BF2142 ships with spyware?

I think EA is trying to pull a SONY hehe... anyway, i have always hated EA and think they have ruined huge chunks of the gaming industry and killed some really great titles... oh well...
Robot Saviour said:
EA needs to accept full money returns on open copies. Not adding this information to the outside of the packaging is just asking for a lawsuit.

I agree... open software policies of most retailers, will prevent people from being able to return their opened box. What recourse will the duped consumer have??? Direct refunds from EA?

With enough complaints... (backed by legal action), maybe EA will put the warning/disclaimer on the OUTSIDE of the BF2142 box. If you read the warning and still buy the software, well... you're stupid.

This also may be a "loophole" for all of you that PRE-ORDERED this game. Contact EA, tell them, that you are not installing this game on your internet connected PC, and you want a FULL REFUND. I don't see how they can deny these people if this information was not posted anywhere (officially), except INSIDE the box.

Arrrrrg! All this stress is starting to upset my stomach... think I can prove EA caused an ulcer? :D
Gimme Yo Shoes said:
Its also in Swat4 (patch 1.1) and plenty of other titles so I guess EA is the worst developer out there and we should boycott all of Massive's partners?
Just because other companies may use it doesn't mean its acceptable. That's like saying murder is OK because other people do it.
Every piece of news that's released on BF2142 is making me feel better for not buying the game. I thought I would be missing out on some sweet online MP fun-ness but this is a bummer.

I'll stick with BF2 and its mods.
Deadpool2k said:
The point is this revelation is revealed after the fact you have BOUGHT IT! Sure been nice to know beforehand.
bring it back, demand your money in return.

The King of Pants said:
Ha! last time I posted on this topic, people came out of the woodwork to tell me i was paranoid and that publishers would never impliment in game ads that were so invasive they'd drive away even the most hardcore fan.

I. Told. You. So.
a couple of weeks ago i posted a thread about this topic (massive in-game advertising network), hence I am not surprised.
Yeah I still can't believe this crap, several threads later from several other forums. They underestimate the playerbase that reads forums and how many people will not buy their product, especially on the EA forums themselves. Installing spyware crap into their computer after already accepting the fact that there will be adverts in-game and Not telling anyone about it until you open the box and therefore, the majority cannot return it is outright fucked up.

Another screw you EA post I'm sure but this time its MUCH well deserved. :mad:
WhyYouLoveMe said:
This is the 1st BF game to have in-game ads. Find another reason. ;) :p

Because EA is a Greedy Money Hungry Nazi Corp...of course.

If support for BF42 wasnt bad enough, then the released BFV (which blew chunks), Support for that game was horrible at best. And then we had BF2, which was just as bad, but had some fun parts in it. Then they started releasing expansion packs which were horrible.

EA doesn't care about the games, they only care about the money.

Give them your money and they will continue to give you worthless piles of Code and textures.
Taken directly from the EA forums:

Was it the shoddy, rushed coding that makes titan mode virtually unplayable when the titans are moving? Or how about the little breakdance mech's do when they're feelin' funkay? Tell me, what's their excuse for releasing a game in this condition? Far better publishers like Activision simply delay their games when they're not ready, instead of rushing them out for maximum profit. See: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

Was it the ridiculous concept of in-game advertising, when we have already payed $50 for the game? Keep in mind, EA has given no indication whatsoever that the extra money they generate from placing ads in the maps will go toward improving the game in any way. Past ethics of this company surely indicate every cent will go towards lining the pockets of fat, bald, rich white suits. Isn't EA rich enough? Do they really need the extra income?

Our how about the revelation that Battlefield 2142 comes packaged with spyware? Let's turn to to figure out exactly what spyware is:
any software that covertly gathers information about a user while he/she navigates the Internet and transmits the information to an individual or company that uses it for marketing or other purposes
Is it software? Check.
Is it covert? They didn't even plan on telling you until after they had your $50. Check.
Is it gathering information while we use the internet? Check.
Is it transmitting that information to a company for marketing purposes? Check.

And I haven't even gotten to my favorite part yet. You'll notice at the bottom of that lovely piece of paper they insert into the game box (and I needn't remind you, there's no indication of anything written on that piece of paper anywhere before you buy the game), there's a sentence that reads the following, written in capital letters:


Has it sunk in yet?

EA is insulting you.

EA requests that you simply not use their product in the way it was most certainly intended to use if you don't like the spyware (yes, spyware) they place on your PC without warning prior to buying the game.

But they thank you for your $50.

I mean, certainly playing the game offline against computer-controlled AI will provide an experience worth paying $50 for, right? It's the same experience that you were expecting before, except it doesn't use bandwidth!

Absolutely insulting.

EA probably still won't care, they said it themselves in an interview. Quake Wars anyone? :D
so let me get this straight. You design a game that takes place in 2142.. and you throw in ads from 2006.

Makes loads of sense to me :)

Good going EA.

LMAO now so many people will complain that EA will patch the game to take out the ads and that will srew the game up more then it probably already is... so then the put a=out a patch to patch the patch and......well next year they come out with BF 3000 and soak everyone for $50 more . :D :D
zetachi said:
LMAO now so many people will complain that EA will patch the game to take out the ads and that will srew the game up more then it probably already is... so then the put a=out a patch to patch the patch and......well next year they come out with BF 3000 and soak everyone for $50 more . :D :D

They can't patch it out, they will loose millions in marketing deals with the companies that will be in the game. The only way I think that they will have to take it out is a court order if a class action law suit occurs for not disclosing the spyware that will be installed on the box.

Hopefully someone who preordered will step up and sue EA for not telling them about it.

Ontop of that EA will not accept refunds for preorders. Bastards.
Glad I pre-ordered mine at Best buy, looks like ill be returning the game for a refund un-opened.
I was planning on buying it. BF2 was pretty fun and I never had too bad of a problem with bugs in it, either. I figured this one would be pretty neat, and I need a new FPS experience. Guess I'll keep waiting, though.
zetachi said:
so let me get this straight. You design a game that takes place in 2142.. and you throw in ads from 2006.

funniest reply ever
Riddlinkidstoner said:
Yeah I still can't believe this crap, several threads later from several other forums. They underestimate the playerbase that reads forums and how many people will not buy their product, especially on the EA forums themselves.
I think you greatly overestimate your power. Millions of sheep are going to run out and buy the next BF game, 'cause it's so awesome, d00d3....

Seriously, I can guarantee you that this game will be a 'smash hit' or whatever they call it these days.
drizzt81 said:
I think you greatly overestimate your power. Millions of sheep are going to run out and buy the next BF game, 'cause it's so awesome, d00d3....

Seriously, I can guarantee you that this game will be a 'smash hit' or whatever they call it these days.

Yep, yep. There's a LOT more people in the non-forum-reading-buying-BF2142 group than there is in the read-forums-buying-BF2142 group.
I guess my major concern is whether or not the game will 'break' whenever I use a cleaning program such as spybot or adaware. Will they detect this software, and if so, will they remove it? Will removing it break the game, make it crash, etc? Im sure that there will be savvy enough people to find a way around this spyware and still make the game work, but still.

I liked the demo, except that it crashed every few minutes, consistently. It was definitely an incompatibility w/ my router, since pulling the router from my network made the game not crash. However, this was the only game that had problems w/ my router, and Im wondering if it had something to do w/ the 'value added software' that BF2142 will ship with.
im sure if you remove the spyware, the punkbuster will say you have modified the game and therefore will ban you.

besides, eq doesnt want people playing the game online. that just costs them bandwidth
So if this spyware monitors your internet surfing and gives you adds based on surfing content........

What if you only surf the net for Porn?

Would I have naked chicks on billboards in the game? :)
Satyrist said:
Here is a thread that discusses possible methods of blocking said adware.

This is precicely the type of thing that we gamers need to avoid.

If you don't want this shit in games, DON'T BUY THE GAME. They'll just continue putting it in and make it harder to defeat if everyone buys it. They're not going to listen unless they lose money, that is the only language that these companies understand. None of these companies give a shit about you once they have your money.
E.A.. sinks to a new low. Proving once again that marketing and the dollar is all they care about.

Send a message to them and anyone else considering this. Boycott this game!

There's a right way and a wrong way to incorporate in game advertising. This is defintely the wrong way. Let corporate sponsers pay for advertising in a game with in game props.
I hope someone would haxor them and fill those ads with porn.. only shame I would never see this day, because I am not buying this game.
This is bullshit to the next power, I read somewhere a while ago about BF2142 having dynamic in-game adverts, so I expected as much.

Bottom line, this game (or should we just call it a mod/conversion) should be free with the amount of ad-revenue possible, using this strategy.

As far as the agreement being inside the package, almost any retailer with the right amount of pressure and (or) complaining, will give a refund in a case like this. I've never had a problem returning or exchanging pretty much anything, you just have to get fuckin evil on them if they don't give you the time of day.

I've done returnes on a few games at Best Buy and Gamestop in the past, full money-back returns, after the cellophane had been slit or tore.
If the game was free and the ads were used to pay for the game I wouldn't mind so much, infact I'd actually buy the game because the ads would be used to support it.

But it isn't.

Probably being used to fund someones yacht this christmas. :rolleyes:
OMFG EA has really crossed the line this time.

I hope some gamer decides to sue their ass and we all get class-action on their ass. F EA.
Wonder if the spyware dection vendors are going to detect this and try to remove it. Would be great to see spyware doctor, spysweeper, pest patroll and others flag the game as spyware and recomend you remove it.
I would be all in favor of the ads if they only played on EA sponsored servers and was EA's way of paying for the servers or the game was free (or like $10).

I'd probably say it would be OK if EA put out A LOT of new content on a regular basis to justify looking at them, lots of new maps, some new guns, and some new vehicles.
dotK said:
I would be all in favor of the ads if they only played on EA sponsored servers and was EA's way of paying for the servers or the game was free (or like $10).

I'd probably say it would be OK if EA put out A LOT of new content on a regular basis to justify looking at them, lots of new maps, some new guns, and some new vehicles.

Maybe. The only time I really wouldn't mind ads in a game was if it added to the game. They could add in like billboards in a game like splinter cell or maybe posters for movies or whatever in subways in the game. Something like that makes sence. Maybe have like real stores in a GTA type game(ie you eat at BugerKing in a GTA game to get your health back). Or maybe Ford pays rockstar to put the ford gt in the game as like the fastest car(make it the high end sports car) if the time period is right.

As far as the spyware goes(and I consider it spyware) this is out of the question. I don't install free programs that come with software that does this. There is no way I'm going to pay something for the right to use it.
Crap. I was planning on buying it too but not anymore. I know it doesn't really matter in the whole scheme of things but hey, that's 50 bucks less for the cheating bastards.

I'll tell you one thing I can do though, and that's to let my un-informed friends know about this and I can guarantee they won't be buying it either.

I'm really bummed now. I totally love this series. :(
Booby McNipples said:
Crap. I was planning on buying it too but not anymore. I know it doesn't really matter in the whole scheme of things but hey, that's 50 bucks less for the cheating bastards.

I'll tell you one thing I can do though, and that's to let my un-informed friends know about this and I can guarantee they won't be buying it either.

I'm really bummed now. I totally love this series. :(

I'm in your boat, bud. The good thing is that BF2 is still hugely populated and is still a blast to play. :)
Who cares... If you are angry about paying for something that shows you ads, then you must have never been to a movie theater.

... Unless you were able to suck it up then... Why not now?

... Overlooking all the other points. :)
[FX]Roman said:
Who cares... If you are angry about paying for something that shows you ads, then you must have never been to a movie theater.

... Unless you were able to suck it up then... Why not now?

... Overlooking all the other points. :)

Thats different, movies don't monitor your reactions unless your been told otherwise or are in a prescreening. Ads don't bother me...the SPYWARE does.

i've already contacted several news networks about whats going on in full detail...dout it will do any good but the words "internet" "spyware" and "major corporation fucking over consumers" might grab their attention.
swatbat said:
Maybe. The only time I really wouldn't mind ads in a game was if it added to the game. They could add in like billboards in a game like splinter cell or maybe posters for movies or whatever in subways in the game. Something like that makes sence. Maybe have like real stores in a GTA type game(ie you eat at BugerKing in a GTA game to get your health back). Or maybe Ford pays rockstar to put the ford gt in the game as like the fastest car(make it the high end sports car) if the time period is right.

As far as the spyware goes(and I consider it spyware) this is out of the question. I don't install free programs that come with software that does this. There is no way I'm going to pay something for the right to use it.
this is what i would like for in game adverstising. make it real.

ps: the ford gt is in gta:sa, it just isnt called that. i think it might be the fastest land vehicle too.
I would be ok with the in-game ads if they were just static. Even if the ads were changed by EA from time to time that wouldn't sit badly with me. The collecting of "certain anonymous" information from my PC is what we all have a problem with. That's just lame. No one needs to know anything about my computer except me. (you hearin' me, Microsoft? lol)

We went through similar pains when Windows 98 rolled out and incorporated the Windows Update process. It's become more and more engrained into the Windows O/S (namely the WGA process).

Now the collection of data from our PCs has reached the game arena. I just hope we can stop this before it spreads to other developers/publishers. (or at least this game is so unsuccessful that it's deemed a bad economic idea)
QuimZ said:
I've never had a problem returning or exchanging pretty much anything, you just have to get fuckin evil on them if they don't give you the time of day.

I'm really good at this. :p

Anyone find out exactly how this works yet? I'm trying to justify the damn game, cause I wanna play!! Grr...