Bad Company 2

I have this game for the ps3, played it a good bit as I got it for free and since I had it for the ps3 I didnt want to pony up for the pc version, but I had to buy it during the steam sale, for 6 quid it would of been a mistake not to.

Not sure if I can use my ps3 name with the pc version though ? I will probably have to start all over again when it comes to multi.

I am playing through the single player mode again, as I didnt really play it on the ps3 version, once I have completed that I will jump into multi and hopefully get my ps3 bfbc2 account to work on the pc version.
If my 3 buddies and I get into a squad together, we can usually turn things around, at least for a section or two. Aside from the first few hours of play for each of us (while still learning the maps) we haven't had issues.

Yeah I almost can't stand the game when I am by myself playing. However, when I play with my friend in a squad, even with just one other person, we can usually turn things around and if not, oh well, we have a blast playing. Its definitely a teamwork game where playing with a select group of people is half the fun.
First time I've been kicked for "failed screen capture." Guess the admins were suspicious. Boy do I love incompetence.
The lack of killcam tends to encourage mass-camping, so I tend to stay in the servers with it enabled.

No killcam is also assists aimbots.

The huge influx of new players [victims] due to the low low price on Steam has brought some good joy back into what has previously become a boring game.
My PC has been down for a few weeks (waiting on replacement RAM), but I was able to log in an play a couple of solid rounds. I find that when I haven't played FPS/twitch style shooters in a while and come back to them, I seem to play better (read: kill/score easier). I also really enjoy the high ticket count servers as you can really rack up the pins, tags, and points!
I've also noticed the base-raping problem lately. Must be all the n00b players. Kinda funny though, they'll be harassing us in the base while a couple of our guys go capture all the control points. Silly how misunderstood the game can be. It's not unreal
It's also evident on the Rush mode and the attacking team is full of snipers not advancing. Makes for easy wins.
Last night I joined a server with no one above level 12. I felt like Gulliver among the Lilliputians! Was glorious!
I've been having a good time dominating with a new handle and ranking up with my friends who recently purchased the game.
lol yep hella Christmas Noobs in game now. I get hella shit for being lvl 50 in game, time to bust out my low level character.

I was playing defense on Hill 137 and was holding the large rock by the water where the enemy spawns up at.

It was just me and my friend holding that rock and there was a huge group of at least 8 medics down by the base of the rock by the water grouped super tight together... we both jumped down off the rock, I had my ppsh and my buddy had ak47 both with magnum ammo on and we killed all 8 enemies with each of us only using a single clip, it was epic. Then a few seconds later we see hacks come up on the screen lol.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1036625151 said:
lol yep hella Christmas Noobs in game now. I get hella shit for being lvl 50 in game, time to bust out my low level character.

I was playing defense on Hill 137 and was holding the large rock by the water where the enemy spawns up at.

It was just me and my friend holding that rock and there was a huge group of at least 8 medics down by the base of the rock by the water grouped super tight together... we both jumped down off the rock, I had my ppsh and my buddy had ak47 both with magnum ammo on and we killed all 8 enemies with each of us only using a single clip, it was epic. Then a few seconds later we see hacks come up on the screen lol.

So how do you get Veteran status exactly? I have Battlefield 2 as well.

If I try at, I have no idea what you are actually supposed to input. Putting in my login/password for my BF 2 account doesn't seem to work, nor does entering the cd key from steam.

If I try at the BadCompany2 website, it doesn't even give an error message, nothing happens.
Log in at least once for BF2 or any other title I believe, and then you should be able to add it to get veteran status.
I bought BFBC2 through the steam sale and have been playing single player. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but seems like it will be hard for a new guy. If there is anyone out there with experience that would want to give me some tips in-game let me know! My steam name is F[heart][heart]
So how do you get Veteran status exactly? I have Battlefield 2 as well.

If I try at, I have no idea what you are actually supposed to input. Putting in my login/password for my BF 2 account doesn't seem to work, nor does entering the cd key from steam.

If I try at the BadCompany2 website, it doesn't even give an error message, nothing happens.

Go on EA's live chat thing and talk to someone. A lot of people have had problems getting their veteran status working since release, but they can add it manually to your account.
^ I had to email EA support to add my bf1942, the guy that helped me out was real nice and added 3 other random bf games for my vet status for the heck of it I guess lol
I bought BFBC2 through the steam sale and have been playing single player. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but seems like it will be hard for a new guy. If there is anyone out there with experience that would want to give me some tips in-game let me know! My steam name is F[heart][heart]

just dont play it like its a COD game. forget everything you knew about FPS's before BFBC2. it takes some getting use to with the bullet dropping over long distances but you will get it down pretty quick, also burst firing is your friend, spray and pray = complete and utter failure! i get so sick of watching people using light machine guns and just spraying their whole clip and not hitting a damn thing.
I bought BFBC2 through the steam sale and have been playing single player. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but seems like it will be hard for a new guy. If there is anyone out there with experience that would want to give me some tips in-game let me know! My steam name is F[heart][heart]

I just picked it up too. Been playing the SP as well, pretty awesome game for the price we paid for it! :D
Multiplayer is where it shines...find a class you like and stick to it for maximum experience, then check out the other classes when you get bored.

Regarding maps:
1. You will learn a lot about a map if you play on some 24/7 single map servers, which is key to this game. Even if you can't hit the broadside of a barn with an AT4, if you know the map well enough then your squaddies can mop up the rest.
2. Play each map and find your favorites, and then go find the servers that feature those maps (Desert-only, Snow-only rotations, etc.)

Leave the flying to the experts until you have time to jump in an empty server and fly yourself around to get used to the controls.

Check out for some tweaking tips on mouse acceleration and others. Also, look at for in-depth system tweaks like FoV adjustments and performance improvements.
Just like tf2, starting as medic is a good way to go. Powerful guns with lots of ammo in a clip, and it's easy to rack up points to move up in rank.also you will be credit to te, just don't Rez in a fire fight :)
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Probably a good idea to mention to these new guys that there are lots of low-rank servers out there. Just search for "Noob" or "noob" or any variation thereof - since it's case sensitive - and join one of those so you get more of a chance to learn the maps without getting thrown around.
Are the controls the same as BF2? (flying)

Nope, they are a lot worse unfortunately. The cyclic controls (both pitch and roll) auto level, the altitude ceiling is very low, and maneuverability is extremely limited. Nothing at all like flying in's more like flying on rails :(
I got my first repair tool kill on the weekend, it was epic. I spent like 10 seconds trying to get a headshot. lol Christmas noobs are so fun to practice odd techniques of killing. :D
Nope, they are a lot worse unfortunately. The cyclic controls (both pitch and roll) auto level, the altitude ceiling is very low, and maneuverability is extremely limited. Nothing at all like flying in's more like flying on rails :(
BF2 flying is the easiest thing I've ever encountered. I've seen that having a great pilot can make the biggest difference when attacking and not everyone can just jump in the pilot seat and dominate [like in BF2].
BF2 flying is the easiest thing I've ever encountered. I've seen that having a great pilot can make the biggest difference when attacking and not everyone can just jump in the pilot seat and dominate [like in BF2].

The limited maneuverability of choppers in BC2 makes it much easier to be tracered and shot down, which means that pilots must be much more evasive with their flight patterns in order to remain in flight for more than a few minutes. While this does mean that it takes a good pilot to avoid enemy fire and position your gunner for kills, I still find it highly annoying-flying in BC2 is just gimped, period. It's been simplified enough to be controlled on a 360/PS3 gamepad. BF2 flight controls are far more realistic and I prefer them immensely, despite the fact that choppers dominated in that game. I disagree that everyone could dominate in choppers in BF2, because the actual flying was a lot more difficult-it was just harder to shoot down choppers in BF2.

BF2 flight controls+BC2 countermeasures (like the tracer) would be perfect IMO...

I don't get it. When I play medic I rez whenever the hell I can because sometimes you don't last long.

Because more often than not, medics will revive without providing cover fire first and taking out enemies in the general vicinity. This usually leads to you being revived, only to be immediately killed again by enemy crossfire. Sometimes it can happen multiple times if the medic is a cock. Highly irritating.
Nope, they are a lot worse unfortunately. The cyclic controls (both pitch and roll) auto level, the altitude ceiling is very low, and maneuverability is extremely limited. Nothing at all like flying in's more like flying on rails :(
You can make it not autolevel. Someone mentioned it in the earlier in the topic. Here's the link, just scroll to the bottom.
Because more often than not, medics will revive without providing cover fire first and taking out enemies in the general vicinity. This usually leads to you being revived, only to be immediately killed again by enemy crossfire. Sometimes it can happen multiple times if the medic is a cock. Highly irritating.

The only people who care about this are people who care too much about their precious KDR. When you rez on attacking YOU GET A TICKET BACK! End of story. You are invulnerable for a second or two. Use it to RUN! If you die again you did not hurt the TEAM! So stop whining about your KDR and focus on the team play!
The only people who care about this are people who care too much about their precious KDR. When you rez on attacking YOU GET A TICKET BACK! End of story. You are invulnerable for a second or two. Use it to RUN! If you die again you did not hurt the TEAM! So stop whining about your KDR and focus on the team play!

I actually agree with this wholeheartedly. I will use Valparaiso as an example. When you get to the hill, every single ticket matters. If it takes me 3 revives to get you up and to safety, so be it. Now, I'm not silly, I will 90% of the time kill the guy who took you out, or at the least provide covering fire, for you to get away. BUT that 10% sometimes means you flopping to cover. And our team kept a ticket on the board.

I've noticed that lvl 50's, now that they have hit lvl 50, much rather win and pretty much don't care about KDR. It's those guys still grinding it out to 50 that seem to get all up in arms. TEAM game guys. Remember that.

If you care about your KDR, you better stay away from Vietnam. I have lost .02 off my KDR since this game has come out. Not that I am checking or anything.;)

That all being said. WTF DON'T they have it so revives take away a death! Christ.
The only people who care about this are people who care too much about their precious KDR. When you rez on attacking YOU GET A TICKET BACK! End of story. You are invulnerable for a second or two. Use it to RUN! If you die again you did not hurt the TEAM! So stop whining about your KDR and focus on the team play!

I agree to a point.

but you are not invulnerable anymore, unless they changed it again. you are invulnerable as long as you dont move for 1-2 seconds, the second you make any action, you are now vulnerable.

I would say a lot of the time i am dead and out of ammo, i get rezzed and killed immediately, sometimes multiple times. It is very aggravating. there is no point in rezzing people in the middle of a firefight, not behind cover, it doesnt do anything but risk the medic losing his life, adding another -ticket. being a smart medic isnt hard, if its safe to revive, do it. dont run around rezzing like a madman without a care in the world.
The only people who care about this are people who care too much about their precious KDR. When you rez on attacking YOU GET A TICKET BACK! End of story. You are invulnerable for a second or two. Use it to RUN!

Except for the fact that as soon as you take your first step you're vulnerable, great plan.

How about not rezzing people in situations where you KNOW they're just going to die anyway? If you didn't see a guy, or you thought I'd be able to make it to cover(because you got *from* cover to me and back), that's one thing. But if you just run up in front of a tank and rez me and then we both die, you're just stupid, and if you think that's me being worried about my KDR how about those 80 points you just got for reviving a squadmate?(Edit: I'm using "you" in the general sense, not referring to you jadams)

Everyone makes mistakes, but at the same time I've seen some incredibly dumb moves by medics like jumping into rooms full of enemies just to pull off that sweet 80 point revive only to lose an additional ticket when both the person he revived and himself get killed.
Except for the fact that as soon as you take your first step you're vulnerable, great plan.

How about not rezzing people in situations where you KNOW they're just going to die anyway? If you didn't see a guy, or you thought I'd be able to make it to cover(because you got *from* cover to me and back), that's one thing. But if you just run up in front of a tank and rez me and then we both die, you're just stupid, and if you think that's me being worried about my KDR how about those 80 points you just got for reviving a squadmate?(Edit: I'm using "you" in the general sense, not referring to you jadams)

Everyone makes mistakes, but at the same time I've seen some incredibly dumb moves by medics like jumping into rooms full of enemies just to pull off that sweet 80 point revive only to lose an additional ticket when both the person he revived and himself get killed.

But he got that 80....80 sweet delicious bullet riddled points.
Except for the fact that as soon as you take your first step you're vulnerable, great plan.

How about not rezzing people in situations where you KNOW they're just going to die anyway? If you didn't see a guy, or you thought I'd be able to make it to cover(because you got *from* cover to me and back), that's one thing. But if you just run up in front of a tank and rez me and then we both die, you're just stupid, and if you think that's me being worried about my KDR how about those 80 points you just got for reviving a squadmate?(Edit: I'm using "you" in the general sense, not referring to you jadams)

Everyone makes mistakes, but at the same time I've seen some incredibly dumb moves by medics like jumping into rooms full of enemies just to pull off that sweet 80 point revive only to lose an additional ticket when both the person he revived and himself get killed.

This I will agree with. 80% of the time I get rezed I die right away and it is because people only care for the points and not what is going on around them. I think people shoudl just take out what they can and whenit is clear then do the rezs. If your really down to the wire in tickets then yes jsut keep rezing because you save a ticket. With me I would jsut rather spawn on a squadmate rather than being rezd dieing rezd. Pointless cycle of life.

My theory: Play as a team but a smart team and not a kill/point whore.
Except for the fact that as soon as you take your first step you're vulnerable, great plan.

How about not rezzing people in situations where you KNOW they're just going to die anyway? If you didn't see a guy, or you thought I'd be able to make it to cover(because you got *from* cover to me and back), that's one thing. But if you just run up in front of a tank and rez me and then we both die, you're just stupid, and if you think that's me being worried about my KDR how about those 80 points you just got for reviving a squadmate?(Edit: I'm using "you" in the general sense, not referring to you jadams)

Everyone makes mistakes, but at the same time I've seen some incredibly dumb moves by medics like jumping into rooms full of enemies just to pull off that sweet 80 point revive only to lose an additional ticket when both the person he revived and himself get killed.

Your invulnerability stops when you fire your gun, not when you start to move.

I do agree though that a medic getting BOTH people killed for a rez is pretty dumb.