Blizzard Making Millions Selling Mounts

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Need a few million dollars? If you are a company like Blizzard, you simply offer gamers a see-thru flying mount for $25 and they will line up to get it. I know what you are thinking “Oh c’mon, how profitable can that be?” Well, read this:

At the time of posting I was in Position 80368 and have to wait over 5 hours! So let's look at that for a sec 80,000 x $25 = $2,000,000 in sales in line at this time! For all you non WoW players this is a digital ingame item, it’s a flying horse for your Avatar to fly around on.
And this is what happens to Blizzard's integrity when they are purchased by Activision.
The sad thing, event that Blizzard made ~20 million bucks last night selling that pony, but the designer who made it probably got only a pat on the back or something like $25 itunes gift card.
And this is what happens to Blizzard's integrity when they are purchased by Activision.

I can bet you anything that this decision was more of Blizzards doing than Activision. No one in Activision is that smart :D.
The sad thing, event that Blizzard made ~20 million bucks last night selling that pony, but the designer who made it probably got only a pat on the back or something like $25 itunes gift card.

probably... I am just amazed at how easily morons are separated from their money
And this is what happens to Blizzard's integrity when they are purchased by Activision.

Correction: Vivendi bought Activision and merged them together with Blizzard. Although I still say this is Activision's influence.
At around 6pm PST yesterday, the queue on the blizzard store was 165,000. I put one in my cart at the blizzard store just to see what the queue was.
Fools and their money. I'm going to check on my sister, if she's buying this shit I'm going to yank her power cable.
And this is what happens to Blizzard's integrity when they are purchased by Activision.

I think this idea was a brilliant business move for Blizzard. People don't have to buy it and if they do well Blizzard gets to laugh all the way to the bank. If you have people who are willing to spend money on stupid shit like Farmville why not market a see-through flying unicorn or some shit and make a ton of money?

Fools and their money. I'm going to check on my sister, if she's buying this shit I'm going to yank her power cable.

We demand video of her facial expression when the cable is yanked! :D
I play WoW, and quite frankly just don't understand this mount.

It looks sorta cool. It doesn't look any cooler than the mounts you get for killing difficult end-game raid bosses or being one of the top players in an arena season. And even worse, everyone has it.

The whole point of a cool mount is just that - it stands out. When someone sees you riding on the Relentless Gladiator's Frostwyrm, they know you're in the top 0.5% most skilled players in your entire battlegroup. When someone sees your riding the Celestial Steed along with 1000 other idiots, they know you had $25 to waste.
Holy crap. I saw that mount for the first time last night and looked it up on wowhead. When I saw it was bought for $25 I laughed my ass off. Seeing how many are being sold, holy crap.

I agree with the poster above though. Smart move on Blizzards part if people are that friggen dumb to spend $25 on a mount.
I would seriously LOL at anyone I saw in-game sporting that mount simply due to the way it was obtained.
if a company wants to make money off of dumb people selling "cosmetic" items (that dont give a real advantage over those who didnt buy it), I have absolutely no problem
Don't the majority of online games now sell items for real money? WoW just has so many players that even if 1% of the players buy it then Blizzard makes a ton of money.
ummm.. Its not about being 'dumb" or "stupid".. its about.. "whats your passion"

many think we are dumb for spending the money we do on pc hardware...

in fact, any one sheeple..can laugh at any other one sheeple..for every sheeple spends money on their passion

I dont play wow anymore. no time.. but i have speant money to buy Gdfather ppoints in mafia warz on FB... equally that moment..gaining levels was more passionate than spending $25

if they are dumb.. then look in the mirror for the next dumb person to laugh at...
Yes i play WoW, but no way in hell will i buy one, why have a mount that everyone else has, ill try to get the Baron's mount first or the Headless horseman's one. Heck ill grind out 15-16k gold for the Choppa which many people dont have.
and I am reminded of the Guild Leqader in a Everquest uber guild...making $100k + selling plat and items on Fironia Vie..there was no "no drop" items.. he endured the criticism all the way to the bank... I sold an account for $1k myself!
Meh, its an optional purchase. Good for them, to make some money off those with disposable $25.

Hopefully the artist gets more than a pat on the back, it's not bad art.

I've played wow. It gets to a point that there just isn't much to do, I quit. Most are so obsessed that they have to buy things like this, and play hours on end, even when they have NOTHING TO DO. I understand the addiction of this game, I played too much, but I realized it and quit.

Paying for a mount. God that's sad.
The sad thing, event that Blizzard made ~20 million bucks last night selling that pony, but the designer who made it probably got only a pat on the back or something like $25 itunes gift card.

How much did he deserve for suggesting that they take an existing model and put an existing skin on it?
You know what I could do with that 25$? I'd spend it on another month's subscription so I can keep looking for the Time-Lost Protodrake!
and I am reminded of the Guild Leqader in a Everquest uber guild...making $100k + selling plat and items on Fironia Vie..there was no "no drop" items.. he endured the criticism all the way to the bank... I sold an account for $1k myself!

Sounds like Fire n Fury!
Great Idea Blizzard, I was wondering when they were going to start selling game items.
Nope, thought about it, but I can't wrap my head around paying to use a forum. Even if it's a jackass filter, then I guess I've been filtered. :D


I was just going to say it's no different from paying for a Genmay access. Hell, it's not much different from putting in a quarter at your local arcade or spending $500 for a one week park access at Disney World.

Money spent on entertainment isn't exactly a new concept.

By the way I don't think of spending $15 on Genmay as paying for forum access. I think of it as doing my part paying for [H] bandwidth we're all using.
probably... I am just amazed at how easily morons are separated from their money

Never have, and probably never will, play WoW; but if they like it and want to spend money for it who cares? Is someone a moron for spending their money on something they'll enjoy?

Good for Blizzard. I home they continue to make mountains of money, and put some of it into games I actually like. :p
i'll admit that i've spent a couple dollars here and there on xbox live avatar clothing. i just had to get the optimus prime helmet, lol. but there's no way i'm spending $25 on a mount.
Spending money on random stuff is cool because its your hobby, but man sometimes it just gets ridiculous and I think this is a fair showing of that.
Everytime some kind of DLC comes out people complain about this complain about that. Look no one is making you buy the damn thing so quit whining about it. If some one wants to buy it it's their decision to do so and does not make them stupid or dumb or whatever else people can come up with. People do micro transactions on Farmville and Mafia Wars all the time but it is their choice. I may not ever do that but who am I to dictate how some one else should spend THEIR money on something they want. Blizzard is trying to make money as they are a company in the business of making money. Can't fault them for wanting to do that.
*End Rant*
I was just going to say it's no different from paying for a Genmay access. Hell, it's not much different from putting in a quarter at your local arcade or spending $500 for a one week park access at Disney World.

Or spending $500 on an iPad!
As cool as this thing looks in game, I swear 1/3 of my server has one at this point. However, only a handful have the ICC frostwyrm I'm glad I'll be getting mine next week.
By the way I don't think of spending $15 on Genmay as paying for forum access. I think of it as doing my part paying for [H] bandwidth we're all using.

+1. I don't even visit GM that much.
Or spending $500 on an iPad!

Whatever the case may be, if it entertains you, it's money well spent for the person.

Hell, we in [H] love to poor money into our rigs where a $700 rig from Best Buy would do just fine for everyone else. Does it make us crazy too? ;)