Bulldozer: Stores are stocked!

FX-8120 is sold out as well at Newegg.

That is odd. the "add to cart" button is not grey like with other products that are out of stock (like the 8150) Threw me off.

Got one Zarathustra?

Nope. Not yet.

I'm in no real rush. Based on these reviews, its only going to be a marginal upgrade for me over my 1090T@4Ghz, so I'm taking my time.

I plan on getting one before the holidays though. I'm considering on building a rig for my other second stepson (first one got a rig last year), and it would be more efficient if I can use the 1090T in that rig, rather than have to buy another CPU, then have one more CPU than I need...
Do you work at Fry's? Can you check three locations for me because the ones I called are getting shipments today, tomorrow, and Sunday.

we recieved fx8120 today, each store recieved 10 I believe. Tomorrow I will be able to tell which store has them in stock and which doesn't. I will also be able to check for 8150 to see which store has them. PM me the locations (its hard for me to keep up with threads with school and work) and I will check them out and message you back. Also sending you a pm.
just wish i could get my hands on a 8120 here in the uk ...most sites are saying 25th onwards ....grrr