Bullocks has thrown down the gauntlet


Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
I'm sure many of you know our Aussie Adversary, Bullocks. Well he's thrown down a challenge to all of his Aussie Brethern to knock us back to 2nd place by July 18th! It is indeed a lofty goal, and one I think we can stave off, but we shouldn't let our guard down!

Bullocks said:
It was one hundred days ago when we succumbed to the [H]orde's attack and fell back into second place on the 31st of December last year. It has taken this long to gather ourselves together ready for the trek back to the top. Can we beat 100 days for the return journey? I think we can, the target date of the 18th of July is just 99 days away. We will need to average 55,712 points a day more than the [H]orde to reach our destination, so if you have it, Fold it and lets see what nearly 9000 CPU's can do in the next 99 days...

Target: 5,515,511 points
Days to Go: 99
Ave: 55,712 points a day more than the [H]orde.

While we currently have a very large gap, the Aussies have been known to pull a major ramp up capable of defeating us in the past, and we can't let it happen again. Remember, every CPU counts, so get Folding!

I say we stuff Bollock's bollocks up his arse!
Time to ramp up and keep those Aussies in the #2 spot all summer long!!!!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Alright i'll bring on 1-2 that i have been avoiding for the last couple of weeks.
I see someone has stolen lots of Mojo and have been drinking it heavily to think about beating us.
I'd hate to add salt the wound but...

In about a month all my borgs will (most likely) go offline. Whether or not they'll be folding in July/August when school starts again, I don't know, nor will I have any means to start them. It all depends on if the admin decides to reimage the computers and change some of the network infrastructure... If someone else could borg their school/work and recover the PPD that I'll most likely be losing, that would be cool.

I'll be adding my X2 3800+ when I get home today, as of now its running prime. I'll do as much as I can in the time that I have, but I don't think we'll be able to stave off this invasion for long. Active users on EOC is lower than I've ever seen it.:(
Scorpionjwp said:
I see someone has stolen lots of Mojo and have been drinking it heavily to think about beating us.
the veggimite must have gone to there heads :)

Let's go ladies and gentlemen and Marty. I don't want to be staring at a 'roos ass again anytime soon! :eek:

I'll hop on... I haven't folded/etc. for ages, mainly because my rigs have been changing around so much. Time to plop on an X2 3800+ @ 2.5ghz/core + 2gb RAM :D!
Bah, we needs more Green!!!!

So far today, we're down by -21,635!

If everyone borged one or two more boxen, that minus could turn into a plus! Get Borging!

Good Work Goldentiger,
just becareful around here though, the other 2 tigers
get jealous of the name!

WB though!

I'll be able to keep all my labs up and running so long as Ontario doesn't have rolling brownouts again. Oh, and I'll be bringing a little more power online in the next month and a half or so. About 93.1 Ghz more power or so 'cause I'll be setting up a new student lab :D

I can tell you from many years of past experience never underestimate the roos and never never underestimate Bullock’s ability to pull that team together in a big hurry.

OCAU are a formidable opponent so fold them if you got them, and then go add some more.

The Duck stays here damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Current gappage=5423670

CBR said:
I'd hate to add salt the wound but...

In about a month all my borgs will (most likely) go offline. Whether or not they'll be folding in July/August when school starts again, I don't know, nor will I have any means to start them. It all depends on if the admin decides to reimage the computers and change some of the network infrastructure... If someone else could borg their school/work and recover the PPD that I'll most likely be losing, that would be cool.

I'll be adding my X2 3800+ when I get home today, as of now its running prime. I'll do as much as I can in the time that I have, but I don't think we'll be able to stave off this invasion for long. Active users on EOC is lower than I've ever seen it.:(
Damn, that is not good for the cause.

Datsun 1600
I've been saving some money recently by not running all my systems. I'll get my PPD average up above 1,000 (from around 600-700) and keep it there.

hmm...this is kinda on topic...

School's getting new rigs, they get new ones every year, and the older ones are passed onto the teachers. Assuming they're not re-imaged and assuming the teacher/admin will let me borg the new ones, I should be able to double the number of folding rigs come this August. Problem is..I'll have graduated (senior in high school) so that means it'll be up to the tech (who I know pretty well and he understands the project) to set the rigs up.

So our school has an image that they kind of compile at the beginning of the year and they use it through out the year. I'll ask to see if they'll let me throw F@H on the image so all the rigs will be able to run it without me having to configure them. So my question is, I should be able to just configure F@H like normal and have them take an image of that, right? There's nothing really special that needs to be done, correct? All I have to do is delete the work folder before imaging so the rigs don't all start with the same WU and they should all be good to go?
I'd say they have begun ramping:


Again, not a team to take with a grain of salt!

gwai lo said:
hmm...this is kinda on topic...

School's getting new rigs, they get new ones every year, and the older ones are passed onto the teachers. Assuming they're not re-imaged and assuming the teacher/admin will let me borg the new ones, I should be able to double the number of folding rigs come this August. Problem is..I'll have graduated (senior in high school) so that means it'll be up to the tech (who I know pretty well and he understands the project) to set the rigs up.

So our school has an image that they kind of compile at the beginning of the year and they use it through out the year. I'll ask to see if they'll let me throw F@H on the image so all the rigs will be able to run it without me having to configure them. So my question is, I should be able to just configure F@H like normal and have them take an image of that, right? There's nothing really special that needs to be done, correct? All I have to do is delete the work folder before imaging so the rigs don't all start with the same WU and they should all be good to go?

Install FAH how you want it. Have the box grab a WU and all that.

Stop the service
Delete all FAH files but console/config
***Delete reg key for ID***
be sure to add -forceasm to reg line

be sure to set to normal WU's, no -adv flag
It's almost funny how this happens every damn year! Everyone needs to pour on as much as possible right now because it's only going to get worse. Once OCAU's school borgs start coming back online, we'll be toast in a hurry. Judging by our past summer declines, they'll have no problem beating us by July and we won't catch back up until December without an all out blitz before the real summer heat gets here.
marty9876 said:
Install FAH how you want it. Have the box grab a WU and all that.

Stop the service
Delete all FAH files but console/config
***Delete reg key for ID***
be sure to add -forceasm to reg line

be sure to set to normal WU's, no -adv flag
kk cool, thanks
We shall not give up to the Aussies, we Shall fold Long and Strong, Damn well knowing the Ducky is home in it's proper place, back at the [H]orde!

To drum up some support, I have been working on the [H]orde Ark of the Covenant. We shall take this Ark into battle as prepare with the lasting folding fight with the OCAU.

I have the duty to present you, the [H]orde Ark of the Covenant, or at least it's underconstruction at the moment


and for OCAU, you where you can shove that roo!
Scorpionjwp said:
You can touch the ark AtomicMoose, but don't let Marty touch this Ark or it will be cursed!
Something tells me the "High King" is going to want to touch the ark....
marty9876 said:
Install FAH how you want it. Have the box grab a WU and all that.

Stop the service
Delete all FAH files but console/config
***Delete reg key for ID***
be sure to add -forceasm to reg line

be sure to set to normal WU's, no -adv flag
Alternatively, you could just:
1) download the client
2) run it with the -configonly flag (to generate the client.cfg). Make sure you say no to big WUs.
3) delete the reg key for ID (NOT the reg key associated with the service!).

I agree with adding the -forceasm to the executable path in the registry for the service.

That way you don't inconvenience Stanford by not completing a WU, and you still get the benefit of unique ID's for each box.

(and Mary) They're whomping us in margins high enough to hit their goal now. Are we gonna let this happen? Every day they make a gain, is one day closer to us having to send the duckie back across the pond.

Please, think of the duckie!

BillR said:
The Duck stays here damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just keep telling yourself that!!!!! :p ;).

I'm off to go get me some 'roo and maybe a bit of koala for dinner. Might marinate them in a bit of a beer and vegemite concoction of mine :)
Sorry, but I have everything running that I can. If I could borg some work machines I would be in good shape but they won't let me. Hell, if I could borg work machines I would hit the top 100 on the team real quick. If I was able to borg all the machines I might actually be able to give marty a run for his money. Around a 420 Ghz would be a nice add. Even if it would only be for about 45 hours a week.
