Bulldozer delayed til Q3?

The AMD speakers at Computex are scheduled to talk (keynote and press conference) about Fusion. The overview for June 1 is up on AMD's Computex site.

Well, that settles that then. They know damn well the the hot topic is Bulldozer, not Llano. Epic fail.

The board manufacturers shoulda waited until they got an actual release date set in stone; those 990 boards are going to be collecting much dusts.

Doesn't say anything to me about actual performance of the cores other than purely clock speed.

I'm not sure where folks are getting that lower clock speed=slower processors (slower than X6). Hasn't Intel, in its infinite smack down of AMD, proven this?
Well, that settles that then. They know damn well the the hot topic is Bulldozer, not Llano. Epic fail.
Uhhh actually I'd say that in terms of the overall market, Llano is probably the hot topic. Bulldozer is (supposed to be) great and all, but until Trinity is out, it probably isn't going to be mainstream market for the most part.
Uhhh actually I'd say that in terms of the overall market, Llano is probably the hot topic.

I'm referencing more so in terms to the enthusiast market. Llano will likely do well in the mainstream market, but with the number of recently introduced 990/AM3+ boards, I believe Bulldozer was really the product that was on everyone's mind.
I'm referencing more so in terms to the enthusiast market. Llano will likely do well in the mainstream market, but with the number of recently introduced 990/AM3+ boards, I believe Bulldozer was really the product that was on everyone's mind.

Negative hype = Profits

So, the motherboard companies are telling negative hype
"Oh, bulldozer won't be clocked high enough when it releases, so it is getting delayed till DNF"
but then it releases and everyone notices a high clock 3.5GHz+ and then!!
People see the reviews and that negative hype becomes 2x positive hype

Oh, the conspiracies

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I really hope the rumors about the 8c being slower than the x6 1100t are wrong, because if they're right it means even the 8core bulldozer is going to be mediocre. 8 cores at 2.5 with a 3.5 turbo losing to 6 @ 3.3 isn't a very good sign.

Thats actually my hypothesis/conspiracy theory on why its taking so long. Remember Bulldozer first started popping up back when Core 2 was the big dawg on the block and i7 was just starting. It was Nehalem that Bulldozer was gonna lock horns with. Theyve taken so long that Intel has surpassed Nehalem with Sandy Bridge and now the 2011 stuff is right around the corner so AMD is shitting their pants trying to squeeze more juice out of these things that were originally designed to take on the i7-920.

Maybe Ive seen too many episodes of the X Files.

But seriously though, there has been enough rumbling about this that I have changed my plans. I was gonna buy a Sabertooth motherboard when they came out and ride my Thuban for a few months til Bulldozer settled in. There is enough negative rumors floating around now that I will wait cause Im not sinking $200+ into a AM3+ motherboard when the odds that BD is gonna be a flop keep increasing.
Negative hype = Profits

So, the motherboard companies are telling negative hype
"Oh, bulldozer won't be clocked high enough when it releases, so it is getting delayed till DNF"
but then it releases and everyone notices a high clock 3.5GHz+ and then!!
People see the reviews and that negative hype becomes 2x positive hype

Oh, the conspiracies

I'm hoping.....Perhaps AMD will shock everyone at the press event tomorrow.:(.....Who am I kidding?

When was the last time a rumor of such magnitude was proven false? I'm certain it has, I just can't recall.
I'm hoping.....Perhaps AMD will shock everyone at the press event tomorrow.:(.....Who am I kidding?

When was the last time a rumor of such magnitude was proven false? I'm certain it has, I just can't recall.

Fermi delay,.... oh wait

Uhhhhh i7 delay, noooo

I don't know :X
I'm referencing more so in terms to the enthusiast market. Llano will likely do well in the mainstream market, but with the number of recently introduced 990/AM3+ boards, I believe Bulldozer was really the product that was on everyone's mind.
It's probably on everyone's mind, but the Fusion stuff is most definitely one of the biggest pushes. Llano is definitely a hot topic because of the application to mobile (where a lot of money is iirc)
Interesting quote, it sounds like most people expected the opposite. But, don't most games use mostly int? So then hopefully this'll be a big win for us gamers :)

Strange. If BD currently truly does "walk all over SB" in integer work loads then its general performance should be pretty good. FP doesn't matter these days as much as it used to.
Still wonder why they would introduce an 8 core chip and motherboard with somebackward compatability but esentially the board is EOL outside of a few mhz increases. They said the AM3+ would end with the 8 core bulldozer.
Still wonder why they would introduce an 8 core chip and motherboard with somebackward compatability but esentially the board is EOL outside of a few mhz increases. They said the AM3+ would end with the 8 core bulldozer.

Well it sounds like APUs are going to be on the FM1 socket, but Komodo, the high end bulldozer based CPU for next year is just a CPU (read: not APU) so maybe it'll still be on AM3+? My theory is they're going to have two consumer level sockets, FM1 for mainstream and AM3+ for enthusiast/high performance. Here's their roadmap for 2011-2012
Well it sounds like APUs are going to be on the FM1 socket, but Komodo, the high end bulldozer based CPU for next year is just a CPU (read: not APU) so maybe it'll still be on AM3+? My theory is they're going to have two consumer level sockets, FM1 for mainstream and AM3+ for enthusiast/high performance. Here's their roadmap for 2011-2012

thanks for the link!
I wonder how much of this delay is due to reallocation of staff/R&D to the embedded processors and APUs. I realize this is the hot field but Intel badly needs some competition in this sector.
AFAIK they have a whole facility dedicated to designing APU's in India, certainly for the netbook class stuff anyways. Zacate is doing a very good job competing with Intel in that class of CPU's, AMD is selling everything they make and demand is still through the roof apparently.
990FX is out today so 60 days from now we will get Bulldozer!!!

August 2nd here we come
990FX is out today so 60 days from now we will get Bulldozer!!!

August 2nd here we come

Are they? Newegg has the Sabertooth but that's it. Tiger Direct doesn't have any neither does Amazon. I thought they were supposed to be out yesterday.
Are they? Newegg has the Sabertooth but that's it. Tiger Direct doesn't have any neither does Amazon. I thought they were supposed to be out yesterday.

They'll be releasing the whole month, so don't be surprised if some board manufacturers hold-off until Bulldozer is closer to release.
I was hoping for a sooner release. But my 965 will just have to hold me over for few more months.
I do so much video encoding, I'm really looking forward to an 8-core Bulldozer CPU. As a certified AMD fan (only Intel desktop CPU I've owned was a P-120) I'm hoping BD delivers.

But, in the meantime, I, like the gentleman above me, will continue to use my 965 for the next few months.
accoding to this article, bulldozer's delay is strategic

"Strategic" my ass. If nothing's wrong, then where are the benchmarks? Not even a peep on general performance.

Furthermore, it's clear the mobo manufacturers were left out of the loop. Watching a majority of 990 boards collect dust for two months will certainly be fun.
"Strategic" my ass. If nothing's wrong, then where are the benchmarks? Not even a peep on general performance.

Furthermore, it's clear the mobo manufacturers were left out of the loop. Watching a majority of 990 boards collect dust for two months will certainly be fun.
The only way you can benchmark something is to actually have that something in your hands. A 'strategic' move would be just that, not letting everyone in on the secret.

Even if Bulldozer was terrible, you know AMD's "marketing" department would try to make it into the next wonderful thing. Remember the ads for the X6s? And things like: "The world's first True Quad Core CPU"
And things like: "The world's first True Quad Core CPU"

For me that was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. I was a nearly 100% AMD person at home and at my department at work (for quite a few years) before the disaster that was Phenom 1. When Phenom 1 was not performing well, had the TLB bug and did not clock high I did not want to hear about "true" quad core.
The only way you can benchmark something is to actually have that something in your hands.

Even the Phenom II line had pretty accurate leaks months before release, yet we can only surmise as to what Bulldozer can do.. They're keeping a tight lid on something that's supposed to be released shortly, and already has mobos available.

That's all.
Im calling BS on "strategery" as well.

If they intended to delay and make themselves look really bad, they wouldve announced it long before the launch date that was long awaited and in front of a major convention and not a week later and after blogs all across the internet cited piss poor performance.

I tell ya, AMD's PR department doesnt seem fit to run the night shift at a 7/11. If theyd just come out and say "we're not where we want to be in terms of performance and need some further tweaking". I dont think anybody would have a problem with that at all. But total silence for YEARS then on the launch date we get no launch and more silence now a week later we get this line of shit. Yup, making it real hard to wave my AMD flag lately.
At least by releasing the mobo's early, they can then let the consumers run into the *potential* issues before BD comes out. We all saw what happened with Intel's mobo recall. Maybe it was a smart move?
At least by releasing the mobo's early, they can then let the consumers run into the *potential* issues before BD comes out. We all saw what happened with Intel's mobo recall. Maybe it was a smart move?

I reckon most folks won't touch the boards until they get some insight into BD's performance. It's too much of a gamble at this time. The only reason I have an AM3+ is because my previous board went out.
accoding to this article, bulldozer's delay is strategic

Well, according to this line here:

'The clock speeds of the two high-end, eight-core, parts were supposed to be set at more than 3.5GHz, but it seems like the B1 and B0 revisions that AMD has right now stop at about 2.5GHz.'

So, either the chips didn't come out as good as they wanted or someone screwed up? I guess a third option would be its just a made up excuse. If the chips are not as good as they wanted then its commendable they'd try for better. Not to mention smarter considering how good SB chips are. If its an made up excuse then why did they have to delay?
I don't get why everyone is so eager to upgrade their system. It's not like there's anything worthwhile that's coming out, game wise, in the next few month that's going to take advantage of the new hardware. :rolleyes:

As long as it comes out before Battlefield 3 and Skyrim in November then I'm good.

Buddy you have been here a year and you still don't get it?

This is [H]ard...

nothing more needs to be said...
I'm with Evi and I run a computer shop why upgrade when there isnt a need? How many people really need anything faster than a 5850 or a GTX460 or need anything faster than a Phenom II or Core2 Quad? Think about that, its not a need the software right now is 2-3 years behind the hardware.
expect the lower end stars based chips are selling like crack to an addict, they are making a massive amount of money to the lower power PC crowd lol. Revune doesn't come from $100+ chips, they come from things like the Sempron, E-Series, Celeron and PentiumG not from Phenom II or Core i5 Core i7 lol
It is always a great strategic move to have LOWER REVENUE numbers! LOWER PROFITS! Have your customers defect... etc.

I believe if they had a single working bulldozer chip last week that ran at the target frequency / performance without crashing they would have done a demo.
It is always a great strategic move to have LOWER REVENUE numbers! LOWER PROFITS! Have your customers defect... etc.

Bulldozer (desktop) is not going to sell in the volume that Llano will... and likely not with the same margins either. Llano is what all of the OEMs are clamoring for. Making sure its launch goes smoothly before adding another launch on top of it might make sense. It's still completely reasonable for the delay to be strategic even if you capitalize a bunch of RANDOM words in your POST to EMPHASIZE your ARGUMENT.
Bulldozer (desktop) is not going to sell in the volume that Llano will... and likely not with the same margins either. Llano is what all of the OEMs are clamoring for. Making sure its launch goes smoothly before adding another launch on top of it might make sense. It's still completely reasonable for the delay to be strategic even if you capitalize a bunch of RANDOM words in your POST to EMPHASIZE your ARGUMENT.

What kind of strategy is it to delay your products? May be they are just waiting for the next recession so they could go bust...