Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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Pre-ordered BF3 from Amazon as price was good. Not bothered about Steam, don't get why so many are so attached to it. The price on Steam for new releases is way off the mark.

Convenience is worth the few extra dollars to me.
Hah, the return of prone is mentioned as one of the top features of the Amazon page.

People want to see it on Steam, because if it's made exclusive for Origin, that's a power grab. I refuse to use a digital download service that I don't trust.

If I have to, I'll just get a physical copy from Amazon. I detest wasting over an hour of my time going out of my way to a store.
So am i going to have to go and buy a hard copy of this game then? Is anything "set in stone" with this Origin crap and it's not going to be on Steam?
When in game, is there anyway we will be able to tell who ordered a physical copy of the game. I simply dont want to play on a server who didnt purchase the game in the correct medium.

Hah, joking.

I cant wait!:D:D

So prone is back, that is good. I hope the stamina bar is back too. I hope commander mode is back too!
Well, to be entirely fair it seems like you're dismissing it out of hand. I've never really had an issue with the existing EA store but then I've only ever bought the BF2 expansions on it. But your post seems to suggest that you think EA will have no interest in branching out their Origin service like Steam did, even though Steam is run by Valve, another publisher. Who's to say they won't? Seems more sensible to me to reserve judgement until it's released rather than poo-poo things out of brand loyalty, is all I'm saying.

Did you forget the BC2 server issues when it was released? 2 weeks of up and down......yeah lets just give EA the benefit of the doubt...they deserve it. Fuck off.
EA going all out on marketing for E3.



People walk in, get blown away by BF3. The experience fresh in their mind, they then have to scurry around to the back corner to see Call of Dollar 7. I wonder how that will play out.
EA goin

People walk in, get blown away by BF3. The experience fresh in their mind, they then have to scurry around to the back corner to see Call of Dollar 7. I wonder how that will play out.

Ah Call of Duty, a mere detour between BF2 and BFBC2 for me.
Did you forget the BC2 server issues when it was released? 2 weeks of up and down......yeah lets just give EA the benefit of the doubt...they deserve it. Fuck off.

Did you forget how Steam was the worst thing to happen to computing since malware was invented for the first two to three years of its existence?

Calm down, stroppy kid. Like I said, it's sensible to reserve judgement until it's actually released.
Did you forget how Steam was the worst thing to happen to computing since malware was invented for the first two to three years of its existence?

Calm down, stroppy kid. Like I said, it's sensible to reserve judgement until it's actually released.

I'm not a kid, although if you ask me to reserve judgment on EA as far as their handling of customers and their server uptimes, you will get a "stroppy" response out of me every time. The thought of EA handling all the licensing and distribution for this game is a scary notion at best. Steam isn't the issue here, not having multiple sources for digital distribution is just moronic, and a power play by EA....we will see how it pans out down the road...
Did you forget how Steam was the worst thing to happen to computing since malware was invented for the first two to three years of its existence?

Calm down, stroppy kid. Like I said, it's sensible to reserve judgement until it's actually released.

Battlefield games are notoriously buggy on release. DICE is lucky they much such good games lol.
looks amazing, though I am curious about how they are going to prevent everyone from going sniper in an environment like that.
looks amazing, though I am curious about how they are going to prevent everyone from going sniper in an environment like that.

From experience with past BF games, the heavy presence of vehicles tends to thwart most sniping. Additionally, the maps are typically large enough that sniping requires a good deal of patience, unlike the killfest that is BC2 sniping.
Confirmed during E3 Presentation

Battlefield 3 coming in October, beta in September

June 6th, 2011 3:59 pm ET Scott Grill

The first-person shooter race just took an interesting turn as Electronic Arts has confirmed a release date for Battlefield 3 that puts it weeks ahead of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and some gamers will get to experience it before the game is released.

Battlefield 3 will hit the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on October 25, 2011. The beta will arrive some time in September for each platform but no details have been announced yet.

Modern Warfare 3 is due out on November 8 so it will be interesting to see how shooter fans react to the choice of being able to get Battlefield 3 first.
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Just watched BF3 video live.

Played on a PC for the demo, was nicely surprised faith in PC gaming is single handedly renewed by that one set of trailers. DICE are just amazing, this is going to be the benchmark for gaming for the next 3+ years, it blows MW3 to fucking pieces.

Roll on Sept Beta.
same video on YT
good that some things look like BC2, my 1k+ hours of training will be usefull :D
i'm out, back to playing BC2...

modern what? :p

they had an extensive section in the E3 trailer just showing the tanks. hopefully it gets uploaded soon.. but OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!! the fucking tanks SOUND BAD ASS!!!! wonder how long it took them just to record the reloading sound for those tanks. its completely accurate to what it sounds like in real life.
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