way....
The only camping I don't like is spawn camping. If someone's aiming at a spawn point with a powerful gun, there's not much you can do with it.
spine said:
I think camping depends on the game.

This is completely true. I play Medal of Honor and BF games and I am a die hard camper (I one time spent 20 min in the same spot until the map was over defending an objective). However, each game requires me to be a different type of camper.

In any BF games, spawn camping is a big no no, since once a player spawns, they can be killed. Also, with such expansive maps that have a multitude of approach points, it requires you to play a defensive camper. I have to watch out for tanks, planes, helicopters, flanking attackers, etc. plus keep an eye on the defense point for targets of opportunity.

MOH is a whole different story. First, spawns on most maps you will rarely ever get a chance to get to. However, there are some maps where the spawn of the enemy is impossible not cover, such as Omaha. To defend that though, all servers have control over the what I always called the "three second rule". This is the time when a spawned player cannot be killed, but can kill you. In Omaha, allied soldiers spawn in landing craft already on the beach head. I commonly snipe from the bunkers onto the beach and pick them off one by one. If there was no "three second rule", a couple of snipers could destroy the allies. But with that three seconds, most players figure out they can find a hiding spot, or sometimes kill me, before hunting season opens on them. This evens the field, plus defends from true spawn campers. However, with the way maps are designed, campers usually don't have to watch their backs. This allows for some tough maps, as defending campers can sit in one spot for some time without moving. But again, this limits people from camping when attacking, as you will rarely get kills since your team will keep pushing forward to the objective. For me, I find campers a fun challenge when attacking in this game, as it makes me think of a way to beat them.

OK, and being a camper, I have had my share of deaths as well as kills. Here are some great way to defeat a camper:

1. Hand grenade. I HATE hand grenades, simply for the fact this is how I am usually killed. If you have a camper in a tight spot, chuck a hand grenade behind them. Most of the time I usually don't realize its there, and BOOM I'm dead. Another good situation is knowing where a sniper is and tossing one in their direction while you hide behind something. I commonly get killed in BF2 from grenades tossed over the walls or on top of buildings where I can't see from my point.

2. Bazookas. Anyone who plays MOH anymore will find this one useful, especially on Omaha. At all times, a sniper has some sort of surface around them, whether its a wall, door, the ground, ceiling, etc. Use this to their disadvantage by targeting the surface with the bazooka. For example, I snipe from the bunkers on the Omaha map. If you pay close attention, you can see the flash from the gun, knowing my exact location. Aim a rocket at the ceiling in the bunker, right above the flash, and you will usually kill the camper.

3. Sniper rifle. I camp with sniper rifles, as that is the purpose of the gun. Best way to defeat a sniping camper, is with a sniper rifle. This does depend on your skill though. Just find a good spot to hide from the campers view until you feel you can get a good shot.

4. The human shield technique. I came up with this method when I played MOH and had to deal with campers that have an excellent hiding spot. When attacking an area where you know a camper is but cant find, get behind another player on your team and use them as a moving shield. Follow the teammate until s/he gets killed, keeping an eye on your surroundings. Most of the time, the camper is exposed when going for the kill (i.e. gun flash, appears in a window), and you now know exactly where they are. Toss a grenade or flank the position and you can usually kill the camper.

5. Overwhelm them. If any of the above techniques don't work, there is always the bull rush attack that can usually gets them. Find 4 players on your side (pretty easy since most campers get under players' skins) willing to kill the camper. At the same time, charge the camper's known or assumed position. There are two keys to this however. First, space yourselves out enough so that one grenade or MG burst will not kill all of you. Second, HOLD YOUR FIRE until you KNOW you can hit the target. This is crucial. I have been bullrushed by several attackers before, only to watch them all have to reload, giving me ample time to kill them. Any good camper will be able to take one or two out, but rarely can someone kill all of the attackers if you follow these guidelines.

Hope this helps some of you,


NOTE: This should be obvious, but I think camping is a fine technique for playing a game, as long as it does not hinder the team goal, or involve cheating.
Camping is part of the game and yes I guess it is only a "game." However, nobody plays because they want to lose. Snipers are campers, and defenders are campers and that's the way it should be in a lot of situations. It might just be a game, but i'm not gonna run around the base i'm defending exposed, just to avoid being called a "camper."

I also love it when i'm on the offensive taking a flag and I get called a spawn camper or killer...LOL
What are you NOT going to shoot ME? I'm just gonna sit here with my iron sites on you until you leave or shoot me in the head. sheeeeeeeiiiiiii... think about it. :cool:
It bugs me that people call any behavior where you stay put for more than a moment camping...people call it that when they're on the messy end of a good strategy, but I really think it should be confined to actual asshattery where there's something obviously unsportsmanlike going on.
Obi_Kwiet said:
The only camping I don't like is spawn camping. If someone's aiming at a spawn point with a powerful gun, there's not much you can do with it.

yeah i agree. i mean if i can at least get a chance to attack a camper, thats all i ask
People who either camp in their own spawn (for games like CS) or the opponent's spawn (for games like Battlefield) are asshats, and they suck. And I'm not voting in the stupidass poll. :rolleyes:
I often don't camp, however, in some maps, especially in JKII and COD, it is benefical and an actual tactic that can help win the game.

In CoD, using the Bren, on certain maps, I can not only camp in one spot and snipe, but I can hold the entire German team infront of my on my own. I did this once for the entire game, got more kills than anyone else, died less than anyone else, and basically won the game for my team (they were too busy running into the open and getting sniped by the germans, who sadly, couldn't flank because the two flanks were protected :p).

Oddly, in the next map, nobody sniped, and I still got the most kills on that map, even though we (the russians) lost.
Anyone who says there is no camping in professional UT is a moron.

If an enemy caps your flag, and you don't know which way he's coming, will you run around the map like a moron or camp a choke point where he has to go through? Exactly.
Camping is perfectly fine, there are ways to avoid it...its part of the game. If you want something semi realistic, most people would camp. Its semi modern warfare. Rhino charging through a storm of raining bullets went out with Word War 2 because the casualty rate was retarded. That only works when Arnold is armed to to teeth and made of metal like in Terminator :rolleyes:
This is the worst poll ever. Its overly biased from one perspective.

Camping is for people with little to no skill. They cant run and gun like the rest of the people who actually play the game, so they sit in a corner, like some depressed emo kid only to stroke there own ego by picking off players who have no chance against them.

If you look at the scoreboards, at the end of a round, a sniper is never anywhere close to the top.

Nothing like feeling like part of the game, when you not even really playing. Honestly if you want the riveting action of only lining someone up in your crosshairs try single player. For those people, with an IQ higher then mayonnaise who have mastered not only the mouse, but also the keyboard, the game is a lot more fun.

How fun, can shooting fish in a barrel, really be ?
Camping was cheap back in the day when straight deathmatch was the only thing I played. camping in quake 3 was lame, but most of the maps made it hard to do anyway. Now everybody plays team games with objectives and stuff, like CS and Battlefield. Camping is a huge part of those games. If my whole CS team ran around quake style, like headless chickens, we would get massacred.
Obi_Kwiet said:
The only camping I don't like is spawn camping. If someone's aiming at a spawn point with a powerful gun, there's not much you can do with it.
I totally agree, UNLESS, the 'camper' is infact actively taking an objective at the same time.

A good example of this was in Battlefield Vietnam: There was a level where the US start off with one flag on an isolated bridge, but the Vietnamese have flags all over the rest of the map. Unless any quick US player got out early, the game would just be a slaughter fest at the bridge entrance as the US desperately try to get out from their only spawn.

Now, the US base wasn't an untakable one. If you got in there, you could take it. But doing so requires you to effectively 'spawn camp' since you will inevitably have to kil anyone who spawns if you wanna get the flag. If playing the Vietnamese on that level, I'd always make an effort to try and take that flag, but in the process I'd get called a spawn camper. In this situation, I'd say that was unjustified since I'm attempting to fulfill a game objective, rather than camp for the sake of it.

So basically, if you're actively attempting to fulfill a game objective that just happens to be taking a spawn point, then that's not spawn camping.

However, deliberately sitting outside the flag capture area with the sole intention of just picking off people as they spawn IS spawn camping, and that is lame.
As long as no cheats/hacks are involved, then it's fair game. For the people talking about "playing fair" and "sportsmanlike conduct"....get a clue. :D

I play to win, and to kill as many people on the other team as I possibly can. If that means parking a tank in there base to deny them the use of their jets/helicopters, then so be it. Now if you're camping in some out of the way spot that in no way benefits your team, then yes camping is lame.

I think it's hilarious how people assume campers have no skill. :rolleyes:
Genocidal[v2] said:
Nope, it has no merit whatsoever.

How much skill does it take to park a tank in an enemy base and blow people away while spawning ? Not much, and yet you admit to doing it.

Its fact because camping requires a person to only use the mouse to aim. A person who is not camping and is moving is using both the keyboard and the mouse at the same time. Its just basic that it requires more skill to use two input devices rather then one.
On some maps yes, like beaches of omaha. Deny the enemy air capability and you've helped out your team immensely. Do I care if others think it's fair or not? Nope. All the other team has to do is spawn an anti tank two and my ass gets blown to bits.

Does it take skill to do that? Not at all. But saying that people that camp is still a generalized statement. Regardless of how I play, be it armor or medic, i'm pretty much always in the top 3.
Let me get this straight... It is a 'bad thing to camp', yet, camping can give you an advantage? So, you're trying to make it harder for yourself to win? What's the point in playing if you aren't playing to win?

CoD, for example. I was using one of the heavy tanks, parked it on a hillside. The enemy had 5 options to get to my side's base, one option, definatly not a choke point, was going over that hillside. Which route did EVERY enemy player choose? They chose to get blasted by my tank relentlessly.

That tank is intended to be used as a camping vehicle. It's slow, heavy, and it's fire rate is low. Parking on a hill and obliterating anything that moves in the valley below is the very purpose that the tank was even concieved!

Halfway through the game, the other team started bringing in tanks to fight me. They eventually killed me, but it took them way too long.

Getting killed by a camper once is normal. Getting killed by the same camper in the same spot 12 times in an 8 minute period is just freaking moronic. And before someone screams spawnkilling, there aren't any spawn points on that part of the map. Why the emeny team was even in that part of the map is beyond me...
i like split screen gaming with fps.

if you camp, your buddy knows where you are!
They might as well sit on a park bench somewhere and play chess.

I have more respect for the player with a bad score who just runs around, bunny-hops, and collects other players bullets. At least they're trying. Some of these campers ignore the flags and just wait to kill spawns- cheap.

BF2 requires camping when there is only one base left and no other objectives, but ignoring the objective (flag) is for unskilled players who only want kills the cheap way.
Ares900 said:
They might as well sit on a park bench somewhere and play chess.

I have more respect for the player with a bad score who just runs around, bunny-hops, and collects other players bullets. At least they're trying. Some of these campers ignore the flags and just wait to kill spawns- cheap.

BF2 requires camping when there is only one base left and no other objectives, but ignoring the objective (flag) is for unskilled players who only want kills the cheap way.

The US Army needs more people like you. The Marine corps would turn you down, though...
I hate people (usually on the other team whom you killed) who complain that you camped when you actually heard them make a fatal flaw (make too much noise) and then you stop, you silently sneak up and kill them. Or when you stop in a dark spot to scope out the scenery.
Spawn camping sucks, other than that I'm fine with it. I miss the days of Quake when camping was the norm and almost encouraged in some ways.
When I catch some faggot camping, I take it as a challenge to exterminate him. I'll find a way to get rid of the bastard.

I've camped out from time to time, it has its places. The best thing to do is just kill them.
spawn camping is gay, any other sort of camping I couldn't give two shits about, and I certainly don't whine and complain about it.
Camping is fine if your a lazy fuck that just wants to run up his point totals, I have no use for campers!
Well primarily it has more to do with the type of game you're playing. While in most deathmatch situations, it's probably a retarded strategy, as said before when there's an objective it's much different.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you can be against it unless you're whining because you're getting your butt kicked. After all, if it's so stupid, why are they winning the game? Isn't that the point? If it's not helping them win, then they're stupid for camping in a non-strategic way.
