Battlefield 4 **Official Discussion Thread**

no regrets about staying up until like 3:30 am then getting to work by 8...

You guys make it sounds like there is no choice involved here. ;)

Stay up late - play it - wake up - go to work - and then regret your poor choice of priorities. :D
so this was my 9.4GB upload to youtube...

M16A4 Gameplay on Zavod 311 Battlefield 4 Full Round

i don't usually play assault let alone use the M16A4 or record full rounds but you know its a lot different than my other video uploads so figured what the hell why not. i am pretty sure the M16 is under used in general and i didn't have any good unlocks for it yet like the angled grip.

i thought it started off decent but i feel like i started to suck near the end.
So, I finally unlocked the CZ-3A1, and needless to say, on a 64 player locker map, I was accused of hacking at the end :D

*edit: People need to learn to start dropping ammo. It came to the point that I had to kill a support, grab his gear, drop ammo, and get my class back :(
So, I finally unlocked the CZ-3A1, and needless to say, on a 64 player locker map, I was accused of hacking at the end :D

the CZ is amazing close quarters i started to use it more.

super fast reload on it too.

it sucks when no one is giving ammo tho since you burn through a mag almost instantly at times.
/not really digging Gulf of Oman. They should have called it "operation dusty as shit". Not a fan of obstructed visibility maps in general, but the visibility really sucks at jet altitudes.

^ FWIW this is why they don't bother with night maps -- complaints like these would abound from the majority playerbase "not being able to see anything".
anyone want to team up on an empty Firestorm/Caspian server for the GOL unlock? Tried a few times and it's just too much of a clusterfuck to get anything consistent.

YES. Name the time and place. I can jump in now.
^ FWIW this is why they don't bother with night maps -- complaints like these would abound from the majority playerbase "not being able to see anything".

yeah but night maps you have an out, night vision and thermal vision. assuming you do it right so you cant just up the gamma and be able to see.

i havnt played the map but on op lock even thermals outside in the snow storm you cant see shit.

you would think thermal could at least partially see through it and not be a complete white out if its calibrated right. atleast more than 2 feet in front of you even if the max range you can see is greatly reduced due to the snow.
i believe the FLIR sight sees through dust and stuff. not certain as i hardly ever use it.
FLIR is really hard to get, but its one of those scopes that pretty OP once you get it because you can see through most crud on the map. FLIR on an SKS or any DMR you feel comfortable with, pure awesome.
New DLC and it just fails to load maps on map change. Fucking seriously? This long after release?

And the fucking assignments (to get the content you fucking paid for already) do not save either. Fucking idiots are so incompentent at DICE. The developers better start selling their bodies/children because they clearly cannot handle a career in game design.

Did I mention you have to unlock content you paid for? And it does not work? Fuck you DICE.
New DLC and it just fails to load maps on map change. Fucking seriously? This long after release?

And the fucking assignments (to get the content you fucking paid for already) do not save either. Fucking idiots are so incompentent at DICE. The developers better start selling their bodies/children because they clearly cannot handle a career in game design.

Did I mention you have to unlock content you paid for? And it does not work? Fuck you DICE.

Why I am not premium. There is always a new bug.
New DLC and it just fails to load maps on map change. Fucking seriously? This long after release?

And the fucking assignments (to get the content you fucking paid for already) do not save either. Fucking idiots are so incompentent at DICE. The developers better start selling their bodies/children because they clearly cannot handle a career in game design.

Did I mention you have to unlock content you paid for? And it does not work? Fuck you DICE.

This is the first I've heard of this. There is a sound loop bug in Metro but I didn't see anything about this on Reddit.

FWIW I've played 3 of the 4 maps with no difficulties.
Just finished a 36 kill round on Metro, and didn't get the freaking F2000.

These assignments can be so unbelievably frustrating.
Am I the only person who literally doesn't bother with Assignments? I figure if I can't unlock it by playing the normal game, why bother. There are a myriad of options to choose from that feel great that I just don't wanna put up with the headache to go through that.

Then again, I don't really care about my stats. I spent all of today just wandering around trying to hit heli's with the rpg while capping flags.
Am I the only person who literally doesn't bother with Assignments? I figure if I can't unlock it by playing the normal game, why bother. There are a myriad of options to choose from that feel great that I just don't wanna put up with the headache to go through that.

Then again, I don't really care about my stats. I spent all of today just wandering around trying to hit heli's with the rpg while capping flags.

caring about stats really hinders someone from wanting to try something new that they might suck at, luckily i dont care about stats either i dont mind jumping in a public server with friends and launching some dirt bikes with c4 even if it rapes my kdr or skill stat cause they are pretty meaningless lol
I love the M416, it's my top three assault rifles.

Alos....FLIR scopes are AWESOME for the new maps with all the crap flying around. Any DMR with a FLIR is badass and the SAR-21 is devastating at midrange with FLIR.
Well, my 670 doesn't like the grass in Caspian 2014 at 1440p. :/
I think we have finally met our match.
Am I the only person who literally doesn't bother with Assignments? I figure if I can't unlock it by playing the normal game, why bother. There are a myriad of options to choose from that feel great that I just don't wanna put up with the headache to go through that.

Then again, I don't really care about my stats. I spent all of today just wandering around trying to hit heli's with the rpg while capping flags.

I bother with assignments when the weapons offered are among the best in the game. In this case, the F2000 is apparently the new super rifle, at least until it's patched.
I'm surprised I haven't really seen people talking about the free Handgun Shortcut Kit that is available in the Origin store.

I know I'll look like a loon but I am damned sure going to do my best clint eastwood impressions with the 44 mag.
I bother with assignments when the weapons offered are among the best in the game. In this case, the F2000 is apparently the new super rifle, at least until it's patched.

It's pretty epic, but the upwards recoil is crazy unless you burst. Cue the butthurt in 3,2,1.....
I'm surprised I haven't really seen people talking about the free Handgun Shortcut Kit that is available in the Origin store.

I know I'll look like a loon but I am damned sure going to do my best clint eastwood impressions with the 44 mag.

unlocking them on your own in pistols-only servers is damn good fun. imo the shortcut robs people of some fun gameplay. but i understand if people don't want to have to grind through shit, if that's how they see it. also i'm not a fan of the 44 mag.
also i'm not a fan of the 44 mag.

Oh, yeah, everything I've read and seen about it says it is garbage (horrible ROF, mini-delay on firing, super heavy recoil) but that is half the fun. I'll be in a situation where I have to swap to my secondary and I just know I'll have one opportunity to fire and I'll have to line it up. I'll probably lose most engagements like that but then that one puckering moment when it just lines up and I nail the guy with my loud hand cannon I'll be ecstatic.
unlocking them on your own in pistols-only servers is damn good fun. imo the shortcut robs people of some fun gameplay. but i understand if people don't want to have to grind through shit, if that's how they see it. also i'm not a fan of the 44 mag.

I played a ton of pistols-only over the weekend and it was amazing fun. Unlocked everything from the Shorty on in about 2 hours but kept playing anyway. Very different dynamic and far less hectic. Watching for Metro pistols-only to start popping up. :)

Amped the hell out of my skill score, too, since I play conquest almost exclusively.
I played a ton of pistols-only over the weekend and it was amazing fun. Unlocked everything from the Shorty on in about 2 hours but kept playing anyway. Very different dynamic and far less hectic. Watching for Metro pistols-only to start popping up. :)

Amped the hell out of my skill score, too, since I play conquest almost exclusively.

Yeah the pistol-only and shotgun-only servers are some of my favorites. Haven't played on either in a while, but it gives infantry combat a nice change in pace.
I bother with assignments when the weapons offered are among the best in the game. In this case, the F2000 is apparently the new super rifle, at least until it's patched.

Depending on the situation it can be OP. I got a chance to play with it a little last night. The default sight is shit.

ROF is really high, but the vertical recoil was ridiculous. I found it really hard to stay on target with it. The reload is also rather long. It's really just another A-91, FAMAS or MTAR.

Get a red dot sight, muzzle brake and a foregrip on it (if possible, no rail system), it might be decent for close to mid range.

However, I still see the slow reload as a hindrance, especially in CQ where this thing shines. I would much rather use the ACE23, M416, ACW-R, or AK5C.
I like the f2000 after adjusting to it, muzzle brake turns it worse surprisingly, I use iron sights, heavy barrel and angled grip. Even though long rang is a chore it can be done, but it's awesome close to mid range combat. Gonna try the compensator next see how it handles.
Firestorm - Better
Caspian - Same
Metro - Same
Oman - Worse

That is all.

I think Caspian is a hell of a lot better. The wall in the middle means there is no longer a no man's land in the middle of the map.
Firestorm kicks ass as always, and the little additions didn't detract from it at all.
Metro- Same shit...again. What a fucking let down. They hyped it up saying there were more paths to take. Reality is those new path's just put you right back into the same chokepoints.
Oman - undecided. I both love and hate the sandstorm. On the one hand it makes infantry combat terrible. On the other, it also makes things difficult for the campers. No more 20+ snipers bailing from the chopper to snipe from the building under construction.
I've always loved Gulf of Oman and this version is pretty good. I think the addition of the boats is way too much when you consider the spawn points for the flags along the beach.

Metro is even worse, I think. There's even less chance to get out of the spawns if your team gets backed up to there.

I'm mixed on Caspian and haven't played Firestorm yet
I really love the new old maps, that damn sandstorm is questionable though. However the dynamics of a cool map like Paracal Storm works perfectly for me even in tdm. Awesome map, I think once people get used to the sandstorm it will have the same effect at least for me.
I think firestorm is better and caspian was always my fav. I miss that map in BC2 with the foliage and the hill, used to play that 24/7, new caspian looks like it with the new colors.
Metro is even worse, I think. There's even less chance to get out of the spawns if your team gets backed up to there.

Disagreed on this. Of the 3 times I played Metro last night, in one instance my team had rolled the enemy all the way back to their spawn in the outside building; then suddenly they took C as if it were nothing and came back from there.