Best game of the year

For consoles it would definitely have to be infamous so far nothing can touch it IMO.

PC have been pretty meh so far hopefully well get some surprises around christmas time.
Prototype is just awesome for mindless fun... the sandbox shennanigans like GTA

But instead of stealing cars, running over people, and trying to evade the cops, you're sprint through streets, up walls, flying and jumping to ridiculous heights then smashing, slicing, throwing everything in sight for no reason at all...
And it's awesome because of it...

that video shows it off pretty well...
Prototype is just awesome for mindless fun... the sandbox shennanigans like GTA

But instead of stealing cars, running over people, and trying to evade the cops, you're sprint through streets, up walls, flying and jumping to ridiculous heights then smashing, slicing, throwing everything in sight for no reason at all...
And it's awesome because of it...

that video shows it off pretty well...

Wow, I might have to buy that game.
Maybe i just like the violence but it just seems like such a fresh style of gameplay. Really frantic button smashing style.

It isn't fresh at all. In fact, I already played this game, going on four years ago.

Seriously though, is anyone else aggravated at how they basically copied over boat loads of stuff from the Hulk game, slapped a full price sticker on it, and called it something new?

What's even more disappointing is that the graphics aren't even that much better (H:UD was in 720p on Xbox).

Critical mass, air dash, running up walls, throwing cars at helicopters, etc... I could go on and on and on. All of this stuff was copied straight from Ultimate Destruction. In lots of cases, the animations don't even appear to have been changed at all.

Radical Entertainment really impressed me with this gameplay in 2005, but now I'm just annoyed at how fucking lazy they obviously are.
It isn't fresh at all. In fact, I already played this game, going on four years ago.

Seriously though, is anyone else aggravated at how they basically copied over boat loads of stuff from the Hulk game, slapped a full price sticker on it, and called it something new?

What's even more disappointing is that the graphics aren't even that much better (H:UD was in 720p on Xbox).

Critical mass, air dash, running up walls, throwing cars at helicopters, etc... I could go on and on and on. All of this stuff was copied straight from Ultimate Destruction. In lots of cases, the animations don't even appear to have been changed at all.

Radical Entertainment really impressed me with this gameplay in 2005, but now I'm just annoyed at how fucking lazy they obviously are.

Yeah, that's basically why I stopped playing it after an hour. It's Hulk: UD with gore and slightly improved graphics.
It isn't fresh at all. In fact, I already played this game, going on four years ago.

Seriously though, is anyone else aggravated at how they basically copied over boat loads of stuff from the Hulk game, slapped a full price sticker on it, and called it something new?

What's even more disappointing is that the graphics aren't even that much better (H:UD was in 720p on Xbox).

Critical mass, air dash, running up walls, throwing cars at helicopters, etc... I could go on and on and on. All of this stuff was copied straight from Ultimate Destruction. In lots of cases, the animations don't even appear to have been changed at all.

Radical Entertainment really impressed me with this gameplay in 2005, but now I'm just annoyed at how fucking lazy they obviously are.

Looks like the engine in prototype is just a modified version of the one from the hulk game too.

I dont see how its lazy though. They had a great idea that didnt catch on with the hulk game so they changed up the engine and made a whole new storyline. Its really pretty common for this to happen. Thats not easy shit and takes years of development, its no copy & paste like you seem to think.

Honestly its like bitching that san andreas had the same basic gameplay as vice city so its lazy and shouldnt be full price even though its a completely different game. :rolleyes:
All these people mentioning SC2... they forget that it could mean two things....

Supreme Commander 2

Starcraft 2

IMO, both something to check out when they arrive.
I'm not saying Prototype is game of the year, but it will probably always be installed on my computer not just so I can hop on for 20 minutes and blow shit up / kill people. then hop back off...
Looks like the engine in prototype is just a modified version of the one from the hulk game too.

I dont see how its lazy though. They had a great idea that didnt catch on with the hulk game so they changed up the engine and made a whole new storyline. Its really pretty common for this to happen. Thats not easy shit and takes years of development, its no copy & paste like you seem to think.

Honestly its like bitching that san andreas had the same basic gameplay as vice city so its lazy and shouldnt be full price even though its a completely different game. :rolleyes:

I understand that it still takes time to develop the game. I never thought it was just copy, paste, then you have a new game. That's not what I mean when I say lazy.

My complaint is that this was supposed to be a new IP and yet it feels like they reused entirely too much content. Lots of the moves/abilities are named the exact same thing, the character animations are identical in a lot of instances, the whole concept of strike teams attacking... I could keep going.

If it had some familiar things, that would be one thing. However, after playing Ultimate Destruction extensively, Prototype seems almost like the exact same game with a different look plus gore.

The one glaring example in my mind is the critical mass ability. They seriously couldn't even trouble themselves with coming up with a different name? The gameplay is enough to make it feel like serious déjà vu, but when you add the little things like that in on top of it, it really seems like they didn't put as much thought into it as they should have.
I would have to say that its Prototype.
So baddass!

Maybe i just like the violence but it just seems like such a fresh style of gameplay. Really frantic button smashing style.

It did remind me of the wolverine game to a degree but way more open.

If you havnt tried it yet I definitely would.

For me it is Mirrors Edge so far. I really liked Prototype at the start but the more missions I did the less I liked it. The entire last half of that game is one giant pile of anal rape.
Arguably the best games out so far this year:
Empire Total War
The Sims 3
SoaSE: Entrenchment
Dawn of War 2
DCS Black Shark
Arguably the best games out so far this year:
Empire Total War
The Sims 3
SoaSE: Entrenchment
Dawn of War 2
DCS Black Shark

Out of those I have only played Dawn of War II and it was good, but there were too many things that bugged me about it. Empire Total war looked awesome from what I have seen my room mate play it but I haven't had the funds to pick it up.
Nobody had their childhood memories bring smiles while playing Ghostbusters.?
Nobody had their childhood memories bring smiles while playing Ghostbusters.?

I took one read of an article where the developers basically said they didn't care about the PC version enough to throw in co-op or multiplayer and decided that even when I get money I won't buy it.
I took one read of an article where the developers basically said they didn't care about the PC version enough to throw in co-op or multiplayer and decided that even when I get money I won't buy it.

I can understand that.. I have it for 360 so.. I wanted to get it for pc till I read that myself..
You just sold me! You should write reviews, or better yet, be a part of the marketing campaign!

I can't tell if your knocking me or giving me a compliment. If you have played Prototype can you honestly say that some of the "boss battles" in that game are remotely fair ? You are usually facing an overpowered boss, the military (even if your mission is to help them !), the infected, and a pile of hunters. I can understand having to give Alex Mercer a challenge, as him you wield awesome power, but there comes a point when it becomes a big FU from Radical.
I can't tell if your knocking me or giving me a compliment.

I know zero about the game, and have only watched a few min of a youtube clip...

But your comment makes me wanna rubberneck!

I couldn't help but laugh and remember that there once was a time when John Romero was going to make me his bitch... Same marketing, slightly different words!
I know zero about the game, and have only watched a few min of a youtube clip...

But your comment makes me wanna rubberneck!

I couldn't help but laugh and remember that there once was a time when John Romero was going to make me his bitch... Same marketing, slightly different words!

Yeah they could of used that tagline for this game, except Prototype was mostly good where Daikatana was mostly bad. I enjoyed Prototype but if they were going to stack the deck like they did then they could of least let me turn the difficulty down after the game started (one you choose easy or medium there is no going back). I finally beat all the missions but some of them had me cursing and smashing stuff like few games have done to me. My room mate just finally told me to stop talking about the game. Thanks for the compliment, I do write some reviews in my spare time but they are far from a level where I would say someone should pay me for doing them.
Yeah they could of used that tagline for this game, except Prototype was mostly good where Daikatana was mostly bad.

I don't believe I ever did bother to check out Daikatana... Is it worth it, maybe just to see how bad it is, or is it just a complete pass?

I don't think there's a speedrun of it, otherwise I probably would have watched it...

Then again, it took 2.5 runs of Far Cry 2 for me to bore of it (getting all of the diamonds got boring...), and I finally checked or STALKER:SoC, as it was suggested to be a long game (well, longer than FC2, which took 10 hrs...), but STALKER felt even shorter than FC2...

STALKER felt so short that I was actually surprised when I realized that I indeed was pretty much at the end of the game already,,, Not sure what I did wrong...

STALKER was so short it's turned to off to gaming again... And to think I just upgraded my 9800GTX+ to a 4870x2... Oh, well, TMUF is certainly super-smooth at 2560x1600 now...

I really need to find a game (or games) that justify me spending $400 to upgrade video cards... I can afford it, but it's certainly feeling like a waste...

Later this year, I'm actually considering a tri-SLI system when Win7 comes out... Just so I can play Crysis for a few hours? I must be losing my marbles...

Oh, FWIW - I liked STALKER, it just was very short... Maybe I did something wrong, but I sure thought I was doing side missions, not the main ones, or skipping something entirely... But that game felt super short... I finally gave in and ordered a 4870x2 so I could see SoC @ 2560x1600 smooth, but I finished the game before Newegg's two-day shipping got the card to me... Some long game!

Oops, I'm way off topic.. :(

BTW - I think the mods out there for SoC probably do something about what I considered bad about STALKER, so I will still have to do another playthru with a mod, or maybe that "alpha" that came out a couple months ago... STALKER was certainly very linear for a game that I thought was free to roam around in... Not like FC2 at all, and I thought the marketing for SoC was that it was a free to roam in world...
I don't believe I ever did bother to check out Daikatana... Is it worth it, maybe just to see how bad it is, or is it just a complete pass?

I don't think there's a speedrun of it, otherwise I probably would have watched it...

You can still find the demo to Daikatana on Fileplanet if you wanna check it out. It probably wouldn't of gotten whipped so bad if the hype for hadn't been through the roof, which was the fault of John Romero. The guy actually said it would be better than Quake, Doom,and Wolfenstein. Don't get me wrong, it was pretty bad, but it probably could of gotten a higher score at sites if it had a quieter development.
Then again, it took 2.5 runs of Far Cry 2 for me to bore of it (getting all of the diamonds got boring...)

You sir, are a better man than I. IMO, that is the most boring game I have every played. Great graphics, but sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.
You sir, are a better man than I. IMO, that is the most boring game I have every played. Great graphics, but sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.

Mr. JB, if you could, please take a moment to explain the boredom. I won't say you are wrong, I just want to understand.

Let me explain. I am not much of a gamer. I initially thought FC2 was bad, my first hour was the same thing, but that was because (oops, spoilers ahead for some...) I just did the gun shop owner side missions, which are all the same "go blow up some convoy..." One you start realizing where the main and side/buddy missions are, it got much, much better for me...

As I said, not much of a gamer... But since FC2 got panned, and I thought it was good, I asked what's better than FC2, and supposedly SoC was going to easily blow away my grand experience from FC2.

But SoC was even shorter than FC2. And it seemed every two minutes it needed to load another map. It's hard to feel immersed in this STALKER world when walking for 50 yards causing another map to have to be loaded!? It was awful short of a game, and I'm sure if it hadn't been spending so much time loading maps, it would have felt even shorter!

So, simply, for a not-so-much gamer like myself (I am on vacation this week, and I think I only spent an hr playing a game so far, so I don't understand $400 upgrades for an hr/week of gameplay, but oh well...), FC2 was enough to make me finally do the video card upgrade... But SoC had me re-think my desire to play games...

I seem to buy games then not even install them... Q4/SS2/FEAR/Timeshift... Hell, I only kept myself from buying FEAR 2 when I realized I had the previous three installments and hadn't installed any of them yet... But I like to support the devs...

But I want to find something that'll hook me, that isn't an MMO... So far only TMUF can keep me wanting more, and really, you can argue it's an MMO...

One good thing anyone should be able to say about FC2, though: The first time that game was ever linear was when you are at 96% complete. and there's only one job left, and one direction left to go... Most non-linear game I believe I have ever played...

ps: I thought Halo was great, but I thought Halo 2 sucked... And I heard 3 was a let down... Just in case you want to consider my tastes and suggest a game...
Mr. JB, if you could, please take a moment to explain the boredom. I won't say you are wrong, I just want to understand.

The actual gameplay portion of the game... very good. I was sucked in for the first 5 or so hours. What got very boring for me is the traveling. I just cant stand driving from 20 minutes just to do a mission. The fast-travel bus system is OK, but I found that even if I took a bus to a nearby region, I still had an insane amount of driving before I would get to where the mission starts. That is of course if I didnt get lost on the way. The size of the map is unnecessary when you consider that 95% of it has nothing but terrain. The missions do get kind of repetitive, and though it is technically non-linear, I wouldnt consider it to be.

Also, the save system is archaic. I see more and more games these days adopting the checkpoint/safehouse system and its plain aggravating. Very few games pull off that system well, and FC2 isnt one of them. FEAR 2 does it just fine, you'll never lose more than two or three minutes of progress. You can literally lose hours of progress in FC2 if you dont constantly go to safehouses.

The inventory system is trash. The way it categorizes weapons and forces you to carry only one in each category is a failure. IMO, the default for a FPS should be any two normal weapons and a special. Any other system should just build upon that. Its not so much that you can only carry one of each category, its how they group them. I never hit the road with a weapon package that I felt would get me through a mission without a hitch.

The regeneration villages/roadblocks dont make any sense whatsoFingever. If I annihilate a roadblock, I expect it to stay annihilated for more than five minutes. Where are these new people coming from? Its 2009 (or 2008 when it was released).... people should stay dead, at least for a few days. Oblivion is 3 or 4 years old and people stay dead in that game permanently.

Even with all those faults, my only serious complaint is a lack of an efficient fast-travel. The maps are kind of confusing, which only added to the frustration of just wanting to play. Rarely am I in a mood to just drive around aimlessly, which is what I found myself doing alot. Each mission requires at least 5-10 minutes of driving before starting, and thats if you can bee-line it. I think I made it to around 40% before I said screw it. Havent played it since.

In comparison, I blew through FEAR 2 in just two days because it kept me immersed in gameplay. I spent maybe a total of three minutes during the entire playthrough trying to figure out where to go or just getting to where I need to be.
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I thought FC2 was always non-linear based on the fact you are not running through hallways and such... Even if your mission is to just snipe someone, you could come in from the W/N/E, or even go over the hill on the S side even, if you can find a path... I had the same missions actually look completely different just by taking a different path to accomplish it... You'd only realize this though by doing a playthru of the game more than once...

FC2 had quicksaves? Am I misunderstanding? Or is quicksaving not legit? I could quicksave at any moment...

I'm not much of a gamer, so can't say how other games do the inv system, but it did seem odd how weapons were grouped... This might be slightly inaccurate (I am not going to re-load the game for 100% accuracy in my next statement), but I seem to remember a wall of rifles, but then I could find another sniper rifle on the other wall that was grouped with an RPG launcher and such... And an AK-47 with a pistol? FWIW, I liked to carry a pistol, a heavy-duty sniper rifle, and an RPG... The RPG was a last-ditch attempt to save myself sometimes, while hoping I didn't just suicide myself in my attempt!

Oops, I forgot about regeneration. Yeah, leave the map, re-enter, and they're immediately back... All you had to was leave the map...

With traveling around: I found it just as fast to just run everywhere. Some group's going to confront you in a jeep anyway if you drive, so just run around and dodge people...

Guess I should try FEAR... Or a CoD game...
dragon age and sc2 are the only things I am really looking forward to. The year to date has been very mediocre. A couple b+ titles, but nothing special.
Starting to feel like we're hijacking the thread, especially since this game is from 08... but...

I consider it linear because the choice of missions is generally predetermined. The only real choice is choosing which side you fight for on a given mission. It's definitely not a hallway game, like say Legendary, FEAR 2 or even Call of Duty. As far as FPS's go, I agree that it's fairly open, but it doesn't compare to a sandbox like Fallout or GTA in terms of freedom.

Maybe it's different on the 360, but Im pretty sure you could only save at safehouses. Then again, it's been at least 7 months since I've played it.

I haven't played every game out there, but FC2 was the second biggest disappointment for me last year, right behind Alone in the Dark. FC2 was at least playable and devoid of any major bugs, which is more than I can say for AITD. There were just too many hangups for me to consider it a good game. 2008 had alot of really good titles; COD4, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Assassins Creed, GTA IV, AO2, Saints Row 2, Prince of Persia, Mirrors Edge (08?), BF: Bad Company (which I highly recommend since you liked FC2).
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GOTY 2009...........Half-Life 2 Episode 3:eek::eek::eek: (I wish)

Anyway........Dead Space for the PC.
I also liked FarCry2 (except for the never-ending spawning of guys at roadblocks......too much like capture the flag)
Consider STALKER:ClearSky
Prototype is just awesome for mindless fun... the sandbox shennanigans like GTA

But instead of stealing cars, running over people, and trying to evade the cops, you're sprint through streets, up walls, flying and jumping to ridiculous heights then smashing, slicing, throwing everything in sight for no reason at all...
And it's awesome because of it...

that video shows it off pretty well...

Wow, I might have to buy that game.

Downloaded it last night; excited to play it in 5 hours when off work :D