Best game of the year

Just got done on a 8hour streak of Prototype; goddamn that game is fun! I haven't played a game for that long non-stop for probably 2 years. I havent played enough other single player games to comment on "best" or not, but such a great game. Mass destruction, killing lots of enemies but still somewhat challenging, gore, awesome and submersive story. Can't recall the last game that had cut scenes that good. They're submersive but short so you don't get bored and want to skip.
Well so far for me it was Tiger 10 Wii best game I bought this year. Empire Total War would be my most anticipated but it was bugged to high heaven and I haven't booted it up since the 300 patches that have been released. what I am actually playing now in Valkyria Chronicles which is a brilliant game and will be a nominee for game of the decade next year.
1. ArmA 2
2. Stalker Complete 2009
3. Empire: Total War
4. Men at War
5. DCS Blackhawk
Stalker Call of Pripyat
ArmA 2
SC: Conviction

Just a few of the ones I'm giddy to play, alot more that I can't wait to play.
For me, so far this year, I would have to say that Burnout Paradise is my GotY. But there are SO many more games coming.
Prototype is the only game from 2009 I've actually been interested enough in to bother playing so far. If I had a PS3, then I would have played inFamous as well, but the two are really cut from the same cloth. Anyway, it's not good to discuss this kind of thing prior to the holiday release season. There will be a boatload of games coming in the next 6 months: AC2, MW2, and Batman: AA all certainly look good to me, and if they can get SC2 out the door, that will certainly be a contender. Who knows, maybe L4D2 will even be worth a shit, but the mere idea of it makes me think that Valve's brains have all fallen out.
I've bought a fair amount of games this year and none have really impressed me unless you count Black Shark as a 2009 game. It was released to retail in 2009 but I bought the download version in very late 2008. That's my pick so far anyway.
Empire Total War would be my most anticipated but it was bugged to high heaven and I haven't booted it up since the 300 patches that have been released.

300? :eek: I have it and think there have only been 2 patches since I bought it. Maybe 3 max.
My vote is for Red Faction Guerilla. So far I'm on my 3rd playthrough of the game and I'm not the slightest bit bored of it. Every aspect of this game is satisfying to me. The driving, the shooting, the blowing up stuff, the attention to detail, all of it. Bring on some DLC!
So far it's easily Dawn of War 2 for me. The single player was great and I can't get enough of the multiplayer. I'd been itching for an RTS where matches don't take over an hour and finally got my fix. No base building, just hop in and fight. When I watch videos of SC2 and the units all move in a blob and react and animate identically to mouse clicks I can't help but chuckle at how stupid it looks compared to DOW2.

MW2 may beat it if it aggrevates me less than CoD4. Whenever I play the grenade/air strike/chopper spam and retarded spawning just kills it for me. I would wager 50% percent of deaths are not caused by gunshot and of those that are plenty of them come from having an opponent randomly spawn behind you. I would have much preferred a fixed spawn style like Day of Defeat or similar.
I bought Dawn of War2 and haven't touched it since the first time I played it. Feels like a sheep herding game to me and noting else. Nice graphics though for a RTS game.
I bought Dawn of War2 and haven't touched it since the first time I played it. Feels like a sheep herding game to me and noting else. Nice graphics though for a RTS game.
This is a thread about your personal GotY, not your most hated game lol. ;)
Not sure if I even played more than one game released in 2009, but it has to be FEAR 2. Nicely optimized, nice graphics, good story, and fun but generic gameplay. Some scary moments to.
This is the game I'm most looking forward to at the moment. Should be sweet on PC

I'm primarily a PC gamer, but I got the 360 version to be able to play through it without waiting for the PC version. It's an amazing game even on consoles. I do look forward to the PC version though so I can have my mouse aiming. :D

After playing for a while, I got to a point where I wouldn't have to fight the gamepad to be able to aim and stay on target. From that point the game became truly enjoyable. I can't wait to see how things will be when I start aiming with a mouse.

I will miss the force feedback on the pc version though. The game utilizes the gamepad rumble so well that it's going to feel weird playing without it on the pc, unless I use a gamepad on there as well. That kinda defeats the purpose of playing on the pc though... Oh well...
I'm primarily a PC gamer, but I got the 360 version to be able to play through it without waiting for the PC version. It's an amazing game even on consoles. I do look forward to the PC version though so I can have my mouse aiming. :D

After playing for a while, I got to a point where I wouldn't have to fight the gamepad to be able to aim and stay on target. From that point the game became truly enjoyable. I can't wait to see how things will be when I start aiming with a mouse.

I will miss the force feedback on the pc version though. The game utilizes the gamepad rumble so well that it's going to feel weird playing without it on the pc, unless I use a gamepad on there as well. That kinda defeats the purpose of playing on the pc though... Oh well...

Is the physics and destruction all it's hyped up to be? I watched a bunch of vids and it looks awesome sauce. I really like the idea of it being open ended and having territory control.

I really liked how that worked in GTA: San Andreas with the gang land territory wars.
I will miss the force feedback on the pc version though. The game utilizes the gamepad rumble so well that it's going to feel weird playing without it on the pc, unless I use a gamepad on there as well. That kinda defeats the purpose of playing on the pc though... Oh well...

They do sell FFB mouse's.
Just got done on a 8hour streak of Prototype; goddamn that game is fun! I haven't played a game for that long non-stop for probably 2 years. I havent played enough other single player games to comment on "best" or not, but such a great game. Mass destruction, killing lots of enemies but still somewhat challenging, gore, awesome and submersive story. Can't recall the last game that had cut scenes that good. They're submersive but short so you don't get bored and want to skip.

Hell yeah man. I'm with ya on that
Pretty sad commentary on 2009 thus far when I see people listing unreleased games that no one has played yet.

It's been a pretty dry first half of the year for me thus far.

I'd have to say Prototype and Infamous are the best 2009 games I've played thus far this year along with 2009 DLCs Broken Steel and Point Lookout for Fallout 3, the game that just keeps on giving.

I expect my list here to partially change when we've gone through the entire second half of the year.
So far, probably SF4.

Looking forward to Wolfenstein in August and Dragon Age in October. It's about time to invest in a new PC.

For consoles, Uncharted 2 is on the must buy list and hopefully Gran Turismo 5 is coming this November or December. GT5 will likely be my GOTY.
Wow this is a hard one.For a game that is already out I would say
Fight night round 4

For a game coming out this year Modern warfare 2