Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm sure even more are to come as the rest of the dumbasses fire up their computers later today.

Karma's a bitch ain't it? For the rest of you cheaters out there, go get bent.

I think I saw that guy KriegerGott on one of the servers I was playing tonight. There was an awful lot of pbban messages on the server chat tonight.

I love it. I played last night and did incredibly well. Moreso than usual. Maybe I should just wait to play after ban waves.
Was considering buying CQ a while back. Everything I read shows that the new maps are in fact quite good. Would you guys recommend purchasing at least CQ (not Premium)? Does it have good value at $15?

Any more XP weekends coming up that anyone know of?
I cant wait to get home to play CQ. There was a 2gb of patch last week. Do i need to download another patch for CQ?
We've come a looooong way.


Jetfighter 2 planes were more fun to fly than those in BF3. True story!
I think there are a lot of hackers out there unfortunately... theyre ruining battlefield for me

Me too, but not because they have a chance to at least get me once without true skill, but because I am accused and get banned; due to some admin(s) thinking that I am cheat; never thinking how retarded some of a target others are. If people make themselves less of a target and more objective in this game it would be entirely different and better.

I love the one that I was banned because I have too high of a KDR, and this was the reason. Not that I cheated or anything like that...only due to my higher level of play.....whatever.
If you get accused try and be polite and tell them your not hacking and check your stats and sometimes the whiner will keep crying and get banned.
If you get accused try and be polite and tell them your not hacking and check your stats and sometimes the whiner will keep crying and get banned.

Stats should be checked before they ban you mean. But as I said before that it is arbitrary and exoneration is not their concern. I will be playing, enjoying a good game, no chatting, nothing, and then suddenly thinking the server crashed I get a noticed that I was BANNED! This sums it up perfectly:

So, cheaters make my day worse, on top of that, admins with too much power and nothing but ignorance exacerbate it.
Was considering buying CQ a while back. Everything I read shows that the new maps are in fact quite good. Would you guys recommend purchasing at least CQ (not Premium)? Does it have good value at $15?

Any more XP weekends coming up that anyone know of?

XP weekends are premium only :/

my favorite way to get accused of hacking is recon + tugs or mav parked on a tight TDM map, like Canals, and run a shottie........wait for the aimbot wallhack comments to happen
Double XP event.... At first I thought it was kinda lame. Then I realized I might be able to unlock some stuff form the other classes I rarely play.
Double XP event.... At first I thought it was kinda lame. Then I realized I might be able to unlock some stuff form the other classes I rarely play.

yeah man thats the only reason I care :p

levels seem kind of meaningless they shouldve made cooler symbols for the prestige...
Was considering buying CQ a while back. Everything I read shows that the new maps are in fact quite good. Would you guys recommend purchasing at least CQ (not Premium)? Does it have good value at $15?

Any more XP weekends coming up that anyone know of?

Conquest Domination is worth it. Pure Chaos.
I agree with Gun Master, which I just finished playing for the assignment and probably will not play again.
Starting with pistols really makes it hard to get going.

16v16 Conquest Domination was a blast though. Ultra fast paced.
Flags were being capped and uncapped seconds after entering/leaving the area. :D

it just means you gotta start when the round starts jumping in is tough on gun master but the games end quickly
For me CQ has been pretty much constant "Spawn the die within a few seconds" and then repeat.

I swear my average life span in CQ has been under 10 seconds

To be perfectly honest I've had more fun playing on 64 man Metro servers.
Nade kill needed in gun master ensures I'll never play it. It's pure luck based because of nade indicators.

MTAR is OP, end of story. Insane fire speed and hip accuracy.

Other than that it's pretty awesome. I don't have problems with dying though. I can play matches and only die 3-4 times if I'm lucky.
Alright, convinced. Will get it tonight.

It took a bit of adjusting, but I manage to improve from 1:1 to 2:1 KDR.
Your reflexes will have to be at optimum levels to compete.

Like the devs video pointed out, it's not wise to run around in the map without checking your surrounds first.
The action will definitely come to you in a hurry. People are still using rifles/subs so it's not a shottie or nade fest.
^ man the new maps look good. stuck at work until 4 freaking o'clock. have a six pack of Stella waiting at home for me.
^ man the new maps look good. stuck at work until 4 freaking o'clock. have a six pack of Stella waiting at home for me.

6 freaking o'clock here. Then other things until 8 freaking o'clock. Also, drinking a 6 pack of beer on a Tuesday night? You in construction? :p
i design power plants, so it looks like someone is going without power tomorrow :p

i won't plow through the whole six pack. even so, it's Stella Artois. it equates to about 4 legitimate beers when considering ABV.
That's like saying I program games for a living, looks like you're getting hacked tonight. I dare you! :)

All kidding aside, I don't mind the taste of Stella, my limit is about 2 though, after that it just tastes bitter as hell. I prefer Blue Moon, where I can drink 3 or so comfortably without any aftertaste. Also never had issues with aftertaste with any beers during Oktoberfest in Germany each year, those seem to be nice amber flavors that are drinkable in larger quantities.

Also what's your job title being a guy who designs power plants? Power Plant Designer? I bet that looks beast on a Resume haha. "What'd you do at your last job?" "I designed a power plant." "...Dayum."
If youre gonna play CQ maps stay away from 64 man servers hahaha

32 man servers is plenty.
Is anyone having any stuttering problems recently. It was fine until i started playing CQ last night. After a lot of searching, ive found that my i5 2500k @4.5 is being maxed out during gameplay, causing really bad stuttering. Any possible fix for this?
Is anyone having any stuttering problems recently. It was fine until i started playing CQ last night. After a lot of searching, ive found that my i5 2500k @4.5 is being maxed out during gameplay, causing really bad stuttering. Any possible fix for this?

what resolution you playing at? check our GPU usage imo