Camping-Yes or No

Is camping fair?

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Oldie said:
Well primarily it has more to do with the type of game you're playing. While in most deathmatch situations, it's probably a retarded strategy, as said before when there's an objective it's much different.

I'm sorry, but I just don't see how you can be against it unless you're whining because you're getting your butt kicked. After all, if it's so stupid, why are they winning the game? Isn't that the point? If it's not helping them win, then they're stupid for camping in a non-strategic way.

Bingo. That's my point.
Some of you obviously haven't played Battlefield 1942/Battlefield 2, where hundreds of nobodies camp spawns instead of capturing them. The team could be losing flags left and right, yet they still don't flinch. It's called score whoring.

Sorry, but there is no way to justify camping unless you have all objectives and there is nothing left to do. It's a cheap tactic for a player with next to no skill.

Camping is like controlled-hunting (Where they shoot animals as soon as they step out of their cage).
WickedAngel said:
Some of you obviously haven't played Battlefield 1942/Battlefield 2, where hundreds of nobodies camp spawns instead of capturing them. The team could be losing flags left and right, yet they still don't flinch. It's called score whoring.

Sorry, but there is no way to justify camping unless you have all objectives and there is nothing left to do. It's a cheap tactic for a player with next to no skill.

Camping is like controlled-hunting (Where they shoot animals as soon as they step out of their cage).

I played against bots... I sat in a building and got headshots until I ran out of ammo. That happened about 20 times...
Firstly, the poll is retarted.

Secondly, the best answer is, depends.

Thank you.
It all depends. If you play a 1on1 game of quake you don't whant to camp it is just boring.
If you play a 4on4 game of cs you don't want camper either because it is more fun to play a fast game.

If you play a "big world more like real life game" like operation flashpoint, or a "ww2 sneak in town map" then camping is ok, because it is a more logic stratergy for that kind of game.
condac said:
If you play a 4on4 game of cs you don't want camper either because it is more fun to play a fast game.
For example, dust2 as CT. If you go to B, you are going to camp there. Reason is that if you enter the catacombs, the Ts can just come though the double doors at the CT spawn, run up the hill and plant.
Also, if you're camping B and the Ts plant at A, you can go there 2 different ways.
Spawn camping = bad

Camping to defend an objective = good.

Camping in the middle of nowhere and mowing down the traffic lanes = good.

hell, as long as I'm not getting killed as soon as I spawn, I don't care where you camp or how(as long as you're not exploiting anything).

However, idiots camping at the end of CS when I played it...instead of trying to win for their team...that just pisses me off.
Do you think I'm interesting in cs tactics??, when i play cs i play maps like de_rats, and i play for FUN and a fun game is a fast game.
This thread is so point less.
i think penny arcade put it best:

i hate spawn campers... i think they're the lowest form of life...

other forms of camping however, are just fine... if you're actually serving a purpose by hiding somewhere and taking out anyone who crosses your path (i.e. those on the way to capture a flag, etc.) it's fine...

if you're just mindlessly shooting at the exact spot where you know someone will spawn, you deserve to be banned from the server
I always liked this one:

Meh most camping = teh suq.
As long as I have a *chance* to fight back, do your worst. But I hate getting raped by some kid who is spawn camping me. grr.
Here are my opinions of camping and sniping

If the game allows and and the manufacturer doesn't define it as a flaw or bug, then it is valid.

Camping in one on one makes the game boring.

Here's two senarios of sniping which people have whined to the admin about me.
BF1942 /w DC mod: I get the high power sniper rifle and conceal myself out side the opponents main base. Taking them out at the base means less get to the capturable areas and less resistance for your teammates. I see it as valid because it can be done in real life. Instead of whining, try to FIND THE SNIPER! Then remenber the location for future reference.

The other case is from CS guarding the bomb site or hostages. People have complained that that is camping. Now, if the bomd is planted at the other location and I stay put, then yes its uncool, but I immediately get up and run to the other site.
I'm not very good at FPS games online, but I tend to be the wily guy that kills the camper on the other team. Good maps always have at least two ways to reach a given point. I do not enjoy maps that have single ended choke points that are overly camper friendly. Shock combos, Redeemers, and vehicles usually eliminate campers pretty swiftly :)
NeghVar said:
Here are my opinions of camping and sniping

If the game allows and and the manufacturer doesn't define it as a flaw or bug, then it is valid.

Camping in one on one makes the game boring.

Here's two senarios of sniping which people have whined to the admin about me.
BF1942 /w DC mod: I get the high power sniper rifle and conceal myself out side the opponents main base. Taking them out at the base means less get to the capturable areas and less resistance for your teammates. I see it as valid because it can be done in real life. Instead of whining, try to FIND THE SNIPER! Then remenber the location for future reference.

Here is my exact opinion as well, just like with awp whores in CS. People bitch about that the time. It is agitating when somone just is good with the awp and using it all the time. But here's a thought "ADAPT TO THE SITUATION", I guarentee if you work on trying to get the awper and focus your bitching energy to that, you get the awper enough times, he'll stop awping.
NeghVar said:
Here are my opinions of camping and sniping

If the game allows and and the manufacturer doesn't define it as a flaw or bug, then it is valid.

Camping in one on one makes the game boring.

Here's two senarios of sniping which people have whined to the admin about me.
BF1942 /w DC mod: I get the high power sniper rifle and conceal myself out side the opponents main base. Taking them out at the base means less get to the capturable areas and less resistance for your teammates. I see it as valid because it can be done in real life. Instead of whining, try to FIND THE SNIPER! Then remenber the location for future reference.

The other case is from CS guarding the bomb site or hostages. People have complained that that is camping. Now, if the bomd is planted at the other location and I stay put, then yes its uncool, but I immediately get up and run to the other site.

Your CS example is valid. Your DC example is you trying to rationalize yourself acting like a total dick.
finalgt said:
Your CS example is valid. Your DC example is you trying to rationalize yourself acting like a total dick.

Reality check!

During the invasion of Normandy on Omaha Beach. Those bunkers firing down on the boats that carried the troops to the beach and killing soldier before they could do anything. Did they go to their superiors complaining that they are picking us off before we can do anything? NO!

During any other conflict in our history, if there was a sniper near the base, did the soldiers go complain to there superiors. NO! They hunted down the sniper.

Now get a grip on reality. The game manufacturers obviouly know since they permit it to occure in there games. You and the other people who complain about this stuff are simply too lazy to take care of it yourself. So you go sobbing, whining and begging to the admin asking the player to be kick. Fortunately there are some admins who understand reality and say "shut up, quit whining or go find another server to play on
and by the way...
NeghVar said:
Reality check!

During the invasion of Normandy on Omaha Beach. Those bunkers firing down on the boats that carried the troops to the beach and killing soldier before they could do anything. Did they go to their superiors complaining that they are picking us off before we can do anything? NO!

During any other conflict in our history, if there was a sniper near the base, did the soldiers go complain to there superiors. NO! They hunted down the sniper.

Now get a grip on reality. The game manufacturers obviouly know since they permit it to occure in there games. You and the other people who complain about this stuff are simply too lazy to take care of it yourself. So you go sobbing, whining and begging to the admin asking the player to be kick. Fortunately there are some admins who understand reality and say "shut up, quit whining or go find another server to play on
and by the way...

See thats funny, you clearly show you are a bigot. At first you say in real life soldiers dont complain about snipers, and then you bolded its just a game. Well which is it then ?
bonkrowave said:
See thats funny, you clearly show you are a bigot. At first you say in real life soldiers dont complain about snipers, and then you bolded its just a game. Well which is it then ?

by saying its just a game, I mean its not a life or death situation if things don't go your way.
The reality arguement is that many gamers ask for more realistic games. The games are released and then complaints come in about it being too real. "Why did you include that tactic? I don't like it" Deal with it or play something else!
NeghVar said:
by saying its just a game, I mean its not a life or death situation if things don't go your way.

Then why bring in the real life examples of a life or death situation then ?
because thats how the game was designed. Many players want more realistic gameplay, but when its made too real, you hear complaints about "why did you included that ability? It makes it harder to aim. It allows the enemy to do this and that. I don't like it."

Why don't you make your own game so it appeals to all YOUR wants.
NeghVar said:
Why don't you make your own game so it appeals to all YOUR wants.

Now thats an even better argument. :rolleyes:

If you dont like it build one yourself .... wow is that argument ever tired.
Yeah, don't get bitchy, just adapt. I find it more fun anyways when it's challanging, if it was easy, I woulnd't play. Then again, there are people who hack, so they obviously don't like a challange.
When viable, I prefer backpacking: hide; get a kill; relocate to a nearby position (leaving a nasty surprise behind, when available); repeat until killed. If you can relocate without being seen, you can be more effective than a camper and a lot harder to hunt down. (And there's always the fun of killing the guy who goes looking for you where you used to be.)
Cardboard Hammer said:
When viable, I prefer backpacking: hide; get a kill; relocate to a nearby position (leaving a nasty surprise behind, when available); repeat until killed. If you can relocate without being seen, you can be more effective than a camper and a lot harder to hunt down. (And there's always the fun of killing the guy who goes looking for you where you used to be.)

See that is actual sniping. Snipers shoot, relocate, thats what they do. Camping is not sniping.
Hmm, I'm reminded of a time when I was heavy into Q3, I can't remember which map, but this kid we played with ould always grab the BFG, swim up this water way which had the entrance side of a teleporter in it. The only way into the room was this water way, and BFG ammo spawned in the room, so the kid would camp it, killing anyone trying to get in with little effort. That was extremely lame, but as I think about it, if we had avoided him and deathmatched on the rest of the map ignoring the camper it wouldn't have mattered.

Edit: He was a screenwatcher too.......
NeghVar said:
Reality check!

During the invasion of Normandy on Omaha Beach. Those bunkers firing down on the boats that carried the troops to the beach and killing soldier before they could do anything. Did they go to their superiors complaining that they are picking us off before we can do anything? NO!

During any other conflict in our history, if there was a sniper near the base, did the soldiers go complain to there superiors. NO! They hunted down the sniper.

Now get a grip on reality. The game manufacturers obviouly know since they permit it to occure in there games. You and the other people who complain about this stuff are simply too lazy to take care of it yourself. So you go sobbing, whining and begging to the admin asking the player to be kick. Fortunately there are some admins who understand reality and say "shut up, quit whining or go find another server to play on
and by the way...

Wow, you're right. The hundreds of thousands of people who have died to "dishonorable" enemy tactics didn't complain, and neither should I. Except for one thing...when people die in real life, they're dead. These "examples" of yours are even more hilariously inept when you realize that in the game, you're killing people who are materializing infront of you without any sense of orientation. JUST LIKE 'NAM!

Let's face it; you kill people with the advantages on your side because you like having a high score, and because you probably couldn't snipe shit if the target wasn't effectively rendered harmless by the game. Please just realize that you play like a point whore, and stop acting like everybody else is wrong. Thank you.
I enjoy hunting down campers... makes the game fun when you keep getting shot from some mysterious place. Sometimes it gets old getting nailed by a camper, other times it keeps me going playing cat and mouse to find them and take them out in the most amusing way possible. It's also fun to snipe the sniper... find out where they are, kill them, wait for them to come back... snipe them again. The "good" ones will come back to the same spot time and time again.
The only campers that really bother me are the ones that spawn camp and you get to respawn after taking about two steps, if that... and rub it in. And yet if you do it to them, they whine like a baby and try to get you kicked from the server for spawn camping. Amuzing... then find another server.

On some games / maps, camping to defend is a perfectly legitmate if there are enough players.

Most of the time, I prefer to be moving around and dieing in more than one spot thank you :)
You play how you want to play. I'll play how I want to play
You have your moral dilemas about it. I don't
Like Democrats and republicans, niether one will give into the other for it shows a sign of weakness if one caves in under the other.
We each have our beliefs and stand by them.
This is an endless battle and I am getting bored :eek:
You boil it down to complex idelogical differences, I boil it down to you being lame in an internet game. Diff'rent strokes, right.
finalgt said:
You boil it down to complex idelogical differences, I boil it down to you being lame in an internet game. Diff'rent strokes, right.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You see it as lame simply because you don't like it.
finalgt said:
Wow, you're right. The hundreds of thousands of people who have died to "dishonorable" enemy tactics didn't complain, and neither should I.

The germans were using dishonorable tactics on D-Day?! Please tell me you're joking!