BF2142 ships with spyware?

That is EA for ya. You pay 50 bucks for a game and then they still think that's not enough to drain from you they got to put monitoring software on your system. Maybe they are using it to monitor the amount of people playing and setups like steam but who knows with EA.
I already posted this, but I guess I should have used a better title.

EDIT: There's already three threads on the same topic. Could a moderator merge them?
This is just awesome. Oh well, EA will not be getting my 50 bucks for this game.
This is greed, its not like they dont charge for the game!

What would happen if you block the ad companies? <whistles>
Will the game fall over or give blank adverts?

There may be need for an app that sends spoof adverts to keep the game going :)
I don't know if I believe sounds like it's just a bit too much.
If they have ingame adds it should be free. It's already barely more than a re-skin of BF 2. This series is toast.
That is the most retarded shit I have ever heard of in my entire life.

If this becomes a trend in PC gaming then I will revert back to the inferior console gaming.
Well at least we have Quake Wars and Crysis as vehicular/infantry FPS comin out soon. Both look promising.
I know a friend who ordered the game and shall recieve his copy shortly. Thanks for the info guys, as I let him know what kind of stunt EA is trying to pull. We'll see what kind of stuff EA installs and what the software does. Oh well time to fire up all those AV/spyware scanners.
Sigh ..unfortunately it will still sell tons of copies and the Sheep will graze as they always do. :rolleyes:
Mark305TBI said:
I don't know if I believe sounds like it's just a bit too much.

I had read this somewhere else as well, but damn for it come out in so many places its probablly true at this point.
The Software may incorporate technology developed by IGA Worldwide Inc. ("IGA") (the "Advertising Technology"). The purpose of the Advertising Technology is to deliver in-game advertisements to you when you use the Software while connected to the Internet. When you use the Software while connected ot the Internet, the Advertising Technlogy may record your IP address and other anonymouse information ("Advertising Data"). The Advertising Data is temporarily used by IGA to enable the presentation and measurement of in-game advertisements and other in-game objects which are uploaded temporarily to your personal computer or game console and changed during online game play. The Advertising Technology does not collect any personally identifiable information about you, and EA will ont provide IGA with any of your personally identifiable information. The servers used by the Advertising Technology may, from time to time, be located outside your country of residence. If you are located within the European Union, the servers may be located outside the EU.

By installing and using the Software, you agree to: (i) the transfer of the Advertising Data to servers located outside your country of residence and, if applicable, outside the European Union; (ii)the collection and use of the Advertising Data as described in this Section; and (iii) the delivery of advertising and marketing content by the Advertising Technology. IF YOU DO NOT WANT IGA TO COLLECT, USE, STORE, OR TRANSMIT THE DATA DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION, DO NOT INSTALL OR PLAY THE SOFTWARE ON ANY PLATFORM THAT IS USED TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNET.
:eek: :( :mad:
confirmed in the official gamespot review!;action;1&page=2

On a peculiar note, even though the world is ending in 2142, it appears that advertising will still be around. Battlefield 2142 features in-game ads, though we didn't get to see them firsthand during our testing. Still, there is a printed disclaimer that comes with the game telling you that Battlefield 2142 will analyze certain "advertising data" on your machine to determine what ads to display to you. Ironically, EA says that if you don't want your data shared with its advertising partner then "do not install or play the software on any platform that is used to connect to the Internet." But that would pretty much defeat the purpose of playing Battlefield 2142, wouldn't it? Of course, you could always play single-player against the artificial intelligence, though the AI won't be mistaken for human opponents any time soon, and the single-player is still limited to 16-player maps. Still, this is an example of things to come, as we begin to see dynamic in-game ads appear in more and more games.

Let the backlash begin! :eek:

/queue mortal kombat movie theme music
WoW considering the box is now open what choice do you have but install it because you sure can't take it back.

easy decision.
not on my nelly!
The point is this revelation is revealed after the fact you have BOUGHT IT! Sure been nice to know beforehand.
This crosses a line that shouldn't be crossed. I will not buy ANY game with this crap on it, unless they provide a way to disable it. Honestly this is the worst, dumbest thing to happen to gaming since... fuck, it's the worst.
Another way EA is destorying the gaming industry... I say we all do a boycott on EA games!
Obi_Kwiet said:
If they have ingame adds it should be free. It's already barely more than a re-skin of BF 2. This series is toast.

that's what i've been saying to myself the moment i saw it come out. i think it's complete bs. first, they take bf2, add a few minor features (honestly, they aren't that big of a deal) and re-skin the models. COMBINE the player classes. Not add.....combine. then second, have in game ads which is bad enough and then this. i cannot believe that anyone would buy this game. if it was free, then the ads would make sense, but to charge $50 for an unoriginal over-priced expansion pack WITH ads is just appalling. I usually don't swear, but fuck that!

khanable said:
If this becomes a trend in PC gaming then I will revert back to the inferior console gaming.

Uh hate to break it to you but M$ and Sony have advertising programs in the works, they'll just have that software already programed into the system.
I can hardly wait to see if the "EA isn't so bad" and "you're just jumping on the EA hate bandwagon" crowd will try to defend/justify this.
dotK said:
I can hardly wait to see if the "EA isn't so bad" and "you're just jumping on the EA hate bandwagon" crowd will try to defend/justify this.

Its also in Swat4 (patch 1.1) and plenty of other titles so I guess EA is the worst developer out there and we should boycott all of Massive's partners?

Dapperdan said:
Uh hate to break it to you but M$ and Sony have advertising programs in the works, they'll just have that software already programed into the system.

Massive which is owned by Microsoft is already in several 360 titles including 2k6 sport titles and upcoming titles like Huxley (PC and 360)

Massive is already being used in Planetside aswell

J-Mag said:
Well at least we have Quake Wars and Crysis as vehicular/infantry FPS comin out soon. Both look promising.

We can hope Crysis wont but Ubisoft is a Massive partner

psychoace said:
That is EA for ya. You pay 50 bucks for a game and then they still think that's not enough to drain from you they got to put monitoring software on your system. Maybe they are using it to monitor the amount of people playing and setups like steam but who knows with EA.

single HTTP request is sent by our game client to signify that the game has ended. A timestamp and our session/gamer ids are sent. This sort of information gives the advertisers a more complete idea of how long we play, and at what times of the day, and enough information for them to calculate any patterns. They could even determine what levels are more popular and maybe charge more for advertisers to get advertising space in these levels.

The most shocking part was next. The client contacted madserver to tell the advertisers how long the gamer spent with each advert in their view. This is mapped to the gamer id, so they know which player in the game saw the advert, and when, for how long, and from how far away (by virtue of the size attribute). Even the average viewing angle is passed back.

You decide how harmful that is to you
I can't wait til a blacklist of these ad hosting ips comes up or little utilities that add their hostnames to your hosts file and then you just run a little webserver on your pc hosting pictures like, oh I don't know, bunnies or some such....

I give it about 5 minutes after retail....
Kristo said:
I can't wait til a blacklist of these ad hosting ips comes up or little utilities that add their hostnames to your hosts file and then you just run a little webserver on your pc hosting pictures like, oh I don't know, bunnies or some such....

I give it about 5 minutes after retail....

Easy enough

In order to prevent this 'functionality', the server can be prevented from being contacted by placing the following lines in either /etc/hosts on UNIX, or %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows.
Why don't they just fucking install Starforce while they're at it.


Here is a thread that discusses possible methods of blocking said adware.

(edit: beaten to the punch lol)

A new low has befallen EA, I wonder if they're seeing how badly they can make themselves look, they're doing a bang-up job of it.

@*(#)@#(%)@#%@)#(% EA.
Ha! last time I posted on this topic, people came out of the woodwork to tell me i was paranoid and that publishers would never impliment in game ads that were so invasive they'd drive away even the most hardcore fan.

I. Told. You. So.
It's funny really...

1) EA make BF2142 which is basically a Re-skinned BF2, practically no effort is put in to make the game different or better in any significant way, for the type of content we should be paying mod prices for this sort of thing.

2) EA sell at full price anyhow

3) EA include ads in the game which generate them more money yet don't let the customer see the benefits.

So essentially, EA are over charging for the game and THEN put in adverts to generate yet more revenue, it's sickening.

You're paying EA to serve you up ads, anyone that buys the game who already knows this has got to be off their head.
All I have to say is :


and to think that the game will run a few FPS less because of this added "functionality"


im not buying anything from EA

!BitComet4Ev4r the roxxxor
Monitoring my surfing habits huh. So does this mean I am going to see a lot of porn in the video game now?
Yacko said:
Monitoring my surfing habits huh. So does this mean I am going to see a lot of porn in the video game now?


Screw em I wan't buying this POS anyway now I can make sure most of my team won't either.
EA needs to accept full money returns on open copies. Not adding this information to the outside of the packaging is just asking for a lawsuit.