Best Anti-Virus Without Being A Resource Hog?

on a different note I have avg anti-spyware installed and it uses 30mb of memory, that's a lot. It's no biggie on my 2gb of ram, but still. avast uses like at least half that.
No, it's not. For free stuff, Avira > Avast! > AVG

Funny how many times I link that site and people just ignore it and continue to claim that AVG is good. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" I believe is the saying.

So you do realize that the link there shows AVG anti-malware right?
How about you read basically any of the previous reports?

How 'bout no? All the previous reports that actually say the anti-virus edition are from 1-2 years ago. I could care less. Explain to me why they don't use the anti-virus version?
They do 2 tests a year, buddy. I don't know the difference between AVG's different programs, but they've always sucked in the tests, so it doesn't matter.

Edit: I looked for you - - FROM THEIR OWN SITE, AVG Anti-Malware IS their anti-virus plus some extra stuff. So your free AVG anti-virus is even worse.
They do 2 tests a year, buddy. I don't know the difference between AVG's different programs, but they've always sucked in the tests, so it doesn't matter.

Edit: I looked for you - - FROM THEIR OWN SITE, AVG Anti-Malware IS their anti-virus plus some extra stuff. So your free AVG anti-virus is even worse.

Thank you for doing your own work to prove your point. I looked back at the tests and granted it's early and I'm tired. Basically what I gathered was that avir>avg>avast in terms of free. So... you're still wrong.

Also, I don't like using one site as a resource. I'm too lazy to do a thorough search for other sites that have recent legit tests of each product.
That's kinda stupid... no matter how careful you are you can still get the crap so it's always a good idea to have them. Even if it's just Spybot S&D and AVG.

Nothing stupid about not running either.. what's stupid is keeping valuable data on a PC and/or allowing yourself to get infected whether you have AV or AS appz.

If by chance I do get something on my machine, it'll be reformatted and Windows, drivers and appz back on it in less than 1.5 hours.
I've been using Avast for a few years now, and have put it on a few different machines. It has always ran great, and I have no complaints with it so far. The only thing I do, when I first install it on a new machine is merge the two icons in the system tray, and sometimes download a new skin or two.
Nothing stupid about not running either.. what's stupid is keeping valuable data on a PC and/or allowing yourself to get infected whether you have AV or AS appz.

If by chance I do get something on my machine, it'll be reformatted and Windows, drivers and appz back on it in less than 1.5 hours.

But that's a complete waste of an hour and half if you simply run a real time virus protection and scan for spyware a couple of times a week.

But whatever, your decision
clamav is pretty resource light, as long as the CLI doesn't scare you off.

That said, nothing is going to be all that great, since most actions the AV program executes are I/O bound.