Battlefield 4 **Official Discussion Thread**

They need to bring back the 20 second before the start of the match like they had in BF3. Its fricken stupid that I load into a fresh match and see the enemy cap over half the points when i get in.
Yeah, I agree with the match timer. I always load in within the first 3 people and its just like "LOLZ FREE POINTS"

So, coming from your point of view I get how it isn't fair.
Like, i could move origin over to by SSD drive (shudders at thinking about manhandling the red-headed step child that is origin), but that should be completely unnecessary as most gamers dont have a ssd drive or not enough space for BF4.
64GB SSD drives can be had new for 50 dollars.... even cheaper if you know where to look online used.

Even for the non technical its pretty easy -- copy your origin games directory somewhere else. specify origin to install future games to the SSD. Copy games directory back, do a re-verify in orgin and bam, done.
Oman 2014 has to be the most unbalanced POS map I've ever played.
These rehashed maps are such a joke, DICE should be ashamed for charging people for this crap...
They need to bring back the 20 second before the start of the match like they had in BF3.

From a balance/fairness standpoint, I completely agree.

From an I-suck-and-need-every-advantage-I-can-get standpoint, no start timer is necessary :D
64GB SSD drives can be had new for 50 dollars.... even cheaper if you know where to look online used.

Even for the non technical its pretty easy -- copy your origin games directory somewhere else. specify origin to install future games to the SSD. Copy games directory back, do a re-verify in orgin and bam, done.

Can you choose which game to install on the SSD like Steam allows you to? I have many Origin games but only a few that I want on my SSD. I end up using mklink commands to move the files which is a pain.
Read 10 pages or so, and it's mostly all bad about this game. I'm in need of a multiplayer shooter, so is it safe to say I should just load up BF3 and play that until Titanfall?
Read 10 pages or so, and it's mostly all bad about this game. I'm in need of a multiplayer shooter, so is it safe to say I should just load up BF3 and play that until Titanfall?

Game is fun, but can be frustrating at times. It doesn't have TitanFall's grunts to shoot so many people end up feeding the other team like in DOTA 2. Which in turn leads to rage for the feeder and his teammates. Technically I'd say it was a masterpiece hampered by bugs that reoccur whenever another set are discovered and patched.
Anybody having freezing issues? I didn't have any problems prior to the last patch that was released before SA. Now that SA has been released, I can't get into a game without it freezing almost immediately. Running latest nVidia drivers..
I gave it a like just for using the Papa Roach track.
Takes me back to my high school days.

i just watched The One, with Jet Li on netflix before i made the video so that's why i used it haha.

but yeah it holds a lot of nostalgia with me too.
Can you choose which game to install on the SSD like Steam allows you to? I have many Origin games but only a few that I want on my SSD. I end up using mklink commands to move the files which is a pain.

yes you can, not as easily as steam though.
basically you have to change your file location before installing the game.
origin/application settings/advanced

so say you had bf4 installed on your ssd, but you buy titan fall and want it on your hdd.
you have to change the download location to the hdd and then the next time you want to install a game on your sdd you must go back to this location and change it before the installation.

Oman 2014 has to be the most unbalanced POS map I've ever played.
These rehashed maps are such a joke, DICE should be ashamed for charging people for this crap...

i have to agree. while i do like capsian, firestorm, and oman i just think it is ridiculous that remakes of bf3 maps are a dlc pack.
brand new game, brand new maps please. if anything this should of been a bonus dlc, not included in the 5 premium dlcs, for free due to the shitty launch.

its really what ever, we were all aware of second assualt and the maps included before we bought premium, but id rather just have had brand new maps.

i always loved capsian, it really is much better this time around too.
fire storm, it was ok in bf3. it is much better this time around.
gulf is alright, i just think the sand storm comes way too soon.
metro, never liked and still dont care for it now.

one thing i find very strange is the lack of transportation on these maps.
no transport heli on omen? and i swear more than half the team has to walk from spawn because there just arent enough vehicles for everyone.
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Haven't played BF4 for nearly 3 month, you know what happens when I get back into the game? Looping sound crash!!! And it happened 2 times in a roll, 15 seconds into the game, then it crashed. Hell, it took nearly 2 minutes to load into the map, and it took only 15 seconds to crash it. So I updated my graphic driver to 334.89, hoping it will work, then the game crashed for the 3rd time!!!!Again, about 15 seconds into a game.

Is DICE ever going to fix the game or what?
owen what specs/hardware you have? overclocked?

This game has run close to flawless for me besides dice server side shit.
Well...whoever the player Dixa1're a suck titty whine bag. He's apparently some admin of a server and was kicking everyone who killed him. I watched him kick four people for killing him (fairly).

What a pansy.
owen what specs/hardware you have? overclocked?

This game has run close to flawless for me besides dice server side shit.

Window 8.1
GTX 770
8G Ram

Don't really think it is my system's fault, I recently played TitanFall beta, it runs very well with no crash at all.
Haven't played BF4 for nearly 3 month, you know what happens when I get back into the game? Looping sound crash!!! And it happened 2 times in a roll, 15 seconds into the game, then it crashed. Hell, it took nearly 2 minutes to load into the map, and it took only 15 seconds to crash it. So I updated my graphic driver to 334.89, hoping it will work, then the game crashed for the 3rd time!!!!Again, about 15 seconds into a game.

Is DICE ever going to fix the game or what?

Dice has this really bad habit of issuing updates that fixes some things while breaking others. The sound loop crash came back for a lot of people after the last update, leading to them posting this on battlelog "WE ARE WORKING ON A FIX FOR AN ISSUE ON PC THAT CAUSES THE GAME TO FREEZE, RESULTING IN A SOUND LOOP. WE WILL SHARE MORE INFORMATION ONCE AVAILABLE." Hopefully it will be fixed in the next update.
Is DICE ever going to fix the game or what?

No. DICE is incompetent and have always been 2nd or 3rd rate developers and I do not think that will change anytime soon. They're only now attempting to implement what mods have been doing since the early 2000s and can still not do as good of a job.

Some wonderful bugs I got today:

- Invisible walls blocking my shots. Yes, invisible walls. I am shooting directly at an enemy and notice my they are not taking any hits while dust kicks up in the air. Invisible walls are present in Metro and Dawnbreaker. Why the hell did DICE think invisible walls was a good idea?

- The bipod system is a cluster fuck and does not work, period.

- Lag. Horrible lag. Climb up a small wall? Nope, lets teleport you back, then forward, then back again. But you die during that time period.

- Spawns now drop you from 3-4 feet. Why? Why do this? Fuck you DICE?

- Retarded shooting mechanics. Grow the fuck up DICE. Stop being pussies.

- Tanks and magically flip upside down for now apparent reason. What the fuck is that? Why do that? No intentional? Hard to tell, the developers are DICE are woefully pathetic and schizophrenic. Maybe magically flipping tanks is "733t" or some nonsense. DICE employees must have the intellect of fucking apes.

BF4 is really just BF 1942 with better graphics. The garbage budget style game which attempts to do everything but falls flat on its face and does absolutely nothing properly. And they can not even get the basics down, like making the game work.

But they did make a bunch of low resolution camos, and they did lock them up from the player so they can give them away during "player appreciation" month to make people forget that they are too incompetent to make the game work or put some damn effort into the vehicles.

Sadly there is no other casual game worth playing. Everything else this industry puts out is complete shit. Look at CoD/Mechwarrior/insert other garbage game.
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PSA: Origin had BF2 Complete (includes all DLC) on sale now for $5.

I bit. Looking forward to some classic Wake.
They need to bring back the 20 second before the start of the match like they had in BF3. Its fricken stupid that I load into a fresh match and see the enemy cap over half the points when i get in.

Yeah, I agree with the match timer. I always load in within the first 3 people and its just like "LOLZ FREE POINTS"

So, coming from your point of view I get how it isn't fair.

The match timer is still there in the game code somewhere, but its not configured correctly. I managed to catch it on Operation Firestorm once and only for a couple seconds. You have to have a fast SSD just to see it in action.
No. DICE is incompetent and have always been 2nd or 3rd rate developers and I do not think that will change anytime soon. They're only now attempting to implement what mods have been doing since the early 2000s and can still not do as good of a job.

Some wonderful bugs I got today:

- Invisible walls blocking my shots. Yes, invisible walls. I am shooting directly at an enemy and notice my they are not taking any hits while dust kicks up in the air. Invisible walls are present in Metro and Dawnbreaker. Why the hell did DICE think invisible walls was a good idea?

- The bipod system is a cluster fuck and does not work, period.

- Lag. Horrible lag. Climb up a small wall? Nope, lets teleport you back, then forward, then back again. But you die during that time period.

- Spawns now drop you from 3-4 feet. Why? Why do this? Fuck you DICE?

- Retarded shooting mechanics. Grow the fuck up DICE. Stop being pussies.

- Tanks and magically flip upside down for now apparent reason. What the fuck is that? Why do that? No intentional? Hard to tell, the developers are DICE are woefully pathetic and schizophrenic. Maybe magically flipping tanks is "733t" or some nonsense. DICE employees must have the intellect of fucking apes.

BF4 is really just BF 1942 with better graphics. The garbage budget style game which attempts to do everything but falls flat on its face and does absolutely nothing properly. And they can not even get the basics down, like making the game work.

But they did make a bunch of low resolution camos, and they did lock them up from the player so they can give them away during "player appreciation" month to make people forget that they are too incompetent to make the game work or put some damn effort into the vehicles.

Sadly there is no other casual game worth playing. Everything else this industry puts out is complete shit. Look at CoD/Mechwarrior/insert other garbage game.

Whats wrong with fliping tanks??? :confused:
Unlocking the new Gol Magnum in BF4 is just pure chaos, I ended up getting so frustrated I placed a spawn beacon just outside of the tower on Fire Storm and was dropping on the snipers that had taken the tower over. Took me several tries to master this strategy, but I got pretty good at hip firing the sniper rifle (silencer helps too, the others don't know its coming). Ended up unlocking the Gol Magnum, the SRR-61 and Sniper Service Star all at the same time. Now that I have the SRR-61 I doubt I will ever use the Gol Magnum ever.
i got it first try, luckily it doesnt matter which platform on the tower you are on when you get the kills.

i did it from the lowest platform and used the tower for some pretty good cover.
I guess from what ppl are saying it doesn't matter what weapon you are using you can get the GOL as long as you get the kill from any level from the tower, like SRAW *looks at Wildace funny*. The Sniper Rifle Ribbon can be gotten at any time, doesn't have to be that round.
No. DICE is incompetent and have always been 2nd or 3rd rate developers and I do not think that will change anytime soon. They're only now attempting to implement what mods have been doing since the early 2000s and can still not do as good of a job.

Some wonderful bugs I got today:

- Invisible walls blocking my shots. Yes, invisible walls. I am shooting directly at an enemy and notice my they are not taking any hits while dust kicks up in the air. Invisible walls are present in Metro and Dawnbreaker. Why the hell did DICE think invisible walls was a good idea?

- The bipod system is a cluster fuck and does not work, period.

- Lag. Horrible lag. Climb up a small wall? Nope, lets teleport you back, then forward, then back again. But you die during that time period.

- Spawns now drop you from 3-4 feet. Why? Why do this? Fuck you DICE?

- Retarded shooting mechanics. Grow the fuck up DICE. Stop being pussies.

- Tanks and magically flip upside down for now apparent reason. What the fuck is that? Why do that? No intentional? Hard to tell, the developers are DICE are woefully pathetic and schizophrenic. Maybe magically flipping tanks is "733t" or some nonsense. DICE employees must have the intellect of fucking apes.

BF4 is really just BF 1942 with better graphics. The garbage budget style game which attempts to do everything but falls flat on its face and does absolutely nothing properly. And they can not even get the basics down, like making the game work.

But they did make a bunch of low resolution camos, and they did lock them up from the player so they can give them away during "player appreciation" month to make people forget that they are too incompetent to make the game work or put some damn effort into the vehicles.

Sadly there is no other casual game worth playing. Everything else this industry puts out is complete shit. Look at CoD/Mechwarrior/insert other garbage game.

Man, I can't agree more on this. EA games are getting old really quick, they know what keep games selling: great animation, pretty graphics, cinematic actions, etc. It really makes BF4 (or other similar FPS games) a easy marketing product. But when we actually play the game, it is a completely different story.

Just look at Crysis 3, huge hype, incredible graphics, but is the game as good as its hype? I don't think so. The new TitanFall will probably follow the same path.

DICE is no longer the same DICE, it's just a culuralised division of EA.