I tried this on EA Play. What a piece of shit. I'll admit, I'm not a staunch Battlefield fan. BF2 was the best one for me and I really liked Battlefield Bad Company 2. After that, its been in decline for me. Although, I rather enjoyed the campaign for Battlefield's 3 and 4. With all that in mind, BF2042 is crap. The menus are atrocious. It's one of the worst interfaces I've seen on an alleged AAA game. The graphics on the urban maps just seem to seriously lack any detail. They are super plane. Like all of the newer Frostbite based BF games, the usual hit box detection issues are present here but absolutely magnified 10x. You can mag dump into someone only for them to one shot you. This has been bad in a lot of BF games in the past but this is comically bad.
The one thing I will give it is that it runs great on my system until you turn on ray traced ambient occlusion which gives you maybe 5% visual uplift for around a 40% or greater performance hit. Weapon models are good, but the sound mix is terrible. I can go on and on but I think I'll do something more fun like rearrange my sock drawer.
The one thing I will give it is that it runs great on my system until you turn on ray traced ambient occlusion which gives you maybe 5% visual uplift for around a 40% or greater performance hit. Weapon models are good, but the sound mix is terrible. I can go on and on but I think I'll do something more fun like rearrange my sock drawer.