Battlefield Bad Company 2 PC for $20

Does the disk version need the disk in the drive to play the game?
Does the disk version need the disk in the drive to play the game?

It depends. You have your choice at install of having the DRM phoning home to play it or for the paranoid, putting the disc in to play.
Just a heads up for people who might buy this. It takes about 10 minutes for EA to confirm your order and email you a download link.
The last thing I'd complain about is not being able to go prone. That's the most retarded feature ever in an FPS, and you'll learn that damn quick once you have to deal with the already-existing sniper whoring in this game.
With all it's flaws BFBC2 is still the best military FPS game out there. Huge maps, amazing graphics, incredible sound, destructible everything. Worth a buy at any price and highly recommend people try it out and join me on the Battlefield. :D
The last thing I'd complain about is not being able to go prone. That's the most retarded feature ever in an FPS, and you'll learn that damn quick once you have to deal with the already-existing sniper whoring in this game.

i don't even miss prone...and if there was prone then you would have nothing but camping like in those pussy COD games
I disagree, there are some problems, most noticeably hit registration, but I've played most all the FPS's out there and I have more fun with BC2 than any of them. I have a good team to play with and we play TWL., Just pick a class and stick with it and you can get all the weapons in that class before level 12 or so. $20 is a steal for this. The single player campaign is pretty funny too, it makes fun of a lot of other FPS's :)

^this. :D
Great deal at $20.

I stopped playing BC2 after I hit level 50.

But then I started a second account a few days later just to see how easy/hard it would be to do well without all the top notch guns. Ended up with a 2.19 KDR over the first 4 hours of play and 6 levels.

Considering my level 50 account ended up at a 2.13 KDR, I'd say the game is a LOT more about experience and understanding the gameplay mechanics and map layout than it is about equipment.

you got that right. you stopped after level 50? i'm still trying to get there....36 now.
I'm tempted, but I still think I'm going to hold off and wait for Battlefield 3. I know that game will kick ass, being the true sequel in the battlefield series. Anyone know the estimated release date? If it's far away I'll probably change my mind and get this.

one word... jets
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I'm tempted, but I still think I'm going to hold off and wait for Battlefield 3. I know that game will kick ass, being the true sequel in the battlefield series. Anyone know the estimated release date? If it's far away I'll probably change my mind and get this.

one word... jets

MOH is coming in October so there is no way BF3 will be out until atleast Q2/Q3 2011, DICE wants to get all the money they can from MOH. Also Bad Company 2 Vietnam is scheduled to come out this winter late 2010 or early 2011. I'd say get BC2 at this price and play it for awhile. I got to level 50 a couple months ago, but its still fun to play with a squad or good group of friends. BF3 is still a ways away.
The last thing I'd complain about is not being able to go prone. That's the most retarded feature ever in an FPS, and you'll learn that damn quick once you have to deal with the already-existing sniper whoring in this game.
After playing a lot of BF2 I can say that I don't really miss prone. Dolphin diving was so annoying in that game, I'm kind of glad it's gone.
After playing a lot of BF2 I can say that I don't really miss prone. Dolphin diving was so annoying in that game, I'm kind of glad it's gone.

You can say that again. I use to get so pissed off at PKM dolphin divers in that game. Grrrr.

One of the nice things about DICE is that they take what gameplay lessons that were learnt from a previous game(s) and apply them to the current game. They did the same thing with 2142. 2142 didn't have the "balancing" issues in the maps like BF2 did. 2142 had customizable kits, etc. It's like it's a constant state of evolution.
Just got it last night for Digital Download. Downloading it now. Hopefully its atleast decent. I enjoyed MW2 but didnt get into it like alot of people did.
I think this game is worth the $20 price tag--hands down. It's a lot of fun. I do agree that hit registration is not 100% there yet. If you are used to source games, this has a much different feel. It takes a while to get used to. But what keeps me on the game are all of the factors to the game--bullet drop, various classes, weapon upgrades, various weapons and accessories you can pile on with a class, the teamwork factor (even though it sucks in public servers), the achievements, the realism, the vehicles (are awesome), and much more. It's a very complete game, and I think with each update, it will get better. Since the last update, things improved greatly. Though, there is room for more improvement. Make sure you have some good hardware too!
I bought this last night, installed this morning. Having troubles playing online because its saying my CD key is already in use. Talking to Customer Service now. If they cant help me. Then this is the first, and last time i use EA store.
I bought this last night, installed this morning. Having troubles playing online because its saying my CD key is already in use. Talking to Customer Service now. If they cant help me. Then this is the first, and last time i use EA store.

They will help you, take a deep breath.
FWIW - I haven't touched TF2 since starting to play BFBC2, and I used to play A LOT of TF2. :)
Since BC2 has came out, I started having a lot of pain in my right elbow (mouse arm). I am already on some pretty heavy medication for arthritis (Methotrexate/Naproxin/Humira).

My doctor told me it is very troublesome that I am having issues with tendinitis with being on the full complement of meds that I already am on.

I didn't mention BC2. Probably should quit playing it I suppose. :D
i am itching for a new game, how will this play on the PC in my signature @ 1920 x 1200 ?

6600 quad @ 3.4
8800GT @ stock speeds
8GB ram
i am so torn... wait for jets? don't wait for jets... wait for jets? don't wait for jets... AHHHH
i am itching for a new game, how will this play on the PC in my signature @ 1920 x 1200 ?

6600 quad @ 3.4
8800GT @ stock speeds
8GB ram

You should be just fine, it's very CPU dependent.

I am running on less and doing 60FPS at medium 1650x

E8400 Duo 3.6
8800GTS 320
Bit. Played a few matches (this is also my first Battlefield game) and I'm impressed so far.
bit. i paid for the game and it said i will be notified when i am able to download? wtf does that mean. the order doesnt even show up on my eastore account and i havent received any emails? first time using eastore, is this typical that you have to wait?
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It took about half an hour for me to get an confirmation email and for it to show up in the ea downloader.
well its been 3 hours and still no email. i downloaded the EA DL manager and it says my account has no entitlements. im gonna check back tomorrow. /sigh i feel like im having to send a lot of angry emails lately.
I was just getting on here to say the same thing that you all have been saying. I ordered it a while ago and am still waiting
I just got refunded. (paid with paypal)

edit: placed my order and didn't use paypal this time, got my order confirmation in an hour.

edit2: I love the game. Very good game for <$20 heck I'd pay $30 and still be happy about the purchase!
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woke up this morning and i had an email. it showed up in the EA downloader also. that said if i go and search for order history on the EA store absolutely nothing comes up. i have a feeling its gonna be a pain in the ass the next time i want to dl this game.
I can't say I have ever had a problem with EA Downloader itself, but back in the day I bought BF2 and all the expansions for my son off EA Downloader and I didn't understand how it worked and the expansions were applied to my BF2 account instead of his. I already had them, so I contacted EA support and was basically told too bad.

So, I haven't bought anything from them since and stick to steam.
woke up this morning and i had an email. it showed up in the EA downloader also. that said if i go and search for order history on the EA store absolutely nothing comes up. i have a feeling its gonna be a pain in the ass the next time i want to dl this game.
There's no need to download it again. The folder EA has you download is just an extracted image of the install disc. Just burn it or copy the folder to a storage drive.
I went for the deal and it's really a fun game. I'm rubbish at shooters for the most part but will definitely spend some time online with this. At least until I get tired of getting killed. It plays OK (like 40ish fps) on a Q9450 CPU and 9800GTX at 1920x1200 res on medium. High quality slows it down too much. I'll have to hop on one of the GTX460 or 470 deals floating around the deals page.