Black Mesa Source

From a post in the Black Mesa forums, this is apparently the beginning of the build up to release. While the new media looks good for a source based mod, the news that this long awaited mod is actually building to release is the best news in my books.
From a post in the Black Mesa forums, this is apparently the beginning of the build up to release. While the new media looks good for a source based mod, the news that this long awaited mod is actually building to release is the best news in my books.

Fool me once, fool me twice.....
Don't care about the screenshots. REALLY don't care about a social media campaign. Just let me know when it's done.

HL1 is probably my all-time favorite FPS, very close with No One Lives Forever. I thought HL2 had markedly inferior gameplay. The gravity gun was a neat gimmick, but blockenstacken gets old fast. Ant lions were just annoying. The Combine troops just weren't as much fun to fight as the Marines in HL1.

Give me HL1 gameplay on an updated engine and I'll be a happy gamer.

QFT, HL1 >>>>>>>>>>> HL2
Btw for anyone that cares, its actually not Black Mesa Source anymore, the website url is the only thing that is Black Mesa Source. If you look on their site, there's no mention of source in any titles, just that they use the source engine. Valve didn't want it to be confused that they made it.
Btw for anyone that cares, its actually not Black Mesa Source anymore, the website url is the only thing that is Black Mesa Source. If you look on their site, there's no mention of source in any titles, just that they use the source engine. Valve didn't want it to be confused that they made it.

Yeah, we all still affectionately call it BMS though.
I don't recall them team ever say they were building up to release before now.
Closest thing I recall was a vague reference to a 2009 release date at the end of the trailer.

This isn't semantics, this is a fact that everyone recognizes this mod as a massive carrot on a stick.
This shit has been going so long I keep forgetting it exists.

I don't recall them team ever say they were building up to release before now.
Closest thing I recall was a vague reference to a 2009 release date at the end of the trailer.

They've claimed "release soon" in various forms about... 3, 4 times now? I realize they're doing this for free, but it's been handled horribly.
This isn't semantics, this is a fact that everyone recognizes this mod as a massive carrot on a stick.

They've claimed "release soon" in various forms about... 3, 4 times now? I realize they're doing this for free, but it's been handled horribly.

Yeah, in a recent interview they even admitted they prematurely built hype and then failed to deliver, and that it was poorly handled.
This shit has been going so long I keep forgetting it exists.

They've claimed "release soon" in various forms about... 3, 4 times now? I realize they're doing this for free, but it's been handled horribly.

It's really too bad kickstarter would no-doubt get them in trouble (ie: remaking HL1 is sketchy enough since Valve is letting it slide, but taking money for it would get them a quick lawsuit), that'd be some quick motivation.

Valve has a history of buying up popular mods (CS, DoD, etc) and turning them into "expansions". They should really release just the first few levels or something. Maybe Valve takes notice and wants to bring them in so they can profit on Steam. I'm sure it'd sell in the $5-$10 region, there's enough fans out there. Very least a partial release, gets a burden off their shoulder so they can concentrate. Would CS have been as popular if he didn't release beta's? I doubt it. He built his base with betas and gained motivation through popularity. A lot of designers are perfectionist, so sometimes the "release" is the scariest thing because they consistently redo things in a never ending quest for perfection.

Similar thing happened with that Die Hard game a few years back. It was originally a HL2 mod (iirc), they got threatened by the studios and decided to change names but make it "inspired by" the movie. The studio bought them out and brought it to retail. Team behind Desert Combat was bought out. That's their motivation. Quality work will get you noticed.
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Yeah, in a recent interview they even admitted they prematurely built hype and then failed to deliver, and that it was poorly handled.

Exactly. So unless the project lead was boldly lying to RPS, then this new media campaign is the first real indications that they are gearing up for release soon.
Exactly. So unless the project lead was boldly lying to RPS, then this new media campaign is the first real indications that they are gearing up for release soon.

I'll believe it when I can play it. I don't think they're intentionally lying but considering how long this has taken already a healthy dose of skepticism seems like the most logical choice.
It's looking pretty dated like many source games, but worse, as those all came out years and years ago, not whenever this will finally come out (with the improvements to source). The models all look...old, way below even the levels of L4D1. Graphics aren't everything, but having things not look terrible helps to draw people in.

Graphics are not everything, but that is the whole point of this mod. To play HL1 with better technology/graphics. Otherwise we would just play HL1.

These graphics certainly are better and get the job done, though it is ironic, after they finish this, someone else will need to make yet another graphical update/remake. :p
Don't care about the screenshots. REALLY don't care about a social media campaign. Just let me know when it's done.

HL1 is probably my all-time favorite FPS, very close with No One Lives Forever. I thought HL2 had markedly inferior gameplay. The gravity gun was a neat gimmick, but blockenstacken gets old fast. Ant lions were just annoying. The Combine troops just weren't as much fun to fight as the Marines in HL1.

Give me HL1 gameplay on an updated engine and I'll be a happy gamer.

I will be all over this game, when/if it is released.
Agreed. I've heard that HL1 was a great game and I've even tried playing it, but I can't get past the horrid graphics. I think it's hard for people who were getting into computer gaming around the time of HL2 to then go backwards and play a graphically inferior game.

I really pity people like you who put so much faith into only graphics.
I really pity people like you who put so much faith into only graphics.

I can see being taken-back by graphics of an older game at first. But if you can't adjust to it, theres something wrong there. If a game is both graphically and aesthetically unpleasing, I can understand that. But I think HL's aesthetics are still great, despite the older graphics.
problem is, they will change the game. If they just updated the graphics and everything and kept the game and the gameplay the same, I would be ok with that.

But it will totally different.
problem is, they will change the game. If they just updated the graphics and everything and kept the game and the gameplay the same, I would be ok with that.

But it will totally different.

Not totally different. The core HL game is very much the focus of BMS. They're just having to re-do everything from scratch and with that they are putting their own touches on the game as well.

Personally, I'd be disappointed by a 1:1 remake for HL1 with good graphics. I've already played and beat HL1. I'd like a somewhat fresh experience now. If you want to play HL1, go play HL:Source and find a texture replacement pack.
I can see being taken-back by graphics of an older game at first. But if you can't adjust to it, theres something wrong there. If a game is both graphically and aesthetically unpleasing, I can understand that. But I think HL's aesthetics are still great, despite the older graphics.

Half-Life 1 might be an awesome game to you or I, but those that didn't play it when it came out don't have the same nostalgia for it. Its an outdated game, with outdated graphics and gameplay. I went back and played half-life but I also got sick from it since the graphics are very old the controls are clunkier than more recent fps's.

Theres really nothing "wrong there" its just that its hard to play a game thats old graphics and gameplay since it ruins the immersion for some people and there's really nothing wrong with that. In this day and age, graphics aren't everything but thats because we've reached a plateau in graphics technology where its good enough to feel immersive that style and gameplay are more important. I've said this way too much but I still think it holds true, nostalgia plays a huge role in these discussions and it creates a ton of bias that 'everyone' loves this game including yourself that it is the best game out there and everyone else should love this game even if they didn't play it on release or soon after.

There's certain older games that if they played correctly on modern computers would be worth going back for and tbh, not sure that Half-Life 1 is necessarily worth going back for. Its graphics are outdated and it doesn't really have a very compelling story (since most of the story comes from Half-Life 2 and after).
Not totally different. The core HL game is very much the focus of BMS. They're just having to re-do everything from scratch and with that they are putting their own touches on the game as well.

Personally, I'd be disappointed by a 1:1 remake for HL1 with good graphics. I've already played and beat HL1. I'd like a somewhat fresh experience now. If you want to play HL1, go play HL:Source and find a texture replacement pack.

My feeling exactly,you can only replay a game so often before it gets stale. I like mods that add new material while staying true to the world created within the game.
When it finally does come out and kicks @$$ I'm going to look back at all the nay-saying threads and just have a good chuckle. I kinda knew when I first saw it that we wouldn't be seeing it for a LONG time, and it actually seems like they are making progress. If they aren't getting payed for making the mod, then think about the fact that people might have familys, jobs, and other commitments. Not saying that they didn't mess up by putting a date out there, but hey hind sight is 20-20. If/when it comes out, even if it's 5 years from now. You bet your ass I'll play it.
I agree as well. A 1:1 would not be as fresh. After looking at their comparison screenshots throughout the years and the scripting from their previews, I have faith in this team. I am more than willing to wait for a polished mod.

I remember the huge uproar when Valve Announced Half Life:Source and it was no where close what people were expecting (Myself included).
This reminds me of when they were teasing Team Fortress 2 all those years. Anyone remember when it was all military themed? I wonder if we will ever see Black Mesa Source.
This reminds me of when they were teasing Team Fortress 2 all those years. Anyone remember when it was all military themed? I wonder if we will ever see Black Mesa Source.

Yup I remember the military themed hype of TF2, there were even videos of in game footage.