Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

The game just keeps getting laggier and less fun to play. My entire team is complaining of the same shit.

BAD hit reg, and it has become even more random and wtf lately. Last patch really fucked things up. The more they try to fix the client side garbage, the worse it gets. Maybe it is just more people using cheats bc the game is so cheap now.

People from other countries can play on US servers but try and join a German server and get kicked with the message: Play on a server in your country. Why can't we have this on US servers? The high pingers/packet loss are constantly flooding servers and generally making me miserable. I know people say "high ping doesn't cause lag" maybe it is packet loss but whatever it is, the game plays like shit.

If BF4 doesn't address these issues, I am out for all time with the game.

That is on the server admins. I used to play in a couple of servers that would kick high pingers, not sure whatever happened to them though.
What was so wrong with BC2's gun mechanics? I liked how almost every automatic gun had to be burst or tap-fired at distances, which rewarded disciplined firing and discouraged spray-and-pray. Compare that to BF3, where guns like the AEK and M16 can consistently down enemies at considerable ranges while being fired full-auto, which results in nearly everybody that runs an Assault class using them.

I used to like to join Aussie servers and terrorize them with 300ms in BC2. You were a god at that ping.

Asshole. :D
I was just in a server with a Chinese player with 700 ping. I am now not pubbing until I can find a server with ping kick. Fucking beyond beyond.
DLing BC2 again bc it HAS AUTO PING KICKS.

Fuck you ea/dice w/e, once again, completely clueless and non responsive.
Anyone actually trust hyperthreading in BF3? I re-enabled it just to see if it had gotten better and I would constantly see threads being loaded onto virtual cores and 1 or 2 physical cores sitting idle... Terrible. Went right back to no HT... I wish AMD could get back in the high end game. I miss them.
Anyone actually trust hyperthreading in BF3? I re-enabled it just to see if it had gotten better and I would constantly see threads being loaded onto virtual cores and 1 or 2 physical cores sitting idle... Terrible. Went right back to no HT... I wish AMD could get back in the high end game. I miss them.

But did you see any actual performance difference? Who cares if it's using a "virtual" core or a real one if it makes no real world difference. (2600k user, HT on, no BF3 issues).
finally reached *~*~*~100~*~*~* after 850 hours FML...45 attack chopper stars...I just go around trolling people in choppers with stinger missiles now as an excuse to keep playing.
I was just in a server with a Chinese player with 700 ping. I am now not pubbing until I can find a server with ping kick. Fucking beyond beyond.

haha, I was syncing my itunes library to google music the other day and forgot about it. Went into a server, and my ping was 1280, yes 1280! :cool:
Does netcode in FPSs just in general seem to be in decline? Rather than having pings go down as fiber and ISPs expand, they seem to go up. I remember I used to ping 8-20 (Counter-Strike) to a server in San Jose, CA, about 25 miles or so from me; now in BF3 servers close to me are 80-120. Sub-100 pings in general seem to be rare.
When BF3 was released the microstutter was terrible on my 920 with HT on. Now it runs flawlessly, so I'm not sure what they changed but it certainly worked.
Does netcode in FPSs just in general seem to be in decline? Rather than having pings go down as fiber and ISPs expand, they seem to go up. I remember I used to ping 8-20 (Counter-Strike) to a server in San Jose, CA, about 25 miles or so from me; now in BF3 servers close to me are 80-120. Sub-100 pings in general seem to be rare.

Battlefield reports your round trip ping time as opposed to your one way ping to the server like counterstrike / source.

In BC2 if you used a G series keyboard with a 'game screen' or whatever the marketing term for them was it would actually report your direct ping as opposed to your round trip. I remember my ping being reported as 20-25 by the keyboard whereas when I checked on the score menu it would always be 60-70 at minimum.

So basically:
Battlefield Ping = Travel to Server + Server Processing Time + Time back
Battlefield reports your round trip ping time as opposed to your one way ping to the server like counterstrike / source.

In BC2 if you used a G series keyboard with a 'game screen' or whatever the marketing term for them was it would actually report your direct ping as opposed to your round trip. I remember my ping being reported as 20-25 by the keyboard whereas when I checked on the score menu it would always be 60-70 at minimum.

So basically:
Battlefield Ping = Travel to Server + Server Processing Time + Time back

Hence, server side hit detection for this game blows. Basically doubles or even triples your latency. I'm not going to say for which beta this was, but everyone was trying to warn that the server side hit detection was going to kill the game multiplayer and now that game is basically dead because they never addressed it. If the lag comp from Black Ops 2 continues it might just kill COD for me aswell. Nothing is worse then putting 5 rounds into someone only to find out that the first one actually killed your target, or your dead and you never even got a shot off in reality.
Wow I never have these problems. What servers are you guys playing on? I'm around 2.4kdr playing only assault...
I hate KDR, it doesn't reflect if you are useful or not. Unless you exclusively play TDM KDR doesn't reflect if you actually helped your team or not. Too many times playing shit like Rush the whole team is snipers and you are trying to get the M-Com solo. CTF can be like this as well. It isn't limited to snipers either, people do useless shit on all the classes. If people are only going to care about their KDR they should play TDM where that is all that matters.
I hate KDR, it doesn't reflect if you are useful or not. Unless you exclusively play TDM KDR doesn't reflect if you actually helped your team or not. Too many times playing shit like Rush the whole team is snipers and you are trying to get the M-Com solo. CTF can be like this as well. It isn't limited to snipers either, people do useless shit on all the classes. If people are only going to care about their KDR they should play TDM where that is all that matters.

It's just a metric, just like all of the other metrics. They can all be gamed. My point stands though, I'd love to see the KDR of these people bitching about hit detection. It's likely they're just not very good. I say that with all of the love in the world.
Wow I never have these problems. What servers are you guys playing on? I'm around 2.4kdr playing only assault...
I do get some of the laggy server complaints, but it doesn't stop me from doing fine in this game.
I hate KDR, it doesn't reflect if you are useful or not. Unless you exclusively play TDM KDR doesn't reflect if you actually helped your team or not. Too many times playing shit like Rush the whole team is snipers and you are trying to get the M-Com solo. CTF can be like this as well. It isn't limited to snipers either, people do useless shit on all the classes. If people are only going to care about their KDR they should play TDM where that is all that matters.

I do agree in some sense that k/d means nothing. *Points hand at metro and tdm only players*, but it does sometimes give you a sign in what they are capable of doing.

Playing with mediocre teams in rush can be very frustrating, however if you're good or decent, you still should be able to put up solid scores. I normally spam smoke to push, when my team is getting camped on.
It's just a metric, just like all of the other metrics. They can all be gamed. My point stands though, I'd love to see the KDR of these people bitching about hit detection. It's likely they're just not very good. I say that with all of the love in the world.

I tend to bitch about hit detection because almost half the time it makes no fucking sense at all. Here's your reference. Haven't been able to play in months with my computer down and I only played around 6 months all of last year because the game frustrated the shit out of me with the hit detection. It goes both ways, of course, where I'd get kills that just confused me and then deaths that make me facepalm.

Coming from the original online shooters and getting into tons of competitive matches in CS/CS:S I have a very good idea of what hit detection should be or feel like. It has always been shitty in Battlefield games but in retrospect you could look at 1942 and even BF2 and give them a bit of a pass since they were really pushing it at the time they were released.

Now it just utterly reeks of laziness. I love blowing shit up (I've got plenty of c4-laden videos on youtube to back that up) and Battlefield does that like nothing else but it just isn't as solid as it should be. That is more of the problem, I think, as those of us who have had major issues with the hit detection know that this game would be a damn near perfect multiplayer game if things were tightened up and we really do want it to be better.
It's just weird to me because I also played CS competitively and play BF3 competitively (CEVO, albeit we got owned) and have no trouble straight murdering faces on a daily basis.

Also "The Game Statistics Engine is currently down". Yay for Battlelog.
Uhg, can someone help me out with single player? I'm playing it for the first time, in operation swordbreaker there is the fight with the guy while defusing the bomb, it just says [E] and shows a red picture of the mouse. Now, my E button is configured to walk forward, do they mean the interact key? (which is B for me). I tried holding down both buttons, pressing them repeatedly, etc. I just get decked by the terrorist every damned time.
But did you see any actual performance difference? Who cares if it's using a "virtual" core or a real one if it makes no real world difference. (2600k user, HT on, no BF3 issues).

BF3 is a hexa threaded game. I definitely see more choppiness using virtual cores. Especially considering my 3930k has two more at the games disposal. The game runs much smoother.
Uhg, can someone help me out with single player? I'm playing it for the first time, in operation swordbreaker there is the fight with the guy while defusing the bomb, it just says [E] and shows a red picture of the mouse. Now, my E button is configured to walk forward, do they mean the interact key? (which is B for me). I tried holding down both buttons, pressing them repeatedly, etc. I just get decked by the terrorist every damned time.

Once the key pops up you hit it. If its not working...try reverting that keymap back to default and see if its still broken. I never changed those keys from default and havent run into that problem.
Once the key pops up you hit it. If its not working...try reverting that keymap back to default and see if its still broken. I never changed those keys from default and havent run into that problem.

Remapped my keys and I don't remember that I had a problem with that.

Also, re: hit reg in BF3, I actually think it's quite good, which is phenomenal given the size/scale of the game. (10+ year CS/CS:S player).
Does anyone else have a problem with thermal optics in tank? I can't get it to work. If I change to smoke, it works fine, but when I switch to T.O. in my loadout - no good
about the hitreg in BF3 and BF games in general

it's f*cking LAGGY !

I don't have trouble hitting things, i have trouble getting reliable hit confirmation on time !

Watch a decent player who knows what he's doing, everytime he will get into a 3v1 situation, he will always fire 2-3 bursts at the first guy and then directly unload the rest of his clip on the other ones, why ? because sometimes it can take up to 2 seconds to get a visual confirmation of you hit/kill, so you have to assume you got that first kill youself instead of relying on laggy hitmarkers.

I've seen so many double KOs happen at point blank range it's not even funny anymore, that "feature" works both ways, sometimes when a poor bastard has already sprayed and prayed at your feet you still can get off a lucky headshot while you're practically already dead, just because the server didn't "tell" you that you died on time but 1500-2000ms later :S

That's unacceptable for competitive gameplay, there's no way for me to actually take the game seriously and think about joining a ladder or something, the whole thing feels tailor made for pub stomping with your dudes on TS and/or just by yourself.

RO2 (post GOTY update that is) has a more responsive and reliable way of doing things, it even has hitsounds ! imagine what would hapen in BF3 if 40 out of 64 players in a server go bolt action / semi auto only, god bless full automatics :p
Does netcode in FPSs just in general seem to be in decline? Rather than having pings go down as fiber and ISPs expand, they seem to go up. I remember I used to ping 8-20 (Counter-Strike) to a server in San Jose, CA, about 25 miles or so from me; now in BF3 servers close to me are 80-120. Sub-100 pings in general seem to be rare.

Even if the ping is a calculation of round trip time as someone said below you, your ping is terrible. I live in bumblefuck Louisiana, the closest servers I can even see are in Dallas, about 16 hours drive from here, and yet I get pings (in battlelog and the BF3 scoreboard) that start at 38 (never any lower), through 40s and 50s, and usually I won't play on any thing higher. Even servers in Chicago I can get 40-50ms to. That's with Uverse, which has relatively high pings, my DSL was better but I don't remember exactly how much, and fiber should beat both of them. Is it an issue of being too selective with the server list options? And are you scrolling to the bottom of the list and sorting by ping? I know these are obvious suggestions but I can't imagine how you get such bad pings with fiber in a dense up scale area; if you eliminate everything else, I would complain to the ISP.
Even if the ping is a calculation of round trip time as someone said below you, your ping is terrible. I live in bumblefuck Louisiana, the closest servers I can even see are in Dallas, about 16 hours drive from here, and yet I get pings (in battlelog and the BF3 scoreboard) that start at 38 (never any lower), through 40s and 50s, and usually I won't play on any thing higher. Even servers in Chicago I can get 40-50ms to. That's with Uverse, which has relatively high pings, my DSL was better but I don't remember exactly how much, and fiber should beat both of them. Is it an issue of being too selective with the server list options? And are you scrolling to the bottom of the list and sorting by ping? I know these are obvious suggestions but I can't imagine how you get such bad pings with fiber in a dense up scale area; if you eliminate everything else, I would complain to the ISP.

This man speaks the truth. If you are hitting 120 to a server "close to you", you have problems on your end, or at the ISP level.

For a reference, players in Venezuela usually hit 173 to [FLOT]'s NY server.
about the hitreg in BF3 and BF games in general

it's f*cking LAGGY !

I don't have trouble hitting things, i have trouble getting reliable hit confirmation on time !

Watch a decent player who knows what he's doing, everytime he will get into a 3v1 situation, he will always fire 2-3 bursts at the first guy and then directly unload the rest of his clip on the other ones, why ? because sometimes it can take up to 2 seconds to get a visual confirmation of you hit/kill, so you have to assume you got that first kill youself instead of relying on laggy hitmarkers.

I've seen so many double KOs happen at point blank range it's not even funny anymore, that "feature" works both ways, sometimes when a poor bastard has already sprayed and prayed at your feet you still can get off a lucky headshot while you're practically already dead, just because the server didn't "tell" you that you died on time but 1500-2000ms later :S

That's unacceptable for competitive gameplay, there's no way for me to actually take the game seriously and think about joining a ladder or something, the whole thing feels tailor made for pub stomping with your dudes on TS and/or just by yourself.

RO2 (post GOTY update that is) has a more responsive and reliable way of doing things, it even has hitsounds ! imagine what would hapen in BF3 if 40 out of 64 players in a server go bolt action / semi auto only, god bless full automatics :p

happens alot less in HC where everyone cant take 8 bullets before dying
Tried the aim snap at other targets and multi killed yup move on from first target it will drop kill the others
Tried the aim snap at other targets and multi killed yup move on from first target it will drop kill the others

I hate doing this and misjudging the first dude I tried to kill. Only to switch to the 2nd guy while the first is still alive. whoops.
I hate doing this and misjudging the first dude I tried to kill. Only to switch to the 2nd guy while the first is still alive. whoops.

This is the ONLY game where I have had this issue occur multiple times in almost every match. It happens at such random intervals, that I can't seem to ever adjust to it.
On another note....what's up with all the C4 aerial support attacks on Noshar Canals TDM. LOL. I played on a server yesterday that was crazy over the top with the C4's. On other occasions I would see just a handful of guys, but yesterday there would be 6-7-8 of them in the air at one time.
On another note....what's up with all the C4 aerial support attacks on Noshar Canals TDM. LOL. I played on a server yesterday that was crazy over the top with the C4's. On other occasions I would see just a handful of guys, but yesterday there would be 6-7-8 of them in the air at one time.

Interesting...are you able to auto resupply that way?

....nevermind...I think I had a BF2 moment... :p
This is the ONLY game where I have had this issue occur multiple times in almost every match. It happens at such random intervals, that I can't seem to ever adjust to it.

Used to happen to me all the time in CS. Literally stop firing at someone,even if they're the only target, because they should have been dead.
On another note....what's up with all the C4 aerial support attacks on Noshar Canals TDM. LOL. I played on a server yesterday that was crazy over the top with the C4's. On other occasions I would see just a handful of guys, but yesterday there would be 6-7-8 of them in the air at one time.

Interesting...are you able to auto resupply that way?

....nevermind...I think I had a BF2 moment... :p

Not quite. You spawn from a recon spawn point that puts you in the air with a parachute and you spam C4 all over the map, then blow it up, get killed and repeat. It is a massive amount of fun when you're doing the parachuting, but not so much if you're on the ground...