Camping-Yes or No

Is camping fair?

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Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
Here's my little rant. I get sick and tired of people complaining about camping, no matter what kind of camping it is (in the gaming world of course!). If I'm in UT2K4 and I want to sit a raptor right on a teleport on top of your tower (think dria or torland), then come get me. Don't whine about it, outwit me!

In my mind, unless you're using artifical means to alter the game, anything goes. The objective is to win, period. If I enjoy camping and ambushing, that's my right (unless I'm on your server, and you don't allow it). I personally don't camp all of the time, but it's a good strategy from time to time. Here my thought:

If you continuously get killed over and over again by the same camper: YOU SUCK!

While some camping is annoying, I get really tired of people in CS bitching about the defending team camping, even when I am on the attacking team and we are getting bitch slapped. The point is for the defending team to defend... ie camp. Some people cannot seem to grasp this.
PicoFaradPJF said:
You are exactly correct Oldie.
QFT :cool:

unless, of course, they use bugs w/in the game to aid in their camping. then thats just cheating. but straight-up camping is cool w/ me.
When terrorists camp in CS:S it really bugs me(on demolition maps that is). Sometimes people whine about them taking things slowly, but when there is about 20 seconds left in the round and people are not even 5 feet from their spawn, then something needs to change.
camping must be hanging out at a spawn point huh, I think that it is always fun to get that person that is there waiting for me, makes things a bit more interesting almost like a close 1 on 1
I think it's only a debatable issue when a map or some shortcoming creates cheap camping opportunities, like mainly spawn camping. But it's still valid, if cheap, and everyone does it sometimes, so issue is moot.
Camping is fine, it's strategy. It does bug me when people camp and they are on the offensive team and have a goal to complete but just sit around. It sucks for games like America's Army or CS where you have to wait to spawn. I was also kind of annoyed when I was playing some classic HL last night, some dude was camping in this spot where it was practically impossible to get to him without getting sniped first. He was in this little drop, in the water, and the only way to get to him was where he was aiming.... lol, but once I thought about it, if I was in his shoes, I would have done it too.
Being on dial up ..I have to resort to camping where I can because running up on the high bandwidth guys , if they are even remotely half way decent , they tag me everytime ...even tho on my side of things I get at least 2 to 4 shots off before their first one ..

So I run ....I hide ..I try and be sneaky ..I camp ...its my 56k way of life ...yay :)
Sorry, but you're only partially right.

Some games are flawed in that spawn points are often predictable and wide-open (Battlefield series, for instance). Two opposing tanks can hold down an entire base if they have general knowledge of the spawn points. Spawning as Anti-Tank is quite useless when you're mowed down within two seconds of spawning.

By the way, nice polling options. Perhaps you could be a little more biased next time.
WickedAngel said:
By the way, nice polling options. Perhaps you could be a little more biased next time.

Yeah, I didn't leave it very open huh? That's the developers fault, and in a case like that, I would refrain as unsportsmanlike personally. After all, it's not fun to win if there's no sport in it. Perhaps though, the frustration should be demonstrated on that companies next title.

I'm all for camping. I'm not one to partake, but if you want to stay in the same place and let me be on the offensive, GREAT! Don't move! I'll be right over! :)
I say go sign up for the ARmy and get posted in Iraq and see if you would camp?
camping is okay if its in order to win the mission objective. For instance , if your a T gaurding the hosties its okay to camp. If your a CT on the same map, you know your a bitch for camping. I love making sarcastic remarks to campers, when their non-mission-oriented camping such as:

"I hope you brought enough toilet paper for the whole weekend , you stinky camper!"

"You cooking smore's a-hole?"

"Don't you think you should head back to town and brush your teeth , shitbreath?"

and the classic

"Man, pretty soon he's gonna have to go back to town for more beer!"
I hate campers. only pussys fight like that. I always die the first time, then I go back and own the kraut who was camping (heh, I only play CoD, and only as an American, I hate playing as others such as limeys or those damn commie bastard russians)
I like to play as the holy rolling Arabic homeland defenders, in BF2 valiantly fighting against all odds against the far more technicly advanced invading american fascists. God bless america! Now they have a good reason for camping!
I always bring a tent and my Coleman™ stove with me when I fire up CS:S...
Spawn camping is just cheap and exploiting a weakness in the game's design.

Finding a nice place to sit and snipe for a while where people are silly enough to keep running by while horribly exposed, well that's just fun.
Well on some maps in the BF series, where there's uncaps, and the teams are un-even... to camp then is just pussy like. A capturable base is totally fine.

It's funny on BF42 when you're spawn camping a capturable base, how many people just re-spawn at the same base (I'm thinkg Liberation of Caen and the Park). Just spawn at a different spot as an engineer or bazooka, jump in a jeep, drive up behind me and blow me up... but no... spawn die... spawn die... LOL).

But un-caps... pretty lame. Won't do it.
I don't mind if someone find a nice cubby...thats fine. However when poeple jump up a wall or get on top of something that regularly not part of the game field and just snipe away that was pisses me off.

Primarily it pisses me off because it doesn't do anything for the game. I just like playing the game, so when someone flys their wraith up to some pixel length ledge in Halo and starts snipping all they are doing is making the round end sooner in my eyes. Plus it gives them a nice win to lose ratio....but really I don't give a shit, and I think everyone knows they didn't get it from any real skill.
My main argument is with Counter-Strike. (This could also play into the people not using sound rant) but not to get off track, I agree to camping when it's in a "valid" means. Most everytime when I hear someone coming, I'll duck behind the nearest corner and nail 'em when they pass by then I deal with them bitching that I camp so I explain that they are fucking morons and I was only there for a little while ^__^
I call Camping, "somebody who constantly sits in one spot, when they're not supposed to (e.g. during a very intense moment where their team needs the most help); the last person 'alive' sitting in one spot for a very long time (5, plus or minus minutes); somebody sitting in one spot to piss off their (1) team or (2) enemies (e.g. start a flame fest, trolling); sitting in one spot to sabotage their team; or sitting in one spot to ruin the game for everybody.

Now, anything else I call Creative Sitting!

Therefor, I vote that Camping, which is considered the above terms, is gay.
Camping to defend objectives is pretty damn natural and I'm cool with that. Just sitting down in a random spot in the map without a purpose, qaiting for someone to pass you is retarded though.
Oldie said:
f you continuously get killed over and over again by the same camper: YOU SUCK!

Thats the truth....I run and gun as much as I can, but the truth is, sometimes you need to camp to defend a I set up camp and laugh as all the lemmings come running in looking for me :)
Your poll is bias. You give a person to say no, only to say that they are a whiner.

If you're defending a flag from a few people who keep on trying to take it, thats not camping. But sitting just outside a spawn area, and sniping them as they spawn, is camping, and therefor gay.

Ill admit Ive camped the opposing base before when thats all they have.. but 98% of the time, its only if they've done the same. Yes I know that doest make it better, but whatever.
I love to kill campers. They kill you and you can't find them so I sneak around until I locate them and then stab them in the back. What a challenge.
Camping spawns is for unskilled players who take no pleasure in challenging themselves. Anyone can pick off spawns and rack up kills. Big deal. I respect the player that earns his scores the old-fashioned way- by going out and getting them.

Most good players just disconnect once spawn campers start their poo-say tactics. I'm one of them. The game may allow it, but doing it intentionally is lame.
Campers are just snipers, they're a part of the game. I've always disliked them with a passion but after maturing a bit, I understand it's okay to. When I played competitive CS, that's what 90% of every match was.
Kiggles said:
I'm all for camping. I'm not one to partake, but if you want to stay in the same place and let me be on the offensive, GREAT! Don't move! I'll be right over! :)

Exactly. If you know where a camper is gonna be, you can usually flush him out of his hole (or kill him outright) with a few well-placed rocket blasts or nicely-bounced grenades. When he gets low on health, he's gotta come out blazing. Then he's usually dead meat.

If you want an extra kill or two, counter-camp him. The newly-respawned camper is likely to come right back to the same spot. If you set up well, you can frag him again as he tries to get back into position. A few instances of that tends to cut down on his camping there.

I used to camp lots in the original Doom/D2 days Those maps had buttloads of campgrounds where one could set up and slay till the ammo was gone. Now I'll use it in certain circumstances, but you generally get more kills on the move.
Camping is the best way to play defensively. In CS or UT, if you leave a well fortified base and the flag/bombsite you're supposed to be guarding gets taken, YOU ARE A <CENSORED>!!!

As for spawn camping, well designed maps are usually made to avoid that sort of thing. Not so sure about wide open ones like BF2 tho.

I'm all for camping. I'm not one to partake, but if you want to stay in the same place and let me be on the offensive, GREAT! Don't move! I'll be right over!

Agreed, camping is also a strategy, your defense goes up but you're also a sitting duck. Many times a guy would be so intent staking out an exit point he wouldn't notice the guy coming up behind him. Geez, if you're gonna camp, atleast do it properly.

My main argument is with Counter-Strike. (This could also play into the people not using sound rant) but not to get off track, I agree to camping when it's in a "valid" means. Most everytime when I hear someone coming, I'll duck behind the nearest corner and nail 'em when they pass by then I deal with them bitching that I camp so I explain that they are fucking morons and I was only there for a little while ^__^

I get that a lot. Got kicked out of a few servers for the exact same reason. Apparently 2 seconds is still camping. Grr!!! Doesn't anybody else use headphones?!
First of all its all out war, anything goes, second of all its not called camping, its called strategic positioning
Camping is fine.
If it gets really serious though I will go after the camper and humiliate their ass.
Being the hardcore gamer that i am....all i have to say is that camping doesn't win games. In camperstrike it does. But not in ut..

But if u play counter strike you have to camp. and i think its lame. * ducking in some hiding spot. waiting.... waiting...waiting......waiting..... WAITING......* wow what fun.
Camping is fine if you're defending, or if it's like a TDM style of gameplay. That's called "ambushing". I'll get pissed off if I get killed a few times in a row, but then I wise up and go after him.

There is a BIG difference between camping and spawn-camping. Camping to defend an objective or in a choke point to cut off the opposing team is fine, but killing people immediately after they spawn is not cool and is a sure way to get labeled as a smacktard pretty fast. What's especially lame is camping in a tank over a flag. Spawn campers are the objects of my wrath, and it's ever so gratifying to kill them. If I were a server admin, people just camping would be fine, but spawn campers racking up kills in a lame way would be removed. I'd have to say that camping around objectives is the whole IDEA, so camping is much more acceptable in an objective-oriented style of gameplay, like CTF or Search and Destroy, or something like that.
Theres a fine line between "Camper" And "Sniper"

Personally, in a game like BF2 or UT:2k4, If your "Camping" on a spawn point you cant take or we have no other places to spawn, then yes, its bad to camp. Otherwise, im ok with campers, since if they are staying in one place, its an easier target once you figure out where there at :D

If your a Sniper, then its all good!

Camping is for the unskilled who can't rack up kills in open combat. (I only refer to spawn camping).

If it's an objective I would not call it camping, as you are either defending or attacking.
WickedAngel said:
Sorry, but you're only partially right.

Some games are flawed in that spawn points are often predictable and wide-open (Battlefield series, for instance). Two opposing tanks can hold down an entire base if they have general knowledge of the spawn points. Spawning as Anti-Tank is quite useless when you're mowed down within two seconds of spawning.

By the way, nice polling options. Perhaps you could be a little more biased next time.

YEah but at least in BF2, you can possibly spawn with a squad leader who might have a vehicle, or be a medic or whatever. You can also pick the spawn you want as well which is some defense against getting spawn camped. Let's face it, when you're overrunning some flag in BF2 with a tank, and some guy is foolish enough to spawn back in, he deserves to be wasted.
PRIME1 said:
Camping is for the unskilled who can't rack up kills in open combat. (I only refer to spawn camping).

If it's an objective I would not call it camping, as you are either defending or attacking.

Well for me, this discussion was inspired due to a recent event on UT2K4. I was in the onslaught dria map, with about 20 other players. We were trying to take control of the node adjacent to the core, and their snipers were just kicking our butts from their base tower. I decided to get a raptor, and go take them out. I manage to kill all FIVE of the guys sniping up there, so I park my butt on the teleport, and smash anyone who teleports up. They did manage to kill me once, so I go right back and do it again. Meanwhile we're finally able to take the node with relief from the snipers.

A lot of the other team members accused me of cheating, and spawn camping (a teleport is NOT a spawn). To me, I was just eliminating an enemy position which was jeopardizing my team. To be perfectly honest, since I was sitting on the teleport, it would have been incredibly easy to come up with another raptor and kill me, after 10 minutes of this, they never did. So who sucks? The person who successfully controled their tower, or the individuals who couldn't think well enough to get me off of it and defend it?

Because of all of the whining, I was asked by the server owner not to do it on that map again, and I quickly agreed. After all, if they're being nice enough to provide a server, I am more than happy to agree to any of their rules. If the rules suck, I can always go elsewhere, or make my own. It still pissed me off.
