(BF2) Paying for booster packs is a bad idea, and i'll tell you y

Phoenix86 said:
Really the only in game bug that ever affected my gameplay was the red tag bug. Even then it was minimal.

What bugs were bad when you stopped playing?

I hear people bitch about them, and I just don't find a lot of merit to the posts (ao many just say it's buggy). Just like the F2000, which I think I showed above, is a BS complaint.

Look, whether or not you want to believe there were and are bugs in battlefield 2 that affect gameplay is up to you but the fact remains: they are there. The Shader optimizations in that game are a joke and it crashes more than it loads for many of my friends. It should not take that long for that game to load. The F2000 is overpowered in my opinion. The fact that it is taking them this long to implement simple fixes like Dolphin Diving is just emberassing considering they should've been revised before they even considered releasing an expansion. EA is an emberassment to this industry as far as Im concerned and battlefield 2 isn't a bad game except for the mistakes fueled by their constant intentional and greedy incompetence.
Attean said:
Look, whether or not you want to believe there were and are bugs in battlefield 2 that affect gameplay is up to you but the fact remains: they are there.
I'm trying to address this point... I never said the game is bug free.

The Shader optimizations in that game are a joke and it crashes more than it loads for many of my friends.
I have seen the game running on several different systems (P4s, AMDs, ATI, nVidia, some combinations of each) and have never run into a application shader bug that crashed the game. I did run into a couple of driver bug with shaders. For those I have seen, a driver fixed the issue, not a patch.

It should not take that long for that game to load.
How long should it take? The game uses quite a bit more memory than the average game, 1.2-1.3GB depending on your settings and map size. That's double some games, double the data=double the read times.

The F2000 is overpowered in my opinion.
Another "it's too powerfull" statement w/o explaination. Care to rebut the data I showed where the AKs do more damage with better accuracy? Why do you think it's overpowered?

The fact that it is taking them this long to implement simple fixes like Dolphin Diving is just emberassing considering they should've been revised before they even considered releasing an expansion.
Dolphin diving, was in fact a "feature" that isn't popular at all. It's NOT a bug, but I will give you this one as a gameplay issue. They claimed they wanted to remove it a couple patches back and it's still here.
Gameplay issue (not a bug, but let's not split hairs) with minimal impact, no show stopper here.

Heck I don't even run into that many dolphin divers anyways, I'll maybe see 2 in a 64 server the whole round...

EA is an emberassment to this industry as far as Im concerned and battlefield 2 isn't a bad game except for the mistakes fueled by their constant intentional and greedy incompetence.
This is where I suspect most complains stem from. "EA" is bad therefore anything stamped EA draw hits. I don't like a lot of things EA has done, but I don't buy a LOT of the complaints about BF2.

Windows XP is a great product, but is flammed to ignorance becuase it's a MS product, and obviously all things M$ are evul.
Phoenix86 said:
Really the only in game bug that ever affected my gameplay was the red tag bug. Even then it was minimal.

What bugs were bad when you stopped playing?

I hear people bitch about them, and I just don't find a lot of merit to the posts (ao many just say it's buggy). Just like the F2000, which I think I showed above, is a BS complaint.

All you're saying is is that you're willing to put up with some maddening bugs/exploits and Steel Chicken isn't. I'm with the bird.

I played a *lot* of BF42 and competed in online leagues in 42 and DC from CAL Season 1 straight up to BF2 season 1. We put up with some annoying stuff with 42; the lag ghost when you duck behind sandbags, nerfed AA, superman, nade spamming crates, pixel aiming, wall bug on Berlin, self healing bunnyhopping medics, tacked-on punkbuster screwing up the weapon lead, etc, etc but that stuff is nothing compared to what was released with BF2. The red tag bug, the flag bug, the c4 bug, spawn blocking, limitless endurance, locked-in keybinds, totally random first shots, unusable AA - indestructible aircraft, c4 frisbees, dolphin diving, a server browser thats 5 steps behind the awful 42 browser, unbelievably bad performance optimizations made worse by the expansion pack, and on and on and on.

The game was released what, 6 months ago? In that time we've had and expansion announced, 1 aborted patch that broke the game, 1 patch that did nothing to fix what everyone was talking about as crap from day 1, an expansion pack released that broke the game (at least half my friends had to completely reinstall the whole package after the first attempt) then made the overall performance even worse, an announcement of 2 new booster packs, and several nebulous announcements of an upcoming patch to *finally* fix the game. EA's effort is squarely aimed where the revenue is at, which as a public company is exactly what they should be doing, but in this case it is at the expense of product quality. Some can deal and some can't. I want to like the game but after half a season I was ready to throw my mouse through the window so I took a step back. I see zero improvement with SF, which IMO is a step backwards; a poor attempt to copy CS:S. If the game gets fixed I'll probably buy the boosters, but that's a *big* if.
Opie said:
All you're saying is is that you're willing to put up with some maddening bugs/exploits and Steel Chicken isn't. I'm with the bird.
No, I'm saying those are the bugs I have seen that affect my gameplay. I'm also looking for input on bugs I may not have seen so I can see their impact. After all if it's "so buggy" any one of us should be able to spew a list of game bugs. I ain't seeing it yet.

I read the rest of your post and I didn't see any BF2 bugs listed, just more vague complaints like everyone else.

edit: My one friends PC, heck even a couple of them, not behaving is not evidence of a bug. There are only a bajillion reasons it failed for them, only some are application related.

I have installed it (BF2, patches, & SF) flawlessly several times, does that mean it's perfect? No.
Then I am truly sorry because I was very specific. You're defending the indefensible.
Opie said:
Then I am truly sorry because I was very specific. You're defending the indefensible.
I'll admit I think the game takes more flak than it warrents. I'm evaluating the bugs I have and have not seen. Read my posts again. You'll note an issue I didn't defend, because it's a real issue. If I'm defending the indefensible, tear the post into pieces.

I didn't see a single specific issues, just vague stuff like "1 aborted patch that broke the game". Sorry, that's not helpfull at IDing a bug or game play issue, nor is it "very specific".

The only thing you were specific to was BF1942, which isn't what we are talking about. I don't care to comment on that game as I never ran it.

I'd have to re-read the whole thread but off the top of my head the only issues raised are: dolphin diving, red player tag and shader issues.

Wow, color me unimpressed to the massive bug list that destroys gameplay or make it unplayable.
The red tag bug, the flag bug, the c4 bug, spawn blocking, limitless endurance, locked-in keybinds, totally random first shots, unusable AA - indestructible aircraft, c4 frisbees, dolphin diving, a server browser thats 5 steps behind the awful 42 browser, unbelievably bad performance optimizations made worse by the expansion pack, and on and on and on.

If you have not experienced these specific BF2 whateveryouwanttocallthem I have to question a) how much you play the game and b) how you play the game. Perhaps the use of the gameplay exploits is specific to competition - I don't pub - and you've never had occasion to witness their use. If you play the game straight you really shouldnt have any reason to raise a stink as I do. You are, however, stuck with the same crappy browswer, the same crappy performance, same nightmarish key config, the same flag bug, the same red tag bug, and the same c4 bug 2 patches and an expansion pack later.
Phoenix86 said:
This is where I suspect most complains stem from. "EA" is bad therefore anything stamped EA draw hits. I don't like a lot of things EA has done, but I don't buy a LOT of the complaints about BF2.

Windows XP is a great product, but is flammed to ignorance becuase it's a MS product, and obviously all things M$ are evul.

No, it's cause and effect. Battlefield 2 is an inferior product, and therefore EA is evil.

Opie said:
All you're saying is is that you're willing to put up with some maddening bugs/exploits and Steel Chicken isn't. I'm with the bird.

I played a *lot* of BF42 and competed in online leagues in 42 and DC from CAL Season 1 straight up to BF2 season 1. We put up with some annoying stuff with 42; the lag ghost when you duck behind sandbags, nerfed AA, superman, nade spamming crates, pixel aiming, wall bug on Berlin, self healing bunnyhopping medics, tacked-on punkbuster screwing up the weapon lead, etc, etc but that stuff is nothing compared to what was released with BF2. The red tag bug, the flag bug, the c4 bug, spawn blocking, limitless endurance, locked-in keybinds, totally random first shots, unusable AA - indestructible aircraft, c4 frisbees, dolphin diving, a server browser thats 5 steps behind the awful 42 browser, unbelievably bad performance optimizations made worse by the expansion pack, and on and on and on.

The game was released what, 6 months ago? In that time we've had and expansion announced, 1 aborted patch that broke the game, 1 patch that did nothing to fix what everyone was talking about as crap from day 1, an expansion pack released that broke the game (at least half my friends had to completely reinstall the whole package after the first attempt) then made the overall performance even worse, an announcement of 2 new booster packs, and several nebulous announcements of an upcoming patch to *finally* fix the game. EA's effort is squarely aimed where the revenue is at, which as a public company is exactly what they should be doing, but in this case it is at the expense of product quality. Some can deal and some can't. I want to like the game but after half a season I was ready to throw my mouse through the window so I took a step back. I see zero improvement with SF, which IMO is a step backwards; a poor attempt to copy CS:S. If the game gets fixed I'll probably buy the boosters, but that's a *big* if.

QFT and he was very specific.

Look man, I just call it how I see it. I call Nintendo evil too, because they were at one point a very monopolizing, retailer unfriendly company. I still love the company for what they've done and what I hope they'll do in the future, but it doesn't change the truth. EA shats on consumers.
Opie said:
I played a *lot* of BF42 and competed in online leagues in 42 and DC from CAL Season 1 straight up to BF2 season 1. We put up with some annoying stuff with 42; the lag ghost when you duck behind sandbags, nerfed AA, superman, nade spamming crates, pixel aiming, wall bug on Berlin, self healing bunnyhopping medics, tacked-on punkbuster screwing up the weapon lead, etc, etc but that stuff is nothing compared to what was released with BF2. The red tag bug, the flag bug, the c4 bug, spawn blocking, limitless endurance, locked-in keybinds, totally random first shots, unusable AA - indestructible aircraft, c4 frisbees, dolphin diving, a server browser thats 5 steps behind the awful 42 browser, unbelievably bad performance optimizations made worse by the expansion pack, and on and on and on.

Thank you. It's about fucking time someone else saw all these flaws.

BF2 is a fun game in the rare instance that it is working at 100%. The rest of the time is involves any player with the basest form of perception wondering why he is subjecting himself to masochism in playing this $40 beta test.
GlimmerMan said:
The complete game is on the DVD/CD that you brought for $50. It does everything that was advertised, so obviously not a shell game. The expansions are extra contents. You construing the term "complete" to include things that enhances the original game.

Yes. YOu understand the plain nature of the deal. In my opinion, (IMO), the original BF2 was a huge value by itself. Special Forces and the boosters is just icing on the cake. I think EA--Dice--put out a great product, and multiplayer FPS is my game of choice. I think I speak for many players of that sort in saying that BF2 kicks butt, and the expansion kicks arse, and the Euro booster will be huge as well.
Got to chime in. I do like BF2. Even with all it's bugs and shitty netcode, there is a great game in there.

However, it is driving me crazy that some of you are fine with them taking advantage of the community with these "booster packs". Ok, for an expansion pack I really don't have an issue with them charging us for it. (even though priority should be on a patch, not making more money).

However, with these booster packs, EA is seriously gone too far. We expected them to give us an ETA on the much needed patch, just to find out that they've been trying to come up with a way to squeeze more money out of us. Guys, it's as simple as that. EA does not have the same care for their community, as let's say EPIC or many other companies out there. Not even close.

So, I will not even think about buying these booster packs, if EA decides to gives these free to the community, then I will have a change of heart, but we know that will never happen.

Has anyone mentioned that this might also spread the community thin? With these expansion packs, booster packs, it's taking away potentially good players and moving them to another level where others can't go.

Shame on you EA.
Reading through 7 pages of this thread is a bad idea, and I'll tell you y...........

You eyes start to blur and your brain becomes numb from all the complaining crybabies.

My bet is that all of the chumps talking smack about EA and BF2 will still download the patch and boosters. They will love it but never admit it. Then, they will get online and start another "EA is evil" thread and tell everyone what is wrong with the company and swear up and down they will never purchase another product.
masher said:
This is, quite simply, the most intellectually unsound reasoning I've seen in quite a while. The mere fact that a particular developer-- or development house-- is being paid by another company, just pushes the problem up one level. It doesn't change anything. Content is still being generated and-- if whoever is footing the bill isn't eventually paid by the end users-- its being generated for free. Someone, somewhere is not getting paid.
I suggest you reread my entire post. I said nothing about the end uses, I said the DEVELOPERS are getting paid. IF they hadn't been paid, nothing would be produced. Get it? Kthxbye.

Only someone with no real knowledge of politics around the globe would try to claim the American flavour was any worse than average. Coming from someone whose lived in several foreign nations, I call it well above average.
I nosed it out as a brand of politics, not a standard of politics... thus why i said American politics.

By all means, quote and poke around out of context all you want.
reddhaus said:
Reading through 7 pages of this thread is a bad idea, and I'll tell you y...........

You eyes start to blur and your brain becomes numb from all the complaining crybabies.

My bet is that all of the chumps talking smack about EA and BF2 will still download the patch and boosters. They will love it but never admit it. Then, they will get online and start another "EA is evil" thread and tell everyone what is wrong with the company and swear up and down they will never purchase another product.

ive downloaded the 1.12 patch, but havenot installed it. I wont buy the expansion. I bought the game when it first came out, but it was so bad, ive lost all desire to play it. maybe its decent now. but maybe your the chump for throwing good money after bad. us old timers have a word to describe people who do that....suckers.
Wow you boys are heated tonight.

Everyone do me a favor and relax a little. There are a TON of great points here on both sides of the coin. Please don't get hostile.
Moose777 said:
Remember, VALVe does pretty much the same thing. Only they charge $50 a pop for games that were released back in 1998, DoD:S, CS:S come to mind. At least EA/Dice isn't saying you have to purchase all of the BF2 booster packs upgrades otherwise they are going shut your account down like VALVe has done to it's fans and to the people who own the original releases of thier games which have now become Coasters for my sodas and beers while I play BF2.

How the hell do you figure that? They released HL2, a completely new game, for 3 different prices, one that only got you HL2 and CS:S, one that got you HL2, CS:S, DOD:S and their entire back catalog, and one that got you everything including a box set with a hat and some other shit. They didn't charge $50 just for CS:S and DoD:S although you can buy just these games for $20 a pop if you so desire, which seems plenty fair to me considering you'll get a hell of a lot more enjoyment out of that $20 than you would if you spent it at a movie theatre, for instance.

Valve is one of the few companies out there actually doing the right thing with the gamer in mind. Don't even try to compare them to EA, a company that locked down the NFL license for years so they can continue releasing Madden NFL with roster updates and a few more pixels for $50 every year... a company that hasn't released a truly finished game since they were Electronic Arts, not EA. EA is the absolute WORST game shop on the planet, and you'd have to try pretty fucking hard to be as bad as they are.
Luxor said:
Wow, you guys seriously think this is going to be a big trend? No..

You think people LIKE Steam? No, they just got it to access CS/DoD/HL. If BF2 uses it, it isn't going to work. If they only release the "pack" through downloadable means, I guarantee they won't do CRAP in sales. Who the hell wants to wait for a download for hours (probably going at shit speeds) when they can go to the store, find the game, wait in line, purchase, drive back, and install in less than an hour? Plus have the actual stuff you paid for, not software. It's just a huge pain in the ass in my opinion.

Stupid, stupid idea. Go figure EA would do something this lame. :rolleyes:

AND WHY THE HELL are they releasing more crap expansions, when some people can't even play the game at all?! Last time I remember, when more expansions came out... the game died (bf1942). Fifty bucks says in a year, BF2 will be crap and only a handful of people will play it. MORONS MORONS MORONS. More bullshit from our favorite people at EA! :D

Money whores.

I like Steam. I wish more developers would follow suit.

Oh, and BF1942 didn't die. All the assclowns that TK and blow up vehicles in spawn moved on and left the people with a love for the game behind. Their leaving was the best thing that ever happened to BF1942.
jahcs said:
Short Answer:

A = What do you want for your money?
B = What do game companies want to give you for that money?

If A does not = B then don't spend your money.

Long Answer:

When I buy a game I expect a few things:
1. A product not riddled with bugs and/or exploits.
2. A product that's fun to play (read: offer a demo before sale to try before you buy).
3. A certain amount of patch support. There will always be some unforseen errors in game codes and players are always creative enough to find "broken" exploits. I want a company that takes action on these types of errors.
4. I expect the minimum hardware requirements to deliver a playable experience.

These reasons are why I'm never buying another EA game, ever.

1. BF2 was riddled with bugs, from the messed up server browser that STILL has issues, to strange exploits like dolphin jumping, the weapon imbalances that were only solved months later with patches, etc etc. The game has been out for half a year and I played it a total of maybe 2 weeks because its such a steaming terd. EA's incompetence is in no way limited to this game however... Ever play any of the Madden games online? There's always some unbeatable exploit play that people use to pad their stats, been that way for years, likely will continue to be that way because EA is more interested in charging $50 for a roster update than actual bug fixes and improvements.
2. Fun factor was lacking from the get-go. I played this game once before, back when it was called Desert Combat, except it was free and not broken. Between having to turn the resolution down to 1024x768 to struggle to stay above 60fps with anything resembling modern graphics (and this is on an x800pro), dealing with TK'ers and TK punishers on unmoderated ranked servers, dealing with the imbalance in play between US vs China, the bad server browser, and getting shelled by incompetant Commanders, the whole game fucking sucks. I'm sure a lot of people disagree, and hey, more power to you.. I'm glad you enjoy it, I wish I could.
3. LOL. Do I really need to go there?
4. LOL. Theres something seriously wrong with a game when a $1000 computer can only manage decent framerates at 1024x768 without even having high detail on... and even WITH high detail on, the graphics aren't that spectacular anyway! I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks Call of Duty and HL2 both have far better graphics, and not only that but you can actually play them at a good resolution and detail level without having to sell your firstborn child into slavery to get the hardware needed to do it.
Alot of shit here needs to be explained so I will leave it to Dice

[DICE] Today we have some big announcements that we’re excited to share with you! First of all, news about 2 new booster packs that will expand the battlefields of Battlefield 2: Battlefield 2: Euro Force and Battlefield 2: Armored Fury.

Euro Force will be released on February 8th and sees the introduction of the all-new European Army in 3 new maps. Each Euro soldier will come equipped with a new primary weapon, from the FNP90 to the Benelli Tactical Shotgun. There will also be 4 new vehicles, including the (in)famous Eurofighter.

The 3 maps are “Operation Smoke Screen”, “The Great Wall of China” and “Taraba Quarry”.

Armored Fury will be released on March 28th and the focus is on large mechanized battles, harking back to the El Alamein style maps on BF1942. There will be 3 new maps – “Midnight Sun”, “Operation Harvest” and “Operation Road Rage” – but also 2 new vehicle classes. Attack Jets and Recon Helicopters, which can spot nearby enemy units, will make their debut.

Both packs will be available exclusively online at downloader.ea.com at £5.99 (~$10) in the UK.

As well as these booster packs, we are of course still utterly devoted to providing updates to Battlefield 2. We can’t say it enough; thank you all for your support and dedication! Update 1.2 is currently undergoing public beta testing and will be released very soon. As with the first list, this second list includes confirmed fixes only:

• Server search filters now work properly
• All mines (Claymore, Anti-vehicle, C4) can now be picked up by the same class that dropped it by using the “G” key.
• Mines can no longer be destroyed with other explosives
• Flash bang effect radius decreased
• Added unlocks for Sniper and AT kits
• Fixed a bug in terrain rendering with night vision, whereby terrain was still dark in dark areas.
• Fixed a bug whereby mods that are not bf2 or not xpack permutate shaders every time a level is loaded.
• Fixed a bug whereby non-xpack mods cannot use xpack shaders.
• Fixed bug in TV guided missiles of Havoc helicopter
• Bug in MP7 fire rate fixed. Ammo count increased and mag count and damage decreased
• APC Update – “Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials”. This fix was a miscommunication to the patch team. Chinese and MEC APC’s have been reverted and the LAV25 now no longer shoots through penetrable materials.
• Vehicles no longer disappear when viewed from some vehicles with a HUD (e.g. Tanks).
• Performance gain found in static mesh rendering.
• Detonation radius from grenade launcher explosions has been reduced.
• Grenade launcher projectiles now have a minimum time before arming.

This is a list of confirmed fixes only – we are still looking at others that we hope to be able to announce soon.

- Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
- TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
- Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
- AA missile lock has been improved
- Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible
- Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
- "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
- "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
- The Sa80 weapon has been improved
- The G3A3 weapon has been improved
- Reload while sprinting has been enabled
- Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials
- Damage decreased for the M134
- Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use.

Dont know why the code tags arent workin
Why would they shorten the range of the TV missle? It was alaready short to begin with.
no, it seems it, but in reality what's happening is that the speed increase has been causing it to overshoot far more often
Paying for a small "booster pack" is lame. Thank god I never was a fan of this game. I'll stick with my Aging CS that will never stop being awesome. Only thing wrong with CS is the rise of hackers again... If VAC wouldn't suck it'd be awesome. Off to get an ESEA account soon to get away from them =D
If your a fan of the game and enjoy it and think you will enjoy the booster packs then buy them. If your not a fan then don't add your "I am not a fan" speech. It's getting really old.
Moose777 said:
Why would they shorten the range of the TV missle? It was alaready short to begin with.

550 meters isnt exactly short range. I'll go for shorter range if and only if the stingers/IGLA's will be shorter range vs the attack choppers.
Bullitt said:
550 meters isnt exactly short range. I'll go for shorter range if and only if the stingers/IGLA's will be shorter range vs the attack choppers.
550 Meters is most definitley short when compared to the real world TV guided bomb it's based off of with an effective range of 45 miles.

There is also another bomb with an effective range os 1100 miles.

Now the TOW is wire guided but it still has a range of 2.2 miles.

So again, why would they shorten the range of the TV bomb? It was again, short as it is.

Now granted, it is only a game and they probably did it to level the playing field but I still feel that the TV bomb was perfect where it was and feel that any shorter and it's just not going to be as much fun to fire it from point blank range.
Well im guilty of being cheap with the tv bomb, I would always attack the carriers anti aircraft guns before they could see me. So now it should be even.
10 bucks each for the two "booster packs", 30 bucks for Special Forces, and (depending on how you got it) 50 bucks or less for the original game...so that's what, $50-100 for something that many of us here have been playing since August. YMMV, but I got BF2 for free during the summer and the only other game I've spent money on since is FEAR (I bought SF as well, but that's BF2 related) so I figure with the $20 for the booster packs I will have spent close to the original cost of the BF2 alone and will have gotten much more content than those who paid retail.

I'll bet one of the primary reasons why the boosters cost money is because of the decision by EA to include BF2 free with many video cards last year. They're going to recoup the cost of all of those units somehow. This shouldn't be totally unexpected, however, I will be pissed if they don't allow copies of the booster to be saved on a computer.
You don't have to buy them, and it's still cheaper than subscription games. If they started charging $20 a month to play then I would be annoyed.

Choppers should be more fragile, but they should also have longer range not shorter. Overall I like the sound of the changes.
BladeVenom said:
You don't have to buy them, and it's still cheaper than subscription games. If they started charging $20 a month to play then I would be annoyed.

Choppers should be more fragile, but they should also have longer range not shorter. Overall I like the sound of the changes.
Then I wouldn't play. I guess playing so long for nothing is something I expect. I think it's crap you have to pay MS to play XBOX online as well.
EA used to supply us with free levels every once and a while with BF1942 for free, this is bullshit that they are now trying to bloodsuck the community dry regardless that BF2 pales in comparison to the original and has so many bugs its not worth playing and pisses on the the enjoyment that was 1942 and.....
Molingrad said:
EA used to supply us with free levels every once and a while with BF1942 for free, this is bullshit that they are now trying to bloodsuck the community dry regardless that BF2 pales in comparison to the original and has so many bugs its not worth playing and pisses on the the enjoyment that was 1942 and.....

You forget EA recently gave Wake 2007 for free?
BladeVenom said:
You don't have to buy them, and it's still cheaper than subscription games. If they started charging $20 a month to play then I would be annoyed.

Choppers should be more fragile, but they should also have longer range not shorter. Overall I like the sound of the changes.

Ok, please stop relating this to subscription fees for subscription games to BF2. Battlefield 2 is not a subscription game. I expect more out of a subscription based game. Not only do I expect them to fix bugs and deliver LOTS of free content, but I also expect server upkeep. EA does none of these things. So stop.
KillRoy X said:
Ha! Bring on Quake Wars!!!

haha yea.. i dont know if i want to buy booster packs since i will stop playing BF2 once quake wars is released.
Attean said:
Ok, please stop relating this to subscription fees for subscription games to BF2. Battlefield 2 is not a subscription game. I expect more out of a subscription based game. Not only do I expect them to fix bugs and deliver LOTS of free content, but I also expect server upkeep. EA does none of these things. So stop.

You mean EA doesn't host their own BF2 servers? That kinda shot down my guildwars argument too :confused: