Battlefield 2042

I tried this on EA Play. What a piece of shit. I'll admit, I'm not a staunch Battlefield fan. BF2 was the best one for me and I really liked Battlefield Bad Company 2. After that, its been in decline for me. Although, I rather enjoyed the campaign for Battlefield's 3 and 4. With all that in mind, BF2042 is crap. The menus are atrocious. It's one of the worst interfaces I've seen on an alleged AAA game. The graphics on the urban maps just seem to seriously lack any detail. They are super plane. Like all of the newer Frostbite based BF games, the usual hit box detection issues are present here but absolutely magnified 10x. You can mag dump into someone only for them to one shot you. This has been bad in a lot of BF games in the past but this is comically bad.

The one thing I will give it is that it runs great on my system until you turn on ray traced ambient occlusion which gives you maybe 5% visual uplift for around a 40% or greater performance hit. Weapon models are good, but the sound mix is terrible. I can go on and on but I think I'll do something more fun like rearrange my sock drawer.
Is no server browser in the game for the Conquest 2042 stuff? Seems you just click and it automatically finds a game for you. Like you can't pick and choose which map or server yourself?

And why in the menu for joining is it one click right or left mouse button? That seems to sensitive and easy to accidentally left click your mouse when you didn't mean to.
Game seems designed for consoles, not us PC master race crowd. F consoles they're just for kids, real gamers use a mouse + keyboard.

This is Battlefield, a PC game #1. Not that Call of Duty grade school game. But BF2042 feels like it's a console game and not optimized for the PC and in-game menus, etc...

Why do we enter vehicles in 3rd person automatically? Yuck.
It's a console oriented battle royal game that got changed at the last moment.

Why would Dice do that? Battlefield is a PC game, meant to be huge outdoor maps with tons of vehicles and two different armies, each team working together in squads to capture bases across the map.

Tanks and helicopters and troops going across big outdoor maps to meet up against the enemy with their tanks and choppers, in one huge ongoing battle.

Battlefield is never meant to be Counter Strike or CoD, and God forbid never Fortnite.
Loving all the people complaining about this now that they’ve played it that thought we were just complainers earlier. This game is complete garbage.
I hadn't followed the hype train at all. I played it because I was curious and I've got EA Play Pro so it didn't cost me anything to find out if it was shit or not. Plus, I tend to ignore a lot of the stuff about Battlefield games early on as they can be pretty divisive in early access. Plus, when the games release its at least a week or two before any BF game is even playable due to technical issues. People seem to forget that. I tried it, and I can't say enough bad things about it. The game is trying to emulate other games rather than giving players that Battlefield experience which was really different than what other games offered. Yeah, CoD is bigger financially, but BF was never a slouch in that department.

There are so many missteps, I can't see how this game can recover. BF games usually have issues but this one seems fundamentally and conceptually broken in a way that you can't patch out.
I kinda hope this game does poorly and we get a more traditional BF game for the next instalment. Although with a former COD exec involved they will probably just push it more towards that realm and BF as we knew it will be dead.
I kinda hope this game does poorly and we get a more traditional BF game for the next instalment. Although with a former COD exec involved they will probably just push it more towards that realm and BF as we knew it will be dead.
How is this game anything like COD? the maps are huge and full of vehicles. They didn't even give us a close quarters city map, which is all COD is. the specialists are straight out of rainbow siege.
I kinda hope this game does poorly and we get a more traditional BF game for the next instalment. Although with a former COD exec involved they will probably just push it more towards that realm and BF as we knew it will be dead.

Ugh :(. Sadly that's probably right.

I hate CoD and love BF. Why do people like the kiddy arcade console Call of Duty garbage?

Vehicles like tanks and helicopters and boats and motorcycles are so fun. Being a gunner on a tank and your buddy driving it around the huge outdoor maps is classic Battlefield fun that CoD can never offer.
Loving all the people complaining about this now that they’ve played it that thought we were just complainers earlier. This game is complete garbage.
I’m in the minority - I’m having an absolute blast with this game. Best Battlefield since BF4 imo. I’m annoyed by many of the missing features (server browser, squad changing option, voip, global chat, etc.) but once I’m beyond all that and actually in the game playing, I’m having a ton of fun.
I played some more this morning, and yes there's bugs and the menu is shit with too much console feel and seems not designed for PC.


The couple Conquest maps I just played we're actually fun, and felt like a BF4 type game with better graphics and more to do.

I'm happy to see huge outdoor maps, that's Battlefield, not close quarters city maps, that's not what BF is.

And the couple 1942 maps with WW2 era gameplay is actually better than BF V game.

I'm hopeful with some big patch updates that 2042 could still be a really good game next year.
How is this game anything like COD? the maps are huge and full of vehicles. They didn't even give us a close quarters city map, which is all COD is. the specialists are straight out of rainbow siege.
I didn’t say it was like COD, but it doesn’t feel like a normal battlefield. It feels like a hashed together mess with the name Battlefield tacked on and specialists added to sell cosmetics.

I said the follow up will be more like COD when this one fails because that’s how executives think.
Why on earth are there two sprint speeds? I know there's a menu option to always use traversal sprint but it still boggles my mind that there's two speeds. In what situation would you want to use the slower sprint? Both are unlimited, both seem to have the same ADS speed.
Why on earth are there two sprint speeds? I know there's a menu option to always use traversal sprint but it still boggles my mind that there's two speeds. In what situation would you want to use the slower sprint? Both are unlimited, both seem to have the same ADS speed.

I was wondering what was up with sprinting? I hit the shit key while running and sometimes didn't seem to do anything.
Loving all the people complaining about this now that they’ve played it that thought we were just complainers earlier. This game is complete garbage.

They removed anything competitive about the game. TDM was a great place to test your skill along with close quarters grinders. Conquest is teamwork and TDM is competitive matches. Not everyone wants to run to an objective just to get sniped by an engineer, run over by a hovercraft and raped by the PP29.

After their failed BR attempt, they created some outlandish gameplay so you can post it to YouTube. The game is just one big highlight generator to say Only In Battlefield.

Adding exaggerated weapon bloom, eliminating dedicated high tick rate servers, lack of PC optimization and lowering textures made crossplay with consoles possible. Our 120Hz+ setups are useless in this game.
At no point playing the game can sense the difference between a PC player from a console player.
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Do you keep the Field of View to default 55? Or crank up to 70?

If so why change it?
Do you keep the Field of View to default 55? Or crank up to 70?

If so why change it?
I crank it up to 75ish or so. You're adding more depth to your field of view which means you can see action the better.
Pushing the image a little father away gives your senses time to react. If the action is too close the screen can feel cluttered, making it hard for you to notice things in time.

But on another note. My 10 hour trial is over and I won't play this game again.
Which also means my time in this thread is also over. By far the worst Battlefield game I've ever played.
Loving all the people complaining about this now that they’ve played it that thought we were just complainers earlier. This game is complete garbage.
The menus are atrocious. It's one of the worst interfaces I've seen on an alleged AAA game.

Yes the menu is absolute shit. BF1/5/2042 have horrible menus. EA and Ubisoft for some reason can't design menus or GUIs at all post 2014 or so.

Weapon models are good, but the sound mix is terrible.

Yeah seems like a step down from BF4 and MW 2019. But I have hardly played it, assumed it would be changed from the beta...

Should I ditch my Walmart Phone lock screen? It's a Walmart issue phone Galaxy Cover X or some BS.
Is there no server browser for 2042 Conquest gaming?

Only way to play is auto join and be randomly connected to a server not knowing which map, or how many players, etc...

Or am I missing something? If BF2042 was designed to not have a server browser then What. The. Fuck.
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How come when I'm a gunner in a Tank or vehicle, and have what a 50 mm chain gun I'm shooting players, and it takes a bunch of shots to kill them. I shoot them, and see the hit box informing me I am indeed shooting them, but they keep running, and I have to spray them pretty god before it kills them. WTF? They should die pretty much immediate on contact of my first 1 or 2 seconds of being hit, or the game should at least slow them down to a crouching crawl.
The fact that the best thing about BF 2042 is Portal, being able to reminisce with actual BF classics..says something.

Some of the base map layouts are just plain retarded. I do enjoy the construction one though. Had some great fights there so far.

Whoever thought of that Rush mode hill map, needs to be fucking fired.
128 players cramming on a shit hill, gtfoh. That is NOT BF.

Also hoping they release some new weapons here. I constantly find my self going back to the semi auto rifle because it just absolutely wrecks.
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How come when I'm a gunner in a Tank or vehicle, and have what a 50 mm chain gun I'm shooting players, and it takes a bunch of shots to kill them. I shoot them, and see the hit box informing me I am indeed shooting them, but they keep running, and I have to spray them pretty god before it kills them. WTF? They should die pretty much immediate on contact of my first 1 or 2 seconds of being hit, or the game should at least slow them down to a crouching crawl.

Noticed this too. It's either the terrain hasn't popped in yet, so you're only seeing the player behind something, or the server is just not registering your shots.
Has happened to me plenty of times.
For 1942 Portal there's only two maps, right?

Played those on Friday, and they were very fun, like better than BF V's version of WW2 gameplay.

How does old school BF1942 do WW2 better than newer BF V?
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For 1942 Portal there's only two maps, right?

Played those on Friday, and they were very fun, like better than BF V's version of WW2 gameplay.

How does old school BF1942 do WW2 better than newer BF V?
Because it proves what people have been saying for years, the new games suck. Generally, I’d say the series has been going downhill since BF2. Honestly, 2042 is so bad that BF2 doesn’t look that much worse.
I thought BF3 was good, and BF4 the best of the newer Battlefield games.

But something changed since those games and it's just not the same.
How come when I'm a gunner in a Tank or vehicle, and have what a 50 mm chain gun I'm shooting players, and it takes a bunch of shots to kill them. I shoot them, and see the hit box informing me I am indeed shooting them, but they keep running, and I have to spray them pretty god before it kills them. WTF? They should die pretty much immediate on contact of my first 1 or 2 seconds of being hit, or the game should at least slow them down to a crouching crawl.
cause the gun you get in the tank in the beginning sucks. just takes alot of bullets to kill someone. I play tanks alot and I get killed by tanks alot, so I'm not sure if I want it buffed. there is a different gun which I haven't unlocked yet, I think its a 50 cal, it might be 400 tank kills I'm not sure. also, once you get the tank to that level, you can give the gunner a tow missile which I'm looking forward to. I had a great gunner the other day, jumped out of my tank and repaired it all the time.
Because it proves what people have been saying for years, the new games suck. Generally, I’d say the series has been going downhill since BF2. Honestly, 2042 is so bad that BF2 doesn’t look that much worse.
You might be the first person I've heard say bad about BF2. I don't forget that game's issues though, nade spam, hit reg, dolphin diving. I remember it taking almost an entire 30 round clip to kill people in that game. especially if the player was running toward you or away from you diagonally.

edit, misread your post.
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I guess I’m stupid or something but I can’t deploy the wing suit. When I jump off a building or what ever it starts to deploy for a brief Second and then I go back to free fall. It prompts to hit space bar to deploy. Single tap no worky, holding no worky, smacking my space bar as hard as I can no worky.