Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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I'm also pretty pissed that BF3 isn't coming to Steam.. But I'll deal with it if I have no other choice.
This seems to be a pretty concise summary.

So; BF2 was a awesome PC shooter, BC2 was watered down/slightly slower version that was still good in its own right. (Of course, anyone is welcome to their own opinion)

Exactly...if BF2 never existed BC2 would be amazing, but when doing a feature comparison between the 2 BC2 is obviously lacking.
Yep, it's unreasonable to me.

Other people have different standards to you, get over it.

There is nothing to get over. I just point and laugh, like above.

The only person, or group, that needs to get over anything, are those that refuse a game because it is not on steam, and use silly reasons like 'it will double my installed game clients, oh no!'
BC was basically BF2 for the consoles, BC2 got enough of an overhaul and was also released for the PC it got the attention of PC gamers and sold very well which I'm sure caused BF3 development to focus on PC.

BC2 is very much based on the ideas of BF2 but many consider it watered down, BF3 looks like a blend between the 2 bringing the best of both worlds. I personally like BC2 quite a lot and put in a number of hours, the difference between BF2 and BC2 really didn't bother me that much.
There is nothing to get over. I just point and laugh, like above.

The only person, or group, that needs to get over anything, are those that refuse a game because it is not on steam, and use silly reasons like 'it will double my installed game clients, oh no!'

Hahaha, it sure sounds like you need to get over it buddy ;)

Fuck imma cry to! Im soo pissed that I have to have notepad and MS word on my PC, Its such BS!! WTF where they thinking.. 2 Programs that do the same thing. WTF!!

Its EA's program, and guess what EA is publishing the game, in turns we all get to use Origin. You dont like it, Dont buy it.
Been a known fact that you need origin to play BF3.. If you didnt know that, either, You cant used the internet, or you cant read.. :D

Anyways.. I could care less what map is in the beta, just as long as I can play, Ive been itching to play BF3 since the alpha ended..
I don't like installing garbage on my PC either. Can't blame a person for wanting to keep their programs to a minimum for security and system speed. Yesterday I kicked 2 of my nephews off my Facebook because they have some shoe tag spam shit going. Hell I like one of them so much I gave them a car. But the hell if he is going to spam me with shoe advertisements!

Different strokes for different folks.
I don't like installing garbage on my PC either. Can't blame a person for wanting to keep their programs to a minimum for security and system speed. Yesterday I kicked 2 of my nephews off my Facebook because they have some shoe tag spam shit going. Hell I like one of them so much I gave them a car. But the hell if he is going to spam me with shoe advertisements!

Different strokes for different folks.


Fuck imma cry to! Im soo pissed that I have to have notepad and MS word on my PC, Its such BS!! WTF where they thinking.. 2 Programs that do the same thing. WTF!!

Its EA's program, and guess what EA is publishing the game, in turns we all get to use Origin. You dont like it, Dont buy it.
Been a known fact that you need origin to play BF3.. If you didnt know that, either, You cant used the internet, or you cant read.. :D

Anyways.. I could care less what map is in the beta, just as long as I can play, Ive been itching to play BF3 since the alpha ended..

Well said Sir! I thought my one year old twin girls cried alot, but the pussies in this forum take the cake. Be thankful there is a beta! Be thankful they are finally developing a game for the PC and not a port! Be thankful that Dice/Ea even give a shit to release an alpha and beta to even give us the chance to give our feedback to make the game better! The alpha was fun and I am looking forward to playing again, even if it is the same map. I am curious to see what was changed from the alpha build.

Suck it up you whiny pussies
Just tried to speak with an "EA Expert" via chat with some questions, he wasn't able to help me so I asked some questions about BF3. He didn't even bother to answer those, just told me to check the BF3 forums and gave me a link to a FAN SITE and it's forums (Which happen to be result one when you Google, "Battlefield 3 Forums").

Experts indeed.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R., if I can answer your questions I'll try as I'm still here reading the posts.

By the way guys, Origin is seamlessly integrated into the game. You probably won't even recognize 99% of the features that come from Origin that simply work with BF3, but they're there and I've spent the man hours making sure the features work to prove it.
I like steam because I have ALL my games there, now, I have almost all my games on steam, and one on origin, LAME. I'm a little OCD with this stuff, so having to have steam and origin and two sets of friends lists does suck...
v6maro, I completely agree. I have close to 200 games on Steam, and I have like 30 on Origin. I have friends on both systems, and they're the same friends for the most part. I wish they would all be on one platform, but there's not much that can happen about that now.

Look at it this way: Steam has been (for the most part) the only game in town. Now that Origin is showing up, it's going to be driving competition meaning driving innovation. Do you know who wins in that battle? Us the consumers. Yes, I work on Origin but I'm still an end user first and foremost. If I didn't think the platform worked, I would not use it.
The problem is that it's not true competition. BF3 isn't being released on Steam at all. Will valve games be on Origin? No. It's not competition if the products offered are not the same, there's no apples to apples comparisons with price or features. So now we're going to see situations where every publisher will have their own platform, and go out of their way to make sure they'll have sole distribution... Sounds like a pain in the ass, and it's more trouble for the consumer now that we have no choice but to install everyone's program to get access to our games.

Mind you, I don't see any way around it these days.. It's just a shitty situation.
The problem is that it's not true competition. BF3 isn't being released on Steam at all. Will valve games be on Origin? No. It's not competition if the products offered are not the same, there's no apples to apples comparisons with price or features. So now we're going to see situations where every publisher will have their own platform, and go out of their way to make sure they'll have sole distribution... Sounds like a pain in the ass, and it's more trouble for the consumer now that we have no choice but to install everyone's program to get access to our games.

Mind you, I don't see any way around it these days.. It's just a shitty situation.

Do you want a centralized PC client or do you want PC to stay an open platform?
The problem is that it's not true competition. BF3 isn't being released on Steam at all. Will valve games be on Origin? No. It's not competition if the products offered are not the same, there's no apples to apples comparisons with price or features. So now we're going to see situations where every publisher will have their own platform, and go out of their way to make sure they'll have sole distribution... Sounds like a pain in the ass, and it's more trouble for the consumer now that we have no choice but to install everyone's program to get access to our games.

Mind you, I don't see any way around it these days.. It's just a shitty situation.

Or maybe they'll collaborate in the future. Maybe there will be a few services but they'll have cross friends lists and you can add games from one to the other. Who knows. I wouldn't stick a fork in it yet.

People are just complaining to complain. Their little worlds are being disrupted and they have nothing better to do.

You seem to be forgetting that BF3 is available from all other digital distributors except Steam (correct me if I'm wrong). That's due to their disagreements on a business level. If they could settle that BF3 would be on there no problem. It just needs Origin to run. It's really not a huge deal.

Besides if you have a good enough computer to run BF3 at at least medium settings it's good enough to run origin in the background. You do it for Steam already.
Do you want a centralized PC client or do you want PC to stay an open platform?

A loaded question, surely. I'm of the sort that would like a major player (ala-old steam, the only one that mattered in online distribution), or a completely decentralized system where all games were hosted on their publisher's servers and you could synchronize accounts and installs through any third party game manager.

You seem to be forgetting that BF3 is available from all other digital distributors except Steam (correct me if I'm wrong). That's due to their disagreements on a business level. If they could settle that BF3 would be on there no problem. It just needs Origin to run. It's really not a huge deal.

I'm not forgetting this at all. I'm not blaming solely EA here, I'm just saying its a shitty situation and I wish there was some way around it. Also, the other digital distributors are absolutely tiny in terms of market share so they don't have much of a choice to go against EA.
A loaded question, surely. I'm of the sort that would like a major player (ala-old steam, the only one that mattered in online distribution), or a completely decentralized system where all games were hosted on their publisher's servers and you could synchronize accounts and installs through any third party game manager.

Who would develop and maintain the manager? The manager would then become centralized since every client has to go through it.
Pubs would be forced to make their client compatible with the manager.

For PC gaming to retain it's open platform status, "all" games should not be exclusively accessed through one client.
No one is obligated to place their game on any service. If a publisher thinks their client is a better way to distribute and make money, they can do it. No MS, Sony or third party forcing them not to do it.

If all EA games after BF3 will require Origin to run, how will buying the game through Steam benefit the customer?
Log into Steam, click on game, log into Origin, log into game etc. That's a PITA.

Even if you could buy an EA game from Steam, the user will still need Origin on their PC.
Who would develop and maintain the manager? The manager would then become centralized since every client has to go through it.
Pubs would be forced to make their client compatible with the manager.

Open source? I don't know, I'm not a software person. Remove game distribution clients, use a certificate system or something that will interface with most major publisher's systems. When you buy a game, that money goes straight to whoever published it, and the content comes from their servers. Basically a front-end client with the sole purpose of keeping a list of installed and owned games, but having nothing to do with their content or purchasing beyond organizing the chaos of multiple publishers.

For PC gaming to retain it's open platform status, games can't be exclusively accessed through one client.
No one is obligated to place their game on any service. If a publisher thinks their client is a better way to distribute and make money, they can do it. No MS, Sony or third party forcing them not to do it.

Which is great for the company, not so much for the consumer. All it takes is EA or Valve saying "fuck everyone, you can only use our client for our games". Once again, nothing can be done about it right now.

If all EA games after BF3 will require Origin to run, how will buying the game through Steam benefit the customer?
Log into Steam, click on game, log into Origin, log into game etc. That's a PITA.

Exactly. Stop requiring games to use an external client. It's not necessary.

Even if you could buy an EA game from Steam, the user will still need Origin on their PC.

Which is a stupid design decision.
saedrin, when I say competition I don't mean the games, but rather the platforms by which the games are being distributed through. That's where the true competition and innovation lies. I'm excited as a gamer and a consumer to see how this works out for both sides, as I cannot see it being a bad thing in the long rung.
saedrin, when I say competition I don't mean the games, but rather the platforms by which the games are being distributed through. That's where the true competition and innovation lies. I'm excited as a gamer and a consumer to see how this works out for both sides, as I cannot see it being a bad thing in the long rung.

I don't see it as a good thing, simply because we'll wind up in a system where everyone will have their own digital distribution system because they want to tie up as much of the distribution money as possible. I don't see any other choice, but it's not going to be fun.

Imagine valve only distributes through Steam.
EA through Origin.
Bioware through XXX.
Blizzard through YYY.
Ubisoft through ZZZ.

I don't want to see that, it'd be a total pain in the ass. I'd rather see all games available on all platforms, and then they can compete on price. IE, if I want to pay $5 more for BF3 on Steam I can do so. I'm not locked into purchasing it on a service I don't use.
If the choice is between a 3rd party distributor acting as a quasi monopoly versus having each developer/publisher handling distribution, the latter creates a more competitive market for the consumer.

EA Origin does two things for the consumer -
1) It standardizes the game and auxiliary features regardless of your point of purchase.
2) It attacks the idea and removes the pressure of needing all your games centralized and purchased from one vendor regardless of other factors.

We can look at the specific example of BF3 and how it will be tied into and distributed Origin. Whenever a deal is posted for this game, no one cares about the vendor as long as it is being offered at a good value, since EA has standardized the product and distribution. This means all vendors have to compete on offering value, and not rely on an entrenched market position.
Hey Offspring, I have a question for you mr. Origin man!

Is it possible to change the language of a game on Origin?
My OS is in English, Origin is in English yet Origin sometimes insists on adding the game [title] in the local language instead of English, which is annoying especially considering Origin uses that name as the install folder for the game.

The reason for that is because you got the Spanish version of Bulletstorm. I'm not quite sure how you get that version of the game, but does the game display in English or is it in Spanish?
What, someone has already activated my serial key for DS2?! I've been on Origin chat for awhile now. I've got a new password and a new serial key. I'm re-downloading now! You do not get unlimited activations, but you do get a new activation upon uninstall. This shit is pissing me off!!!
Why couldnt they just put BF3 on Steam?!?! If this shit happens with BF3, I'm going to be even more frustrated.
The reason for that is because you got the Spanish version of Bulletstorm. I'm not quite sure how you get that version of the game, but does the game display in English or is it in Spanish?

[It's Portuguese not Spanish. *shakes elderly fist* :p].

It has nothing to do with game versions. It was bought retail in the UK. That particular game was manually activated/added by a CS rep though.
In-game it's all good, it's just the title and, consequently, the install folder.

Can I please has name change? :]
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anyway...I cant login to my ea account for DS2 and eveytime I try to change the screen resolution I get a blackscreen. Any suggestions?
anyway...I cant login to my ea account for DS2 and eveytime I try to change the screen resolution I get a blackscreen. Any suggestions?

chat with ea via origin to help with the login problem. the way i worked around the blackscreen problem was manually setting the resolution in the config file.
chat with ea via origin to help with the login problem. the way i worked around the blackscreen problem was manually setting the resolution in the config file.

And i did. They said it was a bug and to research the ea forums to find a solution. I basically have a free game that I have d/l twice and cant play. If this shit happens with BF I am going to go break something.
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