Call of Duty Infinite Warfare


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008

Yeah Whatever I wonder if they will switch up from using the Quake Engine.

These titles ares getting so imaginative. Look forward next year to "Call of Duty: Redundant Warfare"
They're still the king of the casual fps genre on consoles, and people buy them in droves yearly. So, why not continue making it? Not gonna like, I enjoy them myself. There's a ton of content in them to. So, it's 60.00 well spent each year for me.

Pepsi tastes the same for how long now, and people keep buying it. Why would they stop and/or change the formula?
There's a ton of content in them to. So, it's 60.00 well spent each year for me.

Don't you mean $120+? I mean, to get the full amount of content you have to buy the Season Pass, of course.
Don't you mean $120+? I mean, to get the full amount of content you have to buy the Season Pass, of course.

If you put 120 hours into the game each year (not that much) it comes to $1/hr for entertainment. It is damn cheap.

The game is a blast to play and sells in droves, they should keep making it.
I have every reason to believe these games are put out by either the Pentagon or US military.
I have every reason to believe these games are put out by either the Pentagon or US military.

Why? Do you wait in endless lines for healthcare when the map ends?

"You've been incapacitated, you'll respawn in approximately 200-600 days. Thank you for your service."
If you put 120 hours into the game each year (not that much) it comes to $1/hr for entertainment. It is damn cheap.

The game is a blast to play and sells in droves, they should keep making it.

I easily put alot more than 120 hours into each iteration. Stopped at around Prestige 7 durring the current BO3. They kinda made zombies overly complicated in BO3, tbh and by the time any maps were being released, I'm on to other games at this point, so I haven't been buying the map packs lately. Typically, if I'm going to buy 1 map pack, then I will definitely just buy the entire seasonpass.

Anyhow, are they going to have MP on MW1 remake? Will it be a carbon copy of what it was when it originally released? There's a reason why spawns work the way they do currently, and if you've never played MW1 before you'll be in for a surprise when you can't move from the location where you keep spawning from.. lol.
Buying it just for the remastered COD4. I could care less for the new one.
I have every reason to believe these games are put out by either the Pentagon or US military.
If that were the case, the massive revenue from these games each year would be helping to pay a significant chunk of the US debt. :D
when in reality the original Infinity Ward team members that developed Modern Warfare 1 and 2 are no longer there.
Some fun facts about this.
When Infinity Ward released Modern Warfare 2, there were 101 unique employees.
As of August 13th 2010, 48 have been terminated or resigned.
(8 of 22) 36% of artists/concept artists are gone
(4 of 10) 40% of animators/technical animators/mocap people are gone
(17 of 23) 74% of designers and scripters are gone
(12 of 15) 80% of engineers are gone
(5 of 5) 100% of writers are gone
(13 of 16) 82% of leads/directors from these departments combined are gone

I know the count is higher now but that was 8-13-10. I know for a fact Robert Bowling left.
With all this futuristic stuff this series could have easily evolved into something better but no they have to take one step forward and two back every time. Seeing people excited for the cod 4 remaster it's easy to see why it never will.
Some fun facts about this.
When Infinity Ward released Modern Warfare 2, there were 101 unique employees.
As of August 13th 2010, 48 have been terminated or resigned.
(8 of 22) 36% of artists/concept artists are gone
(4 of 10) 40% of animators/technical animators/mocap people are gone
(17 of 23) 74% of designers and scripters are gone
(12 of 15) 80% of engineers are gone
(5 of 5) 100% of writers are gone
(13 of 16) 82% of leads/directors from these departments combined are gone

I know the count is higher now but that was 8-13-10. I know for a fact Robert Bowling left.

Oh yea the current Infinity Ward is not related to the old.

"On March 1, 2010, Activision amended its report with the Securities and Exchange Commission to add notification that two senior employees of Infinity Ward were being fired due to "breaches of contract and insubordination". This coincided with Jason West (Infinity Ward president, game director, co-CCO, and CTO) and Vince Zampella (CEO and co-founder of Infinity Ward) editing their profiles on the website LinkedIn to list Infinity Ward as a former employer as of March 2010"

Infinity Ward - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, Cod MW with slightly higher resolution textures is totally worth $60.

I say that half seriously, as MW is still $40 US here in Australia on Steam, so bumping it up to $60 for a slightly more modern version isn't a bad choice considering. It still looks like an Xbox360 title.
It's up on Steam can't preorder just yet it seems

I pre-ordered the legacy edition for xbone on amazon (20% off pre-orders with prime ftw). Amazon sent me a pre-order offer code, which I'm going to assume is a beta code for later on.
I pre-ordered the Legacy Edition for the XB1. Being a Prime Member, it will only cost me $64 instead of $79.99.
You know they've truly run out of ideas when they are releasing HD remasters...LOL
You know they've truly run out of ideas when they are releasing HD remasters...LOL

I'm confused. Everyone always wanted some kind of remake of CoD 4 since they always say it's the best call of duty. They do it and everyone continues to bitch. :confused:
I'm confused. Everyone always wanted some kind of remake of CoD 4 since they always say it's the best call of duty. They do it and everyone continues to bitch. :confused:

Not sure who you are referring to but it certainly wasn't me wanting that.

TBH ever since the first "modern" warfare CoD (maybe that was CoD 4?) they've all felt basically the same to me with a few mostly insignificant differences. I'm part of the group that thinks they should roll back around to WWII or Vietnam or something.
I agree on the WW2 part. This space/future nonsense needs to stop, it's boring. Hopefully Battlefield 5 does something different, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went for a futuristic setting as well.
I'm confused. Everyone always wanted some kind of remake of CoD 4 since they always say it's the best call of duty. They do it and everyone continues to bitch. :confused:

i'm excited for the COD4 remaster. i might buy the game just for that.
i'm excited for the COD4 remaster. i might buy the game just for that.

lol same here

I normally stick to trearch COD's (Zombies FTW), but I recently went back and installed COD4 and man did it not hold up very well. Super ugly lol. I absolutely loved that game, so a remaster sounds amazing.

I do have a feeling, however, that it wont use dedicated like most COD's it will likely run out of steam (no pun) pretty quick on the PC :\
Is the cod 4 remaster going to be a download code or is it on a disc? I could care less for the new one, I just want cod 4.
So the COD:IW trailer is the most disliked trailer and the BF1 is the most liked.

The rate at which they achieved these goals has been called in to speculation that there might be a bot net deployed. Interesting.
What kind of community is the MW remake going to have if it's only being sold with the deluxe editions of this one. I could see it getting a sizable player base if they sold it separately for $20 or $30....but for $60 from gray market sellers?
Buying this just for the COD4 remaster, I can't wait for the multiplayer I'm so excited.

Black Ops 3 is such a piece of shit I could rant for hours why the multiplayer is terrible, can't wait to get rid of it.
I got black ops 3 for the zombie game mode, that's it. Whenever I get the zombie itch bo3 holds me over.

Cod4 is a download code that comes inside the case of infinite warfare. I'm hoping I can find someone selling just the download code because I could care less about the new cod game.
I've had my fill of modern/futuristic shooters. I've been craving WWII style shooter again and DICE is upping the ante here with a WW1 shooter in Battlefield 1... That's the next multiplayer FPS I've got my eyes on.