(BF2) Paying for booster packs is a bad idea, and i'll tell you y

They already do this with Steam...why complain about BF2? Remember in HL1 when all the mods were free and how they all cost now?
Majin said:
EA has been ass fucking us for years.
Most of the time it's with games that really shouldn't have been released when they are. Games that still need work ie. BF2. Then they sit back and release a patch 8 or so months later that is just enough to hold you tight till the expansion that comes out just as fucking bugged!

Anyone else remember back when Patches didn't exist?
Back when game developers put out games that had been tested to hell and back and had almost no bugs.

Then the PATCH caught on and now, there is no reason to even finish a game before releasing it, cause you can always fix it later with a patch.

How fucking long before EA (oh and it will be them.. the bastards) puts out a game where you only get 3/4th of the game, and have to buy the ending in a "Ending Pack"?


Edit: Oh and what about EAs Customer service, anyone ever gotten anywhere with them? I know I haven't!
What sticks in my craw about these "boosters" is that their existence exposes where the bulk of the development effort is (content for cash) and where it isn't (patches.) I am way more excited about 1.2 and what it might do to fix this game over a few new skins and maps. But hey, this gives EA somehting else to put in that fucking ad that shows up when you log in that keeps Xfire from dropping you directly into a server.
Attean said:
We're not upset that they're adding new content for a price.

We're upset because EA is interrupting the old content, the content I paid my good money for and I have no desier to further my experience. I just ask that they do not ruin my current one by making my play experience monetary.

I know it's a cheeseball answer but right on the box it says something like "gaming experience may change during online play."

I do agree with you to a point. New content in many cases should require separate servers. It's just how much gameplay change can we take before it's a different game?
The answer is none. Not when a specific gun can give a player a huge advantage over another in certain situations. They should never mix. The original battlefield 1942 had the right idea with map specific content.

This is not guild wars.
Attean said:
No, his logic was perfectly sound.
His logic was, since the person who built that TV in the shop window was already paid to build it, its ok to break the glass and run home with it under his arm.
I've stopped buying all EA games.

I'll make a brief comparision between an EA liscened game and an Activision Liscensed game made by the same DEV company.

Black & White 2, a Lionhead game licsened by EA, the game is one of the buggiest I've ever played, you can't skip the intro menu's, the game reminds me of a shell of what it could be, most likely due to EA. A flawed game that was obviously rushed.

The Movies, a Lionhead game liscensed by Activision, the game has no glaring bugs that effect game play so much as to make it impossible to complete the game, you can skip the intro menus, the game feels worth the price I paid for it.

EA are geniuses at creating mediocre games that everyone still buys and get high reviews. I have no idea how they do it. They are all hype and no substance.
Majin said:
Anyone else remember back when Patches didn't exist?
Back when game developers put out games that had been tested to hell and back and had almost no bugs.

Then the PATCH caught on and now, there is no reason to even finish a game before releasing it, cause you can always fix it later with a patch.

Back when patches didn't exist, games were simplier to program and smaller in size. There was no Internet access like today that allows many people to play together.
Games have since come a long way in terms of complexity. Despite the bug, todays games are much higher in quality than games from the "pre-patch" era.
masher said:
His logic was, since the person who built that TV in the shop window was already paid to build it, its ok to break the glass and run home with it under his arm.

His logic was that releasing useless expansions is not feeding the developers kids. The developers do not care and it certainly isn't helping their game so why fill EAs coffers and why not protest them running the game and DICE into the ground?
Attean said:
The answer is none. Not when a specific gun can give a player a huge advantage over another in certain situations.

Which specific gun you talking about? I have SF and almost all the unlocks. But havent found any one weapon to be dominating.
Wow, you guys seriously think this is going to be a big trend? No..

You think people LIKE Steam? No, they just got it to access CS/DoD/HL. If BF2 uses it, it isn't going to work. If they only release the "pack" through downloadable means, I guarantee they won't do CRAP in sales. Who the hell wants to wait for a download for hours (probably going at shit speeds) when they can go to the store, find the game, wait in line, purchase, drive back, and install in less than an hour? Plus have the actual stuff you paid for, not software. It's just a huge pain in the ass in my opinion.

Stupid, stupid idea. Go figure EA would do something this lame. :rolleyes:

AND WHY THE HELL are they releasing more crap expansions, when some people can't even play the game at all?! Last time I remember, when more expansions came out... the game died (bf1942). Fifty bucks says in a year, BF2 will be crap and only a handful of people will play it. MORONS MORONS MORONS. More bullshit from our favorite people at EA! :D

Money whores.
Hello Epic? Can you call EA and teach them the right way to treat their community? Charge them for your time too....
KillRoy X said:
Hello Epic? Can you call EA and teach them the right way to treat their community? Charge them for your time too....

This is far too true.
I think this model is closer to guildwars than steam. Like Guildwars. expansion packs to further the game are sold but the servers remain free. If i think of it this way, it isn't so bad.
Yeah but this isn't an RPG designed around the principle like guild wars and it does screw people over. Guild Wars was designed from the ground up to work in components like it does. The battlefield series, or any FPS, is quite frankly not.

It'd be cool if it wasn't just such obvious money grubbing, but there's no way at the inception of battlefield 2 some ea rep was like, "hey, you know we should make this game have some expansion packs for $10, that'd be fun, let's make all our weapons completely watered down so we can add different models in and it won't effect the delicate balance of our maps." No.
OMG, Speical Forces is 30 bucks--less now--and the booster is going to be 10 bucks. What the hell are people bitching about. I spend more than that taking the wife out to dinner.

Is hardware and bandwidth expensive? YOu could say yes, but that's not EA's fault.

Obviously some have issues with the game with their hardware and I won't touch that with a ten foot pole other than to say TONS OF PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO PLAY FINE.

And I've never seen the red name friendly bug in SF ever.
I'm the Dude said:
OMG, Speical Forces is 30 bucks--less now--and the booster is going to be 10 bucks. What the hell are people bitching about. I spend more than that taking the wife out to dinner.

Is hardware and bandwidth expensive? YOu could say yes, but that's not EA's fault.

Obviously some have issues with the game with their hardware and I won't touch that with a ten foot pole other than to say TONS OF PEOPLE ARE ABLE TO PLAY FINE.

And I've never seen the red name friendly bug in SF ever.

I think people are more worried that EA is going to turn this into a trend, and keep squeezing money out of products. All of a sudden booster packs start coming out every couple months, and you feel like you're playing a god damn MMO or something. That may be the extreme case, but just that EA is pulling this booster pack shit pisses me off, when I'm already pissed I spent 50 bucks on BF2.
xerus` said:
I think people are more worried that EA is going to turn this into a trend, and keep squeezing money out of products. All of a sudden booster packs start coming out every couple months, and you feel like you're playing a god damn MMO or something. That may be the extreme case, but just that EA is pulling this booster pack shit pisses me off, when I'm already pissed I spent 50 bucks on BF2.

I think it's people like I'm the Dude Man that are allowing this to happen. It's not so much the fact that it's costing us extra money. It's more along the lines that we've paid the amount of money a completed game would cost and instead we get a shell of a game then have to pay extra for the complete game through expansions. I guess it's more along the lines of paying to have the privledge of having a tactical advantage over regular gamers with these expansions. If that's the case I think it will just alienate the average gamer. I certainly don't care enough about my game ranking that I'm willing to pay money to have a tactical advantage or an edge on an opponent. How lame could you be to pay extra money to have a higher kill death ratio. That saps the fun out of the game entirely (except for people willing to pay more money to have the edge of course...) I guess it's just business as usual for EA
GlimmerMan said:
Which specific gun you talking about? I have SF and almost all the unlocks. But havent found any one weapon to be dominating.

Some one mentioned how the flashbangs will d0m!n@te! While irritating I am neither afriad of the flash or the bang part.
Attean said:
That's a very good point. But there's a difference in releasing 8-10 hours of single player content in a COMPLETED package and not releasing a full product as EA is doing.

Valve's Half-life Catalogue. I purchased for just under $100, and freebie mods with hundreds if not thousands of hours of content.

EA's BF2 Catalogue. Current Investment $75ish

Where's the value at?
BF2 is great, my favourite game, worth every penny, keep the booster packs coming.
Okay, if you really think the F2000, or G36E is owning you that much here's something I've heard works.

YOu have to have a friend with SF installed on their system. You go and log in as yourself on your friend's computer in SF and play a round or two. Viola, you can now unlock a few SF weapons for use in vanilla BF2 on your own machine. That's all the details I know about it.

But news flash, the stock BF2 weapons are just as lethal as any SF unlock or future unlock.
urbsnspices said:
Some one mentioned how the flashbangs will d0m!n@te! While irritating I am neither afriad of the flash or the bang part.

Flashbang dominates? LOL
The flashbang is an equipment. Its not that easy to use it. It has to be well thrown and timed. I've only seen it effectively used in a highly coordinated team. Otherwise you flash your own teammates also, pissing them off. Only the assault class has it. And is available to both teams.

Now is there an example of a gun that is dominating?
I'm the Dude said:
But news flash, the stock BF2 weapons are just as lethal as any SF unlock or future unlock.
Yeah, I was reading all these posts about how people are complaining about the uunfairness of the SF weapons.

That's just dumb. All the weapons are balanced. Regardless if you are playing SF or Vanilla. I play on servers that utilyze a combination of vanilla BF2 and SF weapon kits and the game is enhanced. Plus, you can pick up the kit from a SF player you kill in vanilla.

And lemme tell you. I play support. All the time, once in a while I switch to AT and every now and again I'll play assualt. And being flashbanged sucks. You can't see for anything, you can't move and you die. Now that is an aesome piece of equipment. I've been FB's twice and as much as it sucks being killed it is so damn cool having everything white-out.
I'm the Dude said:
Okay, if you really think the F2000, or G36E is owning you that much here's something I've heard works.

YOu have to have a friend with SF installed on their system. You go and log in as yourself on your friend's computer in SF and play a round or two. Viola, you can now unlock a few SF weapons for use in vanilla BF2 on your own machine. That's all the details I know about it.

But news flash, the stock BF2 weapons are just as lethal as any SF unlock or future unlock.

now THATS interesting..........

If the xpacks come out on warez sites i'll be sure to install them from there, F EA.
peacetilence said:
It's more along the lines that we've paid the amount of money a completed game would cost and instead we get a shell of a game then have to pay extra for the complete game through expansions.

The complete game is on the DVD/CD that you brought for $50. It does everything that was advertised, so obviously not a shell game. The expansions are extra contents. You construing the term "complete" to include things that enhances the original game.
Complete is not a word that can be used to describe BF2. I can think of another word that starts with a C to describe what EA is doing with a good series, and what could have been a good game.
GlimmerMan said:
Which specific gun you talking about? I have SF and almost all the unlocks. But havent found any one weapon to be dominating.
I have asked several times for people to explain this. The best answer yet is "F2000" with no explaination. I agree with you, and I also have almost all the unlocks as well (read, all the ones worth using).

I can see the complaint *if* the new content guns available on old content maps dominate, but I just don't see that.

Breakdown for Assault class.
Weapon comparison.
AK-101 Damage: 37 RoF: 600 Accuracy: 4 Deviation/shot: 1.3/1.2/1.0 (standing, crouched, prone)
F2000 Damage: 34 RoF: 600 Accuracy: 5 Deviation/shot: 1.3/1.2/1.0
AK-47 Damage: 38 RoF: 600 Accuracy: 4 Deviation/shot: 1.3/1.2/1.0
M16A2 Damage: 30 RoF: 900 Accuracy: 6 Deviation/shot: 1.5/1.3/1.0

Well look at that, AK101 and AK-47>F2000.
im real leary of the all "expansion packs"
after valve fooled me with all the original half life expansions that were super short but still near full price, i wait until they hit bargin bin
GlimmerMan said:
So you think software developers should work for free for your enjoyment?

Maybe they should provide what we paid for in the first place; a working game.

GlimmerMan said:
Those developers are willing to work for free (or their enjoyment). EA is a for-profit company, not a charity. Just be grateful for the bonuses they include in every major patch.

They should be thankful that they have a fanbase that is willing to put up with so much shit from them. BF2 was one of the most glitch-riddled games that EA has ever released. They owe it to us to patch it and provide free additions to make up for their gross mishandling of the release.
How are booter packs related to bugs in an original release? They aren't. Let's not drift too far away from the topic folks.

Stay on target, stay on target
Phoenix86 said:
How are booter packs related to bugs in an original release? They aren't. Let's not drift too far away from the topic folks.

Stay on target, stay on target

instead of their developers spending time on making new revenue enhancing expansions, they should spend time and effort fixing the original POS they released?

seems related to me.
Steel Chicken said:
instead of their developers spending time on making new revenue enhancing expansions, they should spend time and effort fixing the original POS they released?

seems related to me.
Well if you want to go into that can of worms...

What are all the current unpatched bugs that are "severe"? "moderate"? "minor"?
Phoenix86 said:
Well if you want to go into that can of worms...

What are all the current unpatched bugs that are "severe"? "moderate"? "minor"?

I dunno honestly. I stopped playing a while ago. I was sick of it. they just released a new patch, but I haven't even looked at it yet.
Steel Chicken said:
I dunno honestly. I stopped playing a while ago. I was sick of it. they just released a new patch, but I haven't even looked at it yet.
Really the only in game bug that ever affected my gameplay was the red tag bug. Even then it was minimal.

What bugs were bad when you stopped playing?

I hear people bitch about them, and I just don't find a lot of merit to the posts (ao many just say it's buggy). Just like the F2000, which I think I showed above, is a BS complaint.
Kritter said:
Where's the value at?
Apples to oranges. You can't compare a back catalogue purchase to a current modern day game. With the $25 difference between Steam and EA, I can go out and purchase the EA Star Trek Collection and the EA Sports Collection and end up with equal or more titles than Steam. Lo and behold, they end up being the same (but then again you've got manuals and physical CDs with the EA bunch).

Thanks for playing.
This is exactly why I love Epic Games and UT2k4. They released a newer version to the store (Editors Choice Edition) but still allowed there current players to get the content for FREE! Also the recently came out with a mega pack that includes even more stuff.

Torgo said:
Apples to oranges. You can't compare a back catalogue purchase to a current modern day game. With the $25 difference between Steam and EA, I can go out and purchase the EA Star Trek Collection and the EA Sports Collection and end up with equal or more titles than Steam. Lo and behold, they end up being the same (but then again you've got manuals and physical CDs with the EA bunch).

Thanks for playing.

I don't know about your taste and I can't really judge you there, but if you think the EA Sports Collection and the Star Trek collection is more or less equal to valve's back catalogue then were just going to have to agree to disagree. Have you ever played any of EA's star trek games?