Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

Stuttering is back in full force , getting stuck is back and now I disconnect before the final tally after the match is over. Unbelievable , is DICE simply unable to create one BF game that isn't loaded to the brim with bugs? The last patch was running great for me now its all a mess again.

All this wonderful engine technology means jack shit when you can't even stay long enough to complete a fully game... I don't know why I put up with this shit I must be fucking crazy.
i find it amusign that i load the new expansion maps in about 1/4th the time of regular maps.
When something blows up, do the pieces fall in exactly the same places in each client?

Also, i'm getting a lot of rubber banding. Just like the original Karkand.
i find it amusign that i load the new expansion maps in about 1/4th the time of regular maps.
I thought I was the only one. Maybe it's better optimized? Although the graphic quality seems to have gone up, things are a little more detailed and there's an increase in blow-up-able structures :p
I thought I was the only one. Maybe it's better optimized? Although the graphic quality seems to have gone up, things are a little more detailed and there's an increase in blow-up-able structures :p

Maybe a lot of the structures are instanced? Haven't really played long enough to check.
I've tried about 5 different servers now, including an [H] server and I get terrible lag, rubberbanding, and invisible walls. Pretty much unplayable. Was gaming just fine on vanilla servers the night before.
new maps, same cheaters....... yes the 2 amigos are still there!/bf3/user/lllooollolollo/

As others have said... the maps are beautiful and easily the best looking ones in the game.

While they bring back those good ole time feelings I think they play WAY differently due to overall scale differences.

Not a bad or good thing just different.

A great addon and I hope we have more to look forward to.
Still amazed this guy posts in this thread actually.

He's an admitted hacker - he's come out and admitted paying for the hack "for educational purposes" then the hack provider came on here and busted him telling us all he's loaded it several times.

So when he's not hacking he's quitting the game cuz of this reason or that reason or some other reason.

Amazing really.
like the new maps...though I end up crashing out of all but wake island.
new weapons are ok. The engineer smg is badass and the lmg is half decent too.
grinding for my mg36
You really have to bring your A+ game for Karkand. Snipers EVERYWHERE and they love to use the m40A5.

Sharqi is a good map. Except the chopper on tower gets camped real bad...
I've had no issues at all with BF3, plays smooth, no crashes, but god do I suck. I stuggle to make even score when I was usually top 3 in every game in BC2. I'll have to get the expansion when I get home today.
Its official. Back to Karkand has singlehandedly killed any chance I have of getting playability.:(

I tried everything there was, including the custom config file that turned down every possible setting that was presented in the bf3 tweaks thread. That worked for all the other BF3 maps for a consistent 30+ fps. I am absolutely running the lowest settings possible at 1280x960 res, and I still can't get playable framerates. I am getting single digits right now with B2K. I can't lower the resolution anymore because the HUD and other items won't show onscreen.

I am a very sad panda right now. I can't afford an upgrade until after christmas. My motherboard's bios is so fucked (all versions of bios) it won't properly raise vcore so I can overclock, and my HD4850 won't overclock 10 mhz even with aftermarket cooling.

I'm terribly depressed. I played all of the revamped maps tonight. They all played amazingly well despite my framerate in the teens or lower. I died laughing at the skidsteer bulldozer on the maps, and cursed at the horrible maneuverability of the F-35. I simply can't play anymore.:(

If only there was a way to get my current setup playable for atleast 2 more months till I have the money to upgrade to a Core i5 or i7 and a new video card. :(

Any other pilots find the F35 to be a complete piece of shit?
Yes. Its an even bigger piece of shit than it was in BF2 against the Chinese plane. You try to brake to turn tighter and the damn thing tries to level out for hover. If they want to keep it that way they could atleast give it a speed advantage to allow you more hit and run tactics with it. If speed was given to F35 and maneuverability to SU35, It would give a good matchup.
Any other pilots find the F35 to be a complete piece of shit?
That's what everyone is saying when I was playing Oman...

But I actually love it haha. It brakes like no other. I had a SU-35BM Flanker-E peppering me from behind and I just hit the brakes came to almost a stop, hovering. He sailed passed me and used the cannon to take him out lol. Also its actually possible to camp up 800ft in the air and take out Havoc's, they are so clueless. Got 12 kills in the same F35.

The only thing they need to fix is braking while bank. Every time it tries to hover and fucks up maneuvering. They need a different key for hovering.
Well, I "had" about 45 minutes to get in and game tonight, but I've been fighting the error message "Game disconnected: you are missing content from the game." Anyone else getting that? ... better yet, anyone else found a fix? Looks like I'll have to wait and see how the next couple days go and hope the bug will be fixed. ... Guess what, life goes on.

*edit ... work around 2 post below....
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Well, I "had" about 45 minutes to get in and game tonight, but I've been fighting the error message "Game disconnected: you are missing content from the game." Anyone else getting that? ... better yet, anyone else found a fix? Looks like I'll have to wait and see how the next couple days go and hope the bug will be fixed. ... Guess what, life goes on.

I had that error but restarting Origin/BF3/BattleLog/Browser/My Heart/My Lungs fixed the problem for me.
... well, I just got in game. Found another who had the same issue and the work around is to go to settings in Origin and choose "offline", then go join a server. ... Time to see how this new stuff looks. :)
Well, I "had" about 45 minutes to get in and game tonight, but I've been fighting the error message "Game disconnected: you are missing content from the game." Anyone else getting that? ... better yet, anyone else found a fix? Looks like I'll have to wait and see how the next couple days go and hope the bug will be fixed. ... Guess what, life goes on.

*edit ... work around 2 post below....

I got it the first time I tried to join a server, hit join again and went right in, haven't had a problem since...
After playing a bit there were some notable features that were left out in Sharqi. The bunkers on the outer tips of the Pennisula no longer have artillery to defend against carrier attacks. In addition to that, the ladder leading to the bridge of the carrier is no longer there. Which I guess means you will not be able to control the carrier anymore.

Karkand is more or less the same. It's kind of sad they added some camping spots (notably in point A; if you're defending) Usually you could just lob a grenade before you walk up the stairs and finish off the base camper. You can't run along the West mountain wall anymore if you're attacking. Not that much of a loss since they decided to move the flag. The east island seems smaller , as far as I can tell they removed the ladder from the water tower connecting to one of the capture points overhead.
Game disconnected: game session on server was removed.

Finally managed to get in and play some...

Karkand is really fun. It is kind of a sniper/camper paradise, but if your team is up on it with RPGs you can just blow the fuck out of any building they are camping in. The level of destruction is really cool.

Wake Island is REALLY unbalanced. I hopped on and the RU team had like a 100 ticket lead...still somehow managed to lose to the US in the end. They have like 2 attack choppers, 2+ jets, other aircraft, AND mobile AA. It's fucking ridiculous. If you somehow manage to keep the airfield, they just continually base rape until you lose it, at which point you are totally fucked. Plus, only two jets for the RU side? That's fucking it?? They need to tone down the amount of aircraft US gets. Also, the F35 is some will be going after a guy and then they just stop all of a sudden in front of you and shoot you as you zoom past. They need to slow down the rate at which that thing can goes from 300 to 0 in like 5 seconds.

One idea for balance on Wake is to make the jet hangars on the airbase indestructible. Then at least you would have a chance to get in the air before getting base raped. The hangars were totally blown out and even though we held the airfield it was seriously like 15 minutes of raping before anyone could even get in a jet, let alone take off. 2 attack helos versus none is too much.

It was kind of funny, though. When I did manage to get a jet on RU I started raping the other team, but I can imagine if some noobs got hold of the jets you would be well and truly fucked.

Haven't gotten to play the other maps yet. No slowdown on either map for me. Really like Karkand other than the camp-fest.
Its official. Back to Karkand has singlehandedly killed any chance I have of getting playability.:(

I tried everything there was, including the custom config file that turned down every possible setting that was presented in the bf3 tweaks thread. That worked for all the other BF3 maps for a consistent 30+ fps. I am absolutely running the lowest settings possible at 1280x960 res, and I still can't get playable framerates. I am getting single digits right now with B2K. I can't lower the resolution anymore because the HUD and other items won't show onscreen.

I am a very sad panda right now. I can't afford an upgrade until after christmas. My motherboard's bios is so fucked (all versions of bios) it won't properly raise vcore so I can overclock, and my HD4850 won't overclock 10 mhz even with aftermarket cooling.

I'm terribly depressed. I played all of the revamped maps tonight. They all played amazingly well despite my framerate in the teens or lower. I died laughing at the skidsteer bulldozer on the maps, and cursed at the horrible maneuverability of the F-35. I simply can't play anymore.:(

If only there was a way to get my current setup playable for atleast 2 more months till I have the money to upgrade to a Core i5 or i7 and a new video card. :(

That sucks, man. I would definitely go for a better GPU before processor.
I agree with both assessments. Karkand was more fun that I thought it would be - I wasn't a huge fan in BF2, but it is great for sneaking around and flanking people. Being able to go in all the buildings makes a huge difference.

Wake is big, really big, and totally unbalanced. Way too many air vehicles for the US - if they have any kind of decent pilots they will totally own that map. Went like 18-4 in the Huey, just mowing guys down with the minigun - fun, but not really.
I agree with both assessments. Karkand was more fun that I thought it would be - I wasn't a huge fan in BF2, but it is great for sneaking around and flanking people. Being able to go in all the buildings makes a huge difference.

Wake is big, really big, and totally unbalanced. Way too many air vehicles for the US - if they have any kind of decent pilots they will totally own that map. Went like 18-4 in the Huey, just mowing guys down with the minigun - fun, but not really.

Yeah...the thing is, the US gets two attack helicopters...I'm sorry but, even in the normal maps one of them can rape your entire team if you don't have any AA going. Two of them is just way too difficult to deal with. I'm sure it's a really fun map if you're on the US side, but come on. They should get one attack chopper, NO mobile AA, IMO, and RU should get one attack chopper at the airfield or somewhere else.
Holy mother of god so many campers on these new maps. Noobs too scared to move its hilarious.

I accidentally joined a softcore server. Wow I cannot believe people play that mode lol. Felt like I was playing a Nintendo game.

Probably because, depending on the gun, it takes a LOT of shots to kill someone. I had a guy run around the corner, literally 3 feet from me and I unloaded with the UMP point blank...somehow he still managed to kill me in two shots. Complete bullshit like that makes me want to punch through my monitor. :mad: