Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

You keep saying that, I don't think it means what you think it means. Like I said, 3 people corrected me, I only have beef with you. Let me break that down for you in terms you'll understand... You're the problem. If you're so concerned about the world then cease your diarrhea of the mouth and make it a better place.

Wow you really seem like a butthurt individual, jeez.
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What are the best video settings for visibility / competitive play?

I know they developed the game so that there wasn't much of a difference, but I know pro gamers turn a lot of things down/off. I enjoy playing at max settings, but I want to set it up the best possible way so that I can spot people better.

Also, what tweaks in CCC or Nvidia settings do you tweak? I usually turn up vibrance, and try to adjust the brightness/contrast/gamma so that I can see in shadows better, but it is hard finding a balance so that everything outside is not over-bright and "foggy" looking.
What are the best video settings for visibility / competitive play?

I know they developed the game so that there wasn't much of a difference, but I know pro gamers turn a lot of things down/off. I enjoy playing at max settings, but I want to set it up the best possible way so that I can spot people better.

Also, what tweaks in CCC or Nvidia settings do you tweak? I usually turn up vibrance, and try to adjust the brightness/contrast/gamma so that I can see in shadows better, but it is hard finding a balance so that everything outside is not over-bright and "foggy" looking.

When I play online I tend to set the settings DOWN. I have a 1080p monitor and a gtx570 but only play on 720p. there is also an option for color blind mode(?) Makes the icons on the map much easier to see.
When I play online I tend to set the settings DOWN. I have a 1080p monitor and a gtx570 but only play on 720p. there is also an option for color blind mode(?) Makes the icons on the map much easier to see.

Wouldn't that make everything fuzzier and more difficult to spot, particularly distant objects.
Wouldn't that make everything fuzzier and more difficult to spot, particularly distant objects.

It could yes. I play only at native resolution , like most people.

I have all my options on low though so I maintain a high frame rate. But I will not crank down my resolution. If it comes to that I'll buy a better video card first.
It could yes. I play only at native resolution , like most people.

I have all my options on low though so I maintain a high frame rate. But I will not crank down my resolution. If it comes to that I'll buy a better video card first.

Yeah, that makes more sense. I can understand turning down detail settings for better performance/response but not resolution.
Oh yeah? Check out this "SUPASTAR" w/ 30% accuracy and all of the signs of an aimbot and damage multiplier at least.

That head shot ratio shows more than the accuracy does imo, someone should be kind enough to tell him to hide it better.

I'd consider myself an average player and I'm at just under 20%(19.4 avg) accuracy, 30-35% hs ratio, 60+% hs ratio doesn't smell right. Could make a case if it were sniper rifles but, with carbines, just doesn't seem to be close to legit at all imho.
new ban wave: funny to see premium players on there, assuming they forked out $50 for a legitimate copy only to get banned a couple days later.

here's one:

what he posted on his Battlelog profile:
Time to face the music... I recently got that hack that was mentioned on the reddit post because I wanted to see what the guy was talking about. I guess curiousity got the best of me and I was banned today. I am glad I was banned, and hopefully more people who hack will be banned soon. I deserve it, and hopefully none of you will think too less of me for this. This has been a great platoon, but I don't think I can bare to give EA/DICE any more money at this point. Like I said, I am glad I was banned and that I bought premium and was banned. I deserved it. I hope this makes the game have less hackers for you guys. Oh and the guy was right, this game is full of hackers, just check PBBans today and you will see for sure.

"I hope this makes the game have less hackers for you guys."

just absurd.
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new ban wave: funny to see premium players on there, assuming they forked out $50 for a legitimate copy only to get banned a couple days later.

here's one:

what he posted on his Battlelog profile:

"I hope this makes the game have less hackers for you guys."

just absurd.

If he didn't get caught, he'd still be hacking as we speak.
He has a great avi though. :p

Yeah his reasoning is silly. That being said, holy aimbot bans!

A lot of international players at that.
What are the best video settings for visibility / competitive play?

I know they developed the game so that there wasn't much of a difference, but I know pro gamers turn a lot of things down/off. I enjoy playing at max settings, but I want to set it up the best possible way so that I can spot people better.

Also, what tweaks in CCC or Nvidia settings do you tweak? I usually turn up vibrance, and try to adjust the brightness/contrast/gamma so that I can see in shadows better, but it is hard finding a balance so that everything outside is not over-bright and "foggy" looking.

Colorblind mode, native res, details down (if needed for framerate), try and keep draw distance up. Turn off all the motion blur.

As for the bans - looks like Punkbuster finally figured out how to detect. Only took them 6 months.
That head shot ratio shows more than the accuracy does imo, someone should be kind enough to tell him to hide it better.

I'd consider myself an average player and I'm at just under 20%(19.4 avg) accuracy, 30-35% hs ratio, 60+% hs ratio doesn't smell right. Could make a case if it were sniper rifles but, with carbines, just doesn't seem to be close to legit at all imho.

Where are you seeing the hs ratio?
I think there are a lot of hackers out there unfortunately... theyre ruining battlefield for me
Look at his accuracy. 8.6%. He cant hit the broad side of a barn. I can see why he needed to hack.
Ya mine is saying 1am Mountain now, so it must come out at midnight Pacific. Sweet I can play it after work tonight.
Ya mine is saying 1am Mountain now, so it must come out at midnight Pacific. Sweet I can play it after work tonight.

bf3 came out at 9PST on release day didnt it? was hoping to play earlier then midnight :(
right off their twitter a min ago

Battlefield ‏@Battlefield 1min

@derpysniper An exact time of release has not been announced. ^JG
View conversation
10 minutes ago I got the notification that CQ has been released (in Battlelog), gonna try to play it.

EDIT: Says released, but when I try to play says need to download it and when I got to Origin to check in my game says Unreleased.
It was originally listed (everywhere) as releasing 6/11, which would put it 7 days after the PS3 release.

All of the sudden and without warning it was changed to 6/12 at the last minute. DICE/EA are not saying anything, acting like it was suppose to be 6/12 all along (ignoring the fact it's listed as 6/11 still on BL and originally showed 6/11 in Origin)

Something caused them to push it to the 12th and they are covering it up or at least not explaining it.
It was originally listed (everywhere) as releasing 6/11, which would put it 7 days after the PS3 release.

All of the sudden and without warning it was changed to 6/12 at the last minute. DICE/EA are not saying anything, acting like it was suppose to be 6/12 all along (ignoring the fact it's listed as 6/11 still on BL and originally showed 6/11 in Origin)

Something caused them to push it to the 12th and they are covering it up or at least not explaining it.

They just rolled out the server update today, so I think they're giving admins more time to update.
But, they should have said something though.
Where are you seeing the hs ratio?

If you click on the guns to see their stat page it will list kills and head shots, I just threw an estimate out there percentage wise.

The dudes top gun is the m16a4 with 2789 kills 1810 being headshots (30.6% acc), his next highest being the famas with 2086k/1420hs (31.9% acc), so roughly 65% and 68% hs ratio. My top gun is the m4a1 with 4957k/1688hs (20.2% acc), next highest is sg553 with 940k/323hs (20.7% acc), so roughly 33/34% hs ratio. The accuracy is really high, even for a well above average player but, that hs ratio sticks out like a sore thumb, to me anyway.
Strange how shit works... I have a crazy ass dream and wake up, very awake, at 3:58AM. I make it to my computer in time to watch CQ change from unreleased to ready for download.

Going pretty quick. Getting 4MB/s, about 9 minutes to go at 20%. Its a 2.8GB download.
downloading :cool: and another 2,8 GB download :rolleyes: Had me fooled, I thought it came preloaded with the last massive patch.
Initial thoughts while waiting for a new map to load...

The first map I played (Donya Fortress) was awesome. Really small, but awesome. It was the new conquest mode, and it played really well. You can spawn on your mates, or else random. You cannot spawn on CP's. I think this was a good choice. Only thing I don't care for is that the conquest rounds end way to quick. I know this will be fixed in short order when people start adding more capture points to their servers, but the default of 350 I think is way to low. I've had several matches under 5 minutes.

Second map I played, don't know wish, was also good. A bit bigger. Seemed like there weren't enough people in the server to keep things fast paced as the first map. It was also on Gun Master, and I don't know that I care for the way DICE did this. I like CS:GO's approach of starting with better weapons and having to go through the pistols last. It makes it easier to jump in and be competitive. Starting with pistols means your evenly matched at the start, but once that first guy gets past them, he starts dominating everyone else who's yet to get some kills. Seemed like whoever made it past the pistols first was likely to win the match.
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I'm in shock at how accurate you have to be to get kills. So used to 64 man servers and finally playing some 8 vs 8 was enlightening. One negative is that some of the maps don't blow up as easily as I thought. I was expecting to blow holes through walls and run through. This did happen sometimes but for the most part it didn't work.
Second map I played, don't know wish, was also good. A bit bigger. Seemed like there weren't enough people in the server to keep things fast paced as the first map. It was also on Gun Master, and I don't know that I care for the way DICE did this. I like CS:GO's approach of starting with better weapons and having to go through the pistols last. It makes it easier to jump in and be competitive. Starting with pistols means your evenly matched at the start, but once that first guy gets past them, he starts dominating everyone else who's yet to get some kills. Seemed like whoever made it past the pistols first was likely to win the match.

I agree with Gun Master, which I just finished playing for the assignment and probably will not play again.
Starting with pistols really makes it hard to get going.

16v16 Conquest Domination was a blast though. Ultra fast paced.
Flags were being capped and uncapped seconds after entering/leaving the area. :D
new ban wave: funny to see premium players on there, assuming they forked out $50 for a legitimate copy only to get banned a couple days later.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm sure even more are to come as the rest of the dumbasses fire up their computers later today.

Karma's a bitch ain't it? For the rest of you cheaters out there, go get bent.

I think I saw that guy KriegerGott on one of the servers I was playing tonight. There was an awful lot of pbban messages on the server chat tonight.